jasontoddispure · 7 years
"Your songs." A Jason Todd FanFic Part 3
Summary:Jason todd breaks into an apartment and accidentally falls in love with a depressed British girls voice and its FLUFFY OKAY?!?!
Warnings:i talk about depression alot in this chapter and again MY GRAMMAR IS STILL TERRIBLE I AM SO SORRY
Little did jason know how much he actually changed Rose’s life. The night he broke into her apartment was the night she planned to take her own life. Rose has been living with chronic depression for her whole life Shes seen doctors and gotten medicine. She found music as her way to express her emotions and it helped her alot with the depression but lately its been bad. She hasn’t been able to get the thoughts out of her head and she was done trying. Rose was singing a song she had written to her loved ones kind of as a note but something they could keep more than they could a note. She’s lived in gotham for 4 years She moved here for the therapy treatment but it hasn’t helped the way she wanted it to but she happened to like this city. The way it was dark and lonely but also so beautiful and full of hope and strength. She liked how it was never a quiet place. She liked all the different people shoved into one place. She especially liked the stray kitten she found on the subway. She named him bread. That night she had set him up with exactly 2 weeks worth of food and water because the landlord came a checked every week or so. She had everything planned and layed out. She was so ready. But then the red hood stepped into her life,he didn’t even say much of anything to her and realistically she figured that he didn’t even think of her again but still she sat awake the next few nights just thinking about his voice.
The first night he came back to her apartment she went to make him tea as he sat on her couch with his helmet by his side and bread the kitten crawling on his lap sniffing the stranger that smelt like smoke and gun power. Rose took a minute while the water boiled on the kettel to just…look at him and take it in. His messy black hair and blue eyes and the small smile that appeared while he watched the pure white kitten investigate him. When he was around rose didn’t feel as lonely as she did before. It was nice.
Rose waited anxiously for him to show up each night. Some nights he’d have injuries which she’d patch up-her mum was a nurse-and he’d have a different look in his eyes it looked dull and broken like he was reliving a bad memory. She just wanted to hug him and never let go. Was she in love? Oh definitely. Did that scare her to death? Oh definitely.
Each night was almost the same. Jason would stumble onto her balcony and Rose would lead him onto the couch where he would be greated by the small cat and rose would bandage him up. The first few nights they never even learned eachothers names until Rose asked. “Rose.” Jason repeated what the girl had told him as his head stared at her ceiling from his spot lying on her couch while she bandaged a wound on his side. “Rose.” He repeated it once more with a smile. “I like that. It fits.” She laughed,light wrinkles forming around her eyes as she did so. Jason loved that. “Well,thank you.” Rose simply replied,a smile still on her face. It was moment like these where they just sat in silence. No music. No words. Just comfortable silence. Moments like these that felt pure. Happiness lingering around the room. Bread having found a spot on jasons shoulder to curl up and sleep and Jason watching Rose as she bandaged his side. The only noise in the room was their hearts beating and breads puring. Jason just wanted to live in this moment. Forever.
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jasontoddispure · 7 years
"Your songs." A Jason Todd FanFic Part 2
Summary:Jason todd breaks into an apartment and accidentally falls in love with a depressed British girls voice and its FLUFFY OKAY?!?! Warning:I talk about depression and my grammar sucks IM SO SORRY About 2 weeks after he met her and began listening to her enchanting singing he had started recognizing her songs and humming them to himself. While at a small grocery store-as his civilian self and not the Red Hood-he had been humming one of her songs while looking at some of those prepackaged sandwiches they sold like any other day he failed to notice the Short brunette standing behind him looking at the packaged cupcakes on the other side of the isle who noticed his humming. With her eyebrows furrowed she turned around to look at who the hell was humming her song. She didn't recognize him,he surely didn't live in her building but it was bothering her to kingdom come so she could not let it go. "Excuse me?" She stepped beside him "Thats my song you're humming. Do i know you?" Jason froze. He knew that voice it was her voice . "Are you going to ignore me!" Rose exclaimed,annoyed. "I um-sorry i just didn't realize-um-shit" Jason stammered. He never stammered but he had no idea how to get out of this. Rose let out a small gasp and covered her mouth in pure shock,dropping her hand-held basket in the process. The tall blue-eyed man standing in front of her was the same man who had broken into her flat weeks before. "Its you" Jasons eyes widened. "Its you! You're the red-" his hand flew over her mouth. "Shhh" he hissed and looked around before lightly dragging her to the back of the store and uncovering her mouth. "You're the red hood" Rose whispered earning an eye roll from Jason "Yes,i am can you please not yell that next time!" rose nodded  "how do you know my songs?" She asked him almost totally unfazed by the situation "Because they're good songs,okay?" He replied defensively. Rose raised an eyebrow at him "Thank you but i didn't ask why you knew then i asked how.." Jason explained his habit to her and expected a restraining order but her kind heart just gave him an open invitation to keep coming to her balcony to find peace. An i invitation he accepted gladly. From then on every night after patrol or missions he always ended up on her balcony. She'd give him tea and patch up his wounds then they'd just sit on the balcony and watch the stars while she sang the songs that soothed the broken boy. At first it was both of them that stared at the great big sky but that changed once Jason discovered the way roses big brown eyes lit up while she sang. Now he found himself watching her. The way her eyes reflected the stars. The way her lips curled up slightly while she sang. The way she somehow always looked absolutely gorgeous to him no matter the hour or whether she brushed her hair or not,if she wore her glasses or kept in her contacts. He didn't care she always looked perfect to him and he didn't know why but he did know that he was falling in love with her and wondering if she was falling in love too?
