ivemadeanopinion · 3 years
so much has changed since I last accessed this account.
I'm really feminist now (trans inclusive ofc) and I'm also non binary. holy schmoley
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ivemadeanopinion · 4 years
When I was 12/13, I had a run in with self harm. Hospitals are expensive. Very expensive. I was really distressed and suicidal.
My mom called 911, and the cops came. No ambulances or anything, just two cops. Which is fine.
One of these officers started getting really rude with me. He told me that I'm hurting my family by being depressed, and I should be more happy. He lectured me on not committing suicide, and I can understand that. But he got really angry, yelled at me, while I was crying. He pointed at my scars and told me I should never do that. He wasn't kind, he wasn't patient or understanding, he was rude.
I have terrible social anxiety. When I get yelled at I shut down. So I could do nothing but cry. He told me to stop crying. I was scared. It took so long for me to stop because of how scared I was. When I finally stopped, he forced me to speak. When I get over stimulated sometimes I just go nonverbal and can't speak. And I had to. My brain was... It hurt me emotionally.
I don't remember it all, or the exact situation. I know there was a lot of yelling, and honestly, it didn't help. It made me want to die more. It made me want to just die right there in that moment.
I'm scared to show emotion. I think I went a couple months scared to cry, scared to show anyone any part of me. And when I think of how rude that officer was, it scares me.
I saw that same officer the day I overdosed. He asked if I remembered him, and I said yes. I was still scared. I think he said he was disappointed. I'm not sure. He mostly talked to my mom and all about what was next and all that. I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance.
I know not all cops are bad but this one was. He made me feel so scared, like he needed to make a suicidal teenager know he was dominant and better than me.
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ivemadeanopinion · 4 years
I've only recently learned what white privilege truly means. And this is it. I'm safer than so many people because of my skin color. I mean, I don't go outside anyway, I sunburn in about 2 minutes.
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This white woman’s shocking account of police brutality reveals the importance of the #BlackLivesMatter movement
Molly Suzanna shared a story on Facebook that she had never told before: when she was 19, she ran a red light while crying, then was pulled over and forcefully removed and beaten by a police officer. She explains in the letter that she believes her situation would have been even worse had she been black — and she ends the letter with an important call to action.
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ivemadeanopinion · 4 years
It's midnight, and I've had a long day. But I can't sleep because Im thinking of everything that's going on.
Not only the torture of 2020 so far but how a movement on black lives matter can somehow be an opinion and not just fact. White people (I don't use that phrase often.) are somehow turning this into something about themselves.
My father is making jokes on Facebook and discussing with people about how the riots shouldn't be happening and how it's all stupid and they can do it peacefully. I get it, and understand how That part is an opinion. But you can't just go around saying that all these people who have died are insignificant.
I showed my father a #saytheirnames post (I believe that is the tag) and he went on and on about why it could've happened and tried to excuse it. No, going into an apartment and shooting a sleeping woman is Not okay and whether or not there was a mistake, it is NOT OKAY, and the officer should have a manslaughter charge at the very least. Technically they were killing with intent, but with the wrong person. It was a person's life that was taken, not some debate on whether its okay because someone who had a whole life ahead of them was murdered for no reason! And many more. And the correlation to it is their skin color.
He always says that it isn't reported when a white person is killed by a cop. I bet my left nut it is (which I can't really bet since I don't have that type of genitalia) but it isn't such an outrage because it is way more common for POC to die.
Yes all lives matter, yes white people die, but why can we not stand up for those who had no one standing up for them when they were killed unjustly? It hurts my heart and brain to know that it's a fucking DEBATE about whether they should be stood up for or not. And I cannot believe the fact that there's more and more police brutality with these protests and my father is turning a blind eye to peaceful protesters being shot with rubber bullets, tear gassed, arrested. And those who aren't FUCKING RESISTING ARREST are still being pepper sprayed. Restrained and yet weapons are still being used on them.
I can't even start or end on how many things there are to yell about. But I see him commenting on all sorts of things on Facebook making witty comebacks, but when it comes to videos of actual shit things happening, he hides. No input given.
