jamesiepotters · 9 years
Send a space thing for questions
Planets: Life
Mercury: What’s your full name? 
Venus: What’s your first language? 
Earth: Where’s your home? 
Mars: What’s your sexuality? 
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? 
Saturn: Any pets? 
Uranus: What’s your hobby? 
Neptune: When’s your birthday? 
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? 
Stars: Experiences
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol? 
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class? 
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster? 
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country? 
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness? 
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? 
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about? 
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone? 
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret? 
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend?
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t? 
Constellations: Favourites
Centaurus: Favourite holiday?
Orion: Favourite month?
Cassiopeia: Favourite book?
Delphinus: Favourite study?
Hercules: Favourite instrument?
Gemini: Favourite song?
Pegasus: Favourite place to be?
Libra: Favourite colour? 
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear?
Aries: Favourite movie? 
Cygnus: Favourite weather? 
Hydra: Favourite sound? 
Galaxies: Love/Friends  
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend?  
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? 
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? 
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? 
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills? 
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much? 
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to? 
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? 
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? 
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? 
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? 
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup? 
Other stuff: Wishes 
Comet: What’s your big dream? 
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? 
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t? 
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be? 
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? 
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? 
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? 
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? 
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? 
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see? 
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jamesiepotters · 9 years
It made him jump, the sound of shattered glass echoing through the claustrophobic silence, and James’s head whipped around so fast it almost dislodged the Cloak from around his shoulders. Speccy eyes peered through the dark as best they could, scanning the cobbled streets and uneven tree line for the source of the sound. Adrenaline surged through him, heartbeat in his throat and in his ears. He almost smiled; it felt like he could feel his magic crackling, alive, through his veins after hours of stillness and silence. 
James stood slowly, and although the insufficient length of the Cloak kept him from fully straightening up, it was still a relief to stretch his limbs. He did not allow himself to revel in the return of sensation to his fingers and toes, revelling instead in the action he’d suddenly found on what had promised to be a rather dull recon mission. He knew he ought to be hoping it was nothing, Lily’s voice ringing in his ears about not looking for trouble, but he simply couldn’t help the dark part of his heart that lusted for literally anything to break the monotony of the same patrol he’d been doing every night for the last six days straight. No one, least of all he, had expected to find anything this long after the break-in, but as the sound of glass shattering was more exciting than silence, so too was patrolling more exciting than sitting at home with only his House-Elves for company. James might not be allowed to look for trouble, but that didn’t stop him from looking for action, throwing himself wholeheartedly into the best option that presented itself to his boredom and restlessness.
No matter how foolhardy he might have felt, he daren’t cast a Lumos to illuminate the ground in front of him, so instead he started moving slowly towards where he assumed the sound had come from, peering at the cobblestones to find an indication of the source of the noise. His fingers were clenched tightly around his wand and he could hear nothing but the whooshing of his own blood in his ears. He saw it then: the remains of a potion and a glass vial on the stones in front of him. He skittered backward several steps, wand flying into defensive position in front of his face, Cloak falling, forgotten, around his feet; that potion looked clearly enough like an attack to him.
Someone had dropped it. He raised his eyes to the tree that stood above the puddle. The light of the moon reflected briefly off of something silver, and before he had fully identified the shape of a man, James threw his spell. 
In the still of the night | Regulus & James | August 20, 1978
The early morning silence had adopted somewhat of a melody of its own. Soft reverberations of charms operating within homes; the faint buzz of insects wings that were nowhere to be seen. Even the mildest of sounds, in this environment, would appear intrusive. Ominous. From his perch within the sturdy branches of a nearby oak tree, Regulus watched, eyes plastered on the eastern wall of Gringotts, breathing steadily through his lips to avoid an unintentional whistle through his nose. His face bore the protection of the silver mask. He had foregone the cumbersome, pointed hood that usually accompanied his assignments, opting instead for one that fell gently against the back of his head.
