Gerard: Are you kidding me?
Frank: Oh, no!
Frank: I’m Frank-
Gerard: *heavy sigh*
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Mikey: Do you care if I take the skin off the furby? I want to make him a god. Once he is free from his sinful flesh he can begin the path towards enlightenment. He will take care of us.
Mikey: Also I want to softhack his circuits.
Ray: I could literally not care less but please don’t saying anything that frightening ever again.
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If a guy calls you ‘princess’ in a condescending manner, assert your newly appointed royal status and have him beheaded.
Gerard Way, probably
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Jet Star, looking through a first aid kit: Why did you fill it with Power Pup?
Fun Ghoul, bleeding out: I’d thought it’d be funny at the time.
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*police sirens in the distance*
Ray, who has never done anything criminal in his life: They’re coming for me
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Mikey: Gee, what do we do?
Gerard, screaming: I don’t know!
Mikey: But you’re the oldest!
Gerard, screaming even louder: NOT MENTALLY
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Fun Ghoul: The white masks can be pretty dangerous, so it’s important to take necessary precautions when approaching.
Party Posion, shooting with reckless abandon: GET FUCKED
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Frank: When you said you were “magic in bed” i didn’t think-
Gerard, holding up a card: Is this your card?
Frank, softly: holy shit
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Frank: Is it illegal to preform a autopsy on a living human?
Ray: are you HIGH?
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Korse: You ready to fucking die?!
Party Poison, at the top of his lungs: IM A BAD BITCH YOU CANT KILL ME
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Gerard: Oh, shoot.
Mikey: I know this is a tense situation, but let’s not use that fucking language.
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Ray: behave, you’re on speaker
Bob: Or what, you’ll spank me?
Ray, sighing: Get out of the fucking band
Gerard: Behave, you’re on speaker
Frank: or what? you’ll spank me?
Gerard: *hangs up*
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If a guy calls you ‘princess’ in a condescending manner, assert your newly appointed royal status and have him beheaded.
Gerard Way, probably
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Mikey: What’s your fear?
Frank: being alone
Mikey, pulling a tarantula out of a box: Guess again idiot
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Reblog this post if you want a terrible drawing based on the last post on your blog (other than this) in your inbox
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Ray: Please don’t make things worse.
Gerard: Define “worse”.
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Monster AU!
sorry i love monster aus
also i know that some of these are supposed to be women but,,, i had nothing else,,
Gerard Way: A Changeling. Changelings are known for their deceit and trickery, changing into their victim for many reasons ( To steal a baby and replace it with a sick child, to gain something from the victim, etc.). Although Gerard isn’t a great liar, he makes up for his anxious statue by observing his victims carefully. His regular form takes on the appearance of a man with short black hair, hazel eyes, and casual clothes. He’s caring, sweet, and kind, but he cannot put up a fight. In his spare time, he likes reading literature and sketching the scenes out.
Mikey Way: A Changeling. Unlike his brother, Mikey is a bold and confident Changeling. Able to lie at the drop of the hat, but can make rash decisions that seem out of character for his victim. He usually targets people with wealth. But although he is tough, Gerard, his older brother, takes him under his wing. He appears as a man with slicked back blonde hair, glasses, and band t-shirts.
Frank Iero: A Hu Hsien. These Chinese creatures have two forms- one, a fox, and the other, a beautiful human. They take delight in trickery, but unlike the Changeling, normally kill their victims after a long time of harmful pranks. Frank is not as swift on his feet as other Hu Hsiens are- but in his human form, he is among the fastest and the most flexible. His fox form is a orange and white fox, with hazel eyes. His human form is a man with short black hair, many tattoos, and gorgeous eyes. Being acquainted with the Dog family, he also has a Cwn Anwn- a hellhound- named Sweet Pea.
Raymond Toro: A Banshee. Banshees are spirits who literally scream at you when you’re close to death. Associated with witchcraft, Ray also has the personality of one who is associated with witchcraft. He loves gardening and creating new things. But don’t let his shy facade trick you- if you piss him off, he will end you. There is nothing really unique about his species, which makes him blend in, and he’s fine with that.
YES I’m gonna write more ( it would be cool if y’all can add on) so
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