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never-ending tale!
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11#China Social Media
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Facebook and WhatsApp are commonly used applications in our everyday life. WhatsApp is an application that provides text messaging services that supports and receiving a variety of media: text, photos, videos, documents, location as well as voice calls. On the other hand, Facebook provides services that giving people the power to build community, stay connected with people, discover feed from the world, share and express what matters to them. However, countries such as China, North Korea, Iran banned Facebook and WhatsApp. 
The Great Firewall of China
The internet censorship regulated in China is extreme due to wide range of laws and regulations that applied to the internet access in China. “Golden Shield Project” and ”The Great Firewall of China” are known as a sub-system are still the hot topic that many researchers and foreign companies are concern about. “The Great Firewall of China” is appeared in 1997 which refers to a project initiated and controlled by Chinese Government. In general, “The Great Firewall” plays a role to filter and restrict the access to some selected websites in the internet sphere of China.
Although China is said to be a copycat which copies Western media. In China, Facebook and WhatsApp is banned and WeChat is a social media platform that replace Facebook and WhatsApp. WeChat is a social media that is owned by China’s tech giant, Tencent. WeChat has evolved to an all-in-one app that is becoming one of China’s unique social media platform. There are many mini program in WeChat that links a lot of applications. One of the mini program is mini games which is from last week post #10 Social Gaming.  
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WeChat Success
WeChat’s success has been powered by the platform’s mobile payment services, WeChat Pay, which assists with every aspect of a user’s life from shopping, hailing taxis, making appointments and ordering food deliveries. People in China relies WeChat in their everyday life.
Exporting mobile payment to the World
Chinese President Xi Jinping vows to make China a cyber superpower, Chinese tech companies are extending their ambitions to build a cash-free economy outside the border. To date, WeChat has launched its payment service in 15 countries. In the future, more and more people around the world including Australia, South East Asia and other countries are starting to use WeChat services. At the stage, only customers with Chinese bank accounts can use WeChat to make payments, so the global push still largely relies on Chinese consumers. However, WeChat latest venture in Malaysia suggest the company is not planning to target overseas domestic users. WeChat has obtained an e-payment license in Malaysia that allow locals to use Malaysia banks to pay in late November 2017. From this, Malaysia Wechat’s will be the first offshore market whereby all of the platform services can be made available to local users. Australia has becoming a hot destination for Chinese tourists and students and it was one of the first offshore markets WeChat targeted. Recently, WeChat Pay hace partnered with nine Australia cross-border payment service for connecting Australian merchants to Chinese consumers. Besides that, nine Australia cross-border payment service providers have pertnered with WeChat Pay to connect Australia merchants to Chinese consumers. 
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WhatsApp 2018, viewed 22 November 2018, https://www.whatsapp.com/about/>
Facebook 2018, Investor Relations, viewed 22 November 2018, <https://investor.fb.com/resources/default.aspx>
Meg, J.Z 2017, What you need to know about WeChat, China’s tech juggernaut making waves in Australia, ABC News, viewed on 22 November 2018, <https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-12-18/wechat-what-you-need-to-know-about-china-social-media-juggernaut/9268036>
Lee, M 2016, China’s Nearly 700 Million Internet Users Are Hot For Online Finance, viewed on 22 November 2018, <http://www.forbes.com/sites/melanieleest/2016/01/25/chinas-nearly-700-million-internet-users-are-hot-for-online-finance/#4f92d6fd1391>
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The Beatles performing in Plaza de Toros Monumental in Barcelona, Spain. (July 3rd, 1965)
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R.I.P. Stan Lee (1922-2018)
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10#Social gaming
Social gaming is a relatively new concept within the online world and there is still no any universally-agreed definition. However, there are some general factors which most sources agree can be taken to characterize as social gaming.
Multi-player: Social games are played by multiple players at the same time. These players can either co-operate with or compete against each other
Social platforms: Social games are based on a platform that facilities social interactions.
Awareness & interaction: Within a social game, an individual player is aware of other players’ presence, actions and accomplishments. Social game players are also able to interact with each other.
As social gaming matures, its definition will no doubt become more rigorous. At the moment, however, the above-mentioned factors are a good guide in helping us to understand the general nature of social gaming.
