imaginesoftheworld · 8 years
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Barry: “Oh, yeah! Oliver, (y/n) and I went to Jitters yesterday and something weird happened!”
Oliver: “That’s…”
(y/n): “Oliver. ”
Barry: *whispers* “Why is he being so rude all of a sudden?”
(y/n): “I like you, that’s all that matters.”
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imaginesoftheworld · 9 years
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Request: Heyyy! Can I get a writing thingy where reader is really outspoken, curious and speaka her mind and when she's kidnapped by the shadow, pan takes her to Neverland and she doesn't stop asking questions and he gets really annoyed but it's funny?
/sure, sounds like fun!/
Warning: There is like one dirty joke and me trying to be funny so watch out ;)
As of now, all you knew was that you had apparently been kidnapped by some shadow in the middle of the night, which you were very confused by and we're being dragged through the forest with some kid about your age. What was going on? You had no idea. But you weren't just gonna sit back and be silent, you were gonna be you and ask questions.
  “Hey, uh...I don't know your name, so if you wouldn't mind, could you tell me that and where exactly we're heading to?”
The boy didn't even turn back but you could sense his eyebrows arching. “I'm Peter Pan. But you refer to me as Pan. That's all you need to know.”
 This made you very confused and you weren't just gonna let it go.
��Uh...sorry but I'm not gonna go anywhere I don't know.”
“You don't have a choice.”
“Okay, at least tell me the country we're on, that'll suffice. I'm guessing we're on an island.”
“We're not on a country, this is a place of its own; Neverland.” He said it as if it were magical. This time, your brow arched and your mouth opened slowly.
 “Okay...that's not what I was expecting to hear, I was kind of thinking Hawaii or Australia-”
“Will you be quiet, (y/n)! I have enough problems!
My bloody son and his posse are on this island ruining things!” Your jaw just fell down, literally just fell and your eyes widened.
 “Wait...how do you know my name? You have a son? But you're no older-”
“‘No older than you’ I know, I've heard it all before, lassie. It's complicated, alright?”
“And you said he's ruining things around the island? Why don't you just send your wife after him or go after him yourself?”
Pan huffed loudly and crossed his arms, looking back.
   “I could care less about him! I wasn't meant to be a father anyway, I don't have a wife!” He lashed out.
   “Woah...so you ‘one-night-standed’ her...that's cruel, man…” He gave you a sickening look, frustrated beyond words.
 “You better shut your trap in a matter of seconds.”
“You never answered my question about how you know my name.”
 He just stared at you, dumbfounded.
      “What are you doing?” you asked, noticing his dashing looks.
“I'm thinking about if I should leave you here or take you with me.”
 “Oh, that's cool.” You kind of hoped he'd take you with him, not caring where anymore or if he even told you. And even though he didn't show it, Peter wanted to take you too but he had to think about the consequences, but he did kind of like you…
       “Fine, you're coming with me.” He walked once more.
“I better not be your second one night stand.”
  “Never say that again.”
 “Got it.”
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imaginesoftheworld · 9 years
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Request: Can you write how reader is a Lydia's cousin. Lydia makes a party to wish her a luck in the new school. On the party she met Stiles and they have crush on each other. You're the best, xoxo
Warning: I can't write sarcasmmmm
“Lydia, you’re great. Thanks so much. You really didn’t have to do this but you went ahead and did it and I just want to say thanks ag-” You stopped yourself when you noticed Lydia winking at a guy across the backyard.
Long story short, Lydia had gone out of her way to make her cousin, you, a “Good Luck at your New School” party and you knew absolutely no one there so you just stood beside the strawberry blond. At first, she actually listened to you but after your 28th “Thank you,” she drifted.
“Listen, (y/n). This is a party, meet new people, make friends, get a boyfriend, do stuff. Nobody’s even gonna know who this party is for if you don’t meet anybody. So go.” She went ahead and shoved you into a trio group.
