imagine-our-haikyuu · 7 years
Hey! Hey! You! You! Could you please make the scenario number 95 with Tsukishima x Reader, but his s/o is a way shorter than him??? Thank YOU!!!
Of course! I apologize for this being super, super late. I am unsure about where the other members are but I’ve been busy preparing for college; however I don’t want to abandon this blog or the requests so I’ll take ‘em up! ^^;
Hope you enjoy~
– Mod Saru
95. “I’m lonely, come over and keep me company.”
“Kei,” you call, brushing aside your bangs with a delicate stroke of your hand. “Are you done with practice?”
“Hm?” Your boyfriend looks towards where your voice is coming from, but doesn’t exactly look at you as he answers. “Yes, it just ended.”
You notice his eyes wandering, looking anywhere and everywhere but at you. “I’m down here!” you say with a small pout, crossing your arms over your chest.
He laughs lightly, reaching down to pat you on the head. “Sorry, I forgot just how short you are.”
“Tsukki, don’t be mean!” Yamaguchi reproves, sporting a wavering smile.
“Shut up, Yamaguchi, I’m not being mean, just honest.”
“He’s right, it’s okay,” you say with a cheerful grin. You’ve heard enough of Tsukishima’s jokes regarding your height that they don’t even faze you at all anymore. “Thank you for caring, though!”
Yamaguchi simply nods in your direction and then heads out, deciding to give you both some alone time.
“Are you busy after school today?” You walk closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning your head against his stomach.
“I have some homework to do,” he says with a tint of redness in his cheeks. “I am assuming you want to spend time with me?”
You nod, and he sighs, ruffling your hair. “Maybe later, shortie.”
“Okay.” You can’t say you aren’t disappointed, but you knew that you had to respect his space. “See you later, then?”
“Yeah.” He quickly detaches himself from your hold and walks off, probably tired from whatever massive workout he went through today, or the drainage of energy from dealing with his more louder teammates. 
You press your lips together tightly, clutching the straps of your backpack a little too hard. 
You turn around, hanging your head low, when suddenly, you bump into a mass of orange and fall backwards. 
“Ow,” you hiss, feeling the soreness from your rear end after it hits the hard, tiled floor. 
“S-Sorry!” a hyper voice yells, clearly in panic. 
Before you can say ‘it’s fine,’ you are hauled up by a surprising amount of strength, and are on your feet in a matter of seconds. 
“[y/n]-san, are you okay?!” 
You look up and see a familiar face, the person being none other than Hinata Shouyou. 
“I’m okay,” you say slowly, trying to smile. “Sorry for not looking where I was going.”
“Don’t worry about that!” he exclaims. Seems like even intense volleyball practice can’t drain his energy. “Are you upset about something?”
“Huh?” You meet his eyes now, looking sincerely into the hues of brown. “Why do you ask?”
“You just looked a little down.” He takes the volleyball he’s holding and puts it under his arm, his expression shifting to that of a more sincere one. 
“Thanks for your concern, but I’m fine, really. I should get going.”
You don’t hear what Hinata says as you quickly sprint away. For someone so small, you sure can run. 
The cool breeze is like a slap to face when you exit the school building. The walkways are crowded despite it being so late; everyone was probably coming out from the big event the school was hosting to celebrate some festival. You would’ve gone as well, but it didn’t seem fun to go alone so you skipped it.
As you head down the usual path to your home, the sight of all the couples makes your heart feel heavy. The smiling, the proximity…
You avert your gaze and tread the rest of the way back to your house. You pull the door open and throw your bag on the floor, sinking down against the wall. 
This feeling you’ve been having for the past few days has been driving you insane. Without a moment to spare, you pull out your phone, and dial a certain someone’s number. 
It takes a few times for them to pick up, but when they finally do, your entire body freezes up in some inexplicable fear. 
“Hello?” the voice on the other end calls. “[y/n]?” 
Your heart pounds unevenly in your chest, and you feel your throat tighten.
“I’m lonely,” you begin, with a hint of nervousness in your voice, “Come over and keep me company.”
You could practically envision the scowl on his face as he answers, and your heart sinks. “No, I told you I’m busy.”
The expression on your face twists into a half-hearted smile. “Ah..alright, sorry to bother you…”
Only silence greets your ears, and with a pang in your heart, you realize he has hung up.
“Damn you…Kei…” Your throat feels like it’s encased with lead, and it takes a large amount of effort to hold back your tears. You know you can’t pressure or force him into being there for you, especially not when you simply don’t want to be alone, so you put your head on your knees and sit there for a while, contemplating some things.
It takes about 45 minutes before you hear someone knocking on your door.
You lift your tear-stained face from your knees and look up, wondering who it could be at this hour. Quickly, you scrub the wetness from your face away and scramble to open the door.
The person on the other side shocks you so hard you almost fall backwards.
“K-Kei?” you stammer, stepping back as if you had just come face to face with a murderer. “What are you–”
“I’m…sorry,” he says, and you can see the genuine sincerity in his expression. “I’ve been neglecting you, haven’t I?”
“Kei…” you begin, but he continues on.
“I’m not good at this whole ‘relationship’ thing. I apologize for not being able to understand you properly or rather knowing what to do about it.”
Your eyes shine with tears, and a variety of emotions scramble about in your mind.
“Hey, don’t cry! Did I say something wrong?” He panics, but you simply laugh and wipe the tears from your eyes. 
He smiles awkwardly at that, but then enters your house, hesitantly embracing you. His scent and warmth fill your soul, and you swear that in that moment, everything is at peace. 
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 7 years
Hey could you do #83 for Tanaka with his longterm fem s/o having a night in at his place ~please
“So, how’d you enjoy dinner?” Tanaka asked you, leaning over with his elbows on the table, almost getting his shirt covered in spaghetti sauce in the process. 
“It was delicious.” You hummed, wiping your mouth. “I didn’t know you could cook.” 
“When your sister works at a restaurant, you learned some stuff.” He shrugged, though his cheeks were tinged pink, making you giggle. 
“So, got anything else planned for tonight?” You asked with a grin, knowing your longtime boyfriend always had something fun planned for after dinner. Whether it was a movie, video games or something else, it was always great. 
