If you are interested to get Yoga retreats or want to become a yoga teacher join our yoga school at Rishikesh ,India.
With an abundance of passion and dedication, we believe wholeheartedly in traditional teachings. Rishikesh Yog Dham is a World-renowned yoga school in Rishikesh having more than 1000+ students as 200, 300, and 500 hours of internationally registered yoga teachers since it was opening in 2013. We choose to never have more than 12 students max per course, in order to give each student the 1:1 time they need and deserve. Our intimate classes make the perfect setting for meeting life long friends and experiencing a rejuvenating physical, mental, and spiritual transformation of a lifetime.
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10 Ways Yoga Improves Health
It’s happy to share my experience of Id of scientific studies which I collected in India for the west to identify with all of you and it’s all about to how yoga can make a distance from disease and help you recover.
1. Improves your flexibility
It plays a main role in flexibility and gives good health benefits. But if you stay with it, you will notice a gradual loosening and eventually, seemingly impossible poses will be possible. You may also notice that the mother and mother begin to disappear. I. Tendon tightness can flatten the lumbar spine and caused the pain in the back..
2. Builds muscle strength
If muscles are good then they can do good more than they look like. Yoga helps us to protect from arthritis and back pain. From yoga, you can make the strength of the muscle as well as the flexibility. For example, if you go to the gym and lift the weight, it can only make your muscles strong but can’t give the facility to your muscle.
3. Perfects your posture
Our head is a big round ball and it is very heavy. When the head is balanced over the spine, it takes less support from the backbone. When we move it some forward all strain comes to those muscles.
Maintaining a big head tends forward for eight or 12 hours a day, and it can make you tired
. A weak posture can create the problems in the neck , back and other parts of the body.
4. Prevents cartilage and joint breakdown
Every time you practice yoga, your joints stay active. It only receives fresh food when the liquid is shrinking and new supplies can be absorbed. Without the adequate provision, the discoloured areas of cartilage can eventually wear off.
5. Protects your spine
Shock absorber between vertebrae that can compress or expand the nerves which are further called spinal disks and the process is called crave moment.  A good asana that will practise can plenty of forwarding bends and twists.
6. Betters your bone health
It is well documented that physical exercise strengthens bones and helps prevent fragility. Most of the yoga positions are used to lift your own weight. And some, like the bitch facing downward and facing upward, help to strengthen the arm bones, which are particularly susceptible to fragility fractures. Yoga's ability to reduce stress cortisol levels can help maintain calcium in the bones.
7. Increases your blood flow
It makes the blood good flow. Yoga also provides more oxygen to the cells, which work better as a result. Haemoglobin and red blood cells are also can increase by yoga. The blood that makes platelets less sticky and lowers the level of proteins that promote blood clotting.
8. Drains your lymphs and boosts immunity
By doing Yoga you can increase the immunity and the drains of lymphs. Immunity of the body plays a good role to make the body healthy so indirectly Yoga makes you healthy in the ways. By doing yoga a viscous liquid in immune cells.
9. Ups your heart rate
Although not all aerobic yoga, if you do it vigorously or take flow lessons or ashtanga, the heart rate in the aerobic range can be increased. Studies have found that practising yoga reduces resting heart rate, increases stamina and can maximize oxygen uptake during exercise, and all reactions improve air conditioning.
10. Drops your blood pressure
Anyone who is suffering from high blood pressure can get relief by doing yoga. Yoga is the best thing for the drop in blood pressure. If you do Savasana for some time like 2 or 3 months it can drop your BP to 15-25 points.
If you are interested to get Yoga retreats or want to become a yoga teacher join our yoga school at Rishikesh ,India.
you can also listen this or download in the form of sound .
With an abundance of passion and dedication, we believe wholeheartedly in traditional teachings. Rishikesh Yog Dham is a World-renowned yoga school in Rishikesh having more than 1000+ students as 200, 300, and 500 hours of internationally registered yoga teachers since it was opening in 2013. We choose to never have more than 12 students max per course, in order to give each student the 1:1 time they need and deserve. Our intimate classes make the perfect setting for meeting life long friends and experiencing a rejuvenating physical, mental, and spiritual transformation of a lifetime.