His intuitions were, so far, confirmed. It had been three weeks since the infiltration at Gringotts. Three weeks of Death Eaters surreptitiously patrolling the scene, wands at the ready for a repeat offender; three weeks of, “All is clear, my Lord.” Regulus knew they would not have assigned him alone to the night watch if probability of an encounter was not virtually zero, but he had all but jumped at the opportunity anyway. A chance to prove his devotion to his family, to his comrades. A chance without bloodshed, without murder.
All had seemed so simple when the sun had only just disappeared beneath the treetops. But the clock had struck four a.m. some ten minutes ago. The bark had long since burrowed against his skin, numbing his upper thigh. He had consumed a small vial of Wideye Potion at the start of the night, and the heaviness of his drooping eyelids signaled time for his second dosage.
The vial was buried deep in the pocket of his robes. To retrieve it, he would need to free one hand from the tree, compromising his balance for a moment. His left hand was simultaneously gripping his wand and a thick nearby branch; his toes were curled around the branch upon which he sat for extra stability. Holding his breath, he peeled the trembling fingers on his right hand from the bark and carefully, slowly, inched them inside his pocket. His stare was plastered on the ground, only now comprehending how high he was, and how tired. And the thing seemed to have wormed its way into the furthest possible corner of his pocket, so that only the very tips of his fingers could brush against its chilled, glassy surface. Bottom lip wrenched between his teeth, he wriggled his body at an angle, lengthening his arm so that he could just – barely – reach…
A pause, and the sound of glass shattering echoed through the night.
To Regulus’s horror, the vial now lay in pieces on the ground below; its contents pooling through the cracks in the pavement. His widened eyes now scanned the area, flicking from house to street to the walls of Gringotts. The scene appeared empty; he repeated this sentiment in his mind to calm the sudden galloping of his heart.
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jamesiepotters · 9 years
The Wake of Us | James & Alyssa | Flashback | February 21, 1974
It took him two whole weeks to realize what was wrong. 
He’d heard the news, of course. Had tried his best to support Marlene through it, to be a sympathetic and understanding friend to her. He’d skipped Quidditch for her, when it happened. But somehow, amid all the sadness and the emptiness, he missed that there was anything else missing at all. Then he turned around to say something to her and Alyssa wasn’t there. 
Standing in shock for a second, mouth open as if he were beginning to speak, James thought back to the last time he had seen her. James was used to seeing Alyssa on a near-daily basis; the younger girl was often to be found trailing along behind him or behind her sister, itching to be part of the crowd, he guessed. IT wasn’t unusual to lose her for a couple days and find her holed up in her dormitory clutching a book, but the more he thought about it, the further back in his memory he was able to go without coming across her. Then the timing clicked, and even though he had been standing amid a group of sixth year Arithmancy students, he vanished like a shot down the hallway. 
When he found her, he pretended absolutely nothing was wrong. He hated pity and he didn’t quite know how to pretend he felt it, but he knew that there was an aching in his gut over her sadness, completely separate from what he considered to be his own loss. It was his duty to make her feel better, to do what he could to protect her from any of these dark feelings. An image of Marlene’s tear-streaked face sprung to mind. They were like his sisters, they were, and he couldn’t bear the thought of anything hurting them. 
“Alyssa,” he said her name first to get her attention, and then sat down near her. He slung his arm across her shoulder casually, craving physical contact, feeling like his whole being was trying to reach out and cradle her from harm.  “Missed you the last couple days.”
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jamesiepotters · 9 years
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She started going out with him in seventh year.
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jamesiepotters · 9 years
sleep: what is the most comforting thing at night time for you?
visitor: what creature visits your dreams most often?
chimes: what sounds are your favorite?
times: when do you normally awaken?
marking: describe your tattoos,or tattoos you would like in the future?
reverie: think of somewhere otherworldly u wish to be within, what is it like there?
warmth: what do you find most charming in others?
treat: your favorite sweets ?
nestle: your most precious plush toy?
posy: your favorite herbs?
stories: books you remember from your childhood?
folk: who is the most fantastical being u have known?
elder: what do u expect to be like in your elder years?
home: in what type of environment do you feel most safe?
finds: what kind of item would you most likely buy from an antique store?
offering: how do you show others you are fond of them?
lore: if your life were a tale, how do u expect it would end??
