imnotgoodatnamesokay ¡ 3 days
I've said it before but for newcomers, I will say it again. I fully stand with Palestine and Palestinians. If you're neutral, or you don't care, or you support Israel or you're "free everyone", unfollow me right now. This is not a political topic. Tons of innocent people dying is not a political topic.
Everyone's always saying that they're for making a change but I don't see any change in an account that doesn't stand for humanitarian crisis. Swifties, I'm sorry but y'all post millions of things about Taylor Swift's albums and various tours but can't be bothered to reblog posts about people dying.
1000 is a big number and we know that. Now imagine, 36050+ people dead, 15000+ are children, 80,643 injured, and 10,000 missing.
We all know what to do when genocides happen, it's in the history books. This is going to make it in history books. Stop being ignorant.
Free Palestine and all eyes on Rafah.
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imnotgoodatnamesokay ¡ 1 month
I wrote a fic about this
Really sad idea:
Max gets a cut, not too deep, but painful and bleeding profusely, and rather than waiting for an adult he just mutters “god damn it,” while he starts cleaning/patching himself up (because he usually has to do it himself at home.) Neil watches in horror as Nikki runs off to get David, and by the time they get back, Max has already dealt with it, and can’t understand why in the world David is crying as he replaces his perfectly good bandage (made with paper towels and masking tape,) with a clean bandaid.
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imnotgoodatnamesokay ¡ 2 months
🟢 You are still a writer even when you haven't written in a while.
🟢 You are still a writer even when you feel like you aren't writing enough.
🟢 You are still a writer when you feel like your work isn't good.
🟢 You are still a writer when other people don't like your work.
🟢 You are still a writer when you aren't published.
🟢 You are still a writer when you only have works in progress.
🟢 You are still a writer if all you write is fanfiction.
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imnotgoodatnamesokay ¡ 3 months
“self immolation as a form of extreme political protest has a long history all over the world, and aaron bushnell’s death should not be discussed solely as a suicide”
“people who are already hurting and vulnerable can do more to help while they are still alive than they could in death, and should not repeat aaron bushnell’s actions”
are statements that can and must coexist, actually.
he felt that he was complicit in genocide as an active duty us service member, and, to an extent, he was. but also as an active duty service member, he was legally not allowed to quit his job as a member of the military.
his final act was to take drastic measures to draw attention to a genocide that many people in this country are turning a blind eye towards, and i commend him for his sacrifice. it should be honored and remembered.
that doesn’t mean i want anyone to feel that they should follow in his footsteps.
he should not have been made, by nature of his employment, to feel that he was complicit in genocide, because those in power should not be funding and supporting it in the first place. but they are doing so, and he made it clear that did feel that way. we can’t change that. that doesn’t give us the right to dismiss and ignore his actions.
“this [genocide] is what our ruling class has decided is normal.” and it shouldn’t be.
keep bushnell’s message in mind as you organize. protest, fundraise, call your representatives. these are actions that have a tangible effect. and they do far more to help than dying.
but i’m not going to condemn him, just as i’m not going to condemn the likes of thích quảng đức. i’m not going to say that his death was worthless, because it brought undeniable attention to the matter at hand, despite attempts by american media to gloss over why he did what he did.
i understand where people are coming from — self immolation is a deeply disturbing thing to witness, even blurred. i was very deeply affected by the video. but that’s exactly why he did it; to get through to people that this matters.
i don’t want anyone else to die, either. but remembering aaron bushnell and what he died for is not synonymous with encouraging suicide.
his last words were “free palestine” and, as people living in countries that are funding extermination, it is our job to carry on that cry until palestine is free.
that means living to see it through. ensure that he did not die in vain.
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imnotgoodatnamesokay ¡ 3 months
Hi! I just wanted to say how lovely and interesting you make your platonic radiostatic :)) I saw your stuff on TikTok and I’m loving seeing it here as well!
I see so much one-sided or romantic radiostatic, and while I love it all, this is by far my personal favorite depiction of their relationship. Your art makes them look like such cuties even while they’re two of the scariest demons in hell <3 my personal fav so far is Al laying with Vox while he recharges it’s just so cute!!!
If you don’t mind me poking your brain of it I’d love to hear more about your AU and headcannons! If you want to bounce off of something specific then I’d love to hear how the residents of the hotel think of Alastor and Vox and if they clump them together or think of them differently.
In any case I adore your art and hope to see more of it no matter the fandom!
I'm really glad you like it!!! I didn't expect it to get this reception at all as I was planning on it being something more along the lines of "Comfort" after seeing so much Angst content, so I'm genuinely glad so many people liked it!<33
As much as I like the ship I wasn't entirely sold on seeing it in a romantic or suggestive context; I rlly love that Alastor is respected as an individual Aroace (as a fellow Aroace lol) so seeing him in contexts of that sort were a bit ... demotivating??? So I wanted to create this Au of them being typical husbands but on a platonic way.