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How wellness retreats can improve your life
From healing therapies, counseling, mediation, delicious health needs, yoga and many more, retreats give a healthy substitute to a regular vacation break. They are unique in that they allow you to free yourself, match your body and mental happiness is reaching your natural rhythms on the way. While some reasons to retire are limitless, the six reasons to reflect that making a wellness retreat can improve your life:
It's time to reflect, renew and restore
In most cases, a retreat can be a life-changing moment, as it gives you time to reunite, get your life back on track, and even get clarity to create other meaningful verdicts in life. According to some research, regular vacation only leads to the short-term development of well-being. On the other hand, doing a yoga and meditation retreat after a week can improve metabolism for long-term help to wellness retreats.
Contact our representatives at our yoga school in Rishikesh and get the answers to all your questions related to Yoga and various courses offered at our center.
Away from home and the daily routine
Wellness retreats are generally placed in quiet places that are close to nature, offering the precise place and space to forget regarding the hastes of life and relax. If you are curious to search around and new trips, the program also provides cultures.
A shift towards a healthier and more conscious lifestyle
A general method for retreats, healthy meals, yoga and combination of healing therapies, meditation. A relaxing atmosphere that tends to change people towards a healthier and more conscious approach to life. After a wellness retreat, most participants tend to return to their hard and busy lives. A sense of regeneration, clarity and empowerment.
Nature allows you to relax
Human beings are part of natural environments and mostly depend on them for existence. In a rapidly changing atmosphere and with growing development, this need is a challenge. The natural atmosphere disturbs human well-being and well-being both indirectly and directly.
The environment provides opportunities for the recovery of stress and physical activity. One of the key benefits of going to a wellness retreat. It's that it gives you proximity to the environment. They allow you to reconnect with the corrective components of the situation.
Access to expert advice
Retreats generally include curative treatments, meditation, yoga or counseling sessions by experts. They help you find the balance and wisdom of happiness. These types of sessions are tailored to your needs, conditions to improve. But it also provides you with standard/easy-to-take-home practices and tools to mingle in your daily routine.
Disconnect to improve decision-making
In an age of social media, text messages, emails, we often find ourselves doing many things at once. Although this type of continuous multiple activity can harm people. A neuroscientist called Earl Miller at MIT is the constant external inspiration. Multitasking was set up to increase the production of the hormone cortisol strain. Even the adrenaline hormone of flight or struggle that overstimulates the human brain and damages a twisted thought or a mental fog.
Meditation, awareness is only the adversarial; it is the act of offering conscious time to your activities to make moral choices. A wellness retreat allows you to unlock, as well as practice awareness from yoga and meditation. Your choice to do construction skills will be improved.
With an abundance of passion and dedication, we believe wholeheartedly in traditional teachings. Rishikesh Yog Dham is a World-renowned yoga school in Rishikesh having more than 1000+ students as 200, 300, and 500 hours of internationally registered yoga teachers since it was opening in 2013.
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What Is a Yoga Diet?
Yoga diet is a suitable or balanced diet. Yogic states that the yoga diet is not tended by physical health but also emotions, thoughts and spiritual well-being. It is also recognized that this yoga diet plan is a vegetarian lac to plant. It consists of non-animal foods excluding honey and dairy products.
The Benefits of A Yoga Diet
The beginning of alkali: -
The ritual of drinking lemon water on an empty stomach reduces acids and a toxic diet. Also, lemon water is very alkaline, cleans and wakes up all tissues. A person can also improve their strength by adding rock salt.
Winter eating: -
There is no mention of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the yoga diet. Food is customized in four types of Rajask, Satvik, Tamasek. This diet is useful for mental clarity and basic physical health. The food is light, plant-based, highly environmentally friendly and alkali. Satfi food consists of green leaves, fresh fruit, cereals and nuts. Yogis follow Sattvic mode of eating only.
Of plant origin: -
Foods that provide emotional and physical strength are consumed too. Also, less important cooked food is provided as nutrients, fibers and enzymes are greatly damaged. A more important germination method is provided in the plan.
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Good fats: -
The yoga diet is incomplete without ghee, nuts, coconut oil or seeds. They create digestible, appetizing, and satisfying food. Also, they rebuild the mind. Good fat increases memory as well as neural conduction.