I know, we've had our share of racism towards us. Being blamed for Ferguson (where I lived) and Mike Brown when I was 8 because other kids at school misunderstood what their parents meant wasn't fun. Yes, we aren't racist I know, my best friend in the entire world (well, I just consider her family) is a person of color, father. When you were a child you knew everyone in the neighborhood and didn't see color. Has that changed though? Because it seems like you're being a bit, crappy. Maybe he isn't racist, but just selfish as fuck.
I'm turning 15 in two days. I might as well change my URL because I have my fucking opinion and it's that black lives matter. POC lives matter. And fuck the fucking police. (hm. Wonder how my brother is doing. I wonder if he's a racist.?)
And my opinion on abortion now? I'm completely pro-choice with no debate in my mind. Because seeing my father be fine with grown adults being murdered in cold blood, but see him shitting his pants about unborn fetuses dying hurts my soul to the point where I understand abortions. I'm tired of his crap.
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ivemadeanopinion · 4 years
Reblogged this on my other acc then realized it's a meme account kind of thing. So since this is serious its here. I wanna do my best to help out so I'm saving it here.
If I was old enough I would go to protests to provide first aid. I would wanna protest but my parents would hate me and I think I could help more with medical since so many are getting hurt. Sadly I can't.
I'll be fifteen in 6 days!
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ivemadeanopinion · 4 years
Hello! Thanks for responding. I guess I used the wrong word. I didn't really think there were "racial slurs" against white people, I'm just not very good at using words. Yeah, they definitely did call me names. There is definitely no thing in comparison to the slurs towards other races.
I guess I just thought it could be considered a "slur" because the names were used to offend me because I was white. Thanks for being really kind. I really appreciate any information I can get. I'm not big on using the right words when I need them, and I'm definitely not very smart in politics. So, I'm trying to learn both.
Hello! This is my first post on this account. I recently posted about something political on my other account, and thought that I didn't want any politics on there really :)
I'm a 14 year old girl who really wants to formulate her own opinion and break away from my father's. He's a strong republican, prolife, doesn't believe in climate change, and thinks liberalism is a mental illness, or something along those lines. He basically assumes everyone from the other side is stupid. (Though, it wouldn't be infactual to say I've seen Democrats say so too about republicans.)
I hate sitting in my house, hearing my dad rant on and on about these things no one in my household cares about, and I thought, why not care? Why not care and begin to formulate my own opinion???
The amount of times I've embarrassed myself in school. Like I said, my father doesn't believe in climate change. I have a huge personality. So I've said it before. Tried to discuss it. And people look at me as if I'm insane. I didn't know better.
Whether you're republican, a Democrat, whatever you are, I'm open minded to any information, articles or anything you have to provide.
Please, although people can be assholes, not ALL people are assholes. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. On this blog I will try to avoid saying anyone is dumb, or say things negative about them. Discussing opinions is okay. There is no need to take it further than that.
I'd appreciate having a civil discussion. I might give you information my father has told me, and I wouldn't mind if you explained why he is wrong.
I don't believe that all Republicans are bad. I don't believe that all liberals are bad. I don't believe that a whole entire group of people is bad. Just certain people inside it. Yet every day I see posts bashing entire groups of people, defined by their gender, looks, race, sexuality other than what they believe in. There are always nice people in a bad group, and bad people in a nice group. (Of course, depending on how vague you go. If you say pro life, you arent saying that they're pro "you have to always give birth even if it's a child from rape." That isn't every person in the pro life community.)
Though I understand how posts go, and when you say "republicans" and stuff. It makes sense. I'm probably gonna say "most republicans" in my posts though, when it ever comes across, because it's a preference I guess. My whole family is republican and seeing the ones who aren't super terrible like my dad be grouped up in there just bothers me i guess.
That's the main opinion I stand for, and here's why (huge rant ahead. TLDR at the end of the lines. I reccomend you read, but it's alright if not.);
When I began going to school, out in Florissant, Missouri, as early as kindergarten, I was bullied. Practically everyone in that school was black. I grew up in the hood area, I would say. Not as bad as some places, but still quite bad. Soon enough, I was bullied for being white. I've had people tell me that there's no way that's why I was bullied. Well, kids saying i should 'go to hell for being white', probably is an indicator, but what do I know? I was terrified. I kept to myself. My only friends became the special ed kids. Rachel and Summer were my best friends. Summer passed away in 2016. I wasn't informed till late 2017, by seeing my friends yearbook.