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jamesiepotters · 9 years
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The stag patronus does not imply the same warmth that does the doe patronus, but instead displays a sense of internal balance. These people are generally well-rounded, and have a good sense of their own person and also can be very social. They tend to be a bit judgmental, and often will pick a small group of others to be close with, and shun out others. This is what comes as natural to them, and it can make them seem intimidating at times. They have the distinct trait of being a natural leader, as well as having strong opinions of that which is around them. The most common house for a stag patronus is Gryffindor. The most common signs are Aries and Capricorn.
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jamesiepotters · 9 years
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Photo by Kathy Lo 
Photoshoots and Portraits → 2015 → #07 (Kathy Lo)
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jamesiepotters · 9 years
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jamesiepotters · 9 years
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James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew - The Marauders - Aesthetics.
(Aaron Johnson as James. Robert Sheehan as Sirius. Luke Newberry as Remus. Bradley James as Peter) 
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jamesiepotters · 9 years
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hp couple aesthetics –> (Jily)
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jamesiepotters · 9 years
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characters aesthetics → james potter & lily evans
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jamesiepotters · 9 years
“Pancakes!” James said proudly, as if it was some sort of dramatic reveal that no one expected. James was not a good cook - it stemmed from the same place as his below-average potion-making, he assumed - and there were only a few dishes he could do well. Pancakes were one of them, so he made them as often as he could, always with the air that he was doing his guests some great favour, like they had never tasted his pancakes before. There was already one sizzling in the saucepan on the stovetop. He hurried over to it and seized the handle to flip it - it landed with a satisfying sizzle. 
“I suppose I’ll just have to charm the batter,” he said, frowning, more to himself than to Remus. “I don’t think it ever tastes as good that way though.”
He waved his wand at the batter bowl and it refilled. James continued to mix and flip pancakes as they spoke, ever the multitasker, ever looking for a way to keep his hands busy. He didn’t think anything of his answer to Remus’s question, thrilled to be living with his friends and operating under the assumption that they would be equally thrilled to have him. 
“Got here just this morning! And I’m staying indefinitely. The pancakes are to help you celebrate the joy of my presence!” he turned to grin and wink at Remus, who was sitting and thumbing through the records in front of him. “Sirius relegated you to the sofa, but I’m willing to negotiate.”
Apologies and Explanations || James & Remus || July 25th, 1978
Everything about James seemed simultaneously casual and formal; he moved and talked as though it was all so easy being the glue that held their little group together and for that Remus would be eternally envious. Envious, but thankful. As James relaxed his attitude was contagious and Remus found his own shoulders letting go of some of the tension they carried and his lips turning up into a smile. Happily, Remus followed James into his own kitchen and surveyed the scene; it was a mess to be certain but it smelled wonderful.
“And what are you making that requires so much milk?” Remus asked, standing back, not wanting to insert himself where James was working. His eyes traveled to James’ back and he almost sighed.
With a wand in his face as a greeting he had not had the chance to embrace James in greeting. It had been too long since he had seen him and wished there could have been some way to have expressed that. If he was Sirius he would have simply walked up and wrapped his arms around James as he was now, back turned and focused on his cooking. But he was not Sirius, and he simply couldn’t walk up uninvited even though he knew James would welcome the affection.
Instead Remus sank into the desk chair that was already half in the kitchen and began flipping through the records in front of him. “When did you get here?” He asked curiously. “And how long are you staying?”
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jamesiepotters · 9 years
It was a boy who answered the door, yelling loudly for Daisy before he could even fully get the words out. This was not the greeting he expected, although he couldn’t say it didn’t make him smile. He had expected to be greeted by overprotective parents at the door; he expected to have to convince them that his intentions were pure and that he was definitely not a Dark Wizard intent on her destruction before they’d even so much as let him see her. All in all, he had expected to ride in like her knight of shining armour and rescue her from the perils of her parent-guarded castle.
