*watching tv together*
Capable: If you had to choose, like, absolutely had to choose, would it be Munsters or Addams Family? Nux: Oh, gosh. Capable: Be careful with this choice. It could be a deal-breaker. Nux: I know. So this is the controversial decision. Capable: Oh, no. Nux: But The Munsters.
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Nux, to Capable: Slit has never yet accepted that we're just different war boys and we just want different things and different lives. I just want to grow old in a little cottage with aqua cola and my spiders and a dog- not a stuffed one. And I just, I don't know, I want to knit and read and watch reruns of The Munsters on TV.
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Is anyone interested in taking over this blog? I just haven’t had the time or energy to devote to it in a very long time and I don’t want to delete it.
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Dag: If I have a daughter, I’m gonna name her Dag 2: The Sequel.
Cheedo: You’re gonna be such a great mom.
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Capable: We’ve reached the end of Capable’s Dating Quiz! Max, on a scale from one to five, you scored a three. This limits your options to widows, lady plumbers, and convicts.
Max: I still consider this a victory.
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Angharad: I relate to Cinderella because she remains kind and brave under oppression.
Slit: I relate to Tinkerbell because she needs attention or she dies.
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Hi guys, I don't like to ask for help, but if you could donate even a little to my kofi I'd be incredibly grateful. The last past 3 years since I've been living on my own and dealing with the pandemic has taken a pretty big toll on my mental health which is why I've unfortunately neglected this blog. My adhd is much worse with forgetting and getting easily confused and I've developed anxiety. I planned to move out of this neighborhood to a much safer one and didn't realize my current lease isn't up till next spring. I don't know what to do unless I somehow find someone to move into my current home for me. Most of my and my fiancé's savings go towards my dental work (yay American healthcare).
I hate to beg, especially for something that is my own fault, but I'm trying not to panic and can't think of what else to do. Thank you for anything you feel like sending, or even sharing.
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Max: What are you doing?
Nux: I’m trying to give you a big ol’ hug!
Max: I thought you were attacking me.
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Nux, wearing sunglasses: So, I heard that you like bad boys.
Capable: Not really, no.
Nux, tossing them off: Oh, thank Valhalla.
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Immortan Joe: In a perfect world, there’d be no interest in fighting for sport and thus no profit in it. But this isn’t a perfect world, is it?
Furiosa: I don’t have three tits and my own helicopter, so no.
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Cheedo: Dear diary, today we’re sneaking out of the vault in Furiosa’s dangerous War Rig. Also if boys had uteruses they’d be called duderuses.
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Toast: What's up with Nux? He's been laying on the ground for like fifteen minutes.
Furiosa: He's just a little overwhelmed.
Toast: Why?
Furiosa: Capable smiled at him.
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Max: *breaks a store's window*
Max: Vandalism is wrong, Cheedo.
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If I ever meet Riley Keough, I’m going to ask her what Capable mouths to Nux before he flips the Rig. It’s been almost three years and I still haven’t been able to figure out what she’s saying. 
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Nux: Oh, I saw the whole thing, dude! First, you were like, whoa! And then we were like, WHOA! And then you were like, whoa...
Max: What are you talking about?
Nux: You, Blood Bag! Takin' on Rictus. You got serious thrill issues, dude.
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Cheedo: You believe me?
Dag: Cheedo, you’re the last good thing on this planet. I’d believe cartoon birds braided your hair this morning.
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Angharad: I think we’re missing something here.
Dag: Cohesion? Teamwork? A general sense of what we’re doing?
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