The other Tonys addressing the tentacle issue
Mcu Tony: I'm sorry the
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Now that’s arm porn right there!
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Prisoners (2013), dir: Denis Villeneuve cin: Roger A. Deakins
Follows the story of two missing girls, their families gripping desperately to sanity, and a long-standing case of child abduction and abuse going back decades that infiltrates the quiet of a small Pennsylvania town
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Mr. Fix-it and The Mechanic WIP : Storyboard - prologue
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Time : 7/10/2020 - 10/10/2020
Fic by Mizzy, adapted into comic with permission : https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Who_is_Iron_Man/works/18878581
Note :
i'm gonna go on and say; this is probably the worst-best decision i've made during a mentally unstable, caffeine-fueled period. adapting a fic into a comic??? when my classes just started??? *hand waves at my laptop* with all these wip projects???
(on my defense, i was left unsupervised.)
storyboarding the prologue took longer than it should've, but i wouldn't say i didn't enjoy the process. generally, i had troubles figuring out the background and stuff. and i had to constantly kept in mind that the page is going to be an a5, so i can fit more than just 3 large panels pfffft.
i thought the dialogue balloons would've given me the most pain--i was proven wrong. the interior of steve's store is a mess. i'm already shit at background, especially store backgrounds (though they're fun to do,,,, when you're not in a time crunch sksjskf).
i rarely have free time, so whenever i did storyboarding, i usually tried to squeeze in as much pages of work as i can. i cut out parts from steve's monologues (and god, there were a lot of monologues) just so i can fit the story better into visual format. i just hope i can translate steve's dread and existential crisis into visuals in the next chapter.
the story itself isn't in chapters, but a one-shot. which is good, because then, i'm able to cut out parts and make "chapters" of plot points that would suit a comic narrative better. i should point out i'm in no way a professional comic artist, so my methods are questionable at best.
but hey, you live as you learn.
a. greenleaf
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omg #22
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Just started imagining a Necromancer using their magic to create undead for the sole purpose of creating a musical number and they need back up dancers for their song solo.
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And that parking lot. And behind that diner.
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Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark..  Iron Man Behind The Scenes.
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Kindness is often mistaken for softness and let me tell you, friends….that is a mistake you don’t want to make. 
Kind people are not born that way, they do not stumble into it, kind people are forged in fire and darkness and imploding stars…they have steel cores. Throw a punch and you’re going to break your hand. 
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“You know mistletoe is important to Druids but do you know why people kiss under the mistletoe? It’s a Norse myth. Baldur the son of Odin was the most beloved by the other gods. So much that they wanted to protect him from all the dangers in the world. His mother, Frigg, took an oath from fire and water, metal, stone and every living thing, that they would never hurt Baldur. At a gathering, they tested him. Stones, arrows and flame were all hurled at him. Nothing worked. But there was one god that wasn’t so enamored of Baldur, the god of mischief, Loki. Loki discovered that Frigg had forgotten to ask mistletoe, a tiny, seemingly harmless plant and completely overlooked. Loki fashioned a dart out of mistletoe and it killed Baldur. Frigg was heartbroken. She decreed that mistletoe would never again be used as a weapon and that she would place a kiss on anyone who passed under it. So now we hang mistletoe underneath our door during the holidays so that we will never overlook it again.”
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@squeeful it was the comics code, wasn't it? It just makes Steve so human, you know? He's not infallible. He has vices too.
He justifies it, too. He's at peak human perfection. It doesn't harm him. And as long as he's not smoking around others, especially Tony, who has a heart condition, he's not hurting anyone.
Tony doesn't know how to approach the subject. Steve always leaves after they have sex and he's never there in the morning and Tony's so lonely. Why trouble Steve?
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MIT Era Tony being mega confused when DUM-E goes for a walk around campus and brings back a bewildered Bucky because ‘he has a metal arm so he must be DUM-E’s sibling’
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Steve Rogers in Captain Marvel (2019) | Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
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older lotr illustrations sometimes depict éowyn wearing ridiculously small armour. apart from the problem general sexualisation of the only female character (who really does anything), there’s another hilarious thought:
éowyn pretended to be dernhelm, a man. to fit in, she must have worn men’s armor. so the armor in the illustrations is normal for rohirrim.
therefore, all the rohirrim rode to war just like that:
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“Tony used to wear braces,” Rhodey says casually.
“No,” Tony immediately follows up. He turns to glare at everyone else in the room, a dark promise in his eyes. “None of you are allowed to ask for pictures.”
“He had this gap between his front teeth,” Rhodey continues like Tony never spoke, “and I guess his dad didn’t like it because he wore them for a while.”
“I didn’t like the gap either–”
“He didn’t like it either,” Rhodey amends. “He looked pretty cute–in the little brother sort of way–with them on, though. JARVIS, a picture, please? From my albums.”
“Jay, do not throw up a picture–”
The show on the TV is paused and then fades away to make room for a picture of a 16-year-old Tony, smiling with a mouthful of what looked to be like traintracks. “I mean, yeah, they aren’t as aesthetically pleasing as the braces today, but you look at that–” Rhodey gestures towards the screen– “and you tell me it doesn’t awaken every protective instinct in you.”
“Oh my god,” Steve squeaks from the side, “it does make me want to wrap him in a blanket and protect him forever.” There are murmurs of agreement from around the room.
“Stop,” Tony groans.
Rhodey sighs, sounding regretful on the others’ behalf. “You guys should’ve seen him with his glasses. Those lenses could’ve stopped a bullet. Seriously. Unfortunately, I don’t have pictures.”
Tony breathes out in relief.
Rhodey grins. “Or do I?”
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
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"Sir, This is McDonald's Drive-thru,"
(Natasha Victoria Stark - Earth U3490)
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