Principles of Yoga DietThe satvik yogurt diet should be: -
In the philosophy of Ayurvedic and Yogic, there are three main qualities for all the main things in nature such as raja, spicy, fast, hot, tama, slow, lousy, inert, and sativa, i.e. harmony and purity. These common qualities exist in all things in common, but to different degrees, making quality one major.
Yogurt diet should be vegetarian: -
A vegetarian yoga diet such as nuts, leafy vegetables, dairy products and high-protein legumes should be high-quality. Its common residue is inert cellulose and does not harm the body. It is easy to digest, used efficiently by the body.
Yogurt diet should be free of steroids and chemicals: -
Choose organically when you reach it, and avoid tobacco, caffeine, alcohol and the wrong sweeteners. These substances are not healthy and change the mind, having greater difficulty in focusing on the divine.
Yogurt diet should include fresh foods: -
If possible, always serve a new meal and avoid frozen, packed, prepared and remaining foods, while taking in the best fresh food.
The yoga diet should be at regular intervals, two hours before yoga practice in yoga: -
Avoiding food two hours before bed or exercise helps your body work at higher rates. Digestive energy should not be taken away from the goal of exercise. Ensuring a specific time for digestion before bedtime helps maintain clarity of mind
Foods to Eat When Dieting YogaThe following foods should be taken during a suitable yoga diet:
fruits, especially those that are certainly sweet
All vegetables except garlic and onions
Plant-oriented oils, such as sunflower, sesame and olive oil
seeds and nuts, but not salted and toaster
Natural, maple, raw sugar, molasses
Sweet spices, i.e. cardamom, cinnamon, mint, turmeric, basil, ginger, fennel and cumin.
Foods to Avoid When Dieting Yoga
The following foods are to avoid while eating a proper diet are:
Meat, fish and eggs
Processed foods, artificial sweeteners, fast food, soda
Animal fats
Fried foods
White flour and white sugar
Garlic, spicy foods and onions
The Benefits of A Yoga Diet
Yoga diet benefits the body, soul and mind in countless ways. Some of them are as follows.
In the diet, it is usual to start the day with a cup of warm water with lemon juice in it. Cleans the body and tries to get rid of harmful toxins.
The yoga diet does not keep you physically fit but also. It is a diet that balances the mind, body and soul, and therefore follows in the durability of life in the individual.
Yoga diet contains green leafy fruits and vegetables, buds and free of heat-causing foods such as meat, onions, fish and garlic. Therefore, it does not require hard work for the digestive system to digest food, and the result is proper bowel movement and clear skin.
Foods include margarine yoga, pop-up seeds, and coconut oil. These make the food delicious. Also, good fats in the yoga regimen help maintain brain health and acute memory.
Contact our representatives at our
yoga school in Rishikesh
and get the answers to all your questions related to Yoga and various courses offered at our center.
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How to Get Yoga Instructor Certification
"Yoga Alliance" was designed in 1997. It is a non-profit commercial and professional association that sets the standards for yoga instructor certification programs. Some managers may need people to be certified with a program accepted by the Alliance, while others may need to be listed with the Alliance. Their standard for becoming a certified "yoga instructor" is a 200-hour hands-on program. While people may be able to discover shorter sequences, these will not be known through the Yoga instructor. In addition, Alliance may not be accepted by employers. There are several yoga schools and training centers that offer yoga certification programs. In addition, these will vary in their needs.
Skills and skills to achieve certification as a yoga instructor
An instructor will be able to interpret the ethical roots and also various practices of the traditional companies Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga.
Develop stimulating sequences of poses that bind the breath and the body.
Also explain applying some basic standards of physiology and anatomy to how they relate to emerging sequences of postures that are not harmful to people's good health.
Guide scholars through an inspiring and secure yoga class that includes connecting your breath with meditation and movement.
Offer practical or verbal adjustments to inspire the right position or improve the student's yoga skills.
He became excited to develop a yoga advert, directing yoga seminars, special events and retreats.
It develops conviction and relationship with students, organizing appropriate strategies of interaction and professionalism.
The certification program for yoga instructors includes
Many things fall within the certification programs for yoga instructors. Some of these are as follows:
All materials in the course
Three-course manuals.
