A Demon’s Tale
I created this as a birthday gift for my friend @xxchibi. I love her with all my heart and tried my best to create a little myth based on her own story. Though her story has a lot more interesting lore, and is a lot more bad ass then this little poem myth. Haha Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
It all started with rumors, which was then followed by tremors. Thus is what began the war, and the fight that was worth fighting for.
A battle of angels and demons, all for the sake of the humans. Who got the rule them all, and who chose when they should fall.
One such demon among them, did not believe in such a problem. A demon who wished to see humans roam free, and be spared from the winning sides tyranny.
She went by the name of Chibi, and searched for a chance of tranquility. She only seeked for this war to end. For the world to be safe once again.
She travelled far in hopes of peace, and promise that was hard to keep. She eventually found such a place, which placed a smile on her face.
In a quiet little home in the far north, four young humans lived in warmth. Something about these four pulled her in, and made her want to comprehend.
She chose to stay and learn, and not once did they ask for much in return. But Chibi did one day fear, that their ends surely were near.
She knew the war was approaching, and she wanted to save her friends need of running. So she decided to make them a deal, thus making their fates seal.
In order to save her newfound friends, she found a way to stop their end. Through a contract, their souls were bound. Saving them from the war around.
So she quickly continued on her run, her companion souls finding it fun. They travelled and traversed the land, at times joking they were a band.
Though their travels were of laughs and quips, they did not expect such a large hardship. For angels saw a chance to attack, and cornered Chibi like she was a rat.
These angels had tried something so horrible, and went to perform an exorcism. From her fear and anxiety, she discovered something quite extraordinary.
Through their bond of such strength, her souls chose to fight against. Weapons of such intensity, the angels chose to run in anxiety.
Chibi couldn’t hold in her shock and surprise, as her friends continued to shine. These little souls were just what she needed, to help end the war for the humans.
There was Jac, a graceful rapier. Tec, a sword of terror. Lucky, a powerful bow. Then Lunar, a laser cannon that can destroy in one blow.
With these four souls she saw a chance. An opportunity to save the land. A chance to save the world for all. A chance to make no one fall.
With this newfound courage, and this want to flourish, she knew where she needed to be next. Thus beginning her powerful quest.
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The Myth of Leaf and Lucky
This was a birthday gift to my good friend @lucky-leaf-studios. This story is a little fake myth about his online persona, and his original character. I hope you all enjoy it and like it. 
For centuries, there lived a spirit. Something to be feared and worshiped. A being of great power, and a need to devour.
This being went by many of names, and was sought after to be tamed. But nothing could tame such a beast, for those who tried became his feast.
Many have learn to call him Lucky, and none have ever be shown mercy. A creature of destruction and anger, and the want to control all with power.
They locked him away with hearts of hope. It was nothing more than a cruel joke. He could have escaped so easily, if it weren’t for some weird tricky.
From his cell and seen through a simple frame, he saw something he could not comprehend. Something of such beauty and grace, that he wished to see it face to face.
From his little window he could see a tree, something so perfect with greenery. Something full of life, energy, and joy. Something he thought was nothing more than a toy.
It was something he could not feel. For it was in his nature to repeal. But he couldn’t help but sit and ponder on how humans can appreciate such a wonder.
So every night, and every day, he would sit in his cell and pray. He would pray for a chance to see such amazement, and be free of his imprisonment.
On the night of the Spirit’s Moon, he awoke to hear a wonderful tune. Upon looking out his window that night, he was met with an enchanting sight.
A creature of wonder, life, and energy. Something he would consider of beauty. There on branch sat the creature, and he could see every feature.
A wondrous coat of green vibrance, and seemed to catch the moon’s radiance. This little fox had caught his eye, yet he couldn’t figure out why.
Was it the tune she sang? Was it the way her tail had chosen to hang? Was it the beautiful rubies that were her eyes? Or could it be how she chose be here on this night?
Something about this little fox, just made him want to stop. He no longer wanted to seek power. He no longer felt the need to devour.
He broke free of his bindings, the need to be near her arising. He made his way out and to the tree, surprised by all this beauty he could see.
He eventually made his way to his seat, wondering on if he should speak. But fear rooted him in place, for he felt she would run with haste.
He was a rather large beast, just barely fitting in his seat. So with a moment of pleading, he finally went to greeting.
Though at first she was surprised, not once did he see her want to hide. Through the night they chatted together, their bond slowly sealing forever.
So that is the end of our little myth. Something you never want to miss. The story of two beings so lovely; The wondrous tale of Leaf and Lucky.
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Shout-out to all those OCs who...
- Barely get 5 notes
- Rarely, if any, receive an Ask
- Don’t hit/focus on any of the traits that are popular
Stay true to what you’ve created. 
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Champions: Goddess of Balance
The title is just there. I don’t quite know if I want to make it a series yet.
But enjoy this for now!! ^w^
Lunax sat at the tavern table with a look of boredom on his face. He had money, fame, and skills that fascinated the world. He was a bard. A rather talented bard at that. His village was known for producing wonderful bards, but they were exclusively female bards. He was supposed to be a warrior. He was in training to become an archer. He was supposed to be like the other elves in this tavern. He wasn’t made that way. He was born with a soothing voice.
“Oi! Lunax!” He looked up to spot one of his companions, a human knight by the name of Angus, staring directly at him. “You’ve had several young ladies come over and try to entice you with a night in bed. Yet you’ve ignored them all. What’s going on in your head?” he asked. “Yeah. I’ve been wondering the same thing,” Jacqueline, a half-orc thief, muttered. “You have been quiet all evening,” Zaphria, a powerful Minotaur cleric, pointed out in a soft tome. Lunax let out a soft sigh as he tried to find his words. His eyes then fell to Earldrow, the amazing dwarf archer, as he placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Sorry. My mind is just, elsewhere,” he said, producing a fake smile to them all. “Where is your mind, dear friend?” Zaphria asked. He looked down at the table as he leaned back a bit. “Home,” he muttered out before closing his eyes.
He was back in the woods. He was running through them, crying. His father was disgraced with him. He had failed yet another warrior course. So Lunax ran into the woods to hide and cry. He eventually stopped at a shallow stream and sat down, his tears pouring out of his eyes. During this moment, he had no idea of the approach beast coming towards him. It was about the time of the growl that he finally looked up. Fear rooted him in place as the bear-like beast stood on its hind legs, ready to pounce on him. If it wasn’t for the mysterious blur, he would have been squashed. He watched as the beast wrestled with something until finally knocking it away. It roared, making the mysterious thing roar back. They continued to roar until the beast backed down and walked off.
Once it was gone, the thing turned to him. It was an elf girl, close to his own age. She walked over to him and helped him up. “Are you alright?” she spoke, her voice calm and smooth. “Y-Yes. Thank you,” he replied, “Who are you? You’re not from the village.” She shook her head, almost as if to confirm that what he said was true. “I’m an outcast. I am forced to live out here. My name is Solina,” she said. They talked for hours upon hours until Lunax’s parents came and got him. They scolded him for talking with the outcast, saying that she wasn’t supposed to be interacted with. So he would try to return to her every day. It was just before the day of the warrior choosing when he saw her one last time. He was going to run away, and learn the skills of a bard. So she taught him a tune to use in case of a time in need. To this very day, he still struggles to get it perfect. He opened his eyes, finding them focused on the table.
“You’re smiling,” Jacqueline pointed out. “Am I? Good. I normally don’t smile when I think about home,” he said. His ear perked up slightly as he heard a conversation just out of earshot. “I’m telling you. There is something dangerous in those woods. The one by that high elf village,” one voice spoke. “What? That town called Nyllesari? Ain’t nothing in those woods. S’why the king ordered it to be destroyed. More trading routes opened,” the other voice spoke. “What about the creatures? Huh? Where will they go?” the first voice asked. “The king is overseeing the whole thing. He’ll probably take every living thing in there and keep it for his own. Doesn’t matter what it is,” the second voice spoke.