Wechat’s mini games
Wechat, the largest social network on the mainland, had 1,057.7 million monthly active users globally. According to Wechat’s data, by April 27 the number of games available had reached 300. One of the biggest mini game have more than 100 million users.
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There are few factors that Wechat mini games is popular:
Easy to get started
Sharing on Wechat groups
Make the game social
Redirecting traffic to other mini games
Wechat mini games have a great social environment for sharing. Developers should leverage the social aspect to build a game that users would want to share with friends.
Tencent’s King of Glory
Besides that, PC games such as CS:GO, LOL, Dota are popular games that have huge number of gamers. In 2016, developers from China developed mobile games such as the “King of Glory”, a MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) in social media platform.
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 In 2017 March, according to Tencent’s financial statement, there are more than 80 million daily active users and 200 million monthly active users. “King of Glory” has become one of the most popular game in Chinese market.  “King of Glory” are more convenient than traditional computer games. It does has less limitation such as fixed time and fixed place in order to play. Besides that, it has expanding the social scope drastically. 
The importance of female users for the social game is self-evident. Female users play an important role which can attract more male users to play and maintaining active users in the social platform. On the other hand, too much female users will make the social platform to be more like a tool. The function and design interface of “King of Glory” has attract more female users and grow into a social platform. Data shows that female users accounted for 54% of the female, which is more than Dota and LOL with proportion of female users with less than 10%. “King of Glory” have become a hot topic of communication. The game itself turn to a social platform due to hot social topic about it in social platform. It is so popular that there are competitions, short films and movies about it.
 “King of Glory” has added social elements and sharing features that increase the game to spread in social circles. Social chain, a new development of relationship chain is formed as the sharing mechanism that bundle with Wechat. It reduce the communication path of the game. It is very common nowadays people playing it and it is difficult to separate it after it is integrated into a user’s life. The socialization of game will be more and obvious, more social games will blend with social media platform. According to the founder of “King of Glory”, Yao Xiao Guang, “King of Glory” has become one of a social style (Mao 2017). 
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Social gaming are played for short periods as a low-intensity relaxation and distraction activity. As such, our usability recommendations include that social game designers should focus on: simple and repetitive tasks; step-by-step tutorials; opportunities for social interaction; supporting interrupted gameplay; visibility of other players’ statistics and scores. 
Graziani T 2017, “WeChat releases “Mini-games”:does it matter?”, Walkthechat, viewed 10 November 2018, <https://walkthechat.com/wechat-releases-mini-games-matter/>
Mao L.M 2017, “From the Yin Yang Master to the King’s Glory, how does the game become a social platform?”, Sniffing net, viewed 7 November 2018, <https://www.huxiu.com/article/215204.html>
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#Film #Movies #Cinema #Queen #Rami Malek #Bohemian Rhapsody#Music
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Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)
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A Study On The Eyes Of Star Wars’ Characters
Throughout the Star Wars films eyes have played a huge role in how a character is perceived.
 In the original trilogy when Vader takes off his mask at the end of The Return of Jedi and it’s the first time we ever saw his face what stands out most are his eyes.
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Yes his face is deformed from what happened to him back in Revenge of the Sith but the main focus are his eyes. Not the eyes of Darth Vader, a Sith Lord, but the eyes of Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi. And that’s also the reason Luke’s face softens when he first sees him.
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He sees the eyes of his father for the first time (me to me: don’t cry bitch).
Moving on to the prequels and let’s keep our focus on Anakin’s eyes.
Phantom Menance
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Smol child. Good boi. Loves flying and his mom. 10/10 would adopt.
And you cant argue here that they couldn’t make Anakin’s evil then cause he’s just a kid cause we got young Boba Fett looking like
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Attack of the Clones
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Sassy son. Sees his master as a father figure he never had. In love with a girl he met once that looked “like an angel”.
And then we got Revenge of The Sith
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-Edge-Sith Lord. Murderer. Just killed a bunch of children. Hates everyone.
In all seriousness, we can clearly see the turning point for Anakin just by observing his eyes.
And that’s not only a thing for Anakin obviously.
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And this is just basic storytelling. The easiest way for the audience to tell who’s a good guy and who’s not.
Jumping forward to Rogue One and we see a clear indication of this again. When Cassian left the ship ordered to assassinate Jyn’s father Chirrut, who I highly believe was Force Sensitive, asks Baze:
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And Baze replies: “No. He has the eyes of a friend.”
