jarjarbinxguy · 3 years
Y'know what filoni? Fine. If star wars is just going to be constant gratuitous cameos stealing the spotlight from a show's ostensible stars, then you'd better put Jar-Jar Binks in mando s3, otherwise I'm not watching
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jarjarbinxguy · 3 years
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jarjarbinxguy · 3 years
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Vader’s holding a fine art exhibition 🖼
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Boba demonstrating his knowledge of oil painting techniques (he has none)
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TK only came for the free booze
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I call this one ‘Overcompensating’
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Anakin’s not on the guest list
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jarjarbinxguy · 3 years
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jarjarbinxguy · 3 years
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<3 or reblog if you save it.
open the pic for better quality.
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jarjarbinxguy · 3 years
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The Clone Wars Season 1 companion webcomics
#4 Agenda
Story by Pablo Hidalgo, Art by Katie Cook, Letters by Grant Gould
This story occurs just before 1.04 Destroy Malevolence.
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jarjarbinxguy · 3 years
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The Clone Wars Season 1 companion webcomics
#8 Departure
Story by Pablo Hidalgo, Art by Jeff Carlisle, Letters by Grant Gould
This story occurs just before 1.08 Bombad Jedi.
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jarjarbinxguy · 3 years
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jarjarbinxguy · 3 years
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jarjarbinxguy · 4 years
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jarjarbinxguy · 4 years
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An important PSA.
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jarjarbinxguy · 4 years
Hey I made something
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Heesa can bring yousa in warm, or heesa can bring yousa ina biig doodoo.
The Gungalorian
I call him Din DjarJar
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jarjarbinxguy · 4 years
The key to being successful was somehow convincing Palpatine that he should let Jar Jar become chancellor. It would have been a good ploy for him to be defeated by a gungan put in place by Padme and Bail. He would think he has control by trying to influence JarJar, while Bail and Padme thinks they have a handle on JarJar, ALONG with the Jedi thinking that they to have a safe connection to the new chancellor through Anakin and Obi Wan. But in reality, no one has any fucking clue what is going on
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jarjarbinxguy · 4 years
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Bombad general is elite
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jarjarbinxguy · 4 years
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jarjarbinxguy · 4 years
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jarjarbinxguy · 4 years
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Day 9: Mesa stuck!
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