Lunax’s eyes widened in fear. Apparently, his companions heard that conversation as well. “That’s not right. What if that town uses those woods to hunt?” Zaphria whispered to herself. “Even I know that is not right to do,” Jacqueline growled to herself.
Lunax clenched his fist tight as he stared down at it. Solina was in those woods. He knows she is capable to handle herself, but under the forced command of the king... He felt sick to his stomach. “We can’t let him do that,” he muttered, earning his companions attention, “That is my home. I can’t have them destroying what I love.”
He was quick to stand and walk out, getting to his horse. He needed to get home. He need to get to the woods. He need to get to Solina. Just as he mounted his horse, his companions rushed out after him. “You are not leaving without us,” Angus said as the lot quickly called for their mounts. Lunax looked at them for a brief moment, then nodded. As soon as all of them were mounted up, they followed Lunax to Nyllesari. He needed to protect his home. He needed to protect that forest. He needed to protect Solina. It was a half day ride to the town, and Lunax was nervous. It has been years since he’s seen his family. As they rode into the town, Lunax searched for his parents. They were greeted warmly and offered beds in the inn. After settling that, Lunax went on a hunt for his parents.
It was a surprise to him that his father had become chief. He slowly walked into the stone building, his nerves nearly making him run back out. He slowly approached the table where his mother, father, brother, and sister sat. “Can I help you, young traveler?” his father’s voice boomed. Lunax took in a deep breath as he removed his hat. “A greeting, to your own family?” he said, looking up at them. His mother and sister gasped as his brother’s eyes widened. His father slowly stood and slowly walked around the table over to him. Lunax tensed as his father looked at him. He was rather shocked when he was pulled into a tight hug. “I thought you, you were,” his father’s voice shook. Lunax was a bit hesitant, but eventually hugged his father. “I thought you were going to never return,” he said. “I was waiting, to have the courage to return,” Lunax replied, “But I am here with a purpose.” His father released him and looked at him with a bit of shock. “I’ve heard that the woods to the town are going to be demolished,” he said. “Yes. They are. I approved it.”
Lunax felt his heart sink. “He provided good points and reasoning for taking it down,” his father said. Lunax clenched his fists as his companions peeked in. “What about the creatures, and, and,” he trailed off as his words started to cloud. “He promised to take care of the creatures. Though, I do not know what he has planned for the outcast.” Lunax felt his body freeze. “It would probably be for the better if she was gone,” he muttered before walking back over to the table.
A sudden wave of energy rushed past him and cut the table in half. His father swiftly turned around to look to his son in surprise. Lunax stood there with the bow of his violin in his hand. His eyes were flickering with a light blue light. “Those woods mean a whole lot to me,” Lunax started, his voice shaking with emotion, “They may seem like just a set of trees to you, but to me, that is a sanctuary. That is a temple. That is my home! That was the only place I ever felt real love! Where I felt I could be what I truly wanted to be! Where someone actually cared for my life and wellbeing! It is the one place where someone I truly care about resides! And you are planning on destroying it for trading routes that aren’t even necessary!”
Lunax placed his hat back on his head as the tears threatened to escape his eyes. “To you, it is a set of woods. To me, it is a place of love.” He turned away as his family stared at him in shock. He eventually stopped and turned his head to look back at them. “Until you realize your error, you shall be no family of mine.” The four of them faltered in their stature. He continued his walk out of the building, his companions quickly rushing away from the door. When he stood out in the fresh air, he looked up at the sky. The sun was almost set, and the sky was filled with stars.
He then looked to the woods. He started to walk towards them, slowly breaking into a run. He sprinted through the trees, dodging and weaving through them. He eventually found a small lake in a clearing. He walked over to it and sat down. He stared down at the water as he calmed his breathing. He glanced up as the reflection of a deer made of light stood in front of him. It stood on the water as it stared down at him. He then noticed a dark shadow loom over him. He glanced behind him to find a large bear ready to attack him. “Deatkal!” a voice shouted. The bear turned into a wisp and flew over to a grown female elf, colliding with her chest and disappearing in her. Lunax carefully stood as she looked at him.
She wore cloth wrapping on her chest, shins, feet, hands, and forearms. She had a dark grey fur vest, and a pair of black shorts. Her long, golden blond hair was neatly braided behind her and just barely reached the floor. Underneath her soft blue eyes, on her pale skin, was a set of dots that grew smaller in size as they reached her nose before disappearing. She rivaled Lunax’s own height, only being a slight inch shorter. Lunax slowly removed his hat as they stared at each other.
She walked up to him as the deer turned into a wisp and flew into her chest as well. When she was standing in front of him, he could feel something go through him. He very hesitantly reached up and lightly brushed his knuckles against her cheek. She smiled at him as she reached up and held his hand. She then rested her head against his shoulder as she wrapped her arm around him. He placed his hat back on before wrapping his free arm around her. He then back stepped onto the water, standing on it. She followed him as he twirled them. They waltz on top of the small lake as creatures and spirits came out to watch. Even Lunax’s party members peeked out to watch. As they danced, small orbs of light came up from the lake and swirled or danced with them.
It was a beautiful sight to behold. They eventually came to a slow stop, ending in the middle of the lake. The both of them opened their eyes and looked at one another before pressing their foreheads together. “I will not have this home be destroyed. Not while we are alive,” Lunax whispered. “In return, you shall remain alive by my hands,” she spoke as the orbs of light surrounded them.
They separated to look at one another again before parting ways. Lunax’s party members were quick to run back to their inn, avoiding Lunax on his walk back. As he walked, he glanced over at the stone building where is family stood. They watched him as he walked to the inn, sad looks on their faces. He only stared back in return before looking away. He walked into the inn and went to his room, hoping to rest up for tomorrow.
By morning, he was already out and ready. Everyone in town stepped out of their homes as he made his way over to the woods. His companions stood on the sidelines with his family as all watched him make his way there, violin in hand. Out of everyone in that town, he was the bravest.
Lunax stood in front of the woods as the King arrived with his mysterious contraptions. They stopped as the King dismounted his horse. Lunax held his ground as the King walked towards him. “I received word that you are hoping to stop us from coming through,” the King chuckled. “I am. Destroying this forest is wrong. The beings that call this place home will no longer be safe,” Lunax challenged, his voice clear, “I will not have you destroy this home.” The King laughed at his words. “Do you honestly think that you can stop me?” he asked. The King’s eyes glowed a soft pink as the gemstone on his necklace did that same. “No, I can’t,” Lunax said as he positioned his violin. The bow glowed a soft blue as his eyes did that same. He smirked as the King grew confused.
“But I know of someone who can.”
Lunax then whistles out four notes, drawing out the last one before closing his eyes and playing. A blur shot out of the woods and hovered in the sky. 3 arrows were shot and hit the machines in the front, destroying them. The blur then came down and started to attack guard after guard, knocking each one unconscious. “What?!” the King shouted as he looked behind him, “What are you doing?!” Machine after machine was destroyed with each moment the blur passed by. Lunax eventually finished his song as the blur landed behind him and held the tip of a spear at the King’s throat.
Lunax opened his eyes, his smirk still on his face. “I was only adding atmosphere,” he said as he lowered his instrument and placed it away, “but I’m certain my lovely companion would love to elaborate.” As he said that, the female elf came out from behind him, being sure to not move the spear from the King’s neck. His eyes widened when he saw that her eyes and the patterns on her skin glowed the same soft blue as Lunax.
