importantstuf11 · 1 year
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importantstuf11 · 2 years
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Yeah Republicans came up with this idea in response to the “stolen” election from 2020, You know — “The Big Lie” that has literally no evidence behind it and which ahs been laughed out of every court in the nation for not having a single basis in reality?
They claimed that this plan would help them “prevent another stolen election.” But of course, the election was never stolen. What they mean is that they will use this to prevent ever losing an election.
We already know that most of the conservative justices on the court have spoken or written in favor of ISLT. The only one who hasn’t already established her opinion of this on the record is Amy Coney Barrett, and she’s more than extreme enough for most people to assume she’s in favor. In other words: This is basically a done deal. The decision of the court is plainly obvious, and it will signal the end of America as a democracy forever.
…unless someone can do something to stop them/change the makeup of the court before the decision comes down, of course.
Biden either needs to pack the court ASAP, or make certain multiple sitting judges are prosecuted/impeached.
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importantstuf11 · 2 years
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importantstuf11 · 2 years
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importantstuf11 · 3 years
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importantstuf11 · 3 years
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importantstuf11 · 3 years
Portion of Texas border where thousands of migrants crossed to reopen | TheHill
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importantstuf11 · 3 years
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alright i promised to share info about the upcoming iatse strike, but i’m tired so here is someone else’s graphic…
Insta accounts to follow for more info:
@iatse @iatselocal44 @ia_stories @iasolidarity
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importantstuf11 · 3 years
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importantstuf11 · 3 years
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importantstuf11 · 3 years
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importantstuf11 · 3 years
Extremely bad news in terms of staying alive.
I’m a disabled trans woman who has been internationally displaced since 2017, and surviving via ebegging since 2014, and who recently came to Turkey hoping to acquire residence status and seek medical treatment for early childhood brain injuries and get back on HRT.
Tumblr has frozen the DMs of my main, @hollysummit, while in the middle of a fundraiser in which I hoped to gain the money to acquire a residence permit. I made this alt, but DMs aren’t working well on it, either. I’m currently in panic mode.
I am severely disabled, I have no employment history, and no formal education. This is my only source of income. Without it, I will actually die.
I am desperately asking people to donate to my ko-fi.
Please circulate this as well.
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importantstuf11 · 3 years
here is a carrd for BLM 
here is a carrd for the crisis happening right now in Yemen
here is a carrd for Hong Kong
here is a carrd for Palestine.
here is a carrd for trans rights 
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importantstuf11 · 3 years
I will literally block everybody that starts using Tumblr Post+ and encourage everybody else to do the same.
I will literally make the concept burn to the ground. If you want to sell your content, please please do it somewhere that can do so without exploiting you. Tumblr literally doesn't even have a functioning search bar yet. Do not trust them to handle this safely or securely. Moreover, this website is a social leveller. Subscriptions on a free website goes against everything net neutrality fights to remove.
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importantstuf11 · 3 years
ageism is like. an extremely important issue even when it doesn't yet apply to you. ageism (in the original sense of the word meaning discrimination against the elderly) is a really important intersection with ableism (and with misogyny, with classism, with homophobia, with racism...)
talk honestly with almost anyone over the age of 60 and I guarantee you they will have experienced some degree of dehumanisation, degendering, workplace discrimination, housing discrimination, financial discrimination, medical abuse and/or just general condescension and dismissive treatment on the basis of their age.
older people are treated like children or like lesser humans, like they're incapable of comprehension or critical thought. they are repeatedly and constantly treated as disposable or as burdensome, and even if they've got 30 or 40 years of life left they're often treated as if they're just waiting to die. they're not thought worth giving long term treatment for stuff like mental health problems, and issues like chronic pain and dissociative mental health issues are treated as an inevitability of age even when they're lifelong problems. women particularly are often both desexualised and degendered post-menopause. older people are continuously ignored and exploited and not treated as equal participants in conversations about them, and people choose to treat them as if they were incapable of learning, teaching and growth.
age is not a constant progression to power and privilege. age is also intimately tied up in ableism both around mental and physical health - most people as they get older develop disabilities and health issues, with the probability of disability doubling between 60 and 80 years old. lifelong health conditions are often ignored and underplayed. older people are often put to the back of the line for treatments and transplants. the struggle of old age often centres on having to Prove You're Not Useless Yet - having to constantly demonstrate physical health and total lucidity to have even a hope of being treated like an actual person. sounds familiar?
if you care about ableism you need to care about ageism, and not as it applies to you now as a teenager or a Fandom Mom but as it will apply to you in 30 or 40 years. as it applies to hundreds of millions of people now. because the treatment of elderly people in our current society is fucking appalling.
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importantstuf11 · 3 years
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Isra/el is the only country in the world to prosecute children in military courts.
From the moment of arrest, Pale/stinian children encounter ill-treatment and torture at the hands of Isra/eli forces. Three out of four experience physical violence during arrest or interrogation. Sexual assault is also used in order to force confessions from children. Children are often threatened with sexual assault against them or a family member.
Around 700 children are detained, tortured, and prosecuted each year.
Resources for how to help and stay informed with the No Way to Treat a Child campaign.
Resources for B/DS
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importantstuf11 · 3 years
some things that have happened since you stopped hearing about p/alestine after the “ceasefire” was declared
1,000+ palestinians were arrested in a mass-arrest campaign designed to, and i quote, “instill fear” - including children
al-aqsa mosque and worshippers were attacked and beaten
literal children, not even teens, children, were arrested and tried in a military court (this is not new, thousands of children have faced this terrorization over the years. Isr@el is the only country in the world that tries children in military courts. 500-700 children are prosecuted each year.)
a soldier deliberately ran over a child on a bike for having a pales/tinian flag on his bike. an adult man ran over a child with his car. on purpose. the child is 12. read that again.
sheikh jarrah was blockaded, illegally
whatsapp blocked the accounts of over 100 pal/estinian journalists
silwan, another pal/estinian neighborhood like sheikh j/arrah, is being violently ethnically cleansed to make way for more settlers
Isr@el has forced social media sites to censor the hashtags “free pal/estine” and “save sheikh ja/rrah” many posts and accounts have been deleted
25 pales/tinians have been murdered by the ID/F and settlers
in Jaffa, 300 arab families are under force expulsion orders to make way for more settlers. 300 families.
suicide rates in g/aza have risen to an all-time high due to PTSD and hopelessness
Pales/tinians in G/aza still do not have access to safe drinking water, electricity, medical care, and nutrition. families are still being displaced from their homes by settler colonialism. There is still an inability to mobilize freely, pursue a career, seek an education, or gain access to decent healthcare or mental health resources. The occupation, genocide, and ethnic cleansing continues whether you see on your feed or not.
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