#incorrect hiveswap quotes
incorrect-hs-quotes · 6 months
Rose: This character would never realistically fight in that outfit. However, tiddies hot…
Kanaya: Gender Non Conforming Women As Villains Are Queercoding And Teaching Us That Being A Lesbian/WLW/GNC Woman Is Bad. But, Please Step On Me Hot Evil Lady.
Vriska: “D—>STRONG female characters” that only have the personality tr8 of fighting are just as dum8 and one-dimensional as damsel archetypes! On the other hand, girl with sword hhhhrhrhrhhrhrrrrrrggfrgrgrgf gay.
Joey: never thought i would see my daily struggle summed up like this, but here we are.
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Tagora: boss
Tagora: bosy
Tagora: bost
Tyzias: You can do it
Tagora: bou
Tagora: penis
Tyzias: My expectations were too high
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selenesaysstuff · 2 years
chixie: haters mad because / i want to help / and not live my life / under a rock
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hivequest · 8 months
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Tyzias is about to invent paletonic marriage on Alternia
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[image descriptions part 1:
ID 1: Skylla is sulking in a jail cell, saying, "one time I dreamt I got sent to death row because I had a countryish mullet instead of a gay alt one".
ID 2: Tyzias confides in Stelsa, "one time I dreamt a law was passed that made it illegal to say 'I'm gayer' when someone came out"
ID 3: Dave says, "one time I dreamt I met the patron saint of the gays". Nepeta does a cute pose. he continues, "she looked a bit like the Cheshire cat, but with green, red, and yellow stripes." Nepeta, now with stripes, does a threatening pose. "she could shapeshift into a human," he says as she transforms into Jade.
ID 4: Elwurd says, "one time I dreamt me and my entire class full of girls had to prepare and present an assembly to the school about Women's day". in her flashback, Bronya and Kanaya are with her in the library. she continues, "each person had to say what women are, i.e. powerful, strong, independent," while Chixie is shown at the microphone. Elwurd goes to the mic and narrates, " when it was my turn I said, 'women are gay,' and walked away for the next person to get to the mic". Kanaya says, "I mean you're not wrong". / end of IDs part one.
text source: one-time-I-dreamt on tumblr]
part two will be in the reblog!
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incorrectringsofpower · 5 months
Galadriel, to Halbrand: Bleeding out all by yourself, handsome?
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incorrect-supernoobs · 9 months
Wow I really thought I'd be dead by now
- The Roach
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Hetalia: Homestuck I need a favor-
Homestuck: I'm not giving you a lap dance again.
Hiveswap: lap dance???
Intermission: ♧♧ again?? ♧♧
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Tyzias: tagora wwwwhat is it liking mmmmen
Tyzias: be quick
Tyzias: this is really urgent
Tagora: It's work, let me tell you. *____
Galekh: So this is why you don't like me? ¹
1. I can't say I expected anything less.
Tagora: Oh, shut up. *____
Tyzias: awwww wwwwowwww you twwwwo are so cute et cetera et cetera
Tyzias: just give mmmme an answwwwer already
Tyzias: the alien said they found a cute guy on the street and i have no idea howwww to relate
Tyzias: it's mmmmaking mmmmy anxiety flare up
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(i wwasnt sure if you wwanted me to make this into a panel format or not, so here you go! also 10/10 vvery accurate)
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The friendsim trolls are back with a brand new episode of Incorrect Hiveswap!! This time, featuring their shiny new @friendsim2 character designs!
quotes by @incorrect-hiveswap-quotes
ft @transkanayamaryam, @kansasjustgotgayer, and @capitainjoe (twt)
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 months
Joey: What would I even do with a gun, anyway?
Pa: Shoot people, I presume.
Joey: You WANT me to go out and shoot people?
Pa: Well, no, of course I don’t want you to shoot people. But let’s face it, the Glock nine is neither a hunting rifle nor a Swiss army knife. It’s really only useful for three things; shooting people, shooting paper targets to prepare for shooting people, and ensuring your own safety… by threatening to shoot people.
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zeemczed · 1 year
On Pesterquest, The Aftermath of The Homestuck Epilogues, and Why Homestuck Appeals To Us Still.
It's 1 AM, I'm exhausted and can't sleep, and I'm gonna bullshit a little. Ramble incoming, please read past the break if you still care about Homestuck, ignore if you don't, yadda yadda yadda.
Homestuck started out intriguing, it got better, it got wilder, and then it just kinda... broke under its own weight. And that was deliberate. Hussie delighted in this. The entire theme of the work in the end was breaking. Breaking the 4th wall. Breaking the premises. Breaking character arcs. Showing how stories break characters just by containing said characters.
