indoraptcr · 5 years
What if a human muse sent one of those prompts?
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indoraptcr · 5 years
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indoraptcr · 5 years
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Surprise Motherfucker.   
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indoraptcr · 5 years
“Get on your knees and beg.” ((big daddy wants to play too~~))
The Indoraptor’s head tilted, confusion in his posture as he slowly approached the large creature. This was something he’s never seen before, but there was something about those gravelly words that had his insides somersaulting by the hundreds! The excitement was practically tasted on his tongue, and he was already leaking. Though, he defensively let out a hiss, with his tail raising up to reflect the cautious pose. “I-- won’t.. beg!!” Came his broken words, but everything about his body was on the verge of succumbing to their instinctual needs. He was trying to be more alpha in this situation, in face of something so large and unknown.
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indoraptcr · 5 years
Send 👅 for my muse to go down on yours. ((from red because wHY NOT.))
Indoraptor let out a long hiss of a moan, flat on his back, and head tilted up to face the night sky. The ministrations being done to his nether regions were sending signals to his head that could just barely be registered as anything other than pleasure. It was such a newness, like the taste of fresh blood on his lips from kills of the past, and the last meal that he actually shared between himself and this one.
With a chortle, his head snapped back to look down at the raptor as it continued to ‘eat’ at him with messily laps of tongue on flesh. The slit had finally opened enough, and out drooped the hardening member. He had never a chance to feel this side of himself, or even known it existed, as frustrations were rampant in his cell (Where much horror had been had and inflicted). “More!” He hissed, and that long limb of an arm stretched out to stroke lightly the top of the raptor’s head, messing with the red fluff of feathers.
| @localcryptiid |
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indoraptcr · 5 years
“How badly do you want me?” ((from indom ~~))
His trembling body rolled onto his side, almost as if on instinct he knew to do this to one that was far larger than himself. With his belly and throat exposed, he could have easily been dealt a finish blow, but what he heard hissing from the other indicated something else. Hind legs tucked in, tail wiggling with unprecedented excitement, and he pleaded in his broken tongue; The language of their kind was almost lost, since the both of them were quite the unknown to other life. They were abominations in this world. “b--Bad! Please!”
| @localcryptiid |
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indoraptcr · 5 years
So, I’m about to post a bunch of nsfw replies. Be prepared to blacklist the word nsfw
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indoraptcr · 5 years
a sinday prompt on a dinosaur blog, should I even ask what you are planning?
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//I mean…! Whatever happens, happens!
   I’m down to explore anything, really! Though, I do doubt I’ll get anything, honestly LOL!
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indoraptcr · 5 years
Sinday Special
These memes are for those who like a little sexual fun on Sunday. Feel free to edit pronouns as needed.
“Get on your knees and beg.”
“Tell me how you want me to fuck you.”
“I want you now, please… don’t make me beg anymore.”
“How badly do you want me?”
“Please don’t stop, I’ll do anything you want.”
“Keep quiet unless you want everyone to hear you.”
“You don’t want to get caught, do you?”
“Does the idea of being caught like this excite you? It does, doesn’t it?”
“Let me taste you.”
“Do you want me to show you how bad I want you?”
“How rough do you want it?”
“Where do you want me to cum?”
“I want to see your face  as you come undone.”
“I’m going to tie you to the headboard and fuck you senseless.”
Closet: My muse grabs yours by the shirt/jacket/pants and drags them into the closet.
Wall: My muse pins yours against the wall.
Table: My muse fucks/teases yours over the table.
Couch: My muse fucks yours on the couch.
Shower: My muse fucks yours in the shower.
Floor: Our muses don’t make it to a bed.
Vehicle: Our muses have sex in a vehicle.
Outside: Our muses have sex somewhere outside/in public.
*add +reverse to make your muse the one that does it to mine.*
Send 💢 for a rough/violent/hateful sex situation between our muses. Send ⛓️ for one of our muses restraining the other in a bondage way. Send 🎀 for your muse to be left as a gift for my muse wearing nothing but a ribbon. (Send +Reverse for my muse to be the gift instead) Send 🍆 for one muse to use toys on the other muse. Send ‼️ for my muse to give yours the “stamp of approval” by slapping their ass hard enough to leave a hand print. (send +Reverse to have your muse do it to mine instead) Send 👅 for my muse to go down on yours. (Send +Reverse for your muse to go down on mine) Send ♋ for our muses to 69. Send ⏳ for a sexual situation where our muses only have a certain amount of time to have sex.
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indoraptcr · 5 years
        Snow should have read the warning signs. Investors of large fortunes are rarely involved in humanitarian projects without concerning themselves with profit, and the men accompanying them all onto the island wore ill-favored looks and carried far too many guns for comfort. 