And that was a huge foreshadowing that Cassian wouldn’t actually kill Galen Erso. Just by what his eyes looked like. “The eyes of a friend.”
Moving on to the The Force Awakens and lets turn our focus on Finn. Throught the movie Finn’s character developed dramatically. Finn born and trained his whole life to become a First Order Stormtrooper. Finn uncertain and scared of who he is. Finn finally finding a place where he belongs fighting for what he believes. And then we got this scene where they’re all talking to Maz Kanata, also a person who I believe may be Force Sensitive, and she studies Finn’s eyes, just his eyes, and says this:
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Once more a character is judged solely based on his eyes.
Then again in The Last Jedi when *spoilers* Finn kills Captain Phasma the mask shes’s wearing breaks and the only thing we see before she falls is her eye.
Where am I going with this you may ask? And I’ll reply:
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I rest my case.
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October 9th
Lucasfilm: *releases The Last Jedi trailer*
Everyone: *proceeds to lose their shit*
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9#Fan communities & activism
Fan communities is a culture medium in which a storytelling can be related to their own lives and new ideas emerge and evolve before spreading to the masses of society (IGI Global 2018).
Star wars
Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise that was created by George Lucas. There were three films constitute the original Star Wars trilogy released between 1977 to 1983. A prequel trilogy was released between 1999 to 2005. Starting 2015, there were a new sequel trilogy concluding the main story of the nine-episode sage. Besides, there were three theatrical spin-off films which made Star Wars became the second of the highest-grossing film series. Star Wars fans celebrated Star Wars 40 anniversary with the hashtag of #StarWars40 last year.
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There are a lot of Star Wars fans in the world and there is a large community on the sites such as Rebel Legion which let fan community to enjoy, express, and share their costume talents. Legion also promotes quality and improvement of Star Wars costumes; Legion giving back to the community through works of charity and volunteerism. There is another site, Star Wars , a platform which include latest news, blogs, videos, events, TV shows, games and applications about Star Wars. There is a large community and a database about Star Wars. It is just a paradise for a typical Star Wars fan. 
😎😎Watch the 40 Years of Star Wars Panel Full-Star Wars Celebration 2017 Orlando 😉😉
Harry Potter
Harry Potter is one of the most famous series of fantasy novel written by J.K. Rowling. There were seven novels and it was so popular that there are filmed into 8 movies. Fans form into large communities globally. There are several  Harry Potter fans websites talking about theories, information, news and events. These are the platforms for the communities to interact to both fans and the author. After the movie franchise, there are several theme parks The Wizarding World of Harry Potter opened at the USA that attract Harry Potter fans. Fans can enjoy the magical world. 
Last year, fans of Harry Potter across the globe are celebrating the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter. Fans share the celebration with the hashtag of #HarryPortter20 in Twitter. Most of the actors and actresses including the author are celebrating with fans. The author express her gratitude for millions of fans on Twitter , reminiscing on how this day of 20 years ago change her life.
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IGI Global 2018, What is Fan Communities, viewed 30 October 2018, <https://www.igi-global.com/dictionary/fan-communities/64105?fbclid=IwAR1-9sF3GM4nTaT5nMUO9PEPcmxKrsbyYU62Tv0uI_P9y2Wk7iPF6Z7OIZg>
Mccluskey M 2017, J.K. Rowling Marks 20th Anniversary of Harry Potter with Heartfelt Message, TIME, viewed 30 October 2018, <http://time.com/4832670/harry-potter-j-k-rowling-20th-anniversary-tweet/>
Whitten S 2017, ‘Star Wars’ marks its anniversary just the way you’d expect, with plenty of limited-edition items, CNBC, viewed 30 October 2018, <https://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/25/14-collectibles-for-the-star-wars-40th-anniversary.html>
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Space twins ⭐
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8#Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding: Horror in Palu,Indonesia
According to MacMath J (2018), the devastating 7.5 magnitude earthquake and subsequently four meters high tsunami at 800 km/h that rattled Palu, a small Sulawesi Island city, Indonesia on 28 September 2018 with the death toll which exceeded 2,000. According to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency prediction on 12 October 2018, 5,000 people remain missing, potentially buried under the mountain of rubble.
