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Life; Is It Worth It?
"I'm a man of logical thought in a society that cares not for logic...."
When these are the first words that come to mind upon waking up in this illustrious prison of freedom called society, what does it say about ones mental state? Am I on the edge of death via suicide or is it preposterous to think that death is any different from existence itself? This is a question my mind formulates as simply as "What do I want for breakfast, eggs or oatmeal"? As if it really mattered because once I eat them they're gone and neither fills you up for long. Perhaps I should find satisfaction in the fact that they have benefits towards keeping my body tip top...but what if I don't care?
- "But what if I don't care" -
A friend told me that care is the one thing they no longer contained while I tried to plead a case of logic in suicide prevention...no need to worry, they are still alive and this is not my rite of passage via the internetz. Oh no, if I decided to include the world wide web into my last days the event would be a grand attraction. Oh how I can see the comments now: "This isn't real", "Haha, this fucking faggot deserved to die", "Have you listened to his music? It's so sad, he had so much talent", "I didn't know him personally but...[insert self indulgent credit here]". My followers would skyrocket and so would my popularity...now that I have no use for it of course...ironic isn't it? Or perhaps it's coincidental...I'll let you guys take the time to learn the proper usage.
Oh my...it seems I allowed myself to become briefly distracted....hm, now that I think about it, isn't that all [what we define as] life is? You disagree? Well let's share an example shall we?
*Example: Pedro the Caucasian wakes up to his beautiful wife Zhang Qian who is African. Zhang Qian goes to wake up their beautiful children Stephanie and Bob who are both Mexican...and French. Does their ethnicity hold any relevance to the story? Well....
So, Zhang Qian wakes up their beautiful children to make breakfast while Pedro gets ready for work. They eat breakfast with their smiling faces and have conversation about how life has been so great. The children excitedly talk about what they have learned in school this year while mother shares attention between details of the story and the sandwich she is making for her husband's lunch. Thirty minutes go by and it is now time for everyone to depart to their respective places in society. 
Pedro gets into his BMW full of joy, ready to tackle his day and remembers that he really owns a Ford something...his joy has been taken. He remembers that the job he has pays poorly and that he is barely getting by; he remembers why he is doing what he does and starts to think of his family...his joy has been restored.
Zhang Qian on the other hand loves her life, her husband, her family. She then remembers that she wants to visit home but that she can't afford to go visit nor call. She remembers that any extra income that may come in must be horded for those unexpected life moments that she absolutely does not enjoy. Even still, her joy remains.
Stephanie and Bob go to their prestigious school and immediately remember that it is a public school. They remember that the teachers are both underpaid and under-appreciated, therefore not caring whether or not they even come to class...unless it's count day; count day is special. However, even with that realization, Stephanie is excited because she's determined to change her situation and not be like mom and dad.
Bob doesn't care...Bob has a 2pac cd and a pair of headphones, Bob is satisfied. Bob sees the world for what it is. Bob didn't ask to be born, Bob knows that once what is is no longer that everything will change...Bob is a rebel...Bob is the future.*
What is the one thing that each member of this family have in common? The answer is distraction. For Pedro it's dedication, for Zhang Qin it's complacency, for Stephanie it's motivation, and for Bob it's truth. Each one of these things are a way to deal with the underlying detail that they have no control.....WE...have no control. 
Are you okay with being powerless? Do you accept the fate of doing the same thing day in and out to keep yourself distracted from the truth? The truth that as human beings on this planet we subject ourselves to what is already predetermined by those before us. How to live, what to believe, what not to say, who to love....all over the planet these rules are absolute, created by those before us and continued by us...
Where does it end? Who makes the change? Why haven't they done it already?
The answer...because you haven't done it. 
So again, I ask you:
Is it preposterous to think that death is any different from existence itself? Because from my point of view, life is a term we created to deal with the fact that existence is the only thing we have, should we survive long enough to make it out of the womb...as the same can be said for death.
I'll let you determine your own meaning from these words.
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I should've known better. #LittleCaesars #Pretzel #FuckYou
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I never miss a moment to #promote. 😂😂😂 #ETERNAL #HipHop #HeTheTruthIfHeReallyCheckMeOut #WhenWomenPlay #PhoneGames #IFoundItFunny
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From earlier after work #random #rapper #sexy #hiphop #whatever
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#GoodMorning my people. Can you feel the #power of #positivity? Either way, I'll be able to get back to #music real tough soon. More from #ETERNAL and some nice extra for ya. #HipHop #Smile #Support
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Oh, you about to #eat some #LaborDay #food huh? Well than! Go over to the link in my bio and pick some songs from #ETERNAL to play during your shindiggy shamsham. You know you want to...now have some #fun and listen to some #greatmusic. #HipHop #Rap #Music #Dance #YoureWelcome #BBQ (at Waiting For The Chicken)
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Do not forget Michael Brown
Do not forget how the media dehumanized him and tried to justify his murder
Do not forget how peaceful protests were painted as savage riots
Do not forget police armed with military grade weapons terrorized and arrested black civilians
Do not forget Darren Wilson being awarded over $200,000 in fundraiser donations for murdering an unarmed black child
Do not forget that this system was not built to defend us, but to control us
Do not forget Ferguson 
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How i'm feeling. #HipHop #ETERNAL #Rap #NoBullshit #Twitter #Detroit #Michigan #FSOM #HipHopLives
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Not really that funny once you put it into #perspective. You'd be surprised how many black entertainers, that YOU look up to, don't have efficient reading ability. @50cent takes jabs at @FloydMayweather education while Floyd talks about his son not loving him. Both of these are #huge issues in the black community and yet the only thing people can focus on is the #banter and amount of #money offered to wager. Don't let social #media detract from the real problems. Wake up my people. #Reality #FloydMayweather #Education #FameStateofMind
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Rob Doe - 0 to 100 (Music Video):
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http://www.examiner.com/review/review-rob-doe-eternal Go check out this #ETERNAL #review on #Examiner and tell me how you feel about it. Do you agree, are there points you saw different? Let me know, im seriously curious and I enjoy all feedback! #RobDoe #HipHop #IsItWorthTheListen? #FSOM #Detroit #Michigan #Bandcamp #Readers #Support #BeHumbleBeGreat
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If your shirt doesn't look like this, you're not putting in #work. #Fitness and #sweat....now go listen to #ETERNAL now. #LinkInBio
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