“These woods, are a home,” she spoke, her voice smooth and calm, “They are a home to me, and to the creatures that live here. To destroy this place would result in the imbalance of nature.” She walked closer to him as her eyes narrowed. “Most of all,” she continued, “You would be destroying sacred ground. For there are gods that reside here. Do you dare upset the heavens?” she challenge. The King couldn’t speak. She looked at his necklace, then ripped it off of him. She lowered her spear as she handed the necklace to Lunax, the pink glow vanishing. “Who, who are you?” the King questioned.
“My name is Solina. I am the host of Lifath, the god of life, and Deatkal, the god of death. I am the goddess of balance,” she spoke as she stood her spear next to her, “These woods are my home, and my temple.” Now the fear settled in the King’s mind.
“Even though you should die for your actions,” a dark shadow hovered above her with an evil grin, “I have chosen for you to remain alive,” the shadow disappeared and was replaced with a being of light before vanishing. The King tensed at her words. “The consequences of your actions will catch up to you,” she spoke, her eyes narrowing once again, “I strongly suggest you leave, and you do not return without the intent to apologize to this whole village.” He was still for a few moments, then took his leave. As soon as he and his army were out of view of the whole village, Solina’s spear turned into light and dispersed. She and Lunax then faced each other as everyone looked on in amazement. “Would this be considered even?” he questioned with a smile on his face. “It wouldn’t matter. I would protect you just as you would protect me. After all, you are my champion,” she replied with a smile of her own. They pressed their foreheads together once again as they held each other’s hands.
“Bound as one. Forever and for always.”
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Just a quick, random reminder!!
If there is any character that I have written about that you want to know more of for any kind of fan work, or because you are just curious; do not hesitant to ask!! I'll be more than happy to explain them in any detail that you need. All you have to do is ask. I will be more than happy to give you an explanation on them. ^w^
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The Spark of Happiness
A few notes.
The character’s name is pronounced Loo-lee-nah. The species is pronounced Ver-lah-guh-me.
Lulina carefully walked through the dense woods, the tears streaming down her face. She had grown accustom to this place since being forced to here long ago. Every day since then, she has been crying. She couldn’t help it. It was in her nature.
She was a Virlagmy. A being with a body of a four-hooved creature, the torso of a human, antlers, deer-like features, and in a constant state of crying. They are beings of strong emotions. From happiness to anger. No matter what emotion they feel, they are always crying. Lulina was no exception. She was a Virlagmy with a strong emotion of fear and depression. She was chased away because of her emotions.
She looked down at her pale wrists as she walked. On them was a swirl like pattern that reached to the ben of her elbow. It was a reminder. A reminder of who she was. She was a monster. I mean, that’s what everyone else had decided to call her. A monster. Her tears fell onto her wrists as she entered a clearing. She lightly ran her fingers over the patterns on her skin as she stopped walking. She then sobbed as she fell to her knees. These patterns were all she had left.
She gasped as her ears and head perked up. There was someone nearby. She carefully stood and was ready to run in case of danger. She heard a twig snap behind her and turned around to look for the source. She could barely just make out the shine of a spear peeking out from a bush. She was quick to start running in the opposite direction as the clouds above started to block out the stars and moon. She jumped and maneuvered her way through the fallen trees and rocks, her heart racing. She knew these woods like the back of her hand. She had just reached another clearing with a large tree in the center of it when her vision suddenly flooded with the ground. She grunted and groaned as she tried to stand. She looked down to find that her feet had been caught within a lasso.
She started to panic as the area slowly covered in a darkness from the clouds above. She then looked up as she saw the torches coming towards her. She tried to remove the rope but struggled. She was soon surrounded by humans illuminated by the light of the torches. Her hands were forcefully tied as she heard the panicked whispers.
“We need to protect our town!!”
“This beast is the one causing the problems?”
“Are you sure this will fix everything?”
“This is the monster!! We must kill it for our freedom!!”
Now the fear hit her hard. Her eyes widened as they started to agree. She was then dragged as a burly man walked up with an axe. She squirmed as he readied the axe. She closed her eyes tight as nothing but darkness surrounded her.
“Please stop! I am not a monster!”
The sound of a heavy thud filled the air. It was then followed by metal hitting flesh or other metal. Lulina opened her eyes as she watched a dark blur go around and attack the humans that captured her. They all eventually ran off, leaving the mysterious figure and Lulina. She still watched in fear as the figure slowly approached her. With a slash from a dark colored sword, her feet and hands were free. She was quick to stand and back away as the clouds moved. She gasped at the sight before her. It was another Virlagmy. One that, she could recognize.
He was the son of the chief of her original home. A tribe that lived far from the woods she now resides in. How could she tell? Only the chief’s son had the body of an elk. Everyone else from her tribe had the body of a moose. Well, except her. That was partially the reason for her exile. She had the body of a deer, and was an odd color. The tribe was known for their dark colored pelts. From a dark brown, to a deep blue. She was lavender.
She was quick to bow her head to him as he stepped forward. She could feel the air around them become thick and tense. She swallowed hard as he saw his hooves enter her line of sight. A soft wind blew as the last cloud covering the moon finally moved. Neither spoke. Lulina blinked a few times as she felt something surged through her. She, could feel what he was feeling.
A Virlagmy could not feel another’s emotion, only influence. So, why was it that she could feel what he can, yet feel her own emotions? She was still scared to look up at him. Eventually, he gently lifted her chin to look at him. At that moment, she could see how they contrasted.
His belt of pure black with skin a dark cocoa color, both scarred from battles or training. His antlers seemed more thick and sharp, extended about four feet from his head, and were dark in color. She was quick to close her eyes, afraid to look him in the eye. She froze and tensed as she felt his breath on her face. “It’s safe. You’re safe.” His voice was soft, and calming. She held her breath as she slowly opened her eyes. Pale pink met with dark gold. This was the first time she has ever really been face to face with another of her kind. His face was rather angular with rugged features. Her feet shifted slightly as her fear grew. She had no idea what he was going to do. She watched him carefully as he scanned her over. He then sighed as he pressed his forehead against hers.
“I honestly thought you were gone forever,” he whispered. Now she was confused. She felt another surge of his emotions. She blinked a few times once again. It soon started to make sense. She had sensed his anger, which was from the humans trying to kill her. She had sensed his fear, which came from the thought of never finding her. She had sensed his sadness, which spawned from the feeling that she was dead. Everything he was feeling, she could sense.
“Why would I matter? I’m an outcast,” she said as her own depression sunk in. “You mattered to me. You were the one thing different from that tribe. When I saw you cast out, I could feel nothing else but pain and anger. Father tried to use that to his advantage of making me a great chief. So I went against him and ran off as soon as my training was complete. I had to find you.”
His words were true. She could feel it. Yet, she was confused. Someone was actually looking for her? Someone, actually wanted her around? She didn’t want to believe it, but it was true. Someone wanted her around. She didn’t know what to feel at first, before reality struck.
“I can’t go back. You cannot take me back. They will not, accept me,” she said, closing her eyes. He knew her words were true. She couldn’t go back. The only way she could, was if she had become a powerful being. She was far from that. All she was, was different. “If you are not there, then I shall not return. I choose to be here with you,” he said, looking at her. Her eyes shot open in surprise. He was willing, to sacrifice his life in the tribe, to be with her. Everything he has spoken was the truth. Her mind started to swirl as she grew dizzy. This didn’t feel real. Then, for the very first time, she felt it.
She felt the small spark of happiness.
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Friendly Reminder to my newer followers!!
Hey there, everyone. I have a feeling this will be lost in the reblogs of all the other blogs you follow, but I’m still gonna post this.
For the newer followers, I have 2 sides blogs.