Crisis call for crowd sourcing
After the news spread especially from social media platform, Indonesia ask for help from the globe. People essentially are the crowd and what they contribute is the source. Survivors posted the videos, photos and  messages of the catastrophic aftermath. It went viral in social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Social media allowed for survivors, volunteers, organisations, governments and many others to broadcast what was happening and the latest news in Palu. The United Nations figures suggesting about 200,000 Palu citizens still need humanitarian support. More than 70,000 houses were destroyed or damaged. Charity World Vision experts have estimated it could be taking more than two years before communities in and around Palu recover fully from the disaster. 
Crowd funding and help are on the way
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The United Nations is seeking $50.5 million to assist victims of the devastating disaster. Mark Lowcock, United Nation Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator had an allocation of $15 million. Besides that, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies had funded $22 million to help Indonesia. Overall, about 20 countries have offered help for Indonesia. Humanitarian organisations have extended a helping hand, offering donations in the form of funds, goods and volunteer work. Crowdfunding website such as YouHelp ,Kitabusa.com, Tolopedia raised money from donors across the globe. There are a lot of donation channels from these websites and it is one of the easier ways to make a difference for people’s lives at Palu.
Aljazeera  2018, Indonesia earthquake and tsunami:All the latest updates, viewed 20 October 2018, <https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/10/indonesia-earthquake-tsunami-latest-updates-181003060041729.html>
MacMath J 2018, Horror in Indonesia: Emergency responder calls earthquake and tsunami aftermath ‘one of the most he’s ever seen’, AccuWeather, viewed 19 October 2018, <https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/horror-in-indonesia-emergency-responder-calls-earthquake-and-tsunami-aftermath-one-of-the-worst-hes-ever-seen/70006341>
New Desk 2018, Hope you can help Palu earthquake victims, The Jakarta Post, viewed 20 October 2018, <http://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2018/09/30/how-you-can-help-palu-earthquake-victims.html>
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7#Digital citizenship 3:Logan Paul trolling in Japan and makes Japanese angry
Logan Paul is an American famous YouTuber with 15 million plus subscribers. His videos, a relentless barrage of boasts, pranks, and stunts, have garnered him legions of adoring fans. One of his video went too far and made a blistering wave of criticism.
In 2017, he went to Japan with his team to make a video that makes the whole Japan angry. His has made a lot of disrespect, childish, irrational actions in Japan. Why, the video below is a Japanese YouTuber  , That Japanese Man Yuta who talk about his irrational and disrespectful actions about Logan Paul and his team in Japan.
Most Japanese think Logan’s doing in Japan is unacceptable and childish.These are the Japanese reacts about Logan Paul’s vlog in Japan. 
This picture below is one of Paul’s YouTube comments and mostly are bad comments. People were angry that Paul was joking with a corpse in the Aokigahara forest. Paul faced a lot of criticism and want YouTube to shut down Paul’s channel. 
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The conflict between groups in social media
There are two groups of people about Logan Paul. One is against Logan Paul to continue his YouTube channel and other is wanting to forgive what Logan’s wrongdoing about his terrible mistakes. There is debate with hashtags  #CancelLoganPaul  and  #ForgiveLoganPaul . Vote here and see the results.
According to Yam (2018), a Change.org  petition entitled “Delete Logan Paul’s YouTube Channel,” has garnered more than 190,000 signature. Multiple petitions call for YouTube to ban Paul form the platform, citing the vlogger’s disrespect of Japan and its culture and the trivial way suicide was discussed in the video. One of the petition stated:
“A man who had family and friends chose to end his life, and you choose to share his death to your millions of followers without thinking about how his family/friends felt? It’s disgusting and shouldn’t be tolerated.”
Even celebrities have chimed in to underscore how insensitive the vlogger’s behavior was, including fellow YouTuber Anna Akana, whose sister died by suicide.
YouTube announced it was dropping Paul from its Google Preferred premium advertising program in response to the outcry from Aokigahara forest video, and suspending its original content projects with him. After he deleted the video, he made an apology video about his actions in Japan following up with a written apology on Twitter, describing the video as a “severe and continuous lapse in my judgment”, and has since announced he is taking a break from vlogging to take “time to reflect”. However, Paul’s popularity gained more 400,000 subscribers since the contentious clip was released, according to Social Blade (Molloy 2018). 
