ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
Zine Hiatus
Hello all!
We at Metallurgic have had to make the difficult decision to postpone the zine. There was a low turnout for applications, so we weren’t able to hit even the minimum number of contributors to put the project into production. 
After much discussion, we decided to put Metallurgic on hiatus until next year, when we’ll return with revamped graphics and re-open applications. 
Thank you to everyone who’s shown support, either by sharing our posts or applying to the project. We hope to see you when we return!
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ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
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Want to take part in a Heisenberg zine? Metallurgic’s applications are open until August 31! We’re looking for artists, writers, and merch designers.
>>>Links are in our pinned post!<<<
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ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
🎁 Favorite gift.
🎁 Favorite gift
It was the first gift he could ever remember.
“Welcome to the Family”, they had said, to the youngest member of the Heisenberg family still left alive, standing tall at ten years old. At the time, it was only him, his new Mother, and someone tall with dark hair, pale skin, and sharp teeth. Alcina, she had introduced herself. Karl didn’t want to be there, but knowing that there was at least one other person that had been "taken in" by Mother Miranda was a reassurance.
The cadou implant still stung between his shoulder blades, making it hard to move his arms or even turn his head due to the placing, and his shaky control over his newfound strength and magnetism proved to be difficult - not to mention having to adjust to the physical changes of screwed-up-fungi-fuelled lycanthropy. His eyes stung in the light and he only felt comfortable in the dead of night, remaining exhausted and lethargic during the day. The tiredness would be something he grows out of, but the sensitivity would something that would persist and continue to cause problems. Problems that didn't go unseen. Despite their Mother's promise to look after them, it was Alcina who noticed and asked him about it. Of course, he lied and just said that there was something in his eyes, to which she looked incredulous and said that he must get things in his eyes often if he was forever rubbing them during meetings. Karl bristled and glared at the floor, prepared to argue back to defend himself, but the conversation ended there.
Later that day, when the boy had curled himself up in a small side room of Castle Dimitrescu (the factory proved too cold and lonely to stay in for too long, and if he was polite and careful she wouldn't mind him being there), he was surprised to be directly sought out by Alcina. She told him to follow, and he did obediently, though nervous of where he was being taken, especially when it involved going upstairs where he had been forbidden from going. A door was opened, and a stool was brought up to a very ornate vanity that he was told to sit on. Karl does so, perching on it precariously, sure that he'd be told off for getting his grimy paws all over her nice things. But no such scolding occurs. Instead, she disappears from his view in the mirror for only a moment, returning with two items in her hands. She places the leather case on the vanity, then places the floppy thing of indeterminable material over his head. After a squeak of surprise and trying to figure out what the hell it was, Karl focuses enough to look at himself in the mirror and realise, oh, it's just some kind of wide brimmed hat? His face screwing up in confusion, he turns to look up at Alcina, who simply points to the case and tells him to open it and put them on. A little on the side of caution, he does so, and his confusion only grows. They look like something the people in the village sometimes wear, glasses, but they were tinted dark. She prompts him to put them on again, to which he carefully unfolds them and spends a little time fumbling about with them until she takes them from his hands and puts them on him herself. Karl blinks in surprise, then blinks some more, realising... his eyes don't burn. With the hat casting shadow over his face and the darkness of the glasses, it brought the ambient light around him down to a far more comfortable level.
A gift, she tells him, for being the newest edition to the family. A gift, for a new little brother.
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ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕕𝕪
Send a symbol for a drabble/short piece of writing about my muse's ...
💀 Bad memories.
🙏🏻 Beliefs (Religion/people/ideals).
🧢 Childhood.
❤ Love.
👥 And your muse's relationship.
👻 Loss they suffered.
🤫 Secret.
😦 Regret.
🎄 Celebration (Thanksgiving, Christmas, fictional holidays, birthday...)
🎁 Favorite gift.
🎈 Thing they are most thankful for.
⭐ Best memory.
🎨 Hobby/passion.
👪 Family.
🃏 Sender requests a subject.
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ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
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Oh come on in, don’t worry, it’s not a trap.
We are happy to announce that applications for Metallurgic: A Heisenberg Zine, are now open!
Please see links below for the Artist, Writer, and Merch Artist Applications!
⚙️ Artist Application ⚙️
Password: Hammer
⚙️ Writer Application ⚙️
Password: Stallion
⚙️ Merch Artist Application ⚙️
Password: Horseshoe
>>> Information Guide <<<
If you have any questions about the application process, please feel free to contact a Mod, or send a DM to the zine Twitter or tumblr.
@atozines @zine-scene @zinefeed @zinefeast @zinetent @zinesunlimited @zineapps @zinedreams @zinecenter @fanzinewatch @faneventshub @welovezines @all-zine-apps​
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ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
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“Let’s see what you’re really made of …”
We’re pleased to announce the results of our Interest Check!
Out of 149 total responses, 97.3% voted that they do want a Heisenberg zine, while 2.7% said maybe. This means the zine is a go!
71.8% of responders wanted a larger zine with less merch, so we’ll be focusing on filling out the zine with art and writing and keeping the merch selection smaller.
And the zine will come in both a 7x10″ perfect-bound paperback and a digital PDF, thanks to the 72.5% who wanted it in both formats!
As far as merch goes, our top three choices were keychains, enamel pins, and a tie between postcard prints of art from the zine and a vinyl sticker design. We also had a few suggestions for a titty mousepad, so we’ll be looking into that, too!
71.8% wanted to see a NSFW digital mini-zine, so we’ll be including a spot for that on our applications. ;)
And finally, when it comes to how we’ll be dividing content, the most popular choice at 63.8% was an even mix of art and writing!