With a light blush, you looked at them apologetically, “I’m sorry. I’m (y/n), Lydia threw this party for me or maybe she just likes to throw parties and this was a good enough excuse so, anywho-”
“Lydia’s cousin! Wow! You look just like her!” A brunette looked at you in awe. “I’m Allison by the way, Lydia’s friend.” “I’m Scott, another friend of Lydia’s-” You really, from the bottom of your heart wanted to listen to these people but it kind of made you uncomfortable how the third of the group hadn’t stopped staring at you since you came, it was just a bit…weird.
“And I’m th- I’m Stiles- sorry, frog in my throat-ahh..that was lame…wait to go Stiles!…and I hate myself.” Stiles, apparently, rambled, he had finally taken his eyes off you, his ears clearly had intense blood rushing through them. “Nice to meet you, I’m (y/n),” You introduced while Allison and Stiles gave you their full attention but Scott only looked to Stiles with an amused open mouth and Stiles began biting his lip.
“Scott, stop looking at Allison. That’s weird.” He began. Scott arched a brow.
“No, I wasn’t looking at her. It’s just I noticed you get all flust-” “YEAH, Scott. I know what you’re saying, just don’t speak anymore.” Stiles boomed out.
You just stood there, wide eyed and watching the scene unfold.
“What’s happening?” You asked Allison.
“Uh…I think Stiles definitely likes you.” She replied slowly as Stiles finally finished attempting to hurt Scott, stumbling over.
“I’m sorry about that. I will leave immediately. Like right now.” He started to reverse his steps.
“Goodbye.” “I will see you later.” “Bon Voyage.” “See you tomorrow.”
You watched as he gave several variations of goodbyes while walking slowly back as if wanting something until he rushed back to you. “Are you sure you don’t want to give me something? Or ask me a certain question?” You put your lips together and slightly squinted. “I am pretty positive.” “Oh my gosh.” He sighed and walked away quickly, shoulders slumped. With a chuckle, you scribbled something on a random piece of paper in your pocket and jogged toward him.
“Here, call me sometime.” When you handed it to him, his mouth was so wide, it looked like you gave him a treasure chest or like it was something he worshipped. Either way, right at the moment when he was out of sight, you received 14 messages from, you were guessing, his number.
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imaginesoftheworld · 9 years
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Peter: You are quite a strategic fighter, (y/n). I like that.
(y/n): You are quite an idiot and I hate you.
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imaginesoftheworld · 9 years
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Isaac: She obviously doesn't like a weakling like you.
Stiles: Yeah and she likes the overly-aggressive Isaac.
Isaac: At least I'm not an annoying smart-aleck.
Stiles: Well, I think (y/n) prefers someone who can actually think in the first place.
(y/n): What is all this screaming about?
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imaginesoftheworld · 9 years
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(y/n): Hey, Allison. I was jus- Oh my gosh- eww!
Allison: Oh my gosh!
Scott: Uh...
(y/n): I'm gonna walk out and pretend this never happened...
Allison: That's great! Thank you!
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imaginesoftheworld · 9 years
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Isaac: “You don't go near (y/n) and we don't have a problem, alright?”
Liam: “Uhh...what?”
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imaginesoftheworld · 9 years
You've got a Crush~ (Stiles X Reader)
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Request: Can you make a story imagine where the Reader is Allison’s sister and she finds out Reader's crush is Stiles and helps her out with the crush? 
Warning: Spelling errors and my writing possibly scaring you away
“You've got a crush and I know it!”
“No, I don’t!” You sighed as you speed walked to your room as your sister, Allison trailed behind you, attempting to prove a superstition of hers.
   “Why would you start doing your hair and dressing nicer for school all of a sudden? It's not like you, (y/n).”
With an abrupt halt, you faced her.
“Maybe I just want a fresh start.” All she did was narrow her eyes and give you a look of ‘Really, (y/n). Really?’.
