okay so maybe i was projecting a little when i wrote max crest what about it.
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starfire squad, on a mission
Lizzie stops to pick up pretty flowers and magical rocks every five seconds. Gale has to stay behind and drag her along so she can keep up. he doesn't mind though.
Gale somehow became the dad of the group and is keeping everyone in line. he's also the only one who knows cpr which probably will come in handy at some point sooner rather than later
Max is flying his jet really fast and inadvertently manages to piss off half of the Alliance and their army by literally just being himself
Soren keeps turning into a shadow and disappearing, she says it's in the name of stealth and espionage but in reality this group is stressing our poor girl out
Halley is lowkey controlling the entire mission. she may not have epic magic or be up in the air flying during battle, but she's Max's first line of communication. she sees things before they happen and tells him exactly where he needs to be. she's also making sarcastic quips and poorly-timed jokes the entire time, but it's fine.
Faye might have been a distinguished princess on Arialle and an ambassador of Asterian Academy, but the second the crew heads out on a mission, that's all over. she's running the tables in those underground gambling halls like nobody's business. she fought ten men with her bare hands. princess who? maybe she is her father's daughter...
Phoenix is fixing every mechanical issue that might come up. he's inventing gadgets and building bombs and being a hero when it's least expected. him and Max also definitely kissed as a distraction more than once when the enemy was closing in.
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character introductions!
this is going to be unhinged but i love it
the main seven:
Elizabeth "Lizzie" Kim Belcrest she/her age- 16 appearance- blonde hair, medium skin, freckles, dark brown eyes, Korean-American features, slim build, about 5'4" (this is a fantasy world but she'd be mixed Korean-American in the real world)
🎀 Lizzie is a girl who loves autumn, baking, sweet treats, singing, playing guitar, reading, writing, adventures, and animals. she grew up in a village on the planet Vale in the kingdom/territory of Blue with her parents and older sister. she's fierce yet soft, and her character grows a lot throughout the series. when her village is raided and she stumbles into the world of a boy not much unlike her-- yet so so different-- everything changes.
Gale Jameson Lindsey he/him age- 17 appearance- dark brown hair, medium skin, the most stunning aquamarine/teal eyes, muscular but not huge, 6'3", slightly pointed ears (his species is a fantastical one called the Khelux, he's part-human part-Khelux so he doesn't have all of the features, but he does have slightly pointed eras, brilliantly colored eyes, and an impressive height/build)
🌊 Gale has water magic, an insane amount of trauma (seriously someone give this poor boy a hug) a love for literature, and staying inside, away from people. he grew up under the care of Everest Rivera, a former Alliance soldier, from the time he was six. Gale lived a secluded life in a wooded cabin with Everest, not venturing out much. he has a complicated relationship with his caretaker/father figure, and the outside world in general. he is very slow to trust and let his guard down, and seems very serious/stoic, but on the inside, he's just a big softie who needs some love and friends. Gale's idea of safety is turned upside down when a timid girl with no where else to go crashes into his life, and all of the sudden, he's on the run again...
Max Taylor Crest he/him age- 17 appearance- wavy brown hair that's gelled in the front and longer in the back, medium-tan skin, pretty boy sparkly hazel eyes, big arms™️, 6'2", has illusion magic, a pilot prodigy, panther tattoo on his bicep, bisexual loser, has a lot of family trauma lowkey because his parents are the rebel commanders, occasionally wears glasses, TATTOOED GOLDEN RETRIEVER!!
🖤 Max is cocky and always armed with a roguish grin, snarky comment, or flirtatious pick-up line. if he existed in our current modern world, he'd 100% be a fuckboy, but you know what? it's fine. he can be seen in his signature bomber jacket, strutting around Asterian academy like the iconic rebellion nepo-baby he is. nobody knows if they want to be him, or be with him. if you can look past his cocky and charming exterior, you'll find that this image he puts up for himself is just a facade, and that he's not the perfect academy student/rebel pilot/magic-wielder/sniper/brother/boyfriend/best friend almost everyone sees him as. he's fiercely loyal, and him and his girlfriend are the most iconic slay power couple ever. oh and he's a history nerd.