Then came the Epilogues, and the Huss tried to break us. The fandom itself.
And... by all accounts... shit didn't work. We saw his clumsy attempt at satirizing the very nature of the fandom that we'd created (we, not he, as fandom is always the work of the fans, not the original creator of the work) and kind of collectively flipped him off.
Because we're Homestucks. We're already self-effacing to a ridiculous degree, but we know what works underneath us, we know what works underneath the plot, we know why we're here, and it's not for Hussie's masturbatory themes.
It was the worldbuilding and the characters.
That was it. The plot became negligible, because the creator didn't treat the plot with respect. We were just there for the character development, and when that went south (particularly in the Epilogues), we collectively said screw that, we're doing it our way. We wrote our own stories, our own epilogues, our own fanventures and AUs and fucking everything else imaginable.
Now, what does that sound like?
The ending of Pesterquest.
We're locking away OUR collective versions of the main cast, so they can be happy, or whole, or at least logically consistent, or at least not running in the opposite direction of the character development that everything SCREAMS they should have (looking at you, Jane).
With that in mind, in 2023, what is Homestuck now?
What do we treat it as?
Commedia dell'arte.
It's a group of strong characters that can be put into almost any story. A nigh-universal cast, diverse and interesting, with built-in relationships and chemistry that can be savored or jettisoned as the plot requires.
But that's the kicker.
We have plots we care about.
And thus, we have transcended the original work. And with it we have helped the characters ascend. We have protected and guarded them, and they will not be remembered as characters from a webcomic that "used to be good".
Keep writing, Homestucks. Keep drawing. Keep spitting out incorrect quotes (which might as well be fucking correct at this point), scribbly comics, podfics, and fanventures that eclipse the original in all but word count.
Because, by all accounts, we're winning.
(Disclaimer: Yes, this includes the crew that are working on Hiveswap; it's pretty obvious they still Care About This Shit, and it doesn't share Huss' incredibly nihilistic late-game BS. I am including every HS creator EXCEPT The Waste of Space in here.)
That is all.
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andersouppp · 2 years
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hivequest · 8 months
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somnambulant-snowball · 9 months
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[image description: Marsti is in a cafe with Chixie, who is holding a drink and looking burnt-out. Marsti proposes, "the purge but instead of killing for 24 hours, we get talk to customers the way they talk to us". they both grin. / end ID.]
mwaahaha they won't know what 'em!
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ball-lightning · 2 years
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I posted 51,295 times in 2022
That's 15,794 more posts than 2021!
15 posts created (0%)
51,280 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 118 of my posts in 2022
#probably not that good given that the two people before me are at .11% and like .25% but still - 2 posts
#this wasn't that hard a test - 2 posts
#i am in love - 2 posts
#asks - 2 posts
#my beloved mutual is back <3 - 1 post
#usa and the washer and dryer stay in the washing room as they should?? - 1 post
#i cancel you for your icon just being shades of blue - 1 post
#tbh this was lisa the second she met taylor. - 1 post
#i dont know *why* since team plasma is objectively just. wrong. but we did it anyway! - 1 post
#i don't think she had any delusions about fixing our bug girl she just wanted to come along for the ride - 1 post
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#but seriously thanks! i like the feeling that i ranked high enough in someone's day-to-day for them to spend a few minutes making an edit
My Top Posts in 2022:
homestuck for the blorbo post
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Dirk Strider the beloathed <3
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): John Egbert (John has TWO hands <3)
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Roxy Lalonde
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Kankri or Cronus
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Gamzee
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Andrew Hussie
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Doc Scratch
1 note - Posted February 11, 2022
Sometimes self-care is just going through the incorrect homestuck quotes and mass reblogging them, sorry-not-sorry to all my followers
2 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
Three Facts Tag!
Tagged by @cymatile
Rules: post 3 random facts about yourself (or your book/OCs) & tag the last 7 blogs in your notifications.
I have very little idea what I'm going to write when I start writing, I just look at vague plot points and try to connect the dots.
I've had eye surgery!
I have no idea how I'm churning out 3k words a day.
@friendofthecrows @the-king-of-lemons @catgirlcthulhu @torrentialslide @harcodia @flipface4 @aroaceroxylalonde @greethree
3 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
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origin story?
Please do not sacrifice me, you definitely gain no bonuses or advantages to sacrificing me.
I am very frightening though, yes.
3 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
We should start combining all our recent memes into newer, more incomprehensible ones
"No little german boy don't bust it down quirked-up style!
Oh mein gott I am getting all ze bitches!"
Etc. Etc. Someone funnier than me please add on
6 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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