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According to Blumenthal (2018), since the original video of Paul’s trip to a Japanese forest known for suicide was pulled by Paul, his fan group Logang has taken to the star’s Twitter, Instagram and YouTube channel to defend Paul or offer support with a hashtag #Logang4life.
Besides that, his apology video was ranked number one on YouTube trending videos page which 51.5 million views. There were 375,000 comments on the apology video posed to YouTube and 23,000 on the Twitter apology. His fans have continued to flock to his defense, filling up the comments on both posts with support and defending him to others.
While acknowledging his actions as irresponsible, he denied that his intention was to mock the victim. Although his true intention of making the video of Japanese suicide is to rise the awareness of mental health is great, but the way he filming it is not respect the suicide victim and his love ones. 
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Mental health is an issue faced in our modern society and we need to take it seriously about it.
If you or someone you know needs help, call 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You can also test HELLO to 741-741 for free, 24-hour support from the Crisis Text Line. Outside of the U.S, please visit the International Association for Suicide Prevention for a database of resources. 
Blumenthal E 2018, Logan Paul’s fans defend youtube video of Japanese suicide; his apology tops trending videos, USA TODAY, viewed on 15 October 2018, <https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2018/01/02/logan-pauls-fans-defend-youtube-video-japanese-suicide-his-apology-tops-trending-videos/997133001/> 
Molloy M 2018, Logan Paul’s Japan Youtube videos make up to $90,000 despite dead body controversy, The Telegraph, viewed 14 October 2018, <https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/01/11/logan-pauls-japan-youtube-videos-make-90000-despite-dead-body/>
Yaw K 2018, Logan Paul “Dead body” video spurs thousands to petition to get him off YouTube, Huffpost, viewed 15 October 2018, <https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/logan-paul-dead-body-petition_us_5a4f97bee4b089e14dba6cd7>
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6#Digital Citizenship 2 Activism and protest:Protest against Oscars?!
Chris Rock’s monologue during Oscar 2016
In his opening monologue, Rock said: “ Man, I counted at least 15 black people on that monitor. I’m here at the Academy Awards, otherwise known as the White People’s Choice Awards”.
Given how awkwardly the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences handled the criticism when the nominations were announced, Rock performed an enormous service by tackling the absence of performers of color in such a smart yet funny way. 
Back to 2015...
Civil rights group protest outside the Oscars ceremony at the lack of diversity. Out of a total of 20 acting nominees, there are no other than white which spawned the trending Twitter hashtag #OscarsSoWhite. The last time no non-white actors were nominated was 1998. 
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Head of the LA Urban Policy Roundtable group, Earl Ofari Hutchinson said:
“The goal of the protest is to send a message to the Academy, Hollywood and the film industry. The message is simple: you don’t reflect America, your industry doesn’t reflect America. Women, Hispanics, African-Americans, people of colour (are) invisible in Hollywood.”
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which hands out the Oscars, does not disclose the demographic breakdown of its 6,100 members, but has long been criticized for being predominately white and male.
Art can change the world and the world is more diverse than this 2015 Oscars’s honorees. Addressing that disconnect is vital and necessary and will be done.
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Even though 2015 saw stand-out performances from the likes of Idris Elba (Beasts of No Nation), Benicio Del Toro (Sicario) and Michael B Jordan (Creed).  Not a single non-white actor has been nominated for an award  two years in a row.
One of the first people to announce they would not be attending that awards show was actress Jada Pinkett Smith who said in a video posted to Facebook: 
"Today is Martin Luther King's birthday, and I can't help but ask the question: Is it time that people of colour recognise how much power, influence, that we have amassed, that we no longer need to ask to be invited anywhere?
"Begging for acknowledgement, or even asking, diminishes dignity and diminishes power. And we are a dignified people, and we are powerful. So let's let the Academy do them, with all grace and love. And let's do us, differently” (Shepherd 2016).
Celebs including Will & Jada Smith, Spike Lee, Snoop Dogg, Mark Ruffalo, Tyrese Gibson were boycotting and not watching the Oscars 2016. These are the celebs who were supporting the boycott on Oscars 2016.
Black civil rights activist leads demonstration demanding advertisers boycott next year’s Oscars to protest Oscar 2016 are all-white shortlist for actors and directors.Simultaneous rallies were staged in several other American cities, including Miami, Detroit and Atlanta, by the pastor’s National Action Network group.