Nevertheless, I was called racial slurs, I was literally 'the plauge'. I blocked most of it out, it's trauma, but I can just remember trying to play a game with people and they say "the white girl is infected!!! Don't touch her!!" And, well, I didn't get to play with them. I played with Rachel instead, but she thought they were just playing tag. She didn't understand why they were running away. (They ran from her because she was special ed. She wasnt white.) It all got worse after the Ferguson riots. I was about 9 then.
I made my first friend in 3rd grade. His name was Kenan. He was outcasted because he was a crybaby. We became friends, but I still didn't play many games. Then Cayl'E came along in 5th grade. She was friends with everyone. She ended up becoming my best friend. Now she is family to me. She made everyone actually realize, that I might not be a terrible person just because of how I look. people still didn't touch me for a while. (not letting me be involved in house, no one picking me for heads up 7s up, etc, not like some weird stufd) but it soon got better for a few people. (Definitely not all. I can still name 3 kids that made my final weeks of 5th grade TORTURE. Yes, I cried really loud during the date ceremony because this kid was purposely overstimulating me)
Most traumatic time at that school? This might sound like the most fake part, but no, this is real; My 5th grade brother calling a 1st grader short, and a bunch of middle school kids (they looked tall) running up and beating the shit out of him. I was in 3rd grade. I had to run to find help. I couldn't help my brother, from getting beat up by like 20 guys. In hindsight, it probably wasn't that many, but I was in 3rd grade, I over exaggerated a lot.
I moved in 6th grade. Out to a better school. I was scared of the loud kids. And soon enough became used to it. Now I have a huge personality. I'm open, and today even walked in on my brothers zoom meeting to say my armpits smelled like burritos then walking away. Im not scared anymore. Most of the time. Sometimes I have flashbacks, but we don't need to discuss that.
TLDR: I was severely bullied because of my skin color. I have some post traumatic stress from it it was quite bad. Yet through it, I made friends who helped me, despite the color of my skin. So through every bad there is good.
What I'm trying to say from that is, not all white people are bad. Not all black people are bad. Just the certain people who made me so hurt much today. They didn't mean it though (I hope. A couple kids apologized about two years after moving.)
Not every group is bad just because you've had a bad experience with a few people. There are always kind people out there.
Whether I'm one is your decision, and whether you want to discuss some politics about like climate change, abortion or whatever, is also up to you.
Sorry for going on and on. Hope to hear back from anyone! (In a hopefully civilized discussion, I'm 14, not 54.) Oh and!! Don't be shy due to my age. I know way too much, I'm on the internet! I might be impressionable and stuff, but what's more impressionable? An opinion I can hear the facts to, or whatever the hell my dad is going on about? I've been stuck with this nutcase for forever, I wanna be able to say something about it.
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ivemadeanopinion · 4 years
Hello! This is my first post on this account. I recently posted about something political on my other account, and thought that I didn't want any politics on there really :)
I'm a 14 year old girl who really wants to formulate her own opinion and break away from my father's. He's a strong republican, prolife, doesn't believe in climate change, and thinks liberalism is a mental illness, or something along those lines. He basically assumes everyone from the other side is stupid. (Though, it wouldn't be infactual to say I've seen Democrats say so too about republicans.)
I hate sitting in my house, hearing my dad rant on and on about these things no one in my household cares about, and I thought, why not care? Why not care and begin to formulate my own opinion???
The amount of times I've embarrassed myself in school. Like I said, my father doesn't believe in climate change. I have a huge personality. So I've said it before. Tried to discuss it. And people look at me as if I'm insane. I didn't know better.
Whether you're republican, a Democrat, whatever you are, I'm open minded to any information, articles or anything you have to provide.
Please, although people can be assholes, not ALL people are assholes. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. On this blog I will try to avoid saying anyone is dumb, or say things negative about them. Discussing opinions is okay. There is no need to take it further than that.
I'd appreciate having a civil discussion. I might give you information my father has told me, and I wouldn't mind if you explained why he is wrong.