“You bet I do.” He grinned, pushing himself out from underneath the table. “Mario Kart.” 
“The new one?” 
“Duh.” He snorted. “To the basement, we go!” 
Laughing, you pushed yourself up and followed him down. 
“Sorry for the mess.” He mumbled upon coming down the stairs. “I didn’t have time to clean up.” 
“It’s no problem.” You shrugged, sitting down on the old(well loved! Tanaka insisted) brown couch. “I’m used to it.” You teased. 
Tanaka mock scowled in response, pushing the disk into the Wii U and starting up the game. “I’m gonna beat you so hard at this. Just watch.” 
“We’ll see about that.” You hummed. “I have friends who I play this with all the time, I’ll have you know. I’ve gotten better since the last time we played.” 
“You still can’t beat me.” He boasted, pecking you on the cheek before starting up the race. 
It was pretty close, in all honesty. 
You still beat him, though. 
You smirked at your boyfriend, looking like the cat that got the cannery. “You were saying, Ryuu…?” 
Tanaka growled in irritation, though you weren’t scared in the slightest. “BITCH YOU CHEATED, THE GAME GLITCHED, THIS IS BLASPHEMY!” 
“Um, blasphemy has to do with religion.” You murmured in amusement. 
You sighed, used to your boyfriend’s antics. “C’mon, Ryuu, it’s only a game.” You chuckled, giving his buzz cut a little rub to cheer him up. “How about I go upstairs and make some popcorn while you pick out a movie to watch?”
Almost like a cat, he leaned into your hand, murmuring, “Best girlfriend ever.” 
“I sure hope so.” You placed a delicate, chaste kiss on his lips before heading upstairs. 
More like best boyfriend ever… 
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 7 years
Quick Message!
Hey everyone! I know it’s been about a month since we updated this blog but I swear we haven’t forgotten about it. We will make sure that all your requests are completed, but you don’t have to worry about giving us too much to do! Feel free to send prompts at any time and as many as you want; even if we are slow with responses, we will definitely get them done. 
~ Mod Saru
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 8 years
#85 with a violently blushing iwa-chan? i just love seeing him suffering out of embarrassment
Of course! Mod Saru is at your service~ Now I’m not exactly sure if you wanted this as an x reader or a ship, so I’m defaulting it to iwaoi if that’s alright? i mean after all, iwaoi is my otp and i can totally see this happening. if you wanted something else please let me know and I’d be happy to change it for you.
85. “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, *points to crush* fuck me.”
Seijou’s team members were taking a break after an eventful practice session, huddling in the corner of their school’s gym as they wiped sweat from their foreheads. Even after hours of rigid practice, they couldn’t master a new technique they were hoping to use in their next match, and it was frustrating to all of them, especially their captain.
“How long have we been at it?” Matsukawa panted as he crouched down to sit against the bench. 
“Dude. That sounded so wrong,” Hanamaki snickered, between deep breaths. He took a sip of his water and sat beside Matsukawa, leaning against the back wall with a weak smirk.
“Will you idiots shut up for a second?” Iwaizumi huffed, lowering the towel from his hair. “We just finished an intense practice session and you’re going on about some–”
“Oh my, Iwaizumi, you look sexy,” Matsukawa said out of nowhere, cutting him off.
“Yeah, you’re so hot~!” Hanamaki added, a wide grin creeping across his face.
The first and second years, after overhearing what the formidable duo had said, stared at Iwaizumi, and instantly flushed at the sight. 
“Please your fans, Iwa-chan~” Matsukawa added, taking note of the younger players’ reactions. 
Iwaizumi turned a deep red, and turned to face them with a scowl. “What the hell?!”
Oikawa blinked in surprise, watching the three of them with an unreadable expression swirling in his eyes. He glowered at Matsukawa and Hanamaki, after feeling a sudden, quick burn in his chest. He was about to say something, but Matsukawa spoke instead, so he pressed his lips together, continuing to watch them in silence. 
“Don’t even deny it~” Matsukawa continued. “I bet everyone on the team has a thing for you.”
“What are you talking about? Spatting nonsense at a time like this…!” Iwaizumi gripped the towel in his hands a bit tighter, and sweat reformed on his temples. 
“Don’t bother Iwa-chan. Makki, Mattsun,” Oikawa spoke up suddenly, facing them with a half-lidded glare.
Hanamaki and Matsukawa shared a look, and Oikawa thought that maybe he shouldn’t have said anything. He could practically feel the weight of a comeback coming his way, causing him to feel slightly on edge.
“Is someone jealous?” Hanamaki asked as he tapped his chin in a mock manner, causing Oikawa’s eyes to widen. “See, Iwaizumi, everyone on the team may have a thing for you, but this guy,” he jerked a thumb at Oikawa, “has it for you the most.”
Iwaizumi blinked, and slowly turned his head to look at Oikawa, who had just at that moment looked away. “Oikawa–”
“Oh, he’s blushing. Look, Mattsun~” Hanamaki interjected, gently elbowing Matsukawa’s side. 
Iwaizumi faltered, not realizing that indeed his face was burning a bright red. 
“Seems like our Iwaizumi has a thing for our captain. How romantic~!”
“Shut the fuck up!” Iwaizumi yelled, “That’s all bullshit!”
“Your ears tell a different story.”
“I said shut up!” 
The second-years shook their heads at that and turned around, heading for the locker rooms– with the exception of Kyoutani, who stayed behind just to see how things would play out. The first-years didn’t feel like sticking around either, so they followed, already imagining how this situation would turn out. 
“Aw, losing the crowd already? How pitiful,” Matsukawa said dramatically. 
“It’s all your fault, dumbasses,” Iwaizumi said with a sigh. “And quit teasing me about this! We’re here to practice volleyball, not start relationship drama. God.”
“You’re so oblivious, ya know? I mean, you don’t even notice that the person right next to you is totally in love with you,” said Hanamaki.
“He’s right,” Kyoutani said out of nowhere, surprising all of them. “Just look at our captain’s face.”
Alarmed, Oikawa turned away, trying to hide his face. He didn’t know what he was feeling, but he knew that he didn’t want anyone else to know.
Hanamaki leaned into Iwaizumi’s ear, whispering, “Go tell him you wanna do it.”