@askgrandmajacqui - My advice blog. Here, I answer questions or read vents that you decide to share. I strongly encourage those of you who need a vent or just some general advice to come here. It’s open to everyone and it is anonymous. Also, if you ask for it to be private, then I will respond in private. 
@jacquisrandomwritings - My writing blog. This is where I post some writings. Some of the writings I currently have on there were once on DeviantArt. I will be posting more in the future as I finish some up. It will also have links to my WattPad, where I will be posting chapter stories.
Hope all of you have a wonderful day!!
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The Lamb of Death
This, honestly, is the only thing I have been able to write in the pass few days. I don’t really know what this is about, or if there is a true moral. I just wrote.
So... here ya go!!
She didn’t understand why she was there. She didn’t understand what was happening. She didn’t understand how this came to be. All she knew, was that she was going to die. She knew that her time was arriving. Yet, she remained alive. They had beaten her, tortured her, and starved her. Every day, they asked her the same questions. Where are the others? What did you do to that child? Where is the prince? At this point, they had become mumbles of noise to her. Except one. One always pulled her back to reality. It was a simple question, which she didn’t know the answer to.
Why? Why, what? What did they mean by, “why?” It was the simplest question, and she struggled to find the answer. Why? Why, why, why? Why, was she there? Why, were they torturing her? Why, was she the one here for the others sins? What could be the meaning of “why?”
She was currently resting against a wall, chained to it by wrist and ankle. Her skin looked as though it was wet paper clinging to bone. Her hair was shiny strings atop her head. Her eyes, once full of life and joy, were dull and sunken in. She practically looked dead. She probably should be. Yet, her heart was still beating and she was still breathing. She wanted to die. She should die. Something was keeping her alive.
Something wanted her alive.
She wanted to cry, but she couldn’t. She had no tears. All she could do was reminisce. She was a barmaid. Her bubbly personality and voluptuous appearance gathered a crowd. She would listen to the stories, and lies, of the patrons in the tavern. It was interesting to hear about the adventures of others. It fascinated her. It always made her wonder what it was like in the outside world. She never had a chance to. She was too busy with her work at the tavern.
One day, a group of women came into town. Everyone was on edge. These women had seemed off and recluse. They barely spoke or approached anyone, only ever speaking to sleep in the inn. She didn’t quite know why everyone was tense around these women. All she knew, was that everyone wanted them out. When that day finally arrived, the royal guard had come. The women fled that evening before, leaving a mess of a room. It was her job to clean it. So they had taken her in, think she was a part of that mysterious group of women. She pushed, pulled, tossed, and kicked. All the way to the castle dungeon. That was when the torture began.
They had tried everything to make her talk. With every truth she gave, they perceived it as a lie. Eventually, she just decided to no longer speak. She had started to block them and their words. Yet, the question of “why” always pulled her back.
Her eyes grew heavy as her body tried to make her rest. She couldn’t. Every time she had fallen asleep, she was awoken by the guards and brought in for her daily torture. She eventually couldn’t fight it back and had fallen asleep. Upon arriving in the dream world, she had found herself laying on the floor. Looking up, she found herself surrounded by cloaked figures. She looked around and tried to stand, but something kept her down. “Please. Tell me what I did,” she pleaded. They said nothing as she got on her knees. “Please! I want to know what I did!” she cried, “I want to know why I am here! I want to know why they are doing this! I want to know what they mean! Please, answer me!” They said nothing as a few of them moved to the side. She looked forward, seeing another cloak in the distance. The tears started to stream down her face as the other figures faded away. She watched as the other figure slowly approached.
She fell forward, catching herself with her arms. She sobbed as her body shook. She just wanted answers. She just wanted to know why this was happening. She just, wanted some answers. She slowly opened her eyes to find the mysterious figure crouching in front of her. A pale hand then gently lifted her chin to look up at them. Though she couldn’t see their eyes or face, she could feel their intense gaze. “Please. What did I do wrong?” she sobbed. A deep and throaty chuckle filled the empty space.
“You? You did absolutely nothing. It is the others who are at fault,” came the demonic voice. “So why am I the one being punished for their sin?” she asked. “Because they are the fools. They were trying to see me, by sacrificing someone of royal blood. Seeing you get caught in their mess, it infuriated me. I’ve been watching you, keeping you alive. You deserve a chance to live, and take revenge upon them,” it said. She blinked a few times as the words processed in her head. “I, I don’t want revenge,” she stated. They were rather surprised by her response. “You do not wish to seek vengeance on them?” they spoke.
“I just want to be free.”
Silence filled the space once more as the figure seemed to have frozen in place. She watched as they pulled their hand away and slowly lowered their hood. She gasped as she was finally face to face with this mysterious being. It was a face of sharp features with a pale complexion. Eyes made of a night sky stared down at her with a sense of curiosity and wonder. She nearly jumped when they gave her a sharp-toothed grin. “I knew I picked you for a good reason,” they chuckled. “Wh-Who are you?” she managed to say. “Someone who shares the same goal as you, little lamb.”
She was then abruptly woken up by the guards opening the door. She weakly looked up as they walked in with the royal official, the doctors, and the executioner. She hung her head low once again as the questions began. It was honestly just sounds to her. Like a babbling brook, or the chatter of the tavern. She was numb to it. They unchained her from the wall and forced her to look at the official. She could see his mouth move, yet heard no words. She watched as they sighed and looked away. When they looked back, they asked the final question. “Why?”
This time, she finally had the voice and courage to speak. “Why?” her raspy voice replied. “Yes. Why?” they responded, “Why, are you doing this? Why are you protecting kidnappers? Why are you protecting witches? Why are you choosing to not help us?” She looked at them as the questions ran through her mind. “Why am I here? Why am I being the one tortured? Why am I the one here for their sins?” she retorted. The official’s face burned with rage. They raised their hand and slapped her, knocking her to the ground. She coughed as she laid on the floor. She stared forward, spotting a wispy, dark figure. It walked up to her as the official paced the room. A white, toothy smirk appeared on the figure’s face.
“This is never going to be concluded. Execute her,” they eventually said. Her eyes widened as the executioner came close. “Please! I’m innocent!” she barely managed to say. The official said nothing. She looked up at the executioner in horror as he readied his axe. She then looked to the wispy figure with a look of help. It just smiled at her as her eyes grew heavy.
She fell asleep as she felt her body go limp. In her dream, she found herself where she was before. The pale figure was holding a hand out to her, offering her a help. She hesitantly took it as the figure pulled her to her feet. “Please. Tell me who you are,” she pleaded. “My true name is Raleath, but the rest of this land knows me as the God of Death.”
She was abruptly woken up, just as the axe started to come down. As it collided with her neck, it shattered. Gasped fill the room. She felt her muscles regain life, slowly pushing herself to her feet. She managed to stand on her feet as her shadow stretched and showed up on the wall behind her. When she looked to everyone in the room, she noted the fear they all wore. She then glanced behind herself to see that her shadow was the similar shape of Raleath.
She looked down at her hands as she felt something flow through her. Her finger tips tingled. She felt, strong. She felt, powerful. She felt, free. She let out a low laugh as her once lovely chocolate brown eyes turned into a vibrant purple. Her fingertips glowed as her laugh grew louder. Her laugh gradually grew into a cackle as her body burst into flames of purple. Everyone watched in horror as she was devoured by the flames. They slowly came to an end, revealing that she was okay. Yet, she was different now.
Her figure had returned. Instead of the starved body that they had made, she was now back to her curvaceous figure. Her olive skin now looked as if it was glowing and renewed. The strings that were once her hair was replaced with long, luscious locks of ebony. She looked down at her body to find her stained and tattered prison dress gone and replaced. An over bust corset of deep purple and black with a skull adornment in the center of the bust line. Hugging her hips was a black belt with a book hooked to it, along with holding up her long, deep purple skirt. She looked back to the others as the shadow flew off the wall and collided with her.
