inkandpapereva · 2 months
Gilgamesh in flight
What if you died and instead of chasing after you I ran away?
As hard and as fast as I could?
Clutching at all that you had left me.
Once abundant experiences now made infinitely precious and frail
What if everyone who saw me could tell that I am one half of myself
Run rugged and raw in your wake
How dare you leave me to go on alone
Were you not made for me?
Was your flesh not a promise to be kept?
How dare you take from me
The death for which I was meant?
It was never for immortality I wanted
We who are gods and beasts
What if we were human enough for it to hurt?
How dare I go on without you?
The clay of your body
And the clay of mine
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inkandpapereva · 3 months
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Disco Elysium / uncredited / Embassytown by China Miéville / Marcille Facade and Moabiter Himmel Painting by Helge Windisch / i think i'm going to leave my phone at home tonight by the Narcissist Cookbook / Spacial Bodies by AUJIK / The Sandman #51 / The Gothic Arch by Giovanni Battista Piranesi / I Am In Eskew
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inkandpapereva · 3 months
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Poem by @narcissistcookbook
(Skull design borrowed from their profile pic)
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inkandpapereva · 6 months
New Fic is Out
How many Hawkeyes does it take to get un-lost? Decidedly more than two.
Written as part of the 10 Minute Writing Challenge!
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inkandpapereva · 7 months
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inkandpapereva · 8 months
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on tragic heroes and the people who'd follow them anywhere.
tumblr textpost// Anne Carson, An Oresteia// Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles// Victor Hugo, Les Miserables// William Shakespeare, Hamlet// Anne Carson, An Oresteia
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inkandpapereva · 10 months
“If there was no distance between you and I, I’d be by your side all the time”
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// Y’all ship me with a gremlin boy
By The narcissist Cookbook
I enjoyed the first one so much that I made 5 more of these! ….and then got taken the fuck out by a lovely chronic pain flare up and did not have the energy to post any of them.
I don’t have the energy for design notes today, but I figured it was better to post what I could :)
l love this song! Go listen to it!
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inkandpapereva · 11 months
In some corner of space, apart from prying eyes Two shards of God find each other, collide, and become one
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Inktober? I hardly know her!
Anyway The Narcissist Cookbook continues to give me brain rot /affectionate/ and I finally gave in to the muses and pulled out my inks.
How many more of these will I make? I divined the answer in a muddy pond outside the chemistry building and it told me nothing but now I have to wash my socks.
———- Design Notes:
I played around with the idea that the purest form of love is two hands reaching for each other in the dark. But the hands don’t touch, just the black of the nails, reaching out to tear each other apart. Connected by that thin line of darkness, behind them, a black hole. A tear in the universe.
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inkandpapereva · 11 months
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I do this all the time, so I turned it into a frustration comic.
Anyway this is your reminder to take your meds!
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inkandpapereva · 1 year
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inkandpapereva · 1 year
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Bilal Al-Shams, Sacrifice
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inkandpapereva · 1 year
there is no revolution that is idle
it does not stand still
like a spark it jumps and flashes
and moves as it wills
it stops by and visits
sending you a spark or two
it never lingers or stays too long
it has far too much to do
it stopped by them, too, today,
it watched them with steely gaze
and when it left as quick as it came
you watched them go ablaze.
I’ve been keeping this in my inbox just so I can find it and read it over and over again on this app I love it so much thank you
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inkandpapereva · 1 year
it fucking sucks how you can do all the therapy and self healing in the world and you still have to wake up living under a capitalist death cult that's killed community and crushes your soul
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inkandpapereva · 1 year
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He Lift
Inspired by this post by @nebul4-t
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inkandpapereva · 1 year
DDoS Attack Against AO3: Correcting Misinformation
Normally I don't make any posts like this, but I have an interest in cybersecurity and sadly I've seen people are being really ignorant about this recent DDoS attack against the site AO3 (Archive of Our Own), so I thought I'd remind people of a few things:
Anonymous Sudan appears to have no actual link to Sudan at all, or to any previous hacktivist groups that once operated there. This masquerade is probably based in anti-immigration and other racist sentiments, and utilizing those sentiments in other people to scare people and set up Muslims and Sudanese people as a target. This should be obvious from the language used in their note, but this was already known prior to this particular attack.
This so-called Anonymous Sudan has actually been very active recently—remember that they claimed to attack Reddit, Flickr, Riot Games, a huge number of Microsoft web portals like OneDrive and Outlook, etc. before AO3, so AO3 was totally a logical target for them since they've gone after smaller entities before. DDoS attacks like this are easy for any script kiddie to set up, so it's not weird that they'd go for a smaller target like this.
Honestly this group of posers probably just wants money, everybody. They sent AO3 a ransom note asking for Bitcoin (and just in case people don't know, do not pay a ransom if at all possible if this ever happens to you).
My advice to people who've noticed this attack is two-fold: calm down since this is part of a larger pattern that has literally resulted in basically no loss for the end-user of any of the sites, and... I don't really know a better way to put this, but don't believe everything you read. A religiously-motivated hate group wouldn't use terms like "LGBTQ+" and "smuts," and it's so blatantly obvious that the timing of every single one of these attacks is being used to smear Muslims and Sudanese people if you think about current events for like. One second. And if you look up Anonymous Sudan, you'll see their string of attacks and how all experts know that they have nothing to do with Sudan at all. Even AO3 itself told everybody that the group is lying about their motivations... though I think I'd go further than that personally because even their name itself is almost certainly a total sham.
To be clear: this post isn't targeted at anyone in particular. I've just seen a lot of people falling for this overall or not realizing this is part of a pattern, and I also wanted to remind everyone that this isn't anything to be concerned about. What is something to be concerned about is not doing research or thinking critically and then unwittingly spreading racist ideas.
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inkandpapereva · 1 year
They’re my little goobers
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inkandpapereva · 1 year
Hawkeyes On The Loose
(They Would Like To Go Home Now)
Kate Bishop & Clint Barton, Minor Kate Bishop/ America Chavez Fluff, Two Idiots Short A Braincell, Crackfic
“Face it Clint, we’re lost!” Kate shouted
“No, No. I recognize this tree.”
“Yes, Clint, because we’ve passed it Five Times!”
“What? No. Probably not”
Kate wordlessly pointed at the line five notches she’d left on the tree.
Clint stared at them for a second. “Aw, tree, no.” He looked utterly despondent for a couple of seconds staring at the tree, before it shifted to a look of appraisal.
“Clint, no.”
“Oh, come on Katie-Kate I’ll just get a hawk’s eye view. We could be out of here before you can say-”
“Still no.”
“Because, Clint, you are going to fall out of it. Then we’ll still be lost and I’ll have to haul your purple ass out of this forest by myself!”
“This is why we stay in the city. Hawkeyes are not suited to the outdoors.”
“No kidding!” Kate threw her arms up. “I didn't even want to come.”
Clint groaned and sat down. “Why don’t you just call your girlfriend?”
“Okay, one, America isn’t my girlfriend-”
“I never said America.” Clint sounded smug.
“I hate you.”
“I know.” “Seriously though, call her.”
“That would be against the spirit of the exercise” Kate replied, loftily.
Clint raised an eyebrow.
Kate deflated. “No cell service.”
“That’s it, we’re going to die here.”
Kate laughed. “If you die, can I have your stuff?”
Clint sputtered. “What? No. Still no. I don’t need to give you any more incentives to kill me!”
“That’s fair.” “I’m taking the dog though.”
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