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jasontoddispure · 7 years
"Your songs." A Jason Todd FanFic Part 1
Summary:Jason todd breaks into an apartment and accidentally falls in love with a depressed British girls voice and its FLUFFY OKAY?!?! Warnings:I talk abt depression at one point and also im so sorry i promise my grammar will suck but I'm legit in a really shit place rn and im just writing to occupy myself im so sorry Roy Harper and Jason Todd are out and at it again as their vigilante persona's chasing a criminal who had been selling drugs to kids on the streets of gotham The two chased him until they saw him to into a building where they decided to split up. Roy went from the bottom only to discover that its one of those apartments that you need a key or a buzz in to enter. Roy sighed and told jason who decided to go through one of the apartments. Ignoring Roy's protest he did just that. It was 2:45 am. Jason snuck through an unlocked slightly opened window. He slowly moved the light yellow curtain that covered it and looked around the dark room he entered. It was a bedroom,empty and small. He quietly cursed to himself and hoped whoever lived her wasn't home but it seemed luck was not on his side when he heard the strumming of a guitar and a voice. Singing? At 2 am seriously? The one time he needs to fucking sneak into an apartment their awake. Of course. He leaned his head on the wall beside the door trying to focus and think of a way out of this but failed as he found himself getting lost in the soft voice singing a small distance away. He didn't know the song but he didn't need to,this voice was just...nice. It made him feel...lost. Lost in a good way though like he didn't feel like he was chasing a bad guy or like his life had fallen part from start to finish. He just felt like he was right there and he didn't know where there was but he didn't care he was just..okay. "Jason! What the hell is taking you so long!!" Roy hissed through the intercoms braking jason out of his trance. "Give me a godamn minute" he replied. louder than he should have before standing up and going towards the window. He'd just sneak in through a different apartment,he thought. "Excuse me? Do you need something?" He thought wrong apparently. Jason turned around to see a short girl-maybe 5'3-with shoulder length wavy brown hair that had been in a half updo,standign at the door way with a curious look on her face. If he wasn't wearing his red hood mask she'd be able to see the utter shock on his face,he was speechless. "You're one of those super heros aren't you? Do you need anything or are you breaking into my flat for fun?" She said in her British accent. She had lived in gotham long enough this was far from something that was a shock. "Well um"-he cleared his throat and stood up straight,with false confidence-"Yes actually i needed to get into the building,see me and my..partner we're looking for a man who's been-" The short girl cut him off "Say no more. I don't need a story line. You're free to go into the building from my front door,and if you need i can buzz your partner in. Just follow me" Jason followed the girl into the living room and to the door where she pressed a button on the wall that made a buzz noise before she opened the door for him "Well,thanks for not being a murderer and killing me or robbing me and good luck finding whoever you need to find" she said her hand toying with the strings that hung from her light yellow sweatshirt. Jason nodded "Thank you for your assistance and stay safe. If you hear any gunshots...stay in your apartment and don't call the cops" He slowly walked out the door. Meanwhile Roy was sitting grumpily against the wall outside the front gate waiting for jason with his arms crossed over his chest. buzz buzz He looked up to see a red light flickering next to the name "Rose Maleek" jason must have done it. He opened the gate and walked into the building where he was soon greeted by Jason as one of the elevator doors opened "Took you long enough Jesus Christ what did you do? Cross the fucking sea?" Rose didn't think much of