A headdress made of metal with large horns appeared on her head as a scrapped cape hung from her neck. “I’m, free,” she laughed. She spun around in delight. She was actually free. She could leave in peace. She faced the others with a huge grin on her face. “Wh-Who even are you?” one of them muttered. She laughed as smoke appeared around her feet.
“I was just a barmaid, from a small town. Now? Now I am Mina, the Lamb of Death.”
With that, the smoke consume her and she disappeared from sight.
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A preview of what is to come...
For centuries, the young prince lived alone in the castle. His mother and father died long ago. There were no servants. No living being besides him lived there. He couldn’t leave. He was cursed to live in that castle forever. He was lucky if a stray animal found its way in to become his dinner. He was bordering madness at this point. He needed someone there. To be by his side. So he sent out an invitation to any maiden willing to come.
However, he left out a keen detail. A detail that, if found out, would bring a different crowd. A detail that could possibly have killed him. No one would have to know about the prince, and his mysterious secret that he kept from the world.
For centuries, the young prince lived alone. Until...
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That moment when you almost start crying when you re-read an old writing you did that was really cute/sweet/emotional/depressing. 
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Genetic: V-Day Special
Have a nice Valentine's Day special featuring Genetic. 
I know for a lot of people, this is a very, troublesome, day for them. Whether they are in a relationship, trying to start one, or just not in one to begin with. I just want to let all of you know, that it's okay. It's okay to be alone on this day. It's okay to be scared when you want to ask them out. It's okay to feel happy around you significant other. It's okay to feel love.
But you must, at least, love yourself. You are important. I know this holiday is stressful to the singles out there who want someone to be by their side on the day of love. But you need to remember that you are also important. So treat yourself. Spend time with family or friends. Think about something happy. Buy something small for yourself.
Today isn't about the couples. Today is about love.
Love yourself. Love your family. Love your friends. Love your mutuals. Love what you create. Love what you can do. Love what dream. Love everything around you. Because you deserve to feel love. I send my love to all of you. I send every ounce of my endless love to all of you who deserve it.
I hope all of you have a Happy Valentine's day, because all of you are my valentines'.
Characters and story belong to me. 
Genetic walked down the hall, wiping some of the grease off her hands. She had just finished fixing the semi-truck and wanted to go take a shower. She passed by the doorway to the living room, then stopped in her tracks. Soft whispers caught her attention. She took a few steps back and looked in. One of the teenagers, she recognized them as Keira, was sitting in a corner and covering her face. She walked in and crouched down in front of her, tossing the dirty cloth on her shoulder. “What’s wrong kiddo?” she asked. Keira gasped slightly before tilting her head up. She had a blindfold on. “M-M-Ms. Genetic?” she stuttered. “Yeah, it’s me. What’s the problem?” she asked again.
Keira tilted her head down, pushing some of her loose hair behind her ear. “Today, is just not my day,” she replied, sniffling a bit. “What happened?” Genetic said. “Today, just isn’t the best day for me. I can’t,” Keira didn’t continue. Genetic’s face contorted in confusion. What was today? She looked to the fridge where a calendar sat. She followed the line of X’s until it came to today’s date.
The 14th of February. Valentine’s Day.
She looked back at Keira as she searched her brain. Keira had the ability to manipulate emotions. She hasn’t gotten complete control over her ability, and it wasn’t the best thing. Keira was around 15, and she wasn’t in the best shape. Boss found her in an underground human auction. She made everyone scared and nervous. So the team quickly went in to retrieve her. Genetic wasn’t a part of that team expedition, but she did get a chance to meet her when she arrived. They had given her a blindfold, since her power seemed to have been focused on her eyes. She’s been too afraid to take it off, even on days when she was happy.
Genetic stared at Keira for a few moments as she thought. She grunted slightly as she got out of the crouch position and sat down next to her. “What’s going on in your mind?” she asked, taking the rag she was using and wiping off some more grease. “I’m, sad. I’m sad, because I’m alone. I can’t, be around anyone, because of my stupid powers. I hate this!! I hate being a mutant!! I don’t want this life!!” Keira started to cry as Genetic sat next to her. Genetic took in a deep breath as she dissected the words. “You hate being a mutant, huh?” she asked, her voice a bit low, “Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret.” Keira turned her head to Genetic, a bit of her tears trying to escape.
“No one is happy with who they are. There are people who hate how they look. There are people who hate how feel. There are people who hate what they do, or what they can do. Every single one of us hate something about ourselves. I honestly hated who I’ve become. I wasn’t always a mutant. I never asked to be a mutant. I was randomly chosen by people, to have these crazy powers. I was trapped in a place I didn’t want to be in. You know what I did? I fought my way out. I got out of that horrible place, and I was brought here. Then someone taught me, that I could use my powers to do something good. So that’s what I’ve been doing. And it reminds me, that even though I never asked, I can now use these curses as gifts. I can change their intended purpose. So, don’t hate who you are, because then they will win. You understand?”
She looked at Keira, unware of Christopher standing in the doorway. Keira was silent as the words processed. She then nodded in understanding. Genetic smiled slightly, then carefully pushed the blindfold up. Keira’s eyes were swirling pools of various pinks. Genetic lightly patted her head before standing. “Try not to stay positive, kid. You’ll eventually find someone to connect with,” she said. She then turned around, smiling at Christopher. She walked out of the kitchen and started to head to the bathroom to shower. Christopher walked into the kitchen and held a hand out to Keira. “What she said is true. You can use your powers for good. You just need to learn how to control them,” Christopher said as he helped her out.
She looked up at him, then nodded. “I do have, one question,” Keira whispered. “How come we aren’t affected?” he asked, earning a nod. He placed a hand on his head as Boss poked his head around the corner. “Even though you can manipulate emotions, you can’t alter the ones that are finalized. Your powers aren’t that powerful yet,” he said, ruffling her hair a bit, “When they do get powerful, you’ll be a wonderful hero.” She smiled at him and nodded. “Now. Boss wants to introduce you to someone,” he said, pushing her blindfold back down. Christopher stepped to the side as Boss walked in with another teen. “Kiera, this here is Caleb,” Boss said. She held her hand out, waiting for a hand shake. She was instead met with something sniffing her hand and arm.
“Christopher, you can take it from here,” Boss said before leaving. Christopher sighed, then carefully pushed up Keira’s blindfold. She gasped and squeaked, jumping back. Standing in front of her, with their face right in front of her’s, was a hunched over and crouching male teen. His eyes were an eerie yellow with vertical slit pupils. On his elbows, cheekbones, some of his neck, and possibly other places were patches of scales. He had an alligator tail swishing around slightly and teeth sticking out from his upper and lower jaw. He blinked slightly as he stared at her.
“Keira, Caleb was found underground,” Christopher said, “He was purposely fuse with an alligator and given some unique abilities. He can only see in infrared.” Keira looked up at him in confusion. “Infrared means, he can only see temperatures,” he said. “So, he can’t, see my eyes?” she asked. Christopher shook his head, smiling. She looked back at the teen as he stared at her. “Uh, hi,” she said. Caleb blinked a few times, then waved slightly. “Are you done yet?” Derrek growled. Christopher glared at the doorway for the moment. “I’m sorry, Keira, but you’re going to have to put your blindfold back down,” he said. She sighed and nodded. Before she could do said task, he stopped her. “Caleb? Would you mind carrying her?” Christopher said. Caleb looked between the two, then nodded. He turned his back to Keira, then looked over his shoulder at her. She very hesitantly climbed onto his back, wrapping her arms and legs around him. She gasped slightly as he stood up. “There. Now you won’t walk around blind,” Christopher said as he crossed his arms and smiled.