Soren Lorraine Sterling-Valdez she/her age- 18 appearance- long chocolate brown hair, light brown-golden skin, dark brown eyes, tall, lean build, 6'0" (we stan a tall girl!!) (this is a fantasy world but she'd be mixed American, Latina, and Indian in the real world)
🔭 Soren is incredibly smart. she's for the academic validation girlies who make it seem like they have their life together but everything's actually crumbling apart on the inside! (totally not projecting anyway-) she's the top of her class at the academy, and a hacker and spy for the Shadow Legion rebels. her boyfriend is Max Crest and they give off major percabeth energy. someone tell her it's okay to loosen up and stop putting insane expectations on herself! (also she's the type to dye her hair dark red during a mental breakdown)
Phoenix Chase Darrow he/him age- 16 appearance- golden blonde hair with a bit of a wave to it, medium-fair skin that tans in the summer, smattering of freckles, sky blue eyes, broad shouldered and tall, about 6'1"
☀️ Phoenix is a sweet little inventor boy who must be protected at all costs. before he came to Asterian Academy, he was a street fighter and thief living in the slums of the kingdom Arialle. the second oldest of six children (including himself), he was orphaned as a young child and had to learn to provide for himself and his siblings younger siblings once his older twin sister and brother were conscripted into the king's army. Phoenix is chilling now though. he has the best friends, almost blows up the potions classroom at Asterian twice a week, and gets to sit and make/fix things in his free time. his best friend is Max Crest, he may or may not be secretly in love with a girl named Faye, and has a platonic soulmate-bond with Halley, Max's kid sister. Phoenix is so character we love our sunshine golden retriever boy here.
Halley Shea Crest she/her age- 15 appearance- brown hair, fair skin, really pretty green eyes with the slightest hint of blue, 5'2", amazing sense of style, art hoe, golden retriever but as a cat if that makes any sense 💜💙💖
🌿 Halley!! Shea!! Crest!! they could never make me hate you. Halley is for the youngest daughter/Amy March girlies. the little sisters. the ones called immature but are actually wise beyond their years. the ones who love too much (is there such thing?) and pay the price for it. our girl's a healer and absolute god at anything potions. she loves all things whimsical, and is probably secretly a fairy. she struggles with living in the shadow of her brother Max, but all Max wants to do is protect her. she just doesn't understand this yet. her best friend in the entire world is Phoenix, and there may or may not be a bit of unrequited love there (she would do anything for him) but their platonic soulmates bond is still adorable and iconic nonetheless. when she eventually meets Lizzie and Gale, she quickly becomes friends with Lizzie, and forms an unexpected sibling bond with Gale.
Faye Audrey Ryder she/her age- 17 appearance- reddish hair, fair skin, freckles, ice blue eyes, tall lithe build, 5'10", part of a species called the Tavarin that are known for their pointed ears, elegant stag horns, long limbs, and swirling markings on the skin
🧚🏻‍♀️ in another world, Faye was a princess. she left that cruel life under her father's regime and traded it for one at Asterian Academy and working with the Shadow Legion rebels. Faye and Phoenix fled Arialle in a stolen ship after discovering she was to be married off, and they met Max, Halley, and Soren upon their arrival on Vale. Faye is kind and graceful, yet guarded. she wants to love, but has not been shown how. no matter how unkind the world his, her kindness remains steadfast. she is particularly close with Max, Soren, and Phoenix, and by association, Halley.
Everest Rivera he/him age- 53 appearance- salt-and-pepper hair, tanned skin, brown eyes, grayish stubble, very Joel Miller from tlou-core
⚔️ Everest is an ex-Venus Alliance soldier who deserted the military after uncovering the Alliance's corrupt agenda. his wife, Callentia, and daughter, Iris were killed by the Alliance. before that though, he was just an eighteen year-old boy looking for a way out of his small, poor town on Earth. he eventually ended up deployed to the planet Vale and its kingdoms, and met Luke Rockford, a fellow soldier with whom he became very very close with. but then he betrayed Luke by deserting, and the two haven't spoken or had any contact in thirteen years. following his desertion, Everest made a life for himself alone in a wooded cabin in the enchanted forests of Midnight, until one fateful day, a six year-old boy with turquoise eyes and a bloody nose stumbled onto his property. the rest was history...
Luke Rockford he/him age- 48 appearance- golden crew-cut hair, medium skin, gray eyes
🌙 a loyal Venus Alliance commander, Luke Rockford serves his general and none other. he'll always regret tha day that his comrade left him, but deep down, Luke knows its for the better. even if he'll never admit it. there's a reason the Alliance hasn't yet found and killed former soldier Everest Rivera, and Luke Rockford is most certainly behind that. Luke has a long history of lovers, and perhaps even a child, but he's never settled down. his work is too callous, too dangerous. but a good soldier always follows orders.
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