At that, Iwaizumi felt his whole body flush. He spun around, walking past them. He couldn’t take this anymore; he wasn’t used to all of these strange emotions. And anyways, Oikawa had already started to walk away, so he sure as hell didn’t want to stay here alone with the three lunatics.
“I’m outta here,” Iwaizumi grumbled. As he walked away, he pointed at Matsukawa, Hanamaki, and Kyoutani, respectively, yelling, “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you–” then, surprising himself, turned and pointed to Oikawa, blurting, “Fuck me!”
Oikawa froze where he was standing, not daring to take another step. 
“OH MY GOD!” Hanamaki and Matsukawa howled, bursting into laughter. 
“Wait, no! That’s not what I meant!” Iwaizumi felt his heart hammering in his chest, and he knew that there was probably no way to explain himself, especially not with Matsukawa and Hanamaki. 
“Too late,” said Hanamaki with a grin. “Your secret is out.”
“FUCK!” Iwaizumi yelled in frustration. 
“Yeah, that’s what you’re gonna do to Oikawa tonight, right?” Matsukawa stated blatantly, with a smile creeping across his face.
Iwaizumi and Oikawa’s faces were now burning brighter than Kyoutani’s shorts. They both knew that staying here would only cause further embarrassment, so they quickly looked at each other, partially seeking the other for help. Their eyes met for a split second, and then, without hesitation, they stormed out of the gym at the speed of light, leaving the door shut behind them.
“Lame,” Kyoutani said with a grunt.
“Oh, the fun ain’t over just yet,” Hanamaki said, winking at Matsukawa.
Matsukawa nodded. He cupped his hands around his mouth, yelling, “Have fun tonight!”
“Be safe, and don’t make too much noise!” Hanamaki added.
“Don’t go too hard, we need you for practice tomorrow!”
“Take a shower right after!”
“SHUT UP!” Oikawa and Iwaizumi yelled from the other side. It was unfortunate for them that the walls were so thin that they could still hear them even from where they were now.
Hanamaki and Matsukawa simply looked at each other and high-fived, grinning maliciously. 
“You guys are the worst.” Kyoutani shoved his hands into his pockets, turning to walk out the side door. 
“Hey, being the worst is great. We have a lot of fun,” Hanamaki explained, resting his elbow on Matsukawa’s shoulder.
“Ain’t that the truth,” Matsukawa agreed. “And Iwaizumi and Oikawa? They’re the best victims.”
“Hell yeah,” Hanamaki said. “After all, what’s more fun than picking on two people who don’t know they’re in love with each other?”
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 8 years
Mini Golf Headcanons!
Hello everyone!! I would also like to apologize for lack of prompt responses, so here’s some Mini Golf HCs I made while playing it at the resort! ~ Mod Saru
Everyone in Nekoma is really good at the game, due to their sharp vision and aiming skills
Hinata, with his excessive energy and lack of patience, can never get a hole-in-one which frustrates him to the core, because damn you kageyama, how the hell do you keep getting them when I can’t even get one?!
On one of the holes, when it’s Hinata’s turn to play, everyone is impressed because Hinata is finally getting serious and adjusting his feet all professionally and stuff but then they realize that he just had to pee
All the wing spikers absolutely suck because they have too much arm strength and can’t hit the ball lightly into the hole, so it ends up flying into some tree or the bushes or even the stream nearby 
Noya and the other poor smol liberos are in charge of getting all the golf balls back, if possible
The setters are the best at the game because of their delicacy and perfect control
Tsukishima is a fucking pro at the game because although he doesn’t have much patience, he is really good at aiming and has the right amount of energy to get the ball in each time. This frustrates Kageyama and Hinata to no end.
Kenma doesn’t have interest in playing the game; he just wants to be on his phone all day but Kuroo begs him to play which eventually leads to Kenma giving in. He isn’t that good at first because of his lack of interest/focus, but then he gets nonstop hole-in-ones and Kuroo is just being a proud boyfriend/best friend and Kageyama and Hinata are pissed because damn it, they have another rival now. 
Oikawa always tries to show off whenever it’s his turn by doing fancy little spins or tricks and Iwaizumi is just like “I’ll shove the golf stick up your ass” and then ofc Mattsun and Makki have to pop in and say “You could shove a different stick up his ass” and Iwaizumi is a fuming, blushing mess and Oikawa tries to keep his cool but internally he’s screaming
Bokuto, Hinata, Noya, and Tanaka scream really really loud whenever they hit the ball into the hole
Everyone in Shiratorizawa just worships Ushijima and his skills by following him around and watching the ball, taking pics, recording videos, and writing down notes 
Tendou is super tactical and tries to predict how his swings will affect where the hits will end up and how he can focus on getting the least amount of hits from where the ball ends up
Goshiki tries to compete with Ushijima’s skills but he’s too entranced by Ushijima’s awesomeness
Everyone gets competitive af on the last hole 
At this point the wing spikers have given up because holy hell, mini golf is not their thing. So they just cheer for their setter boyfriends and start yelling that their bf will win over the others
At the end, Hinata is all sparkly and happy because yay, I have the most points, I win! but then Tsukishima laughs at him and says “The one who has the least points is the winner” and Yamaguchi is snickering behind him and Hinata is just really confused
BONUS: Yachi is average at the game and tries her best, of course with the full support of Kiyoko. But then Kiyoko is a pro, and Yachi is in fangirl mode and she’s just all jumpy and hyper like “So cool!” “So amazing!” whenever Kiyoko so much as moves her arms. 
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 8 years
A shout out to writers who support writers
Writers who may be feeling insecure out their own writing, yet still enthusiastically reblog and comment on someone else’s fic.
Writers who may struggle to find time to write their own stories, yet still read fics and take the time to let the writers know how much they like it in tags, asks, comments.
Writers who can appreciate and share a fic even though it might not be their ship or their “thing” because they respect the quality and the writer.
Writers who have tons of followers and share lesser known fics to help them get exposure.
Writers who have a small number of followers and will still reblog the popular fics.
Writers who will help another writer brainstorm or get through a tough part of their fic.
Writers who beta for other writers.
Writers who are kind and secure enough to support other writers.