Keira nodded, pushing her blindfold down with an intense blush on her face. Christopher watched as they walked out and Derrek walked in. “I don’t understand why Boss picked her up. No one can be in the same room as her,” he growled. Christopher’s face fell back into its neutral position. “Funny. I was going to say the same thing about you,” Christopher said as he started to leave. “Please. You and that freak of a girl you hang out with aren’t much bet-” Derrek was pinned to the wall with Christopher holding him by the front of his shirt. His eyes had changed to a bright cyan as ice crystals appeared around his fingertips. “I may allow insults be projected onto myself, but nobody insults her,” he snarled.
Derrek paled and shivered as the temperature around them dropped. Very rarely does Christopher get angry. When he does, everyone is scared. With a final glare, Christopher dropped him and walked away. He had more important things to do. He walked down the hall and up the stairs, heading towards his shared bedroom. He had a rather special dinner to go to. Laid out on one half of the bed was a black button up, black dress pants, and a grey vest. On the other half was a similar outfit, only the vest and shirt had swapped colors. Genetic walked out of the bathroom, using a towel to dry her hair. “What time was the dinner?” she asked before resting the towel around her neck. “Eight. We’ve got time,” he said. She nodded as she walked up to him. “Kiera now has a friend,” he said. “Caleb was his name, right?” she asked. “Yes. He and Keira will make a remarkable team one day,” he said, smiling. She nodded before walking over to the closet. She and Christopher needed a tie for tonight. As she looked, Christopher headed towards the bathroom to shower. “Oh, Christopher?” she said. “Yes, sweetheart?” he replied.
“Love you too.”
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The Genetic: Part 2
I guess gore? There is a point where there is gore-like scenes.
She stood with her companion with his arm holding her steady. A few others in the back were staring at the new comers, unsure on what to say or do. After an hour, the truck finally stopped. The back door opened and the ramp was pulled out. “Come along everyone. Welcome home,” the large brute of a woman said. Everyone slowly walked out, then followed her into a large manor. The man in the trench coat waited by the door, a smile on his face. “Welcome, Genetic,” he said as soon as the duo passed.
“Listen. As much as I want an explanation right now, I can’t. Something is wrong with Big Brother, and I really need to fix it,” she said. “No problem. I think our lead mechanic can do the trick,” he said. “No. He doesn’t understand the workings of Big Brother. I have to fix him,” she said. “Alright. Then we will lend you the work shop,” he said. They walked in, going into the living room. “Hey, Georgie. Can you show them to your workshop?” the man said. A thin, short man walked up to them, then turned pale at the look of her. “I-Is zat blood?” he asked with a thick French accent.
“I just came from a sick and twisted place. Sorry I couldn’t dress fancy for you,” she said. “Just, show her to the workshop,” the man said. The smaller one nodded, then guided the duo to the work shop. He then left them in peace. She removed her backpacks, along with the large one he carried. She placed them down and out of the way, then removed her large coat. Scars of various sizes and shapes littered her body. She had gone through hell, a war even. But now she was standing here, free from that god forsaken nightmare.
Wrapped tightly around her chest, acting as her shirt, was strips of cloth that was dirtied with grime and dried blood. She stretched her arms out, feeling a bit more free from the confines of her outer attire. She then turned to her companion, a soft smile on her face. “What seems to be the issue buddy?” she asked. With a low groan, it pointed to its chest. “Ticker is running out? This should be an easy fix. I’m going to put you on Standing Standby. Alright?” she said. It nodded, then stood completely straight.
She reached up to its helmet, then flipped one of the switches. She waited for the miner’s light, and the light behind the window of the wielding mask to go out. She then unzipped the front of his suit, revealing a metal panel. She carefully unscrewed it, resting it against his leg. Inside was a work of tubes and wiring connected to different organs and muscles. Sitting in the very center was a heart with a metal block that had three wires connecting it to a point beyond view. “There is your problem. Your heart is too small. I’m going to need a horse heart,” she said.
She then looked at the metal block, carefully opening it. When she did, a few broken gears fell out and onto the floor. “Along with new gears. Maybe that engineer has some I can borrow,” she said. She lightly patted on her companions shoulder, “I’ll be back in a bit.” She then walked over to her bag, fishing out a few papers. When she finally pulled them out, she shuffled through them until she found the ones she needed. She placed the others back in, then walked out of the room.
When she did, she ran into a man with a hard and bored expression that was accompanied by another male with a big grin and was blabbering. Both stopped and looked at her, her expression matching that of the bored male. “Oh! You’re the newbie! Welcome!” the happy man said, smiling. She looked at him, noticing a monkey tail coming from him. She squinted her eyes slightly, then look at them. “We heard you’re called the Genetic,” the other said, his voice monotone and deep. “I guess so,” she replied.
“Well, I’m Henry!! I act as the chemical and science expert!!” the happy man said. “Then you can help me,” she said. “Really?!” he asked, his eyes sparkling. “I need these three compounds created. Big Brother cannot function without them,” she said, handing him the papers. He gasped, then took them and ran. “Thank...you?” she said as he disappeared behind a door. She then turned to the other as the mechanic walked up. “Oh god!! Even your, shirt, sing, is covered in blood!!” Georgie said, going pale.
“Like I said. I came from a sick and twisted place. Do you have any spare gears I can use?” she said, looking to the smaller male. “Oui. Zere are different boxes in ze back. Each one has a specific size,” he said, shaking. “Thank you,” she said. “I need some tea,” he muttered before walking off. She finally turned to the male with the hard stare. “I’m the doctor of this place. It is a pleasure to meet you,” he said. “Like wise. Do you have any hearts?” she asked. “Depends. What do you need?” he asked.
“I need a horse heart with no blood in it. Do you have that?” she asked. “Yes. Follow me,” he said. She walked with him to the medical room, with him going into a walking cooler. He came back out with a styrofoam box. “Here you are. Mind if I look at your companion?” he asked. “Sure. I’m going to have to wait for your scientist friend for the compounds,” she said, taking the box and walking out. They were heading to the mechanics room, when they noticed two others walking towards them. They looked to have been twins.
Both caught sight of her, then were suddenly gone. She quickly handed the both to the doctor, then held her hands out. The twin males were suddenly in front of her, hanging upside down. “Whoa! What is this?” one said. “This looks like fun,” the other laughed. “You two are so annoying,” the doctor grumbled. “Whatever. This the newbie?” the first asked. “This is Ryan and Richard. The ‘Twin Bolts’ or something,” the doctor said. “Yo. Sup,” they said. “Charmed. But I would appreciated it if you didn’t use your speed around me,” she said.
“You couldn’t see us. How did you know?” Ryan asked. “This isn’t my first time messing with mutants,” she said, closing her hands. The both of them fell onto the floor, head first. Both groaned as the scientist walked out with three large glass bottles. “Ah! I see you met the twins! Anyway, here is your compounds!” he said. She moved her hand slightly, using telekinesis to get carry the bottles over. “Oh my!! Another mutant!! Yay!” the scientist cheered, dancing in place. “I didn’t chose to be one,” she said, keeping the bottles floating above her.
All was interrupted when the mechanic came running out of his workshop and into the bathroom that was near them. He then proceeded to vomit into the toilet. “I should have warned you about Big Brother,” she said. She then continued her walk, ignoring the two groaning men on the floor. The doctor followed suit with the scientist bouncing after them. When they entered the shop, she placed the bottles down on the counter and looked in the boxes the mechanic spoke about, finding the needed gears. “Incredible,” the doctor said as he placed the box down, looking at her companion.