He was shaken out of his brief disappointment by her appearance and he exclaimed an answer to her question immediately: “I’m your birthday present!” 
She manually shoved her brothers out of her way as she approached him, making him smile. He had missed her. Her dig about his clothing made him frown, although he hugged her back warmly when she stepped towards him. He looked down at himself when she pulled away from the hug, pulling at the tight shirt. “I think I look perfectly respectable, thank you very much. Some gratitude you’re showing, for the bloke who is here to take you out for your birthday.”
He gave her a wink, and offered her his arm dramatically. “Anywhere you want to go, birthday girl. I’m no dragon, but I’m sure we can still find adventure to be had. Unless there are some overprotective parents that need reassuring before we leave?”
Take Me on a Wicked Adventure | James & Daisy | August 7, 1978
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jamesiepotters · 9 years
The rate at which Sirius sprung out of bed, and the absolute nonsense he was babbling had James’s eyebrows shooting up to the point where he was sure they would be indistinguishable from his hair. We weren’t having sex. 
James’s mind was completely blank, the pieces falling ever-so-slowly into place. He hadn’t moved an inch since the last word he’d spoken; he was just looking, staring almost, from Sirius, to Remus, to the clothes on the floor. Remus sat up, the blanket falling momentarily from his naked chest, and it felt different, somehow, than all the other times he’d seen Remus without a shirt - it felt intrusive, bare. 
That’s when it hit him, and he did several painful things all at once: he clapped his hand, hard, over his eyes, and stumbled backwards out of the door, managing to knock both his elbow and his head on the doorframe in the process, all the while shouting absolute gibberish back at them. 
“Oh God, you two are - Merlin I’m so sorry - Dishwasher, right, yeah, I’ll just -- “ he closed the door with a snap behind him, wincing as it grazed his toe, leaving his friends alone in the room behind him. He slumped against the wall opposite their door, rubbing his temples hard.
They were having sex. That was it, that was the answer. He couldn’t even begin to contemplate the implications of this. His head was absolutely spinning. He wasn’t naive, he knew that some men loved other men, but it hadn’t even occurred to him that his friends - and how would this affect the four of them, their friendship - what if it went bad? Remus and Sirius??? Shagging??? 
How long had this been going on?
Who's Gaying Up the Place? | James & Sirius & Remus | August 6, 1978
The past few weeks had been something of a splendid charade. Considering both Remus and herather enjoyed the prospect of a long lie-in (and were hardly the type toeschew morning sex) having James ‘The early bird has nothing on me!’ Potterliving with them again made everything somewhat difficult. There had been toomany mornings where one or the other of them had awoken with a start, hurriedlyrousing the other before Remus made a mad dash for the sofa, all to be therewhen Prongs sprung from his room like an overly jubilant Disney critter on ecstasy. 
There was one sorry incident which would forever remain burned in Sirius’ mind; he’d been on his way back to bed, trying to make as little noise as possible when a head had protruded from the doorway of the spare room along with a delighted cry of “You’re up!”. It had been 5:45 in the morning and he’d somehow found himself on a jog with a boy who could tire the Energizer bunny. Potter seemed so excited by his presence he hadn’t even noticed the absence of Remus on the sofa. It was a day that would live in infamy as one where Sirius swore off cigarettes, alcohol and cheese sandwiches…only to have several firewhiskeys (“I am traumatized Prongs!”) shortly after lunch. Thankfully, because of the sheer amount of whining undertaken by the elder Black brother, James had been put off dragging him for a jog in future. Miserably, he had not given up the disgustingly healthy habit and so their little dance of delicacy had continued without a single hitch…well, until this morning. When James burst into the bedroom, he let out an unhappy moan, burying his face under the pillow. It wasn’t until Remus was brought into the conversation that the suddenly realized with a jolt of nausea that, for the first time in almost five years, they had been caught by James. Sitting bolt upright, quickly shoving a pillow over Remus’ face in an attempt to hide him, his eyes were wide, mouth opening and closing several times before he managed a strangled: “WE WEREN’T HAVING SEX!” Recovering as quickly as he could, he attempted a smile (although it came across as rather manic) hoping a change of conversation would ease things somewhat. “Blue tits! Outside! Just lovely this time of year! Have a nest on the kitchen window sill. We should go look. Now. Can find the saucepan while we’re at it, yeah?”