I see you, and appreciate the hell out of you.
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 8 years
I’m SOrRy sO HerES SOmE BanD AUs
-Woodwind!Person A has a grudge against Brass!Person B and so switches out all the mouthpieces in their section AU
-Continuation: Brass!Person B gets revenge by putting nasty tasting exotic spray on Person A’s reed
-Person A and Person B competing for drum major so they are hostile towards each other and end up both getting drum major and have to learn to work together AU
-Person A, who is next to Person B while marching, forgot their dot book and Person B covers for them AU
-Person B being late to get to their uniform on so Person A stops to help and Person B cant contain themselves because Person A is so close and wow i never knew you smelled so good-
-Person C along with Person D are Person A and B’s best friends and want them together so they volunteer them to do everything together but are found out AU
-Continuation: Person A and B reveal theyve been together the whole time, and thank Person C and D for letting them work together so much.
-Person B marching behind Person A and accidentally trips them causing Person A to land on top of Person B AU
-”I may have set fire to the flute sections dot books and now i have a herd of tiny girls running after me heLP” AU
-Person A tells Person B that the marching band is having a costume party/contest but is lying, Person B shows up as a hot dog (etc,) when no one else is dressed up and is now out to murder Person A
-Freshman!Person A and 8th grader!Person B trying to keep up with the upperclassmen so they practice together and actually get really good while developing feelings for the other AU
-Long lived rivalry between two sections + a forbidden love between Person A and B.
-Person B refusing to get a ride home from person A adamantly even though its 30 minutes after when theyre supposed to leave.  -Continuation: Person A finally dragging them along to find out they didnt want a ride because their mom/dad is an abusive drunk.
-Person A and B being from the same section and facing off with another couple from a rival section to show theyre better/cuter
-Person A and B being seniors and winning their last competition and during the excitement Person A kisses Person B in the middle of the football field. 
-Person A being super hardcore but Person B finds out they help out at the middle school with band in their free time.
-Person A being big and playing piccolo and Person B being tiny and play tuba, making a dynamic couple.
-”The whole band ships us together and we know it but i actually do really like you but im shy” AU
-Person A and B in the same section and Person A is the best and Person B is the worst but Person B starts practicing like crazy and starts to surpass Person a because of the rivalry they had in middle school.
-Person A and B fighting over who Person C Likes more
-Person A bringing Person B food on the band bus as everyone oohs and ahhs but theyre doing it because they know Person B’s family is going through a rough patch
-Trombone!Person A challenges Trombone!Person B to a trombone swordfight
-Trumpet!Person A being super stubborn and challenges Trumpet!Person B to see who can play higher and ends up passing out. Person B has to call an ambulance.
((I hope you liked these! Band AUs are the only thing im super good at, if youd like a part two, tell me! I love writing these! Byee~))
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 8 years
Request Prompts!
Here are some prompts to use for requesting! Remember, we do ships AND x readers, so have fun with these! We might add to these later, and i’ll try to remember to post this again every weekend!
1. “Just stay where you are, i’m coming to get you.” 
2. “What’s his/her name? Im going to fight them, I have money stashed in my drawer for bail.” 
3. “I’m OBVIOUSLY right.”
4. “Is there a reason you’re dying of laughter in the middle of my room?”
5. “He/She isn’t good news. You’d do good to stay away from them.”
6. “Did you just get jealous?” 
7. “Well I like *random* better!”
8. “I may or may not have fallen down the stairs chasing a *insert*”
9. “Come and get me, I can’t take this!”
10. “My memes are better than yours.” 
11. “Oh my god, you have abs?!”
12. “This isn’t going to work out…”
13. “I love you, but i’m moving…”
14. “Fine! I’ll just leave then!” 
15. “Please come calm me down, i’m freaking out.”
16. “My kitchens on fire and the macaronis burnt what do I do?”
17. “I just… I can’t do this anymore”
18. “Wait what the hell?! Did you really move your candy stash?!”
19. “Im here because I love you….. also for your cooking but mostly for you”
20. “your contact name may be dumbass but your my dumbass”
21. “Gordon Ramsey would be very disappointed right now”
22. “How dare you be on *rival pokemon go team*”
23. “I have so much work but I don’t want to do it because i want to talk to you”
24. “I….. I can’t forgive you….”
25. “Stop kicking me”
26. “I can’t believe this is how Im confessing”
27. *whispers* “In the arms of an angelllllllllll”
28. “Im sick stay back it might be the plague”
29. “No no no you can’t do this don’t leave me please”
30. “I really have to pee and my bathrooms broken”
31. “And to think I actually loved you”
32. “All I ever did was love you CARE for you and now, you fucked it up”
34. “Theres a Lapris in this lake and I really need it so STOP HOLDING ME BACK”
35. “I would slap you with this fish if it wasn’t for dinner”
36. “Im the guest! You should be making ME food!”
37. “Its just a video game no need to get mad” *30 minutes later* “YOU CHEATED I CLEARLY WON THIS IS RIGGED!”
38. “Stop grinning like that”
39. “If you keep holding my hand we might as well go out”
40. “Please kiss me quick my ex is coming sorry if this is sudden”
41. “You want a fight? you’ll get a fight”
42. “Everything happened beCAUSE OF YOU!”
43. “Babe, thats not how its pronounced…..”
44. “I can’t believe you just called me that!”
45. “This would sound very out of context to other people.”
46. “Don’t eat the candle wax”
47. “Its just a hypothetical question don’t get your knickers in a twist”
48. “You know what I hate? Feather dusters.”
49. “Um its a metaphor. Check your privilege”
50. “One day you’ll kill me, I swear”
51. “its a uh……. bird can’t you tell?”
52. “The neighbors think I’m crazy enough as it is”
53.” You know whats sad? Your report card”
54. “So how many s/o’s do you have then? Huh?”
55. “Todays no better than yesterday, last week, the week before. I could keep going”
56. “oh nooooooooo. What horror oh noooooooooo”
57. “I-I don’t think of you like that…”
58. “This sucks.” “You suck”
59. “Oh look a Photo Booth!”
60. “That really hurts please stop”
61. “Now if we’re talking body, you’ve got a perfect one so put it on me.”
