ilovemymoose · 2 years
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ilovemymoose · 2 years
give bella ramsey an emmy challenge
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ilovemymoose · 2 years
Self Care
Based on- obx
Warnings- none
Characters- jj x reader
W.C- 500ish
Summary-JJ interrupts your little self care night, but is more than happy when you ask if he’d like to join.
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You leaned back from the mirror, looking at your face which was now covered in green face mask. After a long and stressful week, a night in full of self care was exactly what you needed. You opened your desk drawer, searching for the light blue color you had envisioned for your nails.
The sound of your door opening and closing made you jump slightly, whipping your head toward none other than JJ.
He jumped too, letting out a small yelp when he saw your green skin, “Jeez!”
You grinned, letting out a laugh as he composed himself and sat himself down on your bed, “Want some?” You offered, half joking.
He rose his brows, interest clearly peaked, “What’s it for?”
You shrugged, eyes finally landing on your polish of choice and pulling it out. “Supposed to be good for your skin,” you explained, “I think it’s relaxing,”
“Sure…” he decided. You smiled, grabbing a headband from your desk and plopping yourself on your bed next to him. You reached forward pushing his blonde hair back and securing it with the band.
“Okay, okay, just hang on a sec…” JJ sounded genuinely concerned as he skeptically watched you grab the container with the face mask. “Is this gonna hurt me?”
You let out another laugh, “No, no J it won’t hurt- promise.” You dipped your fingers into the green mixture and swiped it across his face, chuckling when he winced at how cold it was.
“I always wondered what you did during a girl’s night…” he muttered, “this is kinda nice,”
You smiled, pulling back and admiring your handiwork, “Done! Now we just wait like 20 minutes,”
JJ nodded, watching intently as you unscrewed the top of your nail polish and started on your right fingers.
You groaned softly when your unsteady left hand moved a little more than you planned and painted more of your thumb than your actual nail, “the right hand’s always the worst part,” you mumbled mostly to yourself.
“Here,” JJ reached forward and took the polish from you, his other hand grabbing your right hand. His tongue poked out the side of his mouth as he focused, painting meticulously. You watched as he made quick work of your hand, looking at you every so often to make sure he was doing it right.
He didn’t even ask before taking your left hand and doing a layer of paint as well, “Is that good?”
You smiled, always happily surprised by the things JJ was willing to do for you no matter how small. “Perfect,” you leaned forward and gave him a peck on the lips.
“Ah! Careful! Our face masks will be messed up!”
You playfully rolled your eyes at his dramatics, letting him pull you to his side, “okay, okay…” you surrendered, “But in twenty minutes, you’re all mine,”
He saluted you with a grin, “yes ma’am,”
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ilovemymoose · 2 years
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𝕤𝕒𝕞 𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 ♡ 𝟙.𝟘𝟙 𝕡𝕚𝕝𝕠𝕥
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ilovemymoose · 2 years
please go easy on yourself this week okay? you are trying your best and you deserve to give yourself the kindness you give to others
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ilovemymoose · 2 years
Good Surf
based on: obx
characters: jj x reader
warnings: kind of suggestive, nothing big
w/c: 300ish
summary: you and jj need to study for your upcoming test, but he has things he’d rather be doing than schoolwork.
pls do not copy or post my work claiming it as your own!! i would love if you left comments, feedback, and/or requests ! thank you all for reading, hope you enjoy!!
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“Y/N… Y/N… Y/N,” You clenched your jaw as JJ repeated your name over and over.
“Y/N, stop ignoring me,”
You rolled your eyes at his words, glancing up at him from your textbook, “my answer’s still no,”
“Y/NNNN,” JJ furrowed his brows, his blonde hair flopping to the side as he tilted his head, “Y/N, pleaseeee,”
“No.” you sighed as you shook your head and looked back down at your notes.
“Y/N…” JJ sang your name this time, trying just about anything to get your attention again, “Y/N…” he scooted forward in his chair, gently kicking you on the shin.
“JJ!” You scowled, glaring at him for not letting up, “How do you ever get anything done? We haven’t even been here for 20 minutes, we have to study for this test-”
“No, actually, we don’t,” JJ flashed you a grin, “Come on Y/N! The waves are huge today, it’s the best surf there’s been in months,”
“JJ,” you deadpanned, placing your hands on the table, “The surf has been good for weeks, what the hell are you talking about?”