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jamesiepotters · 9 years
Take Me on a Wicked Adventure | James & Daisy | August 7, 1978
James checked his appearance once more in the mirror on the back of his door, smoothing his shirt down with his hands. He felt fairly confident that he looked passably Muggle-like - Lily may not have been there to help him through it, but he was pretty sure he had the hang of it. Bell bottoms were definitely rad, he was sure, and although his shirt was a little tight, it would serve his purpose. He was the vision of a Muggle boy, picking up a pretty Muggle girl for some innocent ice cream.
This was probably the best birthday gift he’d ever thought of. Bar none. 
He grinned widely at himself in the mirror, grabbed his leather jacket from where it was hanging on his bedpost, and hurried out the door, Apparating as soon as he was outside of the wards. It took him moments to get to the door, excited as he was, and he ran a hand through his hair one last time before he rapped smartly on its surface. 
Daisy was going to be so happy to see him.
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jamesiepotters · 9 years
When Sept brought Lily into the conversation, he found himself shamefully conflicted about how to feel. On the one hand, he was touched that she had remembered his girl in the long months since they’d seen one another; on the other, “muggleborn” was a loaded word, and no matter who said it, it always made James’s hackles raise defensively, and his hands clench instinctively. He kept his voice light as he responded, choosing to carefully shut down the political, aggressive part of his thought process. He couldn’t help but stress her name a little, though.
“It’s true, Lily has got me used to a mostly magic-less existence, although she says there are some habits I’m destined never to pick up. If Selina would criticize you for laziness, we should probably never show her my room,” he grinned a little - he’d never be the cleanest man around, especially if she expected him to do it without magic. “My parents were quite the opposite - I think they would have been lost without magic. My mother had very clear ideas about how the house should be run. Proper tea time always reminds me of them, actually - my mother and father, that is.”
It was becoming easier, with the taste of tea to fill his mouth and the cup to keep his hands busy, for him to relax in Septima’s company. He could practically hear his mother’s voice, feel her correcting his grip on his teacup, and his old, pureblood manners descended upon him as easy as breathing.  Septima even looked sort of like his father had, like he did, with familiar Potter sternness softened by her perfect model of feminine manner. It made his heart ache a little, in a good way. 
The family resemblance was emphasized all too clearly with her next question, and he really did feel like he was at a family dinner then, the pressure to continue the Potter name not an unfamiliar feeling. He had to work very hard not to roll his eyes and bite back a rude response. Instead, he deflected.
“I suppose it depends on how and when things calm down,” he said, truthfully. He loved his childhood home, had dreams of raising his own family there, but it seemed less and less feasible as the days progressed. “And, of course, what Lily has to say about it.”
Tea Time is Family Time | James & Septima
Septima had never been what one would call a social butterfly. Since childhood many had seen her blatant self-confidence as outstanding charisma, never a stutter to her words nor a hint of hesitation. But truly it was just an obvious show of strength, fighting back against her memories of childhood; when her own mother had fought against the nature of women to be seen and never heard. If Septima was any less conscious of a woman, she would have always fallen back into being merely silent. Dragging back her own brash nature in order to observe.
Here, without Selina as a balm to her bluntness, Septima wondered whether this familial meeting would be quite as easy as formerly expected. Taken with a sudden wish for the presence of her old friend, the elder woman took a long sop of her tea, pointedly ignoring the burn of scalding liquid upon her upper lip.
