immnemosine · 3 years
Dialogue Prompt #25
  “Where’s him?”
  “We don’t know, why do you need to know?”
  “He left his work behind! He can’t just walk away whenever he wants to when he still has work to do.”
  “Oh, you mean your paperwork? You can do that yourselves, you have hands and you know how to read and write. The forms aren’t so hard you can’t fill them in.” 
  “But it’s his - ...”
  “It’s your work and you will be not throwing it at him anymore! You will be not making himself work to exhaustion because you don’t want to fill in some papers!” 
  “But we - ...”
  “Leave. Leave before we come crashing against you and you have to pick the crumbs without our family’s help. Leave before we kill you. None of us will be filling in your papers, do it yourselves.”
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immnemosine · 3 years
Writing Prompt #9
  People liked to talk, that you already knew, especially in small cities. But you always dismissed that as not having what to do in their hands and brushed everything they threw at you off. You had too many responsibilities to care for whatever they liked to do. If they said you had no heart, so what? The little boy with green hair said that you had the brightest heart he had ever seen. If they said that you didn’t cared for what they passed through, why would that be your problem? The court living on your forest thought otherwise. 
  People liked to talk, that you already knew, but they were human and you couldn’t expect less than that. You had already lived for too long to care for that. 
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immnemosine · 3 years
Drabble Prompt #19
  The girl shrugged, pulling her knees against her chest and smiling weakly at him. “I loved her, you know? I really did.” 
  “But you let go of her? If you loved her, why let go of her?” The man said, furrowing his eyebrows as the girl shrugged again.
  “Easier that way. Easier to let people think that she was too much of a hassle for me, that I didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore than to let them know that I was hurt. To let them treat me because I was made of glass and crystal.” Her eyes focused on the other wall, directly on a picture of her and another girl. They were smiling with the other girl on her arms while she pulled her from her feet, lifting her in the air. They were happy, they really were and she didn’t want to let go of her girlfriend, but she wasn’t going to chain her down to her when their interests didn’t meet anymore. “Easier to let them think that I didn’t love her anymore.”
  “But you did? You loved her? You still love her?” The man asked, turning to her with eager eyes and lifted eyebrows, determination written all over his face. 
  “I liked her company and her laugh, I miss our talks and jokes. But I don’t think I have the time to keep digging this up when life is still going out there.” She shrugged again, putting her feet to the ground and getting up. By the look on his face, she already knew what he was going to say next and, seriously, she was tired of it.
  “Then you didn’t love her. If you did - ....”
  “I would have cried my eyes out? Please, I didn’t cried when Granny died. Why would I cry because of a break-up?” With that she left, ignoring the man calling after her and telling her to come back, because it was easier that way. It was always easier that way. 
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immnemosine · 3 years
Writing Prompt #8
  There had been a princess once, one that couldn’t be tamed nor put on dress for long. People said that she was cursed by a witch to be as savage as the animals on the earth and as wild as the woods in her kingdom, always destined to be these fierce and unlovable thing. People said that only a brave, brave prince could be the true love of the princess and break the curse that the witch bestowed over her. 
  There had been a princess once, one that had a chain around her neck and cuffs on her wrist to hold her back from running on the fields of her father’s kingdom. People said that she was cursed by a witch be savage and wild, always destined to be these fierce and unlovable thing. People said that only a brave, brave prince could be her true love and break the curse that the witch put on her. 
  But, oh, the people didn’t knew that there was no curse on the princess and that no witch had ever touched her with their magical fingers. The people didn’t know that she despised the day that a horrible, horrible prince would marry her and try to force her to be his true love. And the people didn’t know that far, far away from the kingdom, in a dark and savage forest lived a witch as dark and savage as the grounds that surrounded her, waiting and preparing for the day that she could finally put her fingers around the captive princess and take her away from there. 
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immnemosine · 3 years
Three Things Prompts #10
A waiting son, a pissed god and vengeful spirit 
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immnemosine · 3 years
Dialogue Prompt #24
Person A: "So, you created a world."
Person B: "I did."
Person A: "And, aparently, it became reality."
Person B: "It did."
Person A: "Ookay, I see. But what about that hole in the air?"
Person B: "Oh, I don't know about that. I thought you did."
Person A, starting to panic: "I just woke up! How the hell would I know about the hole? How the hell do you think I am so chill?"
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immnemosine · 3 years
Image Prompt #4
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Source: Pinterest, but if you know the artist, please, tell me.
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immnemosine · 3 years
Dialogue Prompt #23
Person A, looking unimpressed: "You really do think you scare me? Boy, my papa could be Batman and kill the Joker. You are nothing compared to him."
Person B: "If your papa is Batman, I am the Superman."
Person A: "And if I remember correctly, Batman fucks Superman just like big fucks small. And you, kind sir, is a small as an insect."
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immnemosine · 3 years
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immnemosine · 3 years
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Video of Tama
Follow Ultrafacts for more facts
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immnemosine · 3 years
Image Prompt #5
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Source: Pinterest. If you know the artist, please tell me so I can credit them.
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immnemosine · 3 years
Three Things Prompts #9
A handkerchief, a lost key and a secret
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immnemosine · 3 years
Dialogue Prompt #22
Person A: "The world is beautiful in it's own ugly way."
Person B: "Only you thinks that."
Person A: "Maybe, but there's some kind of beauty in the way that a corpse rotten to give place to flowers and life."
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immnemosine · 3 years
Image Prompt #4
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Source: Arthur de Pins
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immnemosine · 3 years
Three Things Prompt #8
An old notebook, a handwritten letter and a new age.
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immnemosine · 3 years
Three Things Prompt #7
A corpse full of flowers, a broken heart and a box full of lies.
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immnemosine · 3 years
Dialogue Prompt #21
Person A: Why is everyone treating me like I am made of porcelain?
Person B: Because you broke up with a long term partner.
Person A: And? It isn't that sad or heartbreaking.
Person B: For you. For them, you should be devastated and heartbroken, crying and whishing for them back because that's what they do. That's what all the humans do.
Person A: Good thing you didn't raised me to be human, then.
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