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Yet while the #OscarsSoWhite controversy is hardly settled, nor is the more prosaic matter of #OscarsPrettyDull.
Debnath N 2015, Oscars 2015:Protest planned against this year all-white nominations, Independent, viewed 7 october 2018, <https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/oscars/oscars-2015-protest-planned-against-this-years-all-white-nominations-10062937.html>
Kelsey E 2015, Civil rights groups to protest Oscars over lack of diversity, Reuters, viewed 7 October 2018, <https://www.reuters.com/article/us-awards-oscars-protests/civil-rights-groups-to-protest-oscars-over-lack-of-diversity-idUSKBN0LP01D20150221?feedType=RSS&feedName=entertainmentNews>
Lowry B 2016, TV Review:’The 88th Academy Awards’, Variety, viewed 7 October 2018,
Shepherd J 2016, Oscars 2016: Everyone who boycotted the Academy Awards and why, from Jada Pinkett Smith to Spike Lee, Independent, viewed 7 October 2018, <https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/oscars-2016-everyone-boycotting-the-academy-awards-and-why-from-jada-pinkett-smith-to-spike-lee-a6902121.html>
Tait R 2016, Oscar 2016: Al Sharpton holds race protests over lack of black nominees, The Telegraph, viewed 7 October 2018, <https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/oscars/12177235/Oscars-2016-Al-Sharpton-holds-race-protests-over-lack-of-black-nominees.html>
Yuhas A 2015, Diversity protest at Oscars cancelled at Ava DuVernay’s request, The Guardian, viewed 7 October 2018, <https://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/feb/22/diversity-protest-oscars-academy-award-ava-duvernay>
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via weheartit
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4.1#“How are our social experiences in each of these context bound up with social media platforms and their affordances, and how we make use of them?”
Tumblr has launched by David Karp, founder of Tumblr in 2007. By the end of 2017, Tumblr had amassed 555 million monthly visitors and hosted more than 375 million blogs. Users can post text, images. Videos, audio, and links. Users can see the content of the people that the user follow in the feed (Price 2017). According to Kaplan & Haenlein (2010), microblogging are starting to become an established category within the general group of social media. The success of microblogging has some specific set of characteristic which they process: the creation of ambient awareness; a unique form of push-push-pull communication; and the ability to serve as a platform for virtual exhibitionism and voyeurism.  
Ambient awareness
Ambient awareness is a physical proximity that allows one’s mood to be interpreted through a series of little behaviors, several posts together can generate a strong feeling of closeness and intimacy which can increase levels of social presence.
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Push-push-pull communication
If an user is interested to a specific content of another person, the user can decide to become a “follower” of that person. All contents exchange on posts are public by default, which means that they can be read and commented on by everyone. The information pushed to a user’s followers may be read and forgotten immediately; it may not even be read at all. Once posts had been pushed and pushed again through the whole network, it may motivate some user to go out and “pull” additional information on the subject from other sources. Hence, the unique combination of push-push-pull communication from sender to followers, from followers to followers, and from receivers to external information sources.
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Virtual exhibitionism and voyeurism
Kaplan and Haelein state that 
“Empirical proof for this statement can be found by considering the popularity of reality television programs. Anybody who has spent time watching Big Brother or The Simple Life will be able to confirm that people are more likely to watch reality programs when they have a higher voyeuristic tendency.” They sum it up as such: “Self-presentation and self-disclosure contends that every individual continuously engages in strategic activities to convey an impression to others which is in his or her self-interest.” However, it encourages the popularity of Tumblr because "micro-blogs are therefore the perfect tool for anonymous voyeurism and keeping updated regarding friends and family without feeling an obligation to react or respond—just like the proverbial ‘fly on the wall.”
Blogging and publishing networks
Tumblr is one of the blogging and publishing network site that gives users and brand tools to publish content online in formats that encourage discovery, sharing, and commenting. With these functions, it can benefits entrepreneurs and companies as the content marketing can be a highly effective way to engage with their audience, a potential site to build their brand, and generate leads and sales (Foreman 2017).
