indianajaws · 8 years
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My dog's behaviour......
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indianajaws · 9 years
Omfg I just realized I answered myself from the past
At least I learned shit
Ask Hank.
I’ve just asked Hank Green a question about physics.
(Speed of light -> must be mass-less, yet photons do have mass because they are energy, so…)
I hope he chooses to explain this to me :(
My physics teacher just yelled at me: “THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW TO SOLVE THE EXAMS”
Hey, do you guys know how is it possible that light have a mass yet it travels at the speed of light? E=mc^2, Eph=hf -> m=hf/(c^2)… so how?
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indianajaws · 9 years
E=mc^2 isn't the full equation you know? ;)
Photons are waves and particles, and you need to understand that. That means you can't look at one property and imply it over another, only to understand how it affects both together.
Basically, over over simplifying, When you talk about energy you're talking about wave properties, but when talking at mass it's particle properties.
When a photon is moving, all his mass is now energy. Like it converted. So to know it's mass you need to stop the proton and examine it while it's still: this mass, while not moving, is called rest mass.
But objects get havier the faster they go, Einstein taught us, which means the slower you force the photon to become the less mass it will have.
So when we force it to stop, it turns out that his rest mass is zero. Because zero mass? It means it's like it doesn't exist! Correct. Because there aren't such things as light moving slowly or stopping, imagining a photon as a little circle is just a construct to help us understand stuff like refraction.
While it appears a photon may have a mass while it's moving, because energy, when we talk about mass it's really rest mass, and photons can't rest. So they doesn't exist while standing still, and so their mass will be zero
Ask Hank.
I’ve just asked Hank Green a question about physics.
(Speed of light -> must be mass-less, yet photons do have mass because they are energy, so…)
I hope he chooses to explain this to me :(
My physics teacher just yelled at me: “THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW TO SOLVE THE EXAMS”
Hey, do you guys know how is it possible that light have a mass yet it travels at the speed of light? E=mc^2, Eph=hf -> m=hf/(c^2)… so how?
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indianajaws · 9 years
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Just look at the tags.
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indianajaws · 9 years
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indianajaws · 9 years
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Bought my boyfriend a gift for his birthday…
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indianajaws · 9 years
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Redrew a picture I found in Google for a friend.
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indianajaws · 10 years
You made my day brighter with your Charlie xDean because now I know I'm not the only one whose OTP is Charlean. I felt really alone (and kinda stupid and definately a weirdo)... Thank you! :))
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indianajaws · 11 years
German guy confused by the meaning of “Party Pooper”.
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indianajaws · 11 years
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Dog treat catch fail. [video]
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indianajaws · 11 years
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My friend asked my to colorize this original artwork  of A Song of Ice and Fire, House Arryn.
Because of Tumblr, Download it from Imageshack in THIS LINK (for full resolution 1920x1080)
After 2 hours of cutting around the symbol and making him happy, he said that people are searching for this in reddit, but I don't have one... so... uh... Tumblr, do your job.
I'm glad I'm .. uh... Helping the world?
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indianajaws · 11 years
Rae rape rape rape!!!
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indianajaws · 11 years
And as a Jew, and a daughter to holocaust survivors and to a family that was almost completely obliterated in the holocaust,
I cried the first time I saw that scene.
The second time, my dad and I watched this on TV, and I told him to watch this scene carefully. A slight sad smile crawled on his face.
He liked that movie a lot.
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indianajaws · 11 years
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Indiana Jaw's tumbler turned 1 today!
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indianajaws · 11 years
Best thing ever
Hawkeye Frost
Cover Artist: Greg Horn
Publication: Emma Frost, Higher Learning #1
Had so much fun making this. First time I go Marvel style!
#Sultry Barton Duckface
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indianajaws · 11 years
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indianajaws · 11 years
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