His foot made its way around your ankle and you felt yourself heat up under his stare.
“Okay, well there’s more than just surfing to do,” he paused, his gaze flicking down to your lips before locking with your gaze again, “It’s Wednesday so there probably won’t be that many people out…” his foot trailed up your leg a little further and he didn’t break eye contact, “and you could wear that purple bikini that I really like…”
“JJ Maybank!” You scolded, reaching across the table and smacking him on the arm. You did your best to disregard the heat rising in your cheeks, “we have to study!”
You ignored the way he puffed out his lower lip, “JJ, you can’t fail another test for this class.”
He tossed his head back and groaned, “I’m not gonna fail- I’ve actually been doing the homework this time,”
“No,” you narrowed your eyes, “You’ve been copying my homework,”
“Same thing.”
You weren’t amused.
“Y/N, the test isn’t til Friday- we can study tomorrow, I swear,” he held out his pinky to you with a serious look.
You couldn’t lie, the offer was tempting, but you really needed to pass this test. “J-”
“The beach is gonna be busier tomorrow,” he looked at you pleadingly, knowing you were at least contemplating his offer by the look on your face, “And today’s just such a perfect day… and that bikini…”
You slammed your book shut. “Fine,” you finally caved, “But tomorrow we’re studying, okay? No excuses,”
But JJ wasn’t listening, he was already ten steps ahead of you, holding open the door with a massive grin on his face as he waited for you, “So, you’re gonna wear the purple bikini, right?”
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ilovemymoose · 2 years
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Little Women (2019)
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ilovemymoose · 2 years
AHHHH I love this so much!!
𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 || 𝐉.𝐌.
requested?: yep
summary: you go camping with the pogues and share a tent with JJ
warnings: language, kinda creepy forest idk, kissing, fluff and bantering
wc: 2.3k (longest fic i've ever written hell ye)
gif is not mine, creds to the owner!!
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“Are you sure you’re okay sharing a tent with JJ?” Kie asked as she handed her bags to Pope who placed them neatly in the back of the van.
You all had collectively made plans to go camping for the weekend although you didn’t really enjoy it. But you had decided to cast your dislike for camping aside and at least try to have fun instead. You and JJ were the only people in the group that we're not dating anyone. John B and Sarah were sharing one and so were Kie and Pope. So you were left with the blonde tan surfer who was too cocky for his own good.
“Why wouldn’t she be? I’m amazing. I’ll even sing you a lullaby, Y/N.” JJ shouted from the front seat. He had called shotgun before Sarah could so now the girl couldn’t sit next to her boyfriend and she was definitely pissed.
“On second thought, no. I think I’ll pass. I’m sure I can find a nice tree to sleep under,” you joked as you handed your stuff to Pope as well and then climbed into John B’s van, sitting next to Sarah who was shooting angry glances at JJ.
“No to sharing a tent with me or the lullaby? You gotta choose.” 
“Please, for the love of God, shut up.”
“Someone’s mad,” he mumbled but not so quietly. 
“Yeah, dipshit, she’s not the only one,” Sarah chimed in.
Soon everything was packed and ready to go. John B turned on the car and drove in the direction of the campsite you had chosen. It was away from the town, quite private and perfect for a few teens to have fun and let loose.
Once you arrived, John B and JJ started gathering wood to make a fire and the rest of you started setting up the tents and everything you needed for sleeping.
“Okay but seriously if JJ starts to get too annoying you can always come and join us in our tent.” 
“He’s always too annoying.”
“I heard that!” JJ yelled from somewhere in the woods making you roll your eyes but chuckle.
You actually didn’t mind sharing a tent with him. And the reason was quite simple really. You liked him, had a crush on him or whatever you want to call it. 
You finally acknowledged your feelings for him a couple of years ago when he came back from surfing camp and you realised just how much you had missed him. Plus he had gotten a lot taller over the summer which made you swoon even harder. 
But you had known him since literally forever. You couldn't remember a time when he wasn’t in your life. He had always been there. Always supporting you, always cheering you on. If you looked up the definition of “Y/N’s best friend” on the internet pictures of JJ would show up. You were thick as thieves. Partners in crime. The bickering and annoying was your love language, your way of telling each other you cared.
“But don’t worry, I’ll manage. I’ll make sure he smokes a lot so he'll fall asleep as soon as he lays down.”
Your friends laughed and continued the task at hand.
“I think a deadly bug just bit me!” JJ yelled as he ran over to you, dropping all of the gathered wood in the process. John B sighed in the distance as he started picking up after him.
“Show me.” You held out your hand and he placed his in yours, vaguely pointing at the bite. He had his head turned away, not looking at the bite himself.
“How bad is it? How long do I have left? I love you guys.”
“JJ, that’s a mosquito bite.” 
He whipped his head around, finally looking at the bite and then you. Everyone laughed at him.
“So I’m not gonna die?”
You shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. Only time will tell.”
He gave you a look. “You think you’re so funny, huh?”
You giggled. “I do.”
He rolled his eyes and walked over to where John B had started setting up the fireplace while JJ was being dramatic over a mosquito bite. How had this boy made it so far in life was a thing you wondered a lot about.
Finally the tents were set up and everything was ready for the night. Everyone sat around the cozy fire, drinks in hand. 
The sky was getting darker by the minute and due to the sun setting the temperature was dropping as well. You didn’t even notice how cold it had gotten until Sarah offered to bring everyone blankets from the van.
“It’s okay, I think we’re gonna go to sleep anyways,” Kie said, Pope nodding in agreement. 
Sarah then looked at her boyfriend, you and JJ, eyebrows raised in question. 
“I’m good, I’ve got Y/N keeping me warm.” JJ leaned closer to you, resting his head on your shoulder. You ignored the way your heart jumped and pushed him away gently.
“He’s just too embarrassed to say that he wants a blanket. I’ll take one though.”
“If by embarrassed you mean that I’m so hot I don’t even need a blanket then you’re absolutely right.” 
“Bring him one,” you said to Sarah who then went to retrieve the said blankets for the 4 of you.
“I don’t want one though.”
“You need one.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Yes, you do.”
“Can you guys stop whatever this is and shut up for just a minute?” John B interrupted. “I’m so tired of you two.”
“He’s cranky,” JJ said under his breath for only the two of you to hear. It made you giggle and due to that John B gave you a warning glare.
“Okay, here are your blankets.” Sarah handed you yours but threw JJ’s into his face.
“Hey! What was that for?” 
“For annoying the shit out of us.” She sat next to John be and he helped her wrap a blanket around the both of them.
JJ gasped dramatically, clutching his chest. “How dare you!? Y/N tell me she’s lying.”
“I have to agree with her on this one. You are kind of annoying.”
“I can’t believe this. My own friends hurting me like this.” 
You shoved a stick and a marshmallow into his hands. “Stop being dramatic and roast this marshmallow for me, please.”
“And now I’m your slave. You’re unbelievable,” he said but still put the marshmallow on the stick and started roasting it for you.
“Your hands are longer than mine. Plus why should I do it when you can do it for me.”
Sarah agreed. “She makes a fair point.”
JJ handed you your marshmallow which was roasted just how you liked it. But before you could take a bite he leaned over and bit half of the marshmallow off the stick. 
You looked at him in disbelief. “Hey!” 
He smiled at you sheepishly, mouth full of the candy and lips covered with it. “That’s what you get for bullying me.”
“I hate you so much right now.”
He munched on the candy but you could still see the smirk on his face. “You love me.”
“You ate half of my marshmallow, I’ve never hated you more.”
In the corner of your eye you saw Sarah whisper something in John B’s ear and then they stood up, blanket still tightly wrapped around them.
“We’re going to our tent as well. Good night!” 
“Good night!”
“I can’t believe these idiots are all going to sleep so early. Relationships turn you into old people, I guess.” 
“It’s almost midnight, JJ.”
“So? That should be like 6 pm for us.”
You fell into comfortable silence as you roasted some more marshmallows on the dying fire which would soon turn into a smoking pile of ashes. 
Suddenly you heard a noise in the woods. It was like a stick had snapped in half. It startled you to say the least. Your head snapped in the direction of where you thought you heard the sound coming from.
“Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
“That sound.”
“What sound?”
You slapped your hand over his mouth as another snap came from somewhere. “This is exactly why I didn’t want to come in the first place,” you whispered.
He licked the inside of your hand which made you pull it away from his mouth in disgust. “Ew, JJ.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I mean like spending the night in the woods. It’s scary as hell. Someone’s out there right now, just looking at us, taunting us. It could be a murderer or some creep, you know.”
“Or a squirrel.”
“Or a bear.”
“Or a rat.”
“I don’t honestly know which would be worse right now.”
“Rat, obviously. Those little shits ruin everything. But seriously, it’s probably nothing. Just the forest doing its own thing.” JJ said and placed his warm hand on your blanket-covered thigh. It was supposed to be a comforting gesture but you couldn’t help but wonder if it could mean something more.
“I don’t wanna be out here and find out what that thing is though.” 
As hard as it was, you stood up, his hand falling from your thigh back to his own lap, and pulled the blanket around yourself as tight as possible. You got chills from the slight fear you had but also the cold that was crawling under your skin making you shiver.
JJ threw some water into the fire pit to make sure the fire had completely died out. He then stood up too and followed you to your shared tent where you were already waiting for him.
“Hurry up. I don’t wanna be out here any longer.”
“There’s nothing to be afraid of, trust me. The scariest thing here is that ugly t-shirt you’re wearing.”
He zipped open the tent and let you enter it first but followed you close behind, careful not to let any bugs in.
“What’s wrong with my shirt?” you furrowed your brows in confusion.
“It’s ugly.”
“Fine, if it’s bothering you too much, I’ll take it off.” You grabbed the end of your shirt and pulled it over your head, revealing the bikini top you were wearing underneath. 
You couldn’t see much in the dark tent but just enough to see JJ’s eyes linger on your figure a second too long.
He cleared his throat before he asked if you wouldn’t be too cold now. 
“I have all these blankets,” you pointed at the pile next to you, “I think I’ll be fine.”
You were in fact not fine as the time passed. It had gotten so cold that you couldn’t feel your fingers or your toes anymore. And you were pretty sure that your lips had turned blue.
“I can hear your teeth clattering all the way to here.”
“Why aren’t you asleep already?”
“How am I supposed to fall asleep in a tent with a fuking woodchuck?”
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just call me a woodchuck and try to get some sleep.”
You turned your back to him and curled yourself into a little ball to keep warm as much as possible. 
A few minutes later you felt the pile of blankets on top of you lift and then JJ joining you under them.
“What are you doing?”
“Keeping you warm. I do not want to be taking care of you when you get sick.” You turned around under the blankets to face him. He pulled you closer to him. Your feet automatically intertwining with his.
“Jesus, woman! Your toes are cold as ice.”
You giggled at his reaction. “You should feel my hands.”
And so he did. “How the fuck are you this cold?” 
“I don’t know.”
You snuggled closer even closer to him, inhaling his scent. “You smell good.” You didn’t even mean to say it but it just slipped out before you could stop yourself.
“And you were worried about there being creeps in the woods while the biggest creep of them all is right here beside me.”
“It’s not creepy, JJ.” 
“Says the creep herself.”
You smacked his bare chest lightly as you chuckled. 
“Please, keep those ice cubes away from me, Elsa,” he said, which made you place both of your hands flat onto his chest. He hissed at the contact of your cold hands.
“Why do you enjoy torturing me?”
“It’s fun.”
“I think you just enjoy torturing people in general.”
“Nope, just you.” Your voice got just a tiny bit quieter but he could tell. He could always see the slightest  changes in your behaviour and appearance.
And he was slowly piecing everything together.
“Okay then, we’ll see if you enjoy this.” He hoped to God he was right about this.
You were about to ask him what he meant but you were cut off by his lips crashing into yours. You were caught off-guard for a second because, well, he kissed you. JJ Maybank kissed you. You had been waiting for this for so long that your brain just short-circuited. But luckily you composed yourself quickly and kissed him back. 
Your hands flew into his hair and you pulled him flush against you, chest to chest. There was no room left between you two. 
You had imagined about this many times before but none of the fantasies were as good as the real deal. He was kissing you with so much passion and emotion that there was no way that he thought of you as just his best friend. You were sure of it.
When you finally broke the kiss so you could breathe again, he rested his forehead against yours. A small gesture but it made your heart skip a beat.
“I very much enjoyed that.”
“Good. Did you enjoy that?”
“I did.”
join my obx taglist!
taglist: [email protected] @angelshiba @gillybear17 @bjrmaybank
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ilovemymoose · 2 years
I blog for the girls who cry on their birthdays and lose a little bit of themselves during the summer months
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ilovemymoose · 2 years
The Other Side: Part Five
Based On: Outer Banks
Warnings: Language, Unhealthy relationships
Word Count: 1.8K
Summary: JJ and Y/N clearly have a connection, but Pogues and Kooks are never meant to be together- especially if Rafe Cameron has anything to say about it.
A/N: so the last time i wrote a part for this series was almost two years ago, so i am so sorry… hoping to get back into it again, hope you enjoy this part!
reader’s midsummer’s dress
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You sighed, running a hand down your face as you stared at your phone. 6 missed calls from Rafe and over a dozen text messages begging you to pick up the phone. You had been dealing with this for nearly a week now, ever since the morning after you ended things with him. 
A small piece of you wanted to call him back- just to hear him out. You hated to admit it, but a tiny part of you still missed him. But the lingering bruise on your wrist was a sharp reminder of why you had ended things with him. 
You shut off your phone and climbed out of bed, glancing at the olive green dress hanging in your closet. Midsummers. You had always looked forward to it. 
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ilovemymoose · 2 years
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ilovemymoose · 2 years
the way that all will wanted to do in s3 was play d&d with his best friends and they wanted nothing to do w him because they'd "grown out of it", and now in s4 will has moved away and his friends have gone and joined a d&d club, it makes me violent actually
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ilovemymoose · 2 years
Based On: Outer Banks
Characters: JJ x Reader, Kie, John B, Sarah, Pope
Warnings: Language
w/c: 1.7 k 
Request ( @eatingchocolatecroissants ): Hey! I was wondering or you could do an outer banks imagine where like in season one the pogues leave kie, Sarah and reader on a boat, and the reader is the one getting stung by a jellyfish. The night goes on and she starts having an allergic reaction the jellyfish sting and her breathing starts to go bad and all dizzy. The girls have to call a mayday. And the sheriff/ambulance boat? Comes and gets her or the pogues come back the next morning and she is not well at all. Then hospital. The pogues feel really bad Maybe reader x jj?
Thank you you’re so sweet!! <3 so sorry this took me so long to write, hope you like it !
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ilovemymoose · 2 years
Shut Up
Based On: Outer Banks
Characters: JJ x Reader, Rafe x Reader, Sarah, Kie, Pope, John B
Word Count: 2k (sorry when a little overboard)
Warnings: heavy language, rafe being a jerk, underage drinking, slightly spicy, did not proofread (i am sorry lol)
Summary: JJ and Y/N hit it off at the annual Boneyard bonfire, but Rafe has quite a few things to say about it.
inspired by this gif because it literally lives rent free in my mind every second of every day. // pretty please DON’T steal my work it’s literally not cool- also i would LOVE if you left some feedback ! thank u and hope u guys enjoy :))
OBX MASTERLIST / message me to join the OBX taglist !
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“My God Y/N, do you ever just shut the fuck up?” Rafe groaned, whipping his head around to you, “Even if you think you’re Kook Princess, no one gives a shit what you wear tonight- we’re literally going to the boneyard,”
You took a breath, at your breaking point for Rafe’s snarky comments and ready to really give him a piece of your mind. 
Sarah snapped at her brother before you had the chance, “Maybe if you had some friends you wouldn’t spend all day at home eavesdropping on our conversations that don’t concern you.”
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ilovemymoose · 2 years
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3K notes · View notes
ilovemymoose · 3 years
25% is better than 0%. trying a little is better than not trying at all. eating a protein bar is better than nothing. using dry shampoo is better than not showering. cleaning one section of your room or house is better than not cleaning any of it. writing a paragraph of your essay is better than not starting it. whatever you can manage today is okay. you can try again tomorrow. little steps are to be proud of.
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ilovemymoose · 3 years
Best Friend's Brother
Based On: Outer Banks
Characters: Rafe x Reader, Topper, Sarah
Warnings: Language, Suggestive Themes
Word Count: 1.5 k
Summary: Y/N and Rafe had never liked each other and Y/N is less than thrilled when Rafe gets into a fight at a party and she's the one who has to help fix him up.
a/n: enjoy this enemy to lover type beat :) it's a little spicier than i normally write, hope you all like it !
please DON’T steal my work it’s literally not cool- also i would LOVE if you left some feedback ! thank u and hope u guys enjoy :))
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“Sarah!” Topper rounded the corner, a worried look on his face as he waved her over.
Sarah groaned, “Now what?” She huffed under her breath. She walked over to him and you followed close behind.
“How much do you wanna bet it’s Rafe again?” you raised your eyebrows at your best friend as the two of you shared a look.
“It’s Rafe. Some guy said something to him and a fight broke out.” Topper confirmed your suspicions as he led the two of you to the kitchen.
You scoffed slightly, of course, it was Rafe causing problems. When was he not?
Several of your friends liked Rafe and enjoyed hanging out with him- you were quite the opposite. While many thought Rafe was charming and hot, you saw him for the cocky and selfish asshole that he was. He didn’t care for you much either, always seeing you as his little sister's annoying friend.
You and Sarah pushed through the crowd that had formed in the kitchen, still following Topper. The fight had cooled down, but both boys were still reeling with anger as they tried to catch their breaths.
Rafe was leaning against the marble countertop, his lip and knuckles bloody. His hair was strewn about, much different than his usual slicked back style, and his forehead was lined with sweat. His shoulders rose up and down as he stood heaving, still trying to steady his breathing.
“All right enough!” Sarah yelled, trying to disperse the crowd and get things to settle down before anything else happened. “Everybody outside now, there’s nothing to see here!”
“Gonna make your sister bail you out of a fight, Cameron?” The boy Rafe had just been fighting taunted, “Fight me!”
Rafe’s face grew red and he stepped toward the boy. Luckily, Topper stepped in front of him first, nipping the problem in the bus before they started again. A few other guys grabbed the other kid and ushered him outside.
You sighed, running a hand through your hair as you looked around the kitchen. The bowl of punch and several other drinks had been knocked off the counter during their brawl and were now covering the tile floor, “Dammit, Rafe,”
Rafe ignored you wiping the blood on his lower lip away with his thumb. He shoved Topper aside so he could grab his beer, which conveniently hadn’t been knocked to the ground like most everything else.
“No,” Sarah shook her head and grabbed the bottle first, dumping the remainder into the sink, “No more. Just go upstairs before you ruin something else,”
“Screw you, Sarah,” he snapped back, “I don’t take orders from you-”
“Rafe, just go upstairs!” She glared at her older brother, “It’s the least you could do while I clean up this mess,”
“I don’t-”
“Y/N,” she interrupted him and looked at you for some help, “Can you please just take him upstairs and make sure he stays there?”
You hesitated, knowing that spending more time with Rafe than necessary was something you desperately wanted to avoid. But, you also knew how fed up Sarah was with him and the disaster he’d created in the kitchen. “Come on Rafe,” you finally said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him toward the stairs and up to his room.
He scoffed, pulling out of your grip and storming ahead of you up the stairs, making a point to be as loud as possible.
You gave Sarah a look, saying something along the lines of “your brother is literally the biggest asshole I have ever met." She mouthed a “thank you” before you followed him upstairs.
You finally made it to his room, he shoved open the door and stomped inside.
“Genuine question Rafe, do you enjoy making mine and Sarah’s night's hell?” You shut the door behind you as you followed him inside.
Rafe rolled his eyes, “How about you mind your business,” he spat.
“Well, it’s pretty hard to stay out of it when you ruin every party by starting a fight,” you snapped back.
“You know what?” He spun around to face you and you could practically feel the anger coming off of him, “Fuck you, Y/N. I didn’t ask you to come up here. I’m not a stupid child, you don’t have to sit up here and babysit me,”
“Well, maybe if you stopped acting like an 8-year-old, Sarah and I could actually enjoy our night instead of having to watch your every move." You glared at him, feeling your nails dig into your palms as your clenched fists tightened. “You’re a spoiled prick, and one day, all you’re friends are gonna realize that.”