The residents of the hotel definitely have different opinions. On one side is Charlie who sees this as a great miracle, the two great entertainment representatives from hell, giving her hotel a chance! Especially when her relationship dances very well between the two of them; with Alastor there is "the voice of reason", the one who offers a solution and listens patiently and undaunted to whatever news she gives him, where she knows she will find an answer as Alastor chooses the pen over the sword; while with Vox there is the chaotic, where the sword is above the pen. He vocifies his opinions tactlessly and offers the less gentle, quicker and more effective ways. In him Charlie finds far more vivid emotions than Alastor would be willing to unveil.
Then there is Vaggie who is of course the most informed about these two and her concern is very much on the edge as she knows that the Media Demons are a couple that absolutely no one knows anything about beyond the false image they paint in their shows and the imminent danger these two represent.
Angel, Pentius and Cherry don't really have a strong opinion about them as they pass over or ignore them. Nifty is already more than familiar with both of them.
Husk (his relationship with Alastor is considerably "better", even though Al still owns his soul, than it is in canon as Alastor still owning his soul and having a faithful and warm companion with him for years, his personality is arguably somewhat more relaxed and patient than the original), like Nifty is already familiar with them so he doesn't give the matter much thought.
And Lucifer ofc is terrified that it's not just one but two Overlords who apparently want to steal his daughter.
I still have a lot of polishing to do on this Au as it's new but I want to slowly build it here as people can offer different points of view that can be explored (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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imnotgoodatnamesokay ¡ 3 months
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felt cute today might delete later (more animation practice) I WANT TO ANIMATE THEM DANCING SO BADLY
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imnotgoodatnamesokay ¡ 4 months
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Remembered I never posted this here
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imnotgoodatnamesokay ¡ 4 months
Kind of an odd request maybe? I was wondering there are any fics out there where someone makes a negative comment or look about Aziraphales body/image but he's totally confident in himself and happy with how he looks so it doesn't even bother him? Or something similar?
Not an odd request, a great request! Here are just a couple of fics focusing on various kinds of body positivity...
Correct On The Third Point by ineffablefool (G)
“That last customer was simply the worst.” Aziraphale rolled his eyes, pudgy hands coming up to straighten his bow tie the way that meant he was settling in for a nice long complain. “They tried to buy something, wouldn’t listen to reason, then dared try to insult my shop, my intelligence, my appearance, and my sense of fashion!”
“If it was the tartan, I’ve got to admit they might have a point there.”
(A customer tries to insult Aziraphale, but does a terrible job of it. Cuddles ensue (not with the customer).)
I Want It, For You to See Me by cheerios_and_wine (M)
Aziraphale tries a packer for the first time. He's a bit nervous about how Crowley might react to to this change. Of course Crowley lets him know there's nothing to worry about.
Courage by IneffableMarten (T)
Standing up to your identity is a statement of courage.
don’t need a crown to know that I'm a queen by pearwaldorf (E)
“You’re beautiful, angel; the most gorgeous thing I’ve seen in all of Creation, and those knobs would be fortunate to lick your shoes. I just wanted to make sure you knew that.”
“Oh, my dearest.” He brushes a kiss to Crowley’s knuckles, running his thumb over them. “You are so very sweet to me, and I appreciate the compliment. But I assure you, my self-esteem remains unmoved in either direction by those louts’ words.”
“Glad to hear it.”
Aziraphale gets an idea and stands up, tugging at Crowley’s hand. “Come upstairs, darling.”
Can our followers drop some more body confident fics in the comments? There always needs to be more!
- Mod D
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imnotgoodatnamesokay ¡ 5 months
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I don't get this but 100!
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imnotgoodatnamesokay ¡ 5 months
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5 posts! Yay!
Sooo yeah, 5 posts.
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imnotgoodatnamesokay ¡ 5 months
Multi-Fandom events masterlist
A while back I was a little obsessed with trying to find all active bingo/writing events/fest going on and it took me ages to find some. So here is an list of all writing/multi fandom events that are currently active. Most of them are pertained towards writers but a lot of them are multi-media. Please read the navigation pages on all these for fine details, I am not affiliated with any of these events just someone collecting them in one masterlist for easier navigation and to promote all these lovely events. If there are others I am missing please tell me, or if there are users who host annual events for general fandom prompts I would love to include those as well 😊.
Desclaimer: Due to Tumblr being Tumblr some of the events are getting untagged. I’ve put the direct links to each one, but if any others come untagged please let me know, thank you!
*All 18+ events have been marked*
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imnotgoodatnamesokay ¡ 5 months
My therapist just told me my problem is that I need to write more fanfiction.
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imnotgoodatnamesokay ¡ 5 months
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My first meme, probably very bad
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imnotgoodatnamesokay ¡ 6 months
I mean I don't think it's dying, but still *reblog*
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imnotgoodatnamesokay ¡ 6 months
So basically someone that wrote a fic I really liked commented "❤️" on one of my fics and I said "wow, im I'm a big fan of your work" and then they said (imstillsoemotionalaboutitalmostaweeklater) "omg, you literally inspired my fic by writing this series. Tysm ❤️"
I'm so excited to say that this is a thing that has happened to me and I can't even describe how much of an honor it is to hear from someone who has read my stuff, seen the series, and enjoyed it so much that it's influenced them in a real way to make a story of their own.
I am not exaggerating when I say that I had literally cried. I was just so happy.
I am STILL so so happy, actually.
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