“So. What did you need those compounds for?” Henry said. “They are what make Big Brother run. They mix together in his system and create energy. One once from each can run him for a few weeks. But, if my calculations are correct then he is,” she opened three tanks on his back, “running out.” Using her telekinesis, she started to pour the liquids into their specific tank. When they reached the set limit, she stopped. She placed the bottles back down and quickly found tape and a pen. She wrote on the tape, then placed them on the bottle.
She went back into through her bags, finding a tube of transparent blue gel. She then pulled out her hunter’s knife. “I could have gotten a scalpel,” the doctor said. “It would have done nothing,” she replied. She very carefully removed the metal bar, then cut the biological tubes to the heart. She held the heart in her hand, looking to the doctor. “Mind opening the box for me?” she asked. He did so, letting her place the other heart on the lid. She lifted the horse heart and held it in there before placing the metal bar back in it.
She then took the tube and handed it to the doctor. “I need you to open that for me, and place a small amount on my fingers,” she said. He nodded and followed her instruction. With the transparent gel, she rubbed a little on each tube for the heart and the body one by one. Quickly growing over them was something that looked very similar material to the actual tubing. Once all of them were connected, she scrapped the excess on the tube cap. She then quickly went to work with the gears. She triple checked everything, then finally closed the small panel.
Then she placed the large panel back in place and sealed it. After zipping up his suit, she flipped the switch back on. With a low groan and a few moments of steam, the lights lit back up. It clenched and unclenched its fist, moved its arms, then finally shuffled its feet. “How’s the ticker now, Big Brother?” she asked. It looked at her, letting out a mechanical groan. It then lift her up and hugged her gently. “Glad to see you working big guy,” she said, smiling. It placed her down a moment after.
“Oh! I just remembered! Boss stepped out. He was sending me and Chris to do that,” Henry said. “How many times do I have to tell you to call me Christopher?” the doctor groaned. “In that case, do you have tools for weapon cleaning?” she asked as she placed the bottles in a backpack. “Yeah!! We have a separate workshop for that!!” Henry said, bouncing. She grabbed most of her bags, but her companion took the rest. She just chuckled at him. They then followed the bouncing scientist, Christopher joining them.
When they made it to the weapon work shop, she was starting to get a headache from this energetic mutant. She quickly fished out the other papers in her bag, and turned to him. “I need you to create these,” she said. “Oh!! What are they?!” he asked, bouncing up and down in place. “One of them is the tonic that lets me use my powers. The others are elixirs that were created, but a couple of them aren’t. I have them marked. But some are the last pieces that I was told to get to finish the experiment,” she said. “Experiment?!” he asked, gasping. “Me,” she said in a cold tone.
His face fell as his tail drooped. “Oh. I’m sorry,” he said. “It’s fine. I was created to be this. Not my fault,” she said. “I’ll work on these right away!” he said. “Wait,” she said, gently pulling him back. “What?” he asked. “Do not make more than just one of the elixirs. No one else can handle these things. Only me and Big Brother can,” she said. “Oh. Does he have any?” he asked, tilting his head. “No,” she said. “Then I’ll make ones for him as well then!!” he said, smiling. “The ones marked are the ones I have,” she said as she released him.
He quickly rushed off, a smile on his face. She sighed, then turned to her companion and the doctor. “Thank you for getting rid of him,” he muttered. “No problem. Now, let’s clean these weapons of ours,” she said, walking over to the bag her companion carried. The doctor took an empty chair, staring and studying her. Her large companion looked around the room, his heavy step heard ever so often. “What is it that you are looking for, doctor?” she asked suddenly, breaking his concentration. “Just, who you are, dear,” he said.
Her body jolted up and stiffened. Her breathing became heavy as her hands started to shake. Static started to form around her fingers as memories placed. Strapped onto a table, screaming and crying. “Hush now dear,” came the overly sweet voice, “Hush. It will be over soon.” She struggled to get free. Then came the first hit. “See what you made me do, dear,” came the overly sweet voice again. It was sickening. But she continued to struggle. Thus causing the second hit, this one more painful and heavy. Left a ringing in her ears. “Hush, dear. Hush,” was the last thing she heard.
She was suddenly brought back into reality by a pair of arms hold her shoulders. She looked up to see her companion. She looked down at her hands, the sparks now up to her forearms. She looked back up, now noticing the tears on her face. She looked around and found the doctor missing. “D-Doctor?” she questioned, fearing the worse. “Down, here,” he coughed out. She quickly rushed over to him to find him lying on the floor. He coughed slightly, then opened his eyes. She wanted to help him out, but the sparks were still there. They wouldn’t leave.
“I, I’m sorry,” she said, holding her hands against her chest. She backed away as her companion went to help him up. “It’s alright. Can you tell me what I said that triggered you?” he asked, being very careful. “That, that pet name. It’s what, what Dr. Glen use to call me,” she said. “Who is that, if I may ask?” She took a deep breath, keeping her hands against her chest. “He, was the one, who started the whole mess in Geneva,” she said, “He is the one who made, this,” she said, looking at her hands. The sparks remained in their place, even when she tried to switch them out.
“I am sorry all of that trauma was done to you. I know it will take time to heal,” he said. “Did, did I knock you to the ground?” she asked. “Yes. A bolt shot at me. But I was quick enough to change,” he said. “Change?” she questioned. He pulled up his sweater sleeve, then held his arm out. Within a blink of an eye, his arm was bulky and an earthy color. “I was experimented on as a kid, much like yourself. I was closed off from the world until every genetic toxin they created was inside me. I have similar abilities as you do,” he said before reverting his arm back.
She stared at him, shocked. “I’m so sorry,” she said. “Do not worry. Being here has made it better. I now can use these, these curses as gifts to help the world,” he said, “That’s why they brought you here. We’ve heard about you for a long time. Your code name was ‘The Genetic.’ We just didn’t know where to find you. Hell, most of us thought you were just a myth! But you are more powerful than you think,” he said. She looked down at the table, taking in a deep breath. She released it as the sparks returned to just her hands, then finally disappeared.
“Thank you,” she said. “You are most welcome,” he said. She was silent for a moment, then looked him in the eyes. “Sweetheart,” she said. “Excuse me?” he questioned. “That was the only pet name I was never given,” she said. He nodded in understanding. “I’ll be sure to spread it around to everyone,” he said. She nodded as she sighed out a breath. She went back into her companion’s bag as the twins walked in. Just as they were about to make a comment, she stood back up with a Minigun in her hands. They disappeared the second they saw her.
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You wanna know what sucks?
When you have the urge to create fanwork of someone else’s really awesome and adorable OCs, and you can’t because YOUR LAPTOP ISN’T WORKING!!
I just want to write a cute fanfic… T^T
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The Genetic
Warning!! This story does mention blood and killing!! If this causes you distress, or you do not wish to read, then please pass over!! Thank you!!
She breathed heavily as the elevator doors closed. Soon, she would be at “6 Feet Above.” She quickly hid her weapons in the backpacks that had become the only things that had saved her countless of times. She then started to bandage up any cuts or holes that were exposed. Once cleaned up, she pulled out the needle that she so desperately need. She jabbed it into her leg, injecting the vibrant purple liquid. Her hands started to spark slightly, making her sigh. She watched as the sparks dispersed.
Ding! She looked forward, awaiting the faces that stood on the other side. Unaware of the dangers that were lurking beneath them. The doors opened, and she was in a dark room. She stepped out and looking around. It looked to be a maintenance room. She found a few more first aid kits and plenty more of those needles. She took all of them. Better to be prepared, she thought. She looked around more, surprised a maintenance office carried ammo. She decided to question it later and took every last bit of ammunition.