62. “Secretly, I think you knew.”
63. “But it wasn’t my fault.”
64. “You’re getting higher than the ceiling lights.”
65. “No, I’m not mean. I’m just honest in a hurtful way.”
66. “I never loved you…fuck you.”
67. “I’m aware of how wrong that sounds.”
70. “How dare you motherfuckers start a skype call without me.”
72. “We’re all so stupid….”
73. “Why am I here again?”
74. “I told you not to fucking do that, AND YET YOUR STUPID MINDED SELF DID. THE HELL?!”
75. “Do I look like I’m amused right now?”
76. “Enough with the science puns, my brain hurts.”
77. “That’s not love, that’s bullshit!”
78. “It’s okay, once 3 am hits that’s when we become vulnerable to our emotions.”
79. “I like talking to you.”
80. “I usually hate people, but for some reason, I can’t bring myself to hate you.”
81. “Damn you for making me fall in love with you.”
82. “Why did the chicken cross the road?”
84. “I’d like to thank everyone for my success. Except you. Fuck you.”
85. “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, *points to crush* fuck me.”
86. “This cat is giving me attitude!”
87. “Why is that mannequin staring at me like that? Is that even a mannequin? Holy shit, I think it’s a real person!”
88. “I named my pet rock after you. You should feel special.”
89. “When I say, vol, you say tron! Vol…” “Vol…tron?”
90. “I have the sudden urge to build an army of koalas with wings armed with bazookas and take over the world.”
91. “Give me back my book, or i will cut your dick off with a metal spoon and watch it twitch on the floor.” 
92. “No, no you can’t hug me, i dont trust you.”
93. “I can’t go out, I would much rather stay in my cave and rot in a corner while binge eating and watching ‘Supernatural’”
94. “I wish i was a tree.”
95. “I’m lonely, come over and keep me company.”
96. “YOO i’ll tell you what i want, what i really really want,” “SOO tell me whatcha want what you really really want!” 
97. “Get over here and kiss me, you big dork.”
98. “No. I DON’T care what you are doing you need to get over here and cuddle with me. Now.” 
99. “You better never lay a hand on *character* ever again, or you’ll regret it.”
101. “I’m a ninja.” “No, you’re not.” “Did you see that?” “No,” “Exactly.” 
102. “Kill me now.”
104. “….Hold my hand…”
105. “I’m cold, come here, i’m going to steal your warmth.”
106. “I ALWAYS KNEW YOU WERE THE GAY FRIEND!! *different character name* YOU OWE ME 20 BUCKS!” 107. “Go kill yourself.” 108. “Did you really just steal a cardboard cutout from the supermarket?”
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 8 years
96 with Hinata I swear this one will be gold haha
((Ill tell you what i want. THE ABILITY TO BLOCK WRITERS BLOCK. Also this may be more platonic than romantic, so if youd like a romantic one, throw us a request! ~Admin Ada.)) 
“YOO i’ll tell you what i want, what i really really want,” “SOO tell me whatcha want what you really really want!”
   So basically, to begin, Hinata and I have been friends ever since i moved here when i was small. He was the first and only kid on the street to want to converse with me. By now, our parents knew each other really well, and didnt mind letting us have sleepovers every once and a while. We were over at each others houses all the time anyway, so there wasnt much of a difference. Though this time, i was staying at Hinata’s house and we had bought some drinks and snacks from a corner store so we didnt have t constantly leave the room for food. What we didnt notice is that the drinks that we got, since they were new in the store, were labeled ‘Energy Drink’ on the side of the can. So we basically inhaled two of them each, and were practically bouncing off the walls, and anyone who knows Hinata knows that he usually does that anyway. So here we were, dancing around his room which was much cleaner than it usually was, and singing to the songs that come on the radio. Right now it was  “Our Own House by MisterWives” We used random object as microphones, and were back to back singing. The song ended and we flopped to the ground exhausted and laughing when
the song
came on. The song of centuries. Our favorite song to sing and dance to whether we were hyped on energy drinks or not,  
   “YO i’ll tell you what i want, what i really really want!” We sprung up, immediately singing our respective parts that we have rehearsed since childhood. I climbed onto his bed and jumped around while singing. We were both sweating by this point, having not stopped for ten songs straight, but we still found the energy (probably from those drinks) to sing and dance to this song. We made a vow when we were little to never pass up dancing to this song, and we were going to keep that promise. 
   “If you want my future, forget my past. If you wanna get with me, better make it fast!” I sung, back to back again with Hinata, as he readied for his part. I was laughing now, and it was starting to hurt. He only made it worse when his voice cracked and he fell off the bed. I fell to my knees laughing as the chorus hit. I was trying to sing it but it was choppy because of my laughing, not that either of us cared. I found myself slipping off the greenish bed and i let myself fall. I slithered the rest of the way next to Hinata, who was also breathing hard and laughing. We sung the bridge to the last chorus and belted out the last vocals. After that we were officially pooped. I smiled to myself, this moment is one of those times you want to commit to memory just because. I sat up finally, pulling my shirt away from me to let air in. Hinata just took his off. Tch. Guys are so lucky they can just do that. I rolled my eyes. I saw him lay back down murmuring, ‘That was fun.’ before falling asleep right then and there. I made an indignant noise. Well, whatever. I put my arm under my head and fell asleep too anyways. 