Training details 69 advanced and basic yoga positions (over 300 images for a detailed and easy-to-follow guide).
Kinematic and muscular schemes of the body segment for each pose.
75 instructional video clips.
Practical adjustments, variations and guidelines for postural improvement
Evaluation of the study
Final examination
Reproducible procedures for trainers
Tactics and lessons
Sample trending script
More resources for yoga training
Yoga instructor certification
Benefits of being a certified yoga instructor
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Yoga instructors direct students to yoga tests. They help them learn an appropriate form of yoga positions. Yoga instructors could also offer a direction from a yoga perspective in addition to areas in balance with yoga, such as meditation and nutrition. Professionals or experts in this arena clarify group seminars, lessons or individual lessons in yoga seminars, yoga centers, even associated facilities.
Yoga instructors could work full or on weekends, even some are self-employed. Depending on their employer even during yoga class hours, instructors could actually work day, night, evening, weekend or leave shifts. Travel is not uncommon, whether it's different gym sites or customer homes. Getting certified as a yoga instructor can be extremely rewarding, although in the end you choose not to practice your RYT position to impart yoga. An effective yoga training program will not only make you train yoga, but will also facilitate extraordinary individual growth.
The certification program will provide an in-depth understanding of
An analysis of the different types of yoga, such as Ashtanga, Restorative and Hatha Yoga.
teaching techniques, methodology and training styles
yoga postures and positions
the yogic idea as taught through the Bhagavad Gita or any other associated text
meditation and mindfulness techniques
how to accommodate poses for distinct populations
Yoga has also become a worldwide phenomenon, its effect is increasing. As more and more individuals find the spiritual and health benefits of yoga, the requirement for capable yoga instructors will continue to grow. The certification of the yoga instructor provided through the yoga institutes is as advantageous as:
It's proof that you finished a yoga class.
Through this instructor certification, you can be a yoga instructor and clarify yoga to other people.
No one can question yoga training skills as you can show them the certification of yoga instructor.
Contact our representatives at our
yoga school in Rishikesh
and get the answers to all your questions related to Yoga and various courses offered at our center.
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Things to Know Before You Book Your First Yoga Retreat
Yoga is such a beautiful and personal journey; It is essential to find the things you like and find the right refuge for your personality and behavior. People do yoga to achieve tranquility and relax their bodies. If you're not sure about the pickup style, choose the retreat that offers various varieties. Bali and India are the places where you can find a wide range of Yoga retreats. Also, explore countries to have a new experience in your life. Many withdrawal instructors organize different types of programs so that whenever you're free, you can try something new.
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Things to know before booking Yoga Retreat
Yoga retreats are generally organized in attractive and beautiful places, and in these places, you can live an adventurous experience. There are many options you've been given, such as surfing, hiking, paddle-boarding, but you can also experience some cultural activities like cooking classes and discover local market areas. There are many things you should know before booking your yoga retreats.
Search for the trainer - If you want to enjoy your yoga retreat, then you should look for an instructor who can teach you everything about yoga. Choose the instructor wisely by watching his videos and knowing their experience and styles, which can match your personality.
Healthy food - The food you order to retire is essential because food is linked to your diet and a healthy diet is essential to keep your body healthy. When searching for your yoga meals, you should know the types of food they serve, such as vegetarian or non-vegetarian meals, because meals are also part of enjoying the community while sitting together to enjoy food and discuss your daily activities.
A community-Yoga is connected to the connection with other people, so during a yoga holiday, you should know the community you enter because you will be surrounded by people who are looking forward to the lesson with their intense weekly work. It's a delightful experience for you to interact with new people, discover new things and have fun in the community.
Cost - The main thing to go anywhere is to know the cost or expenses. As you choose any destination and your instructor, you should be very careful to know the prices. One thing you can do to reduce your expenses is to share your room because you probably won't spend much time in the room, so it's best to share a room with anyone.
What kind of Yoga will you do? There are many types of yoga such as Vinyasa Yoga and Hot Yoga to prenatal yoga or even naked Yoga. So you have to do some research on what kind of Yoga you will do.