We cannot thank everyone enough for your support and encouragement as we work on getting this project going. If you’d like to apply to be a part of the zine, applications will be opening on July 31, 2021!
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ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
I'm alive. JUST in case anyone thought I wasn't. Well, I am. Just been working on some........ stuff. :)
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ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
Attempts to stick a magnet to him.
Another person with a magnet huh? Well, this time, since it's one of his beloved nieces..... he yoinks it from her hand with his magnetism just as she's about to stick it to him, and holds it high above her head. 8)
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ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
The man blinks slowly, seeming to process what exactly they just said to him. Then, he raises a hand, closing it into a fist as the craft knife they held up slips from their hands and hangs suspended in the air between the two of them. "You're not a local, are you?" A grin slowly stretches across his face, baring teeth just a little too sharp to truly belong in a human's jaw. Clearly, just adding more and more into the strange things happening here.
"Well, if getting the hell out of this godforsaken village is what you want, then you came to the right place!" His free hand grabs the handle of the hammer, swinging it up to rest across his shoulders, while his curled fist slips into the pocket of his pants. "The name's Heisenberg. You are...?"
Factory Paintings
A closed RP @ironwolfheisenberg
It was only a few hours since the first lycan attack Robin experienced. When coming to this village they wanted to restock supplies, not get attacked. It was like a horror movie but Robin remembered seeing a factory when coming in. Maybe someone there would help them!
Robin carefully and slowly took their time to the factory. They had lost their toe which caused them to limb and wobble with no balance left. "Come on Robin you got this..." They reassured theirself as they walked to the factory. Seeing the pumes of smoke made them feel oddly safe as they drew near.
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ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
"Well, that's an interesting name, Raymon." His grin bares his sharp teeth, his initial hostility to being attacked meshing strangely with how polite he's trying to act. "Don't mind this pack of idiots, they're rather protective and, well, rather hungry." Some of the lycans growl and yip as he says that, to which he turns to yell QUIET! at them. As he turns back to Ray, he dips his head slightly. "Sorry about that. Gotta keep these fellas in check."
Heisenberg lets a moment pass, before taking a breath and speaking again. "If you've been sent here to find out what happened to all these missing people, I'd suggest that you just... run along back home and pretend this never happened. You seem a decent fellow, and a powerful one at that, you could cause some real trouble..."
He pauses, slowly grinning again. "You could cause some real trouble, couldn't you?"
Ray had accidentally gotten into the village because of the few reports and conversations he had heard from others about a ghost town. The man found it intriguing since people spoke with a tense expression about it. He hadn’t planned to get in it but by following the unusual amount of slaughtered birds he eventually got there. The man looked around , eyes scanning his surroundings as he went into some of the abandoned houses where the normal has been disturbed with unsettling claw marks and destruction of objects. He continued his way around before he unfortunately had been spotted by the lycans. Ray had tried to fight them off but they only seem to come endlessly so he started running. Running as his legs got him , the lycans did cause some bites and claw marks on him before he got tackled by a giant hammer. He groaned in pain but his eyes widdened in fear as he saw what looked to be a angry boss of said lycans. He was cornered with no way to escape.
The hammer in question is lifted onto the shoulder of the beastman, who’s form quickly reduces into that of a rough-looking man, a wide brimmed hat and shades obscuring most of his expression. His snarl turns more into some kind of grin, baring sharp teeth as he steps to casually stand over this newcomer.
“Well well well, what do we have here? An unscheduled outsider? Isn’t that a surprise… I’m sure the others will enjoy this.”
Lycans circle them both, growling and chittering amongst themselves as their leader laughs… and the sound of metal creaking and bending from somewhere can be heard.
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ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
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 There are only three days left to take the interest check! Don’t miss your chance; fill it out before it’s gone!
>>>Link is in our pinned post!<<<
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ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
Have you considered Bees?
I... have considered them, yes. They always come around in the summer, the yard out front of the factory gets full of wildflowers. I don't pay them much attention.
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ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
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~ Heisenberg said trans rights ~
Full size for best resolution
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ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
[ look ] for your muse to catch mine staring ( reversed with ++ please, if this is alright with you! c: )
Heisenberg had been watching for a while now, leaning up against an unoccupied house with a cigar in hand. Mostly the village in general, watching those who were left walk quickly around while the threat of misshapen beasts attacking was low. None of them paid him much attention, since they had their businesses to attend to and he was as incognito as he could be without his signature hammer in hand. Just another of the village folk.
His gaze mostly follows those who looked the most interesting. A scrappy young man with a gun strapped to his back, clearly one of few not yet fallen victim to the castle or the lycans. Someone hooded with books folded close to their chest, walking briskly through the street. A woman, who after only a few moments of watching turns in his direction as she attempts to coral an animal back into the pen it came from.
A woman, who makes direct eye contact with him, catching him in the act of staring.
He simply smiles, despite not having expected to be noticed. "Wonderful day, isn't it?" He asks, close enough to be heard just by speaking out loud, before taking a drag from his cigar.
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ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
"You...liked it? The wolf I made?"
"H-hi...I'm Caddy. Caddy Revan. I'm a crystal-mancer. It's very, very...very nice to meet you"
"Well, of course. It's rude to not like gifts, isn't it? Especially one so well made. Crystal-mancer... that means you made it from yourself, right? That's very interesting..."
He grins, putting a gloved hand out to shake.
"It's very nice to meet you too, Caddy Revan."
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ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
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ironwolfheisenberg · 3 years
// one of these days I'll snap and write out a few of my personal headcanon/character analysis stories that're just floating around waiting to be told, and i'd like to hope that people would enjoy them :')
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