She should have known that they would continue to assert their feeble illusion of control and exploit these apex predators for money. She should have known that they would never learn from their mistakes, that they wouldn’t stop at the Indominus Rex, that they would try to make another weapon. 
And, just like the Indominus Rex, this Indoraptor would break out and fight back. 
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The pale woman stalks across the blood-stained floor. Lightning strikes overhead, casting eerie shadows all about the manor’s showroom. She is unarmed. Unwise, perhaps, given how aggressive she knows this creature to be, but she is there to build trust, not fight. 
She sees his eyes flash red in the dark. She can’t help but think how striking they are. Red as fire, as anger itself. And that rage is so hot that one can get burned just looking into them. She slowly drops to her knees. 
“I’m not here to hurt you,” she beckons softly. “I’m just here to talk. You can understand me, can’t you?” 
She feels her heart race, although it would still register within a human’s normal range. She prays this works. He is nothing like his predecessor. He never had a family and she knows he is willing to kill anything that moves. 
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Tap-Tap-Tap! The sound of it’s dewclaw on it’s hind legs rapped against the tiles that were stained in blood, and both eyes were trained on the individual that was trying to get his attention. A feral sound in it’s throat was heard, something wrong, something that shouldn’t exist in the sounds of this planet. The Indoraptor was not meant to be, and yet here it was trying to find out about itself. Through crimson leaking out of any soul he dared to rip apart, or through the new sensation of hearing screams from the dying that were gripped in it’s teeth.
All of that was put aside as he watched her, and heard her speak! The oddness of it had his head turning from side to side, like a bird attempting to find out what was what. A chortle, a mess of a chortle, was in his throat as he clicked to confirm her question. Then the raspy, broken voice spoke back. To the outside, it would be the sounds that others would hear, but to her, he somehow knew it was understandable to her.
   “...You... To me?...” One of his front forearms gestured to itself, something he never did before, and it was quite eerily human... “Yes... yes!” His tail wagged, almost playfully, but it was not to be taken that way with a creature like himself. He was so far abused, and so far ready to sink more teeth into anything else. Yet, at the moment it was content to have this rare moment of freedom, of existing without chains, and without bars.
| @fairestfall​ |
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indoraptcr · 5 years
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indoraptcr · 6 years
[Continued from Here]
– — ☆ He’d heard the beast before actually seeing it. The little tap-tapping of talons upon earth as it moved about the area. It was loud enough to tell the wolf that this being wasn’t at all trying to hide it’s presence from him, which did little to quell the uneasiness that settles deep within Garret’s torso. A slow lick to his maw as he scans the area in front of form before letting it turn to the side. Looking through the trees until he spots them.
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The glow of their eyes alerting him of it’s presence before the inky blackness of form becomes more apparent the closer this one gets. Garret grunts low; a noise emitted from deep in his throat as he watches them come closer. Close enough that he’d begun to ponder whether or not it’d be best to get up and trot off, but actions pause momentarily when the other stops more than a couple dozen feet from him.
Ears twist backwards before flattening atop his head as his head remains facing to the side. Side-eyeing this beastly figure as they take a seat right in front of him. An acknowledged little groan falls from the wolf’s maw when parting it just enough to lightly click teeth together when shutting it.
                          « @indoraptcr┊ 🌑 »
A whiff of something sweet filled his nostrils. Well, it was as close to sweet as he could describe, as he’s never honestly had anything he’d consider like so, being locked up his entire life and fed the worst sort of meals. Though, how was he to know, but what he could tell was that this creature he could see in the distance was looking mighty tasty. He stomped closer, not caring to be sneaky with his motions. There was a twitch that spasmed in his limbs anytime he moved, or not as it was random, a side effect from being crammed in a single small space since creation. He slowly approached, and then settled down in a heap of long limbs, crimson eyes never leaving the furred beast before him. A sharp turn of his head, an involuntary twitch, and he let himself get a better look at this one. Surprise was etched on his features, though minute as they were, for curiosity was more pressing. He’s never seen one like him before, as most of everything would run the second they smelled him. The motions of the other’s maw opening and shutting, and the sound it produced had the Indoraptor curiously turning his head from side to side wanting to hear it better. It was all too new, and he was impressed with himself for not outright attacking the furry one, wondering if it’d be easy. | @niiighthawk |
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indoraptcr · 6 years
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life cannot be
breaks free.
life finds a way.
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indoraptcr · 6 years
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indoraptcr · 6 years
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I had done a not-done doodle of the indoraptor before, however I think this one turned out better. I’ll still post the other one soon.
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indoraptcr · 6 years
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Early in preproduction of the film there was supposed to be a white Indoraptor as well. Black and the white one were supposed to have a fight where black one kills the white one. Some sketches I did for that.
Art bu Jama Jurabaev 
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indoraptcr · 6 years
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My shot at the Indoraptor..making my first bit of Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom fan art. I played off of the cover art of the game Turok Evolution for this one.
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