  “Okay, fine! Maybe I do! But it's just a crush, nothing else!”
“Who is it? Tell me.” She stepped closer.
“Allison! We have an emergency! Something’s happening with Derek and Isaac!” Scott and Stiles cut you off with loud stomps into the room, worry scarring their features.
“Tell me. (y/n), you stay behind, alri-...” She trailed off as she watched your flustered expression and wide eyes, glued to Stiles. “Nevermind! Come with us!”
 Allison pulled your arm and purposely pushed you into Stiles.
“(Y/N). YOU'RE COMING.” She signaled to Stiles with her eyes. You sighed for probably the 20th time in the day.
“Oh no…”
“(y/n), are you okay? You bumped into me pretty hard an-” Before Stiles could finish his sentence, you were shoved into him, lips connecting. And surprisingly, he kissed back. But, you swore it only lasted a second befor you were facing him awkwardly, his eyes wide.
      “That. That was... great.”
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imaginesoftheworld · 9 years
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(y/n): I'll be seeing you later, better get back to work...It was nice meeting you, Barry.
Iris: Oh my gosh! You like her!
Barry: Sh! Don't be so loud! And....no! I don't! Stop assuming things! 
Iris: I've known you for long enough to know that you're lying, Barry. Besides, why would you tell me to quiet down if you didn't like her? 
Barry: Because....okay, fine. I might have a slight crush...
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imaginesoftheworld · 9 years
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(y/n): “You going to Jackson's tonight?”
Lydia: “No, I would rather have a sleepover with you. Now, let's get the snacks and pillows and get this party started!”
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imaginesoftheworld · 9 years
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Emma: Are you serious, (y/n)? You can't like him. He's evil!
(y/n): ...yeah...I'm still in love with him though...
Henry: I guess this opens the slot of favorite child for me, right, mom?
Emma: Henry.
Henry: Okay, I'll be quiet...
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imaginesoftheworld · 9 years
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(y/n): That's how you solve it...for the thirteenth time... 
Isaac: Can you explain that again? I got lost.
(y/n): ...Isaac? PLEASE get. A. Tutor!
Isaac: Nevermind! I get it! 
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imaginesoftheworld · 9 years
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(y/n): "Hey, Oliver, you're alive. It's great to have you back!" 
Oliver: "Yeah I'm surprised you and Thea are are still close. That great." 
Thea: "We're best friends, Olly. And have been since forever- kindergarten, to be exact- of course we're still close." 
 I honestly loved weak Thea
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imaginesoftheworld · 9 years
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(y/n): Isn't this fun?!
Stiles: Falling every three seconds isn't exactly what I call fun!
Thomas: Blame your poor athleticism for that!
Stuart: Can we leave already, (y/n)? I'm bored over here on the bench!
(y/n): You guys are embarrassing...
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imaginesoftheworld · 9 years
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(y/n): “We can't just leave Neverland!...There has to be something we have to do here!”
Regina: “We can leave if we want to, we have the power to.”
Henry: “I know, (y/n). Two weeks ago, you would have begged for a ticket out of here and now you're against it, why?”
(y/n): “...because!...”
Emma: “..Oh my gosh. Is this about that little crush you have on that little wannabe, Peter?
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imaginesoftheworld · 9 years
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(y/n): I'll be going home now, it's late.
Thomas: No! It's raining hard and there's lightning!
Stiles: Yeah, just stay here for the night.
(y/n): I don't think that's necessary. 
Stuart: I already texted your parents that you're staying the night with us.
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imaginesoftheworld · 9 years
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Scott: I don't think I can do this anymore...I can't be the hero I've made people think I am.
(y/n): Scott, you're one of the strongest people I've met in my entire life. This whole wherewolf-coyote, banshee, Kanima- thing, you've endured it and you've saved so much people too. Anyone else wouldn't be able to bare the burden. People think you're a hero because your are the hero. So keep going.
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