She then slowly walked up to the door that had light shine from behind it. With the silent count to three, she opened it. Her eyes took a few moments to adjust, but she soon found herself in a large lobby. Yet, it was empty. “Where is everyone? Did they already evacuate?” she muttered to herself. She carefully stalked around the large room, soon finding a poster in waiting. NEW THEATER!! Come and watch our movie marathon!! She snarled at the thought of this corrupted man making innocent people be bait.
She quickly followed the instructions, and went to the theater. When she arrived, a few bored looking teens were waiting by the doors. “Man!! I just want to go in,” one complained. “It’s against policy. Plus, all of us need the money,” another said. “It sucks. Everyone in the whole building is in there. Even the people working at the snack bar,” the first said, grumbling a bit afterwards. She slowly walked up, catching a few of their attentions. “Whoa. You in a cosplay or something?” one asked, making all of them look at her.
“Tell me,” came her hoarse voice, “Is the ‘whole’ building in there?” she asked. “I guess not since you’re out here,” one of them said, “Nice costume tough. The fake blood almost looks real.” She snarled slightly as she thought. “What is the exact number of people in there?” she asked. “I don’t know. How many people live here in Geneva?” the kid retorted, looking down at his phone. She grabbed him by his collar and pulled him close to her face, having him see the dangerous look in her eyes. “How. Many. People. Are. In. There?” she asked.
“3452,” he quickly said, paling. She released him as she cursed to herself. “I need all of you to help me,” she said. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” one of them shouted. “Do you want to live?! Then listen to what I have to say you fuck head!” she shouted. All of them immediately cowered and nodded. “I need all of you to guide everyone to the closest escape route. Or whatever you have to get out of this building,” she said. “The Escape Cruise?” one of them said. “Yes. Guide them there. Then get yourselves on and leave. Understood?” she asked.
They nodded, and she walked into the theater. Everyone was invested in the screen as the movie played. She needed everyone’s attention so she can get them safely out. She looked up and found the projector. With sparks coming from her hands, she steadied her fingers and shot a small, yet powerful bolt of electricity to the projector. It short circuited, then turned off. People started to complain as the sparks from her hands disappeared. With a quick snap of her fingers, she was in front of the screen.
With small movements with her hands, she got a spotlight aimed at her, and turned it on. “Everyone!! Listen up!!” she called. But no one could hear her. Only a few actually noticed her. She growled, then pulled out her shot gun. She aimed it at the ceiling, then shot. Everyone screamed, then quickly turned to the source. “Shut up and listen!!” she shouted. Everyone did so, very scared. “Everyone needs to get out. Head to the Escape Cruise. It’s not safe,” she said. “Why do you say that?” and variants of it were shouted and said.
She fired another shot, getting everyone to quiet down. “How many of you know, about the ‘6 Feet Below?’” she asked. The collective response was confusion and questions. “I came from there. It is over run by, by monsters. People crossed with DNAs of animals. Their genetic coding reworked and changing them to horrifying, and dangerous beings. All of this done by ‘our’ mayor. So everyone needs to get out. Live. Because they are coming,” she said. “Why should we believe you?!” someone shouted.
Just as she was about to explain, she heard the horrified and painful groan. She turned in time to see the half-human, half-animal stalking towards her. It then decided to pounce. She quickly shot it with her shotgun, putting a huge hole through its chest. “Believe me now,” she asked, not even bother to wipe the blood off her. There was only silence. “Anyone who knows how to get to the Escape Cruise, help everyone else get there. Now go!” she shouted. Everyone quickly started to pile out and run.
She rushed through the crowd and out into the lobby to watch everything and protect the people. Officers helped out as well. But she knew that they had no idea what they were about to face. A long groaned echoed suddenly, catching her attention. She carefully turned around to find her nightmare slowly crawling towards her. A large suit with a wielding mask and miner’s light was painfully crawling towards the crowd. On its back, a tube sporadically was waving around. She slowly approached it, noticing a doll in its hand.
She nearly dropped her gun when she recognized it. “Lil’ Kitty,” she muttered, carefully kneeling down. The suit lifted up the doll, a long moan escaping from it. She held her shotgun in one hand as she reached for the worn-down doll. As she did, her hand lightly touch the large glove of the large suit. Suddenly, visions of her when she was younger flashed through her mind. She was at the orphanage. The only one left. Then she was taken away. That’s when the pain first began. When everything changed in her.
She was forced to live in 6 Feet Below. She was force to control these powers given to her. But, there was something missing. She was sitting alone, in a corner and crying. The scientists let her run around free that day; and it was their worse mistake. Some of the animalistic humans had found her and were ready for lunch. It would have been that way, if it wasn’t for a large figure saving her. The only other things seen was a wielding mask, a bandage, and the doll. Everything else was blurred or blocked out.
Her natural vision returned, and she looked at the suit. “Big Brother,” she muttered. She placed her gun down, then went to work on fixing the tube. She got it secured and patched up a few bit on his suit. She then grabbed her gun, stood up, and backed away. With very heavy footing, and slow building effort, it was finally up and standing. “I thought,” she started as the suit looked down at her, “I thought you were gone.” It let out a mechanical groan as it gently cupped her face. She placed her hand against his, sighing slightly.
A hiss caught her attention, making her turn towards the crowd. Two of the humanoid creatures were stalking up to the officers. She quickly pulled out her crossbow, and fired at them, shooting them through the heart. They fell limp on the floor as the officers turned around. The crowd was soon out of the lobby, and into the loading area of the ship. She went to go follow them, but stopped. She turned to the suit, then held out her hand. “Come on. We’re getting out of this hell hole,” she said. It let out a low groan, very hesitant.
“Don’t worry. I know how to take care of you,” she said, smiling. It the grabbed her hand and followed her. They followed the crowd, making sure everyone safely got onboard. Then she and the suit joined them. The boat engine started up and slowly moved along. It took a few minutes but they were finally far away. They were safe. Safe from the horrors on what rested underneath the paradise. She was considered a hero among them. So when the ship docked, and everyone was slowly let off, each gave her their thanks.
As soon as most of the pedestrians were off, police arrived. Questions were asked, but the citizens could barely answer them. Eventually, the police went up to her. She answered all of their questions as best she could, all while holding onto the suit’s hand. After all the questions were answered, they started to file everyone to the nearest shelter. She stayed behind to make sure everyone was safe and taken care of. Just as she was about to follow them, the police stopped her. “I’m sorry, miss. But you can’t take, that, with you to the shelter. Or your weapons,” they said.
“Then take me somewhere else,” she said. “Miss. We don’t even know what that thing is. Or who you are,” they said. “I’m not leaving him behind. Not again,” she said. “Miss. You have to go to the shelter with everyone else. You need medical attention,” they said. “I’m. Not. Moving,” she said, making the officer shiver. Just as they were about to speak again, a large semi-truck with a trailer rolled on the scene. “Hey! You’re not authorized here!” an officer shouted as the driver stepped out. It was a thin man in a long trench coat with sunglasses.
Out of the passenger side was a tall, buff women. The two of them walked up to the duo, smiles on their faces. “So. You’re the Genetic,” the man said. “Excuse me?” she asked, tightening her grip on the suit. “You came off boat, did you not?” the woman asked with a deep Russian accent. “Yes, I did,” she said. “Along vith him?” the large woman asked. “Yes,” she said. “Then you are the Genetic. We’ve know about you for a long time. If you would come with us, we will explain,” the man said.
“Alright,” she said. Both were shocked by her sudden agreement. “That fast?” he questioned. “Any chance I get to explain what the hell I am, then I’m taking it. Plus, I know you will let me take him,” she said. “Alright. Smoke, get her in the back,” he said. The larger woman guided the two to the back where a set of doors were shut. But once the door opened, all inside stopped and looked. The large woman pulled down the ramp, then let the two in. The girl walked in, followed by her large companion. Once in and secured, the door shut and soon the lot started moving. To where though?
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