illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
Mara: I’m going to kill your brother. He ruined my life.
Luke: Anyway, she’s not my type. Too abrasive. And I don’t like redheads.
Han and Leia: Tell that to Kanjiklub!
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illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
Bring Me Your Head Canon #10: We Used to Be Friends/I’m Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade; I’m here to save you
We’ve talked before about estrangement, about when we think they fell in love, as well as about whether or not they were each other’s best friend; so related to all of these points, @teagrl brought up an interesting point yesterday in a discussion here about this quote from Vision of the Future:
Ten years now they’d known each other, years that could have been filled with camaraderie and friendship. Years Luke had effectively wasted with his own lonely and arrogantly stupid wanderings through completely unnecessary pain and doubt.
To quote @teagrl,
You know what strikes me about this? That Mara in this moment thinks the past ten years were a 0 in terms of her and Luke. Like not even friends! 
My assessment was that this is both true and not true. True emotionally in how she felt about it in her heart, in the heat of that moment, but untrue in actions and reactions, in how they both had reacted to one another over the years when their lives were at stake. For instance, Luke needs rescuing on the Eye of Palpatine? Sure, Mara’s there! Trouble in Corellia? Oh fine, damn Skywalker and Solos always in trouble. Luke’s hurt on Yavin IV? Fine, I’ll come back to check on you. And Mara has disappeared, why, I’ll be a one-man rescue mission! Or, Mara might be dead, oh stars, I’m gonna go darkside on the people who hurt her!But then, are these examples not of friendship but instead deeply buried unrequited love? But is it fair to separate friendship from love, from Mara’s feelings that their friendship had vanished in the past 10 years, that the potential that they had after the first Thrawn crisis had been utterly wasted? I’m just spitballing here. I’d love to see what other people think, though!
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illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
Dept of Ridiculous L/M Plot Bunnies (that I want to read)
Guys, this is insane. What if Mara did manage to not kill but kidnap Luke after Jabba’s palace? Then he managed incapacitate her/knock her out to get himself to Death Star 2.0 and leave her oh idk cuffed to her own ship while he goes on his Vader redemption quest? Then the emperor dies and he finds himself force bonded to her in the wreckage for Reasons? And then the Ssi Ruuk thing happens and everyone goes on a trip to Bakura where Mara’s knowledge of things Empire helps in some way? And they just kinda hate each other for, Idk like 40% of it but have off the wall chemistry? Sign me the fuck up.
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illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
For once she didn’t bother with a quip, just smiled. The sunlight lit up her green eyes and picked out a couple of stray freckles on her nose and cheeks, catching in her hair. Luke leaned in and pressed his forehead against hers, loving her breath on his face, the tight grip of her hands on his biceps. The world had briefly narrowed to the patch of sun they were standing in and the circle of her arms. Sidious himself could have been standing behind them and Luke would neither have known nor cared. The rush of people around them never slowed, adding to a sudden surreal feeling that they’d stepped out of time for a moment just to be together while the rest of the galaxy rushed on around them.
A short but sweet fic in which a pair of workaholics steal a couple of minutes together. 
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illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
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Luke Skywalker? I thought he was a myth.
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illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
there is literally no reason to hate luke skywalker… unless you have a thing against a character who loves too much and cares about his family so much he’s not willing to give up on any of them including his father who he brought back from the dark side, which was said to be impossible but Luke did it anyway :’)
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illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
I Can Do This
(Women of Star Wars Appreciation Week, Day 1)
Exactly a year ago, the Emperor had been murdered. Exactly a year ago, her life had fallen apart. It was only fitting, she thought, that today was the day she would have her revenge.
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illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker
Mara: Darling?
Luke: What?
Mara: Where is my Emperor's Hand gear?
(Jacen Solo keeps on his path to be a Sith Lord)
Luke: I, uh, put them away.
Mara: *Where*?
Luke: *Why* do you *need* to know?
(Mara keeps on looking for her to kick ass to protect her child)
Mara: I need them!
Luke: Uh-uh! Don't you think about running off doing no daring-do. We've been planning this dinner for two months!
Mara: The public is in danger!
Luke: My evening's in danger!
Mara: You tell me where my Emperor's Hand gear is! We are talking about the greater good!
Luke: 'Greater good?' I am your husband! I'm the greatest *good* you are ever gonna get!
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illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
Luke x Mara one-sentence fic challenge
Who’s up for a little fan fic challenge? Write a one-sentence microfic about Luke and Mara. Anything goes, except for a second sentence. Feel free to use semicolon liberally.
To start off…
This time, she asked him to take everything off…except for the lightsaber.
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illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
“Jacen’s probably collecting again,” Anakin said.
“Not funny,” Mara muttered. “I don’t think Duro supports much life.”
“Luke’s eyes unfocused for a moment. “They’re all fine,” he said. “And Jacen just arrived up here in Bburru.”
“Great,” Anakin muttered.
“Anakin,” Luke said softly. “Jacen has to find his own path. It’s part of hitting maturity. Sometimes that takes a while.”
Anakin sniffed. Mara wondered if she’d ever had a sibling, and if they would have gotten along.
—Balance Point, by Kathy Tyers, emphasis, mine
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illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
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Mara: “Stupid, stupid. A big fat diversion—the oldest trick on the list. And I fell for it like some dumb farm kid.”
Luke: “Watch your language.” ―Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker, on Nirauan[src]
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illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
things that annoy me:
the absence of mara jade skywalker
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illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
i love mara jade and i need more of her 
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illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
“If anything goes sour, you might need to whistle up the Qom Jha in a hurry,” she reminded him. “Anyway, can’t you follow me with the Force?” “I can follow your presence,” Luke said. “I can get your emotions and probably some images that way. But I can’t get much in the way of words,” “Too bad you’re not Palpatine,” Mara commented, busying herself with removing her sleeve holster. “I could talk to him just fine.” Luke felt a stab of guilt and shame, her earlier indictment of his darkside dabbling flooding back. She caught the emotion, or else the expression on his face, and smiled tightly. “Hey, I was kidding,” she assured him, handing him the sleeve holster. “Look, you just follow what you can. I’ll give you a full report on the details when I get back.”
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illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
I’m sorry but the idea of Mara Jade being introduced to new canon almost exactly as she was in the EU except with Ezra Bridger in Luke’s place offends me on so many levels.
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illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
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illcomewithyou-blog · 8 years
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Star Wars Challenge: [¼] Outfits → Luke’s outfit in The Empire Strikes Back
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