“I had tried once to stay on the more… muggle way of life, something my mother had found fondness in – It lasted barely a few months till everything started falling through the cracks. I do suppose you’re much more used to it, considering your relationship with a muggleborn.” The light filtering through the floor to ceiling windows reflected back from her eyes when she cast them about the place, knowing every little enchantment within the foundation to keep it all together.
“Selina would scold me for my laziness, I’m sure.” Smirking sharply, a hand rose to curl a stray strand of dark hair behind her ear.
James’ comments are light, showing that at least one of them are making an effort to fill the silence, and she forces herself to relax more into her chair; shouldering hunching down so that she was curled into its embrace. “Would you rather stay within London or move back to Cardiff – that is when the excitement has died down?”
Though she does not say it, the context is implied in her tone, asking about the future of this family and of its name. London was no place to raise a family, and it had been too long since Cardiff had heard the sound of children.
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jamesiepotters · 9 years
headcanon meme: ice cream flavors edition.
Almond Chocolate Coconut: a touch headcanon.
Bacon Ice Cream: a "what were you even thinking" headcanon.
Black Raspberry Cheesecake: a sexuality and/or romanticism headcanon (romantic orientation, sexual orientation, etc).
Cactus Fruit Sorbet: a "this shouldn't work but it does" headcanon.
Cherry Garcia: a role model/inspiration headcanon.
Chubby Hubby: a body image/self esteem headcanon.
Chunky Monkey: a names, addresses, nicknames, etc. headcanon.
Cookies and Cream: a family headcanon.
Cotton Candy Explosion: a childhood/child(ren) headcanon.
Death By Chocolate: an indulgence/guilty pleasure headcanon.
Devil's Food Chocolate: a vice headcanon.
Dulce de Leche: a happy/sweet romantic or queerplatonic headcanon.
Elderberry: a hurt/comfort headcanon.
Entangled Mints: a friendship headcanon.
Espresso 'n Cream: a coffee/tea/coffee-shop (AU)/caffeine headcanon.
Fudge Behaving Badly: a misbehaving/getting into trouble headcanon.
Ginger Crème Brûlée: a gender headcanon (gender identity, gender presentation, butch/femme, gender feels, etc).
Half Baked: a bad idea/poor planning headcanon.
Heartbreak Healer: a sad/angsty romantic or queerplatonic headcanon.
Jasmine Peach Tea: a self-care/self-love headcanon.
Kahlua Almond Fudge: a language/words headcanon.
Kiwi Midori: a creative arts headcanon.
Lemon Angel Food: a virtue headcanon.
Lemon-Lime Sorbet: a sexual/NC-17 headcanon (alt: a secret(s) h/c).
Magic Mint Cookie: a magic/supernatural headcanon (alt: a taste h/c).
Masque of the Raspberry Sorbet: a fear/horror headcanon (alt: a costume(s)/facade(s) headcanon).
Neapolitan: an intimacy/vulnerability (or lack thereof) headcanon.
Orange Pineapple Whip: a kinky headcanon (alt: an eccentricity h/c).
Oreo Cheesecake: a physical health/disability headcanon.
Peanut Butter Plum Cherry: a soulmate/soulmate AU headcanon (alt: an unconditional love headcanon)
Phish Food: a music headcanon.
Purple Daze: a stoner/drugs headcanon.
Rainbow Cream: a nature headcanon.
Road Trip: a travel or escapism headcanon.
Rocky Road: a difficulty or struggle headcanon.
SNAFU (Strawberries Naturally All Fudged Up): a mistake(s) headcanon.
Strawberry Rhubarb Crunch: a mental health/neurodivergent headcanon.
Tennessee Mud: an alcohol, drunkenness, intoxication headcanon.
Tuxedo Strawberry: a well-dressed headcanon (any headcanon about clothes).
Vanilla Fudge Ripple: a strength headcanon.
White Raspberry Truffle: a weakness headcanon.
Wildberry Chocolate Chunk: a social life headcanon.
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