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 8 years
Rq prompt #6- Nishinoya x 6ft! reader
((Thanks for your request! I love Noya a lot and he’s precious and I would say he needs to be protected but I think he’s got it covered so here you go! Noya x 6ft! reader coming right up!   ~Admin Ada))
   Nishinoya knew he was short, it was one of the reasons he loved being in volleyball, a sport for the tall. Though he played the stereotypical short players position, the libero, he never thought of himself as any less of a player as the rest. He also never thought he was any more of a player than anyone else, as he always has been humble with his skills. Every day he got increasingly better, training unbelievably hard after school, before school and everywhere in between. Volleyball was the main thing on his mind at all times. In his view, height doesn’t determine anything for a libero. They can combat the tallest player and not blink. Well, since volleyball was his life, he never really thought much about an actual relationship, Kiyoko was more of just an infatuation of a teenage boy, until a certain girl swam her way into his life, you know, as she was on the varsity swim team for Karasuno. They met at a school festival, because she was a friend of Yachi’s, who accompanied Hinata, Kageyama, Nishinoya, Tanaka and Narita to the festival, and brought (y/n) along as well. The first thing Nishinoya noticed was her height. She towered over him. Again, he never thought too much about height….in volleyball. (Y/n) didn’t seem to notice the awed look on his face until he blurted out,
   “What did you eat as a child?!” Everyone except Hinata and Kageyama facepalmed. But instead of getting angry, (y/n) busted into laughter. Even Yachi was surprised, but then again, Yachi and (y/n) have only known each other for a couple of weeks so they were both figuring each other out still. (Y/n) collected herself as she wiped a tear dramatically from her eye and Nishinoya was now blushing. Her laugh was kind of pretty, one of those that you want to make the person holding it laugh all the time. Noya had ignored the beginning of his crush, procrastinating so much that he didn’t realize his own feelings until (y/n) confessed first. They became a couple to no ones surprise, and Nishinoya soon found out that her humor about her height was just a way to cover up her insecurity about it, so immediately, Noya made it a life goal to get her over that insecurity that he believed she shouldn’t worry about. So he decided the best way to go about this was to switch up the tall/short roles. Basically, for example, when they cuddle, even though Noya is the smaller of the two, he would be the big spoon, and he would move her away from cabinets when she went to get something and, even though it took longer, CL IMBE D the counters to get what she needed. He has indeed fallen quite a few times, to the horror of (y/n), his poor girlfriend. She started to forget her insecurity of being tall, enjoyed it even, since she was now so inspired by her small spitfire boyfriend who really didn’t mind her height like other guys shes been with have. She really loved him for it. So one day, when Noya was in a particularly bad mood for some reason that whatever it was, she didn’t like since he was never in a bad mood. She invited him over, and ran up behind him as soon as he had closed the door, and hugged him, bending down so her chin rested on his shoulder, and kissed him on the cheek.
   “What are you moping around for? That’s not allowed when im here.” He turned around, and she loosened her grip for him to face her, he kissed her nose, something she loved, and he knew it too.
   “Started the day with a bad morning.” She hummed and they walked over to sit on the couch, but, trying to be playful, she draped herself along the whole couch, not leaving any room for him. But he thinks fast and has no filter on his brain, so he simply plopped on top of her, and she ‘oofed’ with his sudden weight. He smiled, his head on her shoulder, and she turned on his favorite show, an action one, and got up halfway through it to make popcorn and snacks. They cuddled under a blanket, when suddenly Noya perks up, and pressed a sudden kiss to her mouth. When he pulled away, he smiled that smile that blew her away every time.
   “Thanks. Don’t know what id do without you.” He commented, she blushed,
   “I should be saying that,” She mumbled, and collapsed on his lap, while he was laughing. They watched stupid cheesy movies that (y/n) wanted to make fun of but didn’t because Noya liked them for the rest of the day, and some of the night. They fell asleep cuddling in the dim living room, safe and sound in each others embrace.
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 8 years
60 with Kageyama and male reader pls lmao
(Yeah boiiiiiii I like this one~ - Mod Tendou)
60- “That really hurts please stop”
“(Y/N)? Are you alright?” Kageyama asked, a rare look of concern in his deep blue eyes. 
“I think I pulled a muscle.” You groaned, rubbing your shoulder. 
“That sucks.” He frowned, before flushing slightly. “D-do you, uh, want me to, I dunno, massage it…?” 
You blinked. “What, really? Tobio, you don’t have to. I’m okay.” 
“N-no, it’s fine. I can do it, doesn’t bother me.” He coughed. “Just trying to help my boyfriend, is all.” 
That made your heart swell a little. “Aw, Tobio, that’s sweet! Thanks.”
He got up, coming over to where you were sitting and placed his hands on your shoulders. Moving his hands back forth, he put pressure on certain areas, though in truth, it was more painful then pleasurable…
“H-hey, Tobio,” You muttered, “that really hurts please stop.” You breathed.
“Ah, sorry!” He jumped back, as if burned. “Do you need something else?”
“Tobio, I’m fine. Just a little sore, alright?”
“Oh, alright.”
(Hope that was satisfactory!
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 8 years
Admin Ada is back in business!
Yo yo my homie Joes! I have my wifi back now, so GUESS WHAT? All you bros who have been waiting since the dinosaur ages for writing to appear magically on the back of a dragon on this account, FINALLY WILL BE GETTING YOUR REQUESTS!! Work in progress! See ya later my Trashians.
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 8 years
59 Oikawa!!
((If you don’t know i love Oikawa Tooru a lot… ~Admin Ada))
   “Oh look a Photo Booth”
Oikawa Tooru, the king of both popularity and volleyball, had somehow stumbled across your path a while back, and, seeing as you werent moderately interested he went on a mission to get you to like him because of his pride, obviously. Unfortunately his plan had backfired and he fell hard for you, suddenly changing his demeanor of pride to love. You didnt hate his guts or anything, actually you were pretty neutral about the guy, but you just werent a part of his fan club or in love with him at first sight. So as you two grew closer, eventually Iwaizumi had had enough of you two skirting around your feelings and made you two confess. So now as he has been your boyfriend for six months thanks to Iwaizumi, you two were going on a date, which would’ve been a bit more enjoyable if Tooru didn’t get excited over everything, but you have to admit it’s cute- “Oh look! A photo booth!” He exclaimed. Your eyebrow rose. “I’m guessing you want to use it?” He nodded, grabbing your hand and dragging you over to the booth and sat you both down. You went to pay but he slapped your hand away and quickly put the money in the machine before you could argue. You rolled your eyes and picked a theme, ‘Old Time’ and he scooted closer. The screen counted down from five as you two took a regular photo for the first picture.3…2…1… SNAP! The first picture was done. After you two exited the booth, he was the first to grab the photos as you looked at them, still slightly shook from the last one, where he had out of nowhere looked at you and pulled you really close to kiss you deeply, and the other ones were silly. He smiled and handed you a strip. “I’m putting these on my wall.” He said to you. You smiled and replied, “Okay, I will too.” And kissed him on the cheek when he wasn’t prepared, laughing when he stopped mid-step.