Pack your bags lightly: While packing for the Yoga retreat, you should be careful about your things. The food you pack should be healthy, light and Ayurvedic. It is not necessary to wear more pairs of leggings, socks and T-shirts. Here is a simple packing list:
Reusable bottle of water
Light Yoga Dresses
Jackets for morning or evening sessions.
An effective book
Yoga mat and towel
Try leaving your laptop or mobile phone at home
Relaxation time - After selecting your instructor, place it. Destination, you should be careful of the time available to rest. After doing any activity, a piece of the body is essential. Although Yoga is made to relax your body, but there should be more time to relax.
Change in your body
Yoga care is about yoga and an increase in classes would increase the change in you. You will feel some changes in your daily life and some extra time to focus. It can increase your ability and the power to think. At first, you may have a little pain and pain in your body because you're not used to it, but after you do it for weeks or months, you'll start to find something.
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Transformational Hatha Yoga & Transformational Kundalini Yoga
Listening about Yoga may sound straightforward and easy process. On the other hand, having control of the mind may sound a typical process. If we study Yoga carefully, it relates to the transformation of the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. The conscious mind will make you think all positive things and unconscious mind changes the behavior and attitude.
We see people depending on others in making important decisions in their life. Always being dependent, depressed, and not having confidence in yourself leads you to live the life of a slave. Well, yoga practices bring self-motivation that helps to make decisions independently.
Discipline is a very important part of life. It acts as a bridge to overcome unsorted issues and lead to towards your Goal. Living a Disciplined life makes you live in a systematic manner that does not mean a boring life but definitely easy-going.
Self-Transformation is achieved through regular practice. Patience and calmness also come with a positive state of mind. Thinking of doing something and putting it into action is the process transforming from one state to another. And all this comes with practice and experience.
Many times you find life stressed out, depressed, and packed-up. But if you are determined to transform yourself and get self-trained, it surely shows you the correct direction and another chance to breadth fresh.
Leaving behind all the sorrows and genuinely making way for you, one must follow the systematic transformation steps of Yoga. If not aware of the essential knowledge, then you can watch the videos and include it in your daily practice.
Hatha Yoga
It is a classical Yoga that depends on stamina, strength, and flexibility. The uplifting in the traditional style synchronizes the breadth movement. Trainers provide guidelines regarding posture and alignment in detail. Efforts are required to put by the students to get adequately trained, and holding them for some time makes them experienced and masters in the posture.
Ashtanga Vinyasa
Breathing is the heart of this type of class. It precisely links the one asasan to another by synchronizing movement with breathing. In this asana, the intense heat produced purifies muscles and organs. It excludes unwanted toxins and improves blood circulation that, in turn, nourishes your skin and makes you look young.
This class seeks special attention as it requires the correct state of breathing (Ujjayi Pranayama), proper alignment of postures, locking system (bandhas), and gazing point(driste).
Contact our representatives at our yoga school in Rishikesh and get the answers to all your questions related to Yoga and various courses offered at our center.
Yoga Nidra
In simple words, Yoga Nidra is resting consciously and aware of the things around you in silent and peace. It brings relaxation after you finish with other yoga movements.
External Pranayama series
It helps to clean the breadth flow and brings inside the excellent quality of breathing. By the quality of breathing, we mean proper inhalation and exhalation of breath. Basically, it balances lunar and solar energy.
Internal Pranayama Series
Such series are to refine the life force so as to tune with mind force. It has different levels of practice. The first four levels s such as prana, Samana, Udana, vya
na, and Apana coordinating and rest, are for activating energy in the bod
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Get best Internationally certified 500 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh India by well-experienced teachers of Rishikesh Yog Dham at affordable prices.
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500 hour Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India by Rishikesh Yog Dham . 500 hour Yoga ttc certification in Rishikesh by Yoga alliance approved school.
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300 hour Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh India by Yoga alliance approved school. Learn 300 Hour yoga ttc program in Rishikesh by certified yoga teachers at Rishikesh Yog Dham.
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500 hour Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India by Rishikesh Yogdham. 500 hour Yoga ttc certification in rishikesh by Yoga alliance approved school.
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Yoga School Rishikesh Yog Dham offers 200, 300 and 500 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. We teach Hatha Yoga,Yin Yoga as well as Yoga for Beginners.
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