ishippeditovernight · 6 years
Damn, it really has been a while, yikes. Trying to save what I can SUPER last minute though (yes, I’ve heard of the Dec 17th thing, but I’m a procrastinator as always).
Ironic that as it looks like I’ll finally be caving on the internet-in-apartment thing, Tumblr does this <_< Awesome. I could’ve been back to old blogging... fuck. Fucking fuck.
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ishippeditovernight · 7 years
(Sorry for it being a while, it's still a major hassle for some reason for me to go downstairs)
This post is neither on topic nor a light topic. :/
CW: abuse
So last week or so, I saw my abuser at the store. This happens semi-regularly. I never know when It will be there or how I'll react. No warning, etc.
The time BEFORE this recent time, I freaked and was upset in the bathroom and had to muster up a lot of strength to keep going.
This time, I had no reaction. Outwardly, anyway. I kept at my job, but I was so focused on a new fic idea that it really didn't bother me as much.
And then last night, I was scrolling facebook and who the fuck shows up in my People You May Know list?
I was shocked and in denial at first since there was no picture. "Just a common name?" I thought, but the birth year was right.
I blocked It on my current fb, my main-name fb, even searched to see if there were any other accounts (yes, one) and blocked that too. Then I deactivated RealName fb for now.
And then the protective buffer of productivity wore off and I started to cry.
It felt like the internet wasn't safe anymore.
The last I knew, It had almost no tech knowledge. Obviously that's changed.
I'm just glad there was no faces I had to see.
I always think I'm making progress. I have a tendency on good days to think "look how ~over it~ I am!" And then a fucking name on a fucking screen and I'm wanting to SI, to take meds again.
Ugh. Just ugh.
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ishippeditovernight · 7 years
angel in the snow
G, 1174 words, winter fluff bc we all need some right now
Dean and Sam and Cas are hanging out in the bunker watching movies and doing a truckload of absolutely Nothing Productive At All as they wait for the blizzard to end. At one point, Sam makes a joking comment about snow angels. Of course, Cas doesn't get it, but Dean doesn't blame him. Humans have a lot of oddball habits and games, after all.
So they explain how kids make angels in the snow, how they did ages ago, and Cas nods, his frown straightening out as he visibly understands.
It would end there, except Dean gets a completely random idea. And no, he's definitely not doing this because it's been ages since he and Sam made them. He's not that self-indulgent, okay? This is for Cas, to show him what they mean.
So they all traipse outside into the evening air, shivering and grinning up, admiring the unearthly way active snowfall has of taking various manmade illumination and scattering it across the sky so it all tinges that weird orangeyellow glow only seen in this season.
They walk until they find a good field, and then as Cas watches in amused confusion, Sam and Dean both find spots to tumble back and start etching out "wings" and... ...Well, hell, now that Dean's thinking of it, are the lower parts supposed to be legs or robes or some shit?
Sam gets to his feet and turns, frowning down at the ungainly oversized angel print behind him, and says something about it not meaning to be offensive, only a fun thing kids do.
But Cas is grinning, so Dean lifts his chin toward a clean patch of snow. "C'mon. Show us whatcha got?"
Cas drops down a little awkwardly, but he looks like he's having the time of his life as he carves out his own snow angel. That adorable smile breaks out across his face like the sun. Watching him, Dean feels young again- it's odd.
[ao3 link]
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ishippeditovernight · 7 years
I like that misha never just take a picture of something and instas it. He takes a lil selfie with the thing instead. I like that about him. It’s cute.
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ishippeditovernight · 7 years
If you think I won’t look at every single reblog and read the tags and comments then buddy you vastly underestimate my desire for validation and attention
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ishippeditovernight · 7 years
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ishippeditovernight · 7 years
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“What’s in your search history?” | VanCon 2017
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ishippeditovernight · 7 years
why’s dean so goddamn soft for cas why’d he make him a mixtape why did they sit down and have lunch and talk abt the future why did he watch him packing groceries at the gas and sip why was he ‘hoping castiel would come back’ to him why did he pray to him, every night. why did he keep the the trench coat why
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ishippeditovernight · 7 years
you know, mostly I love the way Castiel is presented in fandom. but sometimes I miss seeing the side of Cas that isn’t just cheery and bumbling and sweet-mannered. I love the old bad-tempered, overdramatic whiny pissbaby Cas. this is the creature who bitched and complained constantly, and whose first instinct upon hearing the Apocalypse had arrived was to suggest they all get piss-drunk and lie down on the ground and wait to die.
where’s the high school AU where Cas is a melodramatic bitter asshole like ‘I failed this test. what’s the point. I’m going to drown myself in the water fountain’ where’s the coffee shop AU where someone gets Cas’ order wrong and instead of being a cutie about it he just stares bleakly into his styrofoam cup like ‘i guess it’ll do. i guess it won’t matter when we all eventually turn to the abyss. then again, by that logic, nothing really matters’ or the cute teacher AU where he teaches philosophy and gives all the kids existential crises being like ‘well, technically, nothing is real. and our concept of human life is arbitrary and entirely meaningless……. your paper is due Thursday’
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ishippeditovernight · 7 years
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ishippeditovernight · 7 years
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Compilation of  Cats Acting Weird 
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ishippeditovernight · 7 years
I just rewatched the premiere and 13.02 again and all I can think is Alexander Calvert must’ve binge watched seasons 4-12 because that boy is channeling Misha so hard I’m surprised he isn’t announcing a charity and planning gishwhes.
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ishippeditovernight · 7 years
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*whispers* it’s transparent…
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ishippeditovernight · 7 years
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ishippeditovernight · 7 years
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ishippeditovernight · 7 years
That moment when Jensen remembers he’s on film...
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ishippeditovernight · 7 years
Before you laugh and make fun of someones accent or mistakes when they speak english please take a moment to realize that you can actually learn alot about their language by their mistakes for example When I was I denmark I noticed alot of danes say “ I will learn you ” instead of saying I will teach you because teach and learn is the same thing in danish Also arabs when they speak english they often say “ beeebol ” instead of “ people ” or “ bebzi ” instead of “ Pepsi ” because the letter P doesn’t exist in the arabic alphabet Theres always something to learn when you stop being an ignorant piece of shit
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