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 8 years
Hey guys! Admin Ada here also apologizing for our lack of posts, I currently don't have Internet at my home and can only use data, and it's very slow and difficult to write on a phone. I'll be writing non stop when I get internet back but I'm not sure when that will be. Everyone please welcome our new Mod when she arrives!
Hey everyone!! Just wanted to apologize once more due to lack of posts,, but we just found out recently that mod bunny is no longer taking part in this blog; her main blog is deactivated and we are unsure of what has happened but we wish her the best. Admin Ada is very busy as well, so for now it’s just me, Mod Saru, but I’ve recruited a friend who will be joining our blog!! She’s an amazing writer, and I know considering I’ve read and betad her fics before!! She’ll be making an intro post soon so check it out! We really appreciate your patience, and thank you for all the support you’ve given us by requesting prompts!! <3
~ Mod Saru
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 8 years
Hey everyone!! Just wanted to apologize once more due to lack of posts,, but we just found out recently that mod bunny is no longer taking part in this blog; her main blog is deactivated and we are unsure of what has happened but we wish her the best. Admin Ada is very busy as well, so for now it’s just me, Mod Saru, but I’ve recruited a friend who will be joining our blog!! She’s an amazing writer, and I know considering I’ve read and betad her fics before!! She’ll be making an intro post soon so check it out! We really appreciate your patience, and thank you for all the support you’ve given us by requesting prompts!! <3
~ Mod Saru
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 8 years
Hi everyone! I’m a new Mod on the blog, and you can call me Mod Tendou! My pronouns are she/her, and I’m love rarepairs(all of them. Seriously.), anything Shiratorizawa related, and Tendou Satori ^^ 
Sincerely, Mod Tendou <3 
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 8 years
6 for kuroken pleaaaaase?
sorry for the delay anon, but we appreciate your patience!
here you go, prompt 6 for kuroken! ~ Mod Saru
                                 6. “Did you just get jealous?”
Kenma sat impatiently on the bleachers inside Nekoma’s gym, waiting for his best friend to hurry up and end his practice session. Their regular practice with the rest of their team had ended almost an hour ago, but Kuroo had insisted that they stay longer so he could help Tsukishima Kei from Karasuno improve his blocks.
Kenma usually didn’t mind too much when Kuroo had to stay after a little longer; he always had a game handy that he played as he waited, but for some reason, today he felt a sort of weird feeling in his stomach just by watching them –– Kuroo and Tsukishima –– interact. He wondered if maybe he shouldn’t have allowed Shouyou to talk him into eating all those pork buns for lunch. 
Clutching his stomach gently, he zoned back into reality, focusing on the two middle blockers in front of him.
“…so, you have hold your arms out like this, so they can’t get past you as easily,” Kuroo was saying. Kenma looked up for a second, subconsciously catching interest.
Tsukishima raised his arms the way Kuroo showed him, but they weren’t exactly in the right position, even Kenma could tell. 
“Close, but not quite,” Kuroo said immediately, moving closer to Tsukishima. He curled his fingers around Tsukishima’s wrists, holding them in the right position. Then, he ran his hands slowly down Tsukishima’s arms, fixing the angles of his arms and elbows. 
Kenma didn’t know why, but he felt his stomach drop at the sight of that. He quickly looked down, pretending to be fully captivated by the game displayed on his device. 
“There, that seems to be right,” Kuroo announced proudly, placing his hands on his hips as he eyed Tsukishima from top to bottom. 
“Ah, okay…thanks, I guess,” Tsukishima replied, retreating to a normal position. He tugged at the bandages wrapped around his middle and ring fingers, and glanced at Kuroo from the corner of his eyes. “I still don’t understand why you’re helping me so much.”
“Like I said, I’m a nice guy.” Kuroo grinned, and Tsukishima just stared at him with a blank expression. 
“I don’t see you doing this for anyone else,” he stated, and Kenma’s ears perked up. He lifted his head slightly, but didn’t dare move his eyes off the screen.
“Ha, that’s because you’re very interesting to me,” Kuroo said, a smirk spreading across his face. “I enjoy helping people like you.”
Tsukishima shuddered. “You’re so weird.”
“Am I really?” Kuroo said in a low voice, inching closer until his face was only a few centimeters away from Tsukishima’s.
Kenma suddenly felt his head spin, and without any further thought, ended his plan to wait for Kuroo any longer.
“Kuro,” Kenma said sharply, surprising himself from the tone in his voice. “I’m going home. I… feel sick.”
Before Kuroo could even turn his head in his direction, Kenma was out the door, clutching the straps of his backpack with a solemn look in his eyes. 
“Hey, Kenma!” Kuroo yelled in panic, rushing towards the door after grabbing his bag. Before he stepped out, he turned to Tsukishima and said, “Sorry, I gotta go. Mind cleaning up for me? I’ll see ya next week!”
“Do you honestly expect me to––” Tsukishima began, but it was too late. Kuroo was out the door in a matter of seconds, and Tsukishima let out a heavy sigh. 
“Kenma! Kenma!” Kuroo called over and over, but Kenma continued walking, not paying any attention to his yelling. Unfortunately for him, Kuroo was really fast on his feet, so he caught up in a matter of seconds. “Hey, talk to me! Is something wrong? You okay?”
When Kenma didn’t respond, Kuroo jogged in front of him, blocking his path. Kenma didn’t even bother finding a way around him. He stopped in place, staring at the bright red color of Kuroo’s uniform. 
Kuroo could almost see the pain flickering across Kenma’s eyes, and he felt a surge of guilt course through his body. He searched his mind for an answer, and then pulled out his phone.
“Kenma,” he said carefully, “tell your mom I’m coming over tonight. So we can talk this out in a more private place.”
Kenma looked up slightly, but didn’t meet Kuroo’s eyes, and responded with a clear, flat-out, “No.” 
Kuroo shrank a bit, but didn’t let that stop him. He typed a quick message and hit send, receiving a response in just a few seconds. “Too late,” he said without hesitation, “I already texted her and she said it’s fine. Also, that she’d love to have me, as always~”
Kenma didn’t say anything to that; he simply walked around Kuroo and continued forward, tapping away at the buttons on his handheld console. 