I don't believe that all Republicans are bad. I don't believe that all liberals are bad. I don't believe that a whole entire group of people is bad. Just certain people inside it. Yet every day I see posts bashing entire groups of people, defined by their gender, looks, race, sexuality other than what they believe in. There are always nice people in a bad group, and bad people in a nice group. (Of course, depending on how vague you go. If you say pro life, you arent saying that they're pro "you have to always give birth even if it's a child from rape." That isn't every person in the pro life community.)
Though I understand how posts go, and when you say "republicans" and stuff. It makes sense. I'm probably gonna say "most republicans" in my posts though, when it ever comes across, because it's a preference I guess. My whole family is republican and seeing the ones who aren't super terrible like my dad be grouped up in there just bothers me i guess.
That's the main opinion I stand for, and here's why (huge rant ahead. TLDR at the end of the lines. I reccomend you read, but it's alright if not.);
When I began going to school, out in Florissant, Missouri, as early as kindergarten, I was bullied. Practically everyone in that school was black. I grew up in the hood area, I would say. Not as bad as some places, but still quite bad. Soon enough, I was bullied for being white. I've had people tell me that there's no way that's why I was bullied. Well, kids saying i should 'go to hell for being white', probably is an indicator, but what do I know? I was terrified. I kept to myself. My only friends became the special ed kids. Rachel and Summer were my best friends. Summer passed away in 2016. I wasn't informed till late 2017, by seeing my friends yearbook.
Nevertheless, I was called racial slurs, I was literally 'the plauge'. I blocked most of it out, it's trauma, but I can just remember trying to play a game with people and they say "the white girl is infected!!! Don't touch her!!" And, well, I didn't get to play with them. I played with Rachel instead, but she thought they were just playing tag. She didn't understand why they were running away. (They ran from her because she was special ed. She wasnt white.) It all got worse after the Ferguson riots. I was about 9 then.
I made my first friend in 3rd grade. His name was Kenan. He was outcasted because he was a crybaby. We became friends, but I still didn't play many games. Then Cayl'E came along in 5th grade. She was friends with everyone. She ended up becoming my best friend. Now she is family to me. She made everyone actually realize, that I might not be a terrible person just because of how I look. people still didn't touch me for a while. (not letting me be involved in house, no one picking me for heads up 7s up, etc, not like some weird stufd) but it soon got better for a few people. (Definitely not all. I can still name 3 kids that made my final weeks of 5th grade TORTURE. Yes, I cried really loud during the date ceremony because this kid was purposely overstimulating me)
Most traumatic time at that school? This might sound like the most fake part, but no, this is real; My 5th grade brother calling a 1st grader short, and a bunch of middle school kids (they looked tall) running up and beating the shit out of him. I was in 3rd grade. I had to run to find help. I couldn't help my brother, from getting beat up by like 20 guys. In hindsight, it probably wasn't that many, but I was in 3rd grade, I over exaggerated a lot.
I moved in 6th grade. Out to a better school. I was scared of the loud kids. And soon enough became used to it. Now I have a huge personality. I'm open, and today even walked in on my brothers zoom meeting to say my armpits smelled like burritos then walking away. Im not scared anymore. Most of the time. Sometimes I have flashbacks, but we don't need to discuss that.
TLDR: I was severely bullied because of my skin color. I have some post traumatic stress from it it was quite bad. Yet through it, I made friends who helped me, despite the color of my skin. So through every bad there is good.
What I'm trying to say from that is, not all white people are bad. Not all black people are bad. Just the certain people who made me so hurt much today. They didn't mean it though (I hope. A couple kids apologized about two years after moving.)
Not every group is bad just because you've had a bad experience with a few people. There are always kind people out there.
Whether I'm one is your decision, and whether you want to discuss some politics about like climate change, abortion or whatever, is also up to you.
Sorry for going on and on. Hope to hear back from anyone! (In a hopefully civilized discussion, I'm 14, not 54.) Oh and!! Don't be shy due to my age. I know way too much, I'm on the internet! I might be impressionable and stuff, but what's more impressionable? An opinion I can hear the facts to, or whatever the hell my dad is going on about? I've been stuck with this nutcase for forever, I wanna be able to say something about it.
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