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Foreman, C 2017, 10 types of social media and how each can benefit your business, Hootsuite, viewed 1 October 2018, <https://blog.hootsuite.com/types-of-social-media/>
Kaplan, A.M, Haenlein, M 2010, The early bird catches the news: Nine things you should know about micro-blogging, ScienceDirect, viewed 2 October 2018, <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0007681310001254>
Price, D 2017, How to use Tumblr:10 useful Tumblr tips for beginners, MakeUseOf, viewed 1 october 2018, <https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/10-tumblr-tips-users/>
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5#Digital Citizenship: Political Engagement
Malaysia Ex Prime Minister Scandal
Under the prime minister, Najib Razak, the country Malaysia is regressing at alarming speed. During his leadership, there are a lot of scandals such as corruption allegation over the purchase of two French submarines, he abuses his political power, and the most allegation 1Malaysia Development Berhad financial scandal which accused of transferring nearly 21 billion Ringgit Malaysia from the fund to his personal bank.
During the period as a prime minister, he uses his power to cover his wrongdoing and silent the demonstrators who against him.
How the government lost the general election 14
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Public and media exposure of a leader will also affect their reception from their followers. According to Maylie (2015), the citizens in countries where the government dominates the media, will pay more attention to their leaders. The citizens in a developing country such as Malaysia who are able to share their point of views and disseminate information to a wider audience lead the greater democratization due by the rapid growth of social media in the country (Muniandy and Muniandy 2013). The wide use of social media in disseminating information and communication is very powerful as politicians can use it to update their events or communicate with their supporters or the common folks. Social media not only can be used as a communication or sharing tool but  it also can be used to propagate lies, slanders, statements to ruin other people’s personality. A leader can either be ruined or praised by anyone through the unlimited and uncensored social media. The perception of the citizens toward a leader will be affected by the information they received from the social media.
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Both Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Harapan (PH) were campaigning for the 14th General Election (GE14). Both parties had heavily banked on social media. Analysts from Centre of Applied Data Science (CADS) discovered that PH used broader messages to attract the hearts and minds of Malaysians, BN had mostly attempted to make itself and chairman Datuk Seri Najib Razak look good.
Before the year of 14th general election, the use and trust of media were limited on television, newspaper,radio and the internet. Trust on social media (Facebook, Twitter) were lack a longitudinal perspective (Idid 2018).Media campaigns became more intense as the social media were able to bring to the community agendas that were not carried by the mainstream or traditional media.
Malaysians increasingly consume news via private social media platforms like WhatsApp and FB which are unlike traditional media that are government-controlled.
Social media can easily count themselves as the most dominant and effective form of campaigning in GE14. In a nutshell, it has reduced the cost of reaching out to the electorate and changed the landscape of political campaigning. It does not cost much to put up a WhatsApp video or a cartoon. Compared to the old days when door-to-door campaigning, it was seemly more effective way to reach (Shanmugam 2018).
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PH’s social media lead was relatively diminished in this electoral cycle, it had already established a strong online presence in previous elections. With PH based on its previous popular campaigns like #IniKalilah (This is the Time) and #Ubah (Change) that have taken root in Malaysian society over the years.
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Campaign content appeared more sincere on PH’s end. For instance, the campaign video showing Dr Mahathir Mohamad talking to a little girl about saving the country resonated with many.
Internet-based campaigns hence complement, rather than substitute, traditional campaign methods in GE14. (Abdullah & Anuar 2018)
For Malaysia, GE14 is the first time where social media are the common tools used by political parties from both sides of the divide. The country has a high Internet penetration rate, reaching out to most voters.
Abdullah,N & Anuar,A 2018, What effect did social media have on the Malaysia election result?, Today Mediacrop, viewed 3 October 2018, <https://www.todayonline.com/commentary/what-effect-did-social-media-have-malaysian-election-result>
Idid, S.A 2018, ‘The Malaysian 14th General Election: Media use and trust among party supporters’, Department of Communication, International Islamic University Malaysia, viewed on 4 October 2018, <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324273975_The_Malaysian_14th_General_Election_Media_Use_and_Trust_Among_Party_Supporters>
Maylie, D 2015, ‘How the world’s most powerful leaders are viewed by the global public’, HARVARD Kennedy School’s SHORENSTEIN CENTER, viewed 15 September 2016, <http://journalistsresource.org/studies/international/globalization/public-perceptions-global-leaders>.
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