Kuroo gaped at him. “Come on, don’t be like that!” He sighed, catching up to Kenma again. He walked next to him, making sure not to go too fast or too slow. 
“You’re stupid and annoying, go away,” Kenma muttered, lowering his face closer to the screen. His whole face was nearly lit up by the luminescent glow coming from the device.
For once, Kuroo kept his mouth shut. As he continued walking alongside Kenma, he put some real thought into why Kenma was upset. His mind flashed back to the time at the gym, just a couple of minutes ago, and he tried to think of the exact moment in which Kenma had announced his leave…
Then it hit him. Or at least, he had a good idea of what was bothering him. But Kuroo wasn’t really one to do things based off of mere assumptions, so he had to do something to prove that his theory was correct. 
“Kenma,” Kuroo began, stopping in his tracks, “I’m going back to the gym to help Tsukishima clean up.”
That’s when Kuroo saw it: the clear flash of pain, or something similar, flickering across Kenma’s gold eyes. 
Kenma stayed quiet for a moment, and then, almost forcefully, choked out, “…Fine. I don’t need you anyway.”
Kuroo took note of that, and told himself that the last line was just coming out of anger. “Are you sure you’re okay walking home alone?” he asked, trying to sound as convincing as possible. He had no true intention to actually leave, but he needed more proof to support his theory.
“Not really,” Kenma said slowly, and Kuroo could almost taste the poison in his voice. “But who cares, just go on and help him…”
Kuroo felt his heart beating faster. Whether it was because he was excited that his theory was closer to being proven as fact or because he was scared –– scared that he would lose Kenma for making him so upset and not stopping.
But he had to keep going. He just needed a little more evidence.
“Hey, he’s getting better, isn’t he? I think he’ll do a lot better in his matches now, don’t you think?” Kuroo lowered his voice, trying to keep it at a moderate level.
“I don’t really care Kuro…”
“It’s amazing how fast he’s improved,” Kuroo said thoughtfully. “I’m such a great teacher.”
“Like I said, I don’t care.”
Kuroo bit his lip. “Tsukishima’s really something, isn’t h–”
And that’s when Kenma lost it. No, he didn’t yell or throw a fit, he didn’t even sound mad. He just turned around and finally met Kuroo’s eyes; Kuroo could see a thin line of tears under the gold, and almost wished he could take back everything he said, wished he could’ve stopped being so selfish. 
“If you want to talk about Tsukishima Kei so much, then go back to him and leave me alone! I don’t want to talk to you if he’s all you’re going to talk about…just… go away…” Kenma said shakily. Kuroo could tell that his back arched forward more, almost like he was sulking. 
He felt his heart in his throat, but now he knew for sure that his theory had been proven correct.
“Ha, gotcha!” Kuroo cheered, pointing at Kenma with a wide, ear-to-ear grin on his face. His hand was slightly trembling, but he kept the brave tone in his voice. “Did you just get jealous? You did, didn’t you?”
Kenma’s eyes widened in sudden panic, his heart now beating faster. “No, I didn’t.”
“Yes you did!”
“No I didn’t.”
“You did.”
“Did not.”
“Did too.”
“Did not.”
“You so did.”
Kenma’s lack of response only made Kuroo’s grin stretch further. He watched Kenma with a sympathetic look in his eyes and stepped closer. “Aw Kenma, you’re so adorable…” 
“Shut up.” Kenma turned his back to him, hiding his face beneath a curtain of his hair. 
“My little kitty got jealous~” Kuroo teased, reaching out to touch Kenma. 
Kenma quickly ducked under his arm, escaping his touch. “Don’t touch me.”
“Don’t be like that Kenma, come on, you know you love me!”
Kenma felt a chill run down his spine. “You’re an asshole.”
“Am I really?” Kuroo said, and Kenma felt something in his stomach again. He thought of Kuroo saying the same thing to Tsukishima just a few minutes ago and it only worsened his current mood.
“Yes, you are. Jerk.” Kenma glared at him, but Kuroo wouldn’t stop smiling.
“Really? I know I may be a total tease with others, but it’s just a joke when I do it to them,” Kuroo stated, almost as if he could read Kenma’s mind. “But with you, it means something. Something important, I’d like to say.”
Kenma swallowed the lump in his throat. He wanted to believe him, he really did, but just his words weren’t enough…
Again, as if he could read Kenma’s mind, Kuroo, with one dramatic step forward, pulled Kenma into a hug, holding him close. He could feel Kenma’s small head just under his chest, the warmth emitting from his forehead. 
“Kuro…let go of me…” Kenma mumbled. To his surprise, he could hear the beat of Kuroo’s heart, and it was beating fast. Kenma told himself that it was probably due to chasing after him, but his own heart didn’t let him believe that. He knew it was something more, something different. 
“Listen, Kenma. I’m sorry for whatever I do that bothers you. I love you and only you, alright?” Kenma’s own heart starting pounding in his chest at those words.
“I swear on it.” He hugged Kenma tighter, almost like an extra burst of reassurance. 
Kenma felt something twist in his chest, but this time it was a good feeling, and before he knew it, he was hugging Kuroo back, burying his head right where the number one was printed onto his jersey. 
“Despite all the awesome things I can do, I only have one heart, you know. And it chose you to love, not anybody else.”
“S-stop, I believe you, okay?” Kenma’s voice was very small, and Kuroo couldn’t help but admire the blush painted delicately on his face.
“I know you believe me, Kenma, but I just wanted to say it. Sometimes you say you believe something, and even if you really do, you just need more to keep believing it, right?”
“…just shut up already.” Kenma sniffed, burying his nose deeper, taking in the delicate scent of Kuroo’s clothes. It smelled a lot like sweat, obviously, considering he just got out of practice, but something else was there too: a remembrance of their childhood, a scent of pine trees and freshness with a touch of spice. 
“I’m going to spend all weekend with you. I don’t have any work so I’m free,” Kuroo said, gently running his fingers through Kenma’s hair. “And my attention will only be on you. Does that sound okay to you?”
Kenma didn’t answer with words. All he did was smile –– a pure, genuine smile –– and that was enough to let Kuroo know everything he ever needed to know. 
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