“Funny, hearing that coming from you Y/N,” he said, his voice low as he took a step closer to you, “You and Sarah are so stuck up-” he abruptly stopped when he raised a finger to point at you, wincing in pain.
Your mouth had been open, ready to take another dig at him, but you hesitated when you saw the flash of pain across his face.
“ What’s wrong?” You asked impatiently.
Rafe gritted his teeth and shook his head, “Nothing, I’m fine,”
You rolled your eyes, “Obviously you aren’t, what is it?” Your voice softened slightly as you stepped toward him.
“Y/N, seriously. It’s nothing, okay?” He stepped back, but you didn’t miss the way he winced when he moved his shoulder. “I swear I'll stay up here the rest of the night. Just go and enjoy your night with Sarah,” He huffed, “And my sincerest apologies for ruining the party” he added, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he gave you a tight-lipped smile.
You ignored him and didn’t say a word, reaching forward and unbuttoning his navy blue button-up, determined to see what was wrong with him.
“Y/N, quit it,” he tried to brush you away but you were relentless, “I told you I’m fine-”
“Oh my God, Rafe,” you breathed out as you pulled away the shirt to reveal a nasty gash going from the top of his shoulder to almost the middle of his chest.
“It’s not that bad,”
You ignored him and rolled your eyes, tugging at his shirt as you took it off of him. You dropped it to the floor, looking at your red hands. The shirt’s dark color had disguised the blood, blending in with the sweat that had covered the shirt as a result of his fight.
“Sit down,” you ordered, this time Rafe didn't refute you and sat down on the end of his bed.
You left for a moment, entering his connecting bathroom and rummaging through the cabinets until you found a first aid kit. You tossed the plastic container on the bed next to Rafe and took a closer look at his chest, “What the hell even cut you?” You wondered aloud.
Rafe shrugged, “When he shoved me I hit the counter pretty hard but it doesn’t even hurt- ow,” he hissed as you touched the gash while trying to get a better look at it.
“Doesn’t hurt, huh?” You repeated, raising a brow. You popped open the first aid kit and pulled out a prepackaged alcohol pad. “This is gonna sting,” you informed him as you ripped it open and went to work cleaning his wound.
Rafe took a sharp breath and tried to pull away at the burning sensation.
“Don’t be a little bitch,”
If looks could kill, you’d be dead by the way Rafe was glaring at you as you continued to work at the awkward angle. Once you were sure that it was cleaned up enough, you turned and grabbed a few bandages from the box. You held up the first bandage, eyeballing the size to make sure it would cover the gash.
“Dammit,” you muttered under your breath, getting frustrated with how difficult it was to get a good angle to put the bandage on him.
“What?” He snapped his glare still unwavering.
“It’s nothing- I just can’t get a good angle I don’t know how I’m gonna be able to wrap this up well enough,”
Rafe rolled his eyes and before you could comprehend what he was doing his left hand had grabbed your waist. He guided your hips and plopped you down so you were straddling him in his lap.
“Rafe! What are you-”
“Fixing the problem,” he replied simply, “Now you have a good angle. Bandage me up.”
You didn’t miss the smirk playing on his lips, but you swallowed the lump in your throat and went back to work. He winced as your hands smoothed out the bandage covering his chest. You grabbed some medical tape and taped the edges down so they wouldn’t peel up when he put his shirt back on or moved around.
“Okay,” you looked up at him, still sitting on his thighs as you spoke, “I think you’re all good-” That’s when you felt it. Oh my god.
Rafe’s smirk only grew when he watched you notice the hardness in his pants. He couldn’t help but relish the moment as you shifted uncomfortably under his stare, “You gonna help me with that too?” He asked with a smug grin.
Rafe had always been one cocky son of a bitch.
OBX Taglist
@tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar @http-cherries @ad-infinitums @thefangirl05 @obxmxybxnk @jaazzzzz @littlecxtiee @colie-babi @g000d--vib33zzz @coloradogirl07 @thebendslikebendover @danicarosaline @meaganjm @shy-1234 @mendesmaybank @starkeybabie @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @xtarkid @jeyramarie @talksoprettyjjx @asapkyndall @lovelymaybankk @outcrbcnks
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