juhaina · 3 years
Fall in the abyss of missing that one person.Let oblivion take you to neverland.
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juhaina · 3 years
I am sad.
What are you thinking??I dont know!
Did something happen?No!
Did somebody say something?No!
Are you hungry??? No...
Are you sober?No.
Do you miss someone??No.
I dont know.I am just sad.
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juhaina · 3 years
What did you ask,again?
What is time?
Blueberry eyes rolled,giggled.
Rhetoric,I grinned unable to answer
two little questing pebbles looked at me!
Time is hope,you see
for those who wait,
eternal in binding love.
Time is stillness when departure absolves,
time is music with each beat quench in the heart of nature
Time is treasure when souls unite.
Time is empty for a lost mind...
Sleep swined eyes opened and smiled I asked her,what is time?
embracing,tiny hands around my neck she told,
time is the magic box opened for me to be with you!that moment within my arms I knew time was love too..
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juhaina · 3 years
One Death
She was dead
Covered in white,laid on the table
Room filled with fragrance of scented candles.
Her children were tired,cried.
Neighbours came and lamented,
looked at her shrunken face,
whispered in between ,'she was ,once a healthy woman'
I looked at them ,All of them seemed sad.
She had vitiligo,
they say,she used to mock at people who had,
God punished her giving it back.
She lived in lonliness and lovelessness
Never gone social on shame.
They say she was a quarrel monger,
her sons left her alone,because.
She cared for me I know,
She was beautiful,mother says,was childish,had beautiful hair
and slothful to bathing like me..
I stood in the centre,gasping pain,
I kissed her once, pain rolled over her cheeks
it took that white sheet for people to come and talk about her,
even for me.
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juhaina · 3 years
That boy asked me,
why dont you get out of your house?
Look,everyone is travelling,exploring..
I smiled;he told in despise,
You stay like this always..shame!
I said nothing but smile.
What does he know about how hard it is to hide your dreams and live
What does he know about responsibilities being a girl
How could he know how much this mind crave to be in the world
Ask your sister or mother, they will tell you how many dreams they had to suppress in lighting your life
No girl in this world is devoid of dreams,,girls are dreams..
Its your eyes black and white
Why should i reply you,you dont even know what Dreams are!!
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juhaina · 3 years
Hugged and squeezed by the books..
Trapped and suffocated inside the stories
Feeling the novalty of unseen places
Smelling the fruits and flowers of the mystic valleys..
Drench in the rain of uncanny scape
Wetting the soul in the unknown love
It is magic,,like reincarnating the dead!
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juhaina · 3 years
I always hoped someday i will meet you and i will tell you how much you are loved..how much you inspired me..i practised everything everyday that i was gonna tell you, someday..i hope i am not that lucky..it is heartbreaking..it is not done!they say,,good souls are to be called back by God soon...i wish you werent that much good sid..i wanted to meet you someday and tell you that im your biggest fan..i loved the way you always stood by truth💙see you there on the other world..and i wish i could tell everything about you, of my world..you are loved and you always will be!!i dont want this to be real..i dont want that smile to be gone forever..
I know i am not family,i am not a friend,i am not even an aquaintance,,,,,i am your fan..and i will always be..
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juhaina · 3 years
Evenings do have a million meanings..somebody wait for the love..somebody rush to their family..somebody regrets about the day..somebody repents on something..somebody miss someone..somebody yearns for a coffee..somebody wait to fall in to the bed..somebody to close their eyes and breathe..somebody ,just to cryout..somebody seems to like just sit and watch the descending sun....
It is beautiful the thought of same evening brings so much more in different different people!
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juhaina · 3 years
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juhaina · 3 years
It is some normal day..
Wait,what is normal anyway?
Who knows,,
Moments that i forget to smile,moments i stare like a statue,moments i eat carelessly
Everything has become the new normals to me
But in the night when i lay down listening my favourite music still,
makes me feel like yeah,something is good💙
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juhaina · 3 years
I am sitting still,here,
Yet I am tired,sweat
This restlessness is killing me.
I am sitting still,here,
My head is spurting out!
Body is numb
Everything inside is rushing to something!
This restlessness is killing me.
My eyes are rest nowhere
they are gauging something inside,but.
Legs are stayed put here
running towards somewhere,inside.
My hands are rest on my lap
But reaching out to something,inside.
Lips are sealed off
Everything inside shouts to it,open!
Lungs are calm
but the palpitation makes inside tired.
This restlessness is killing me.
Mind says,do everything comes in way
but the body is still,still.
Tears arent there
yet everything inside is crying out to someone.
I am sitting still,here
this restlessness is killing me!
I am stuck inside this walls,
the whole body is running towards the open,but.
Heart is in the dark here,
searching the light for my soul,yet.
This restlessness is killing me.
I am stuck inside this soul,inside this body,inside this walls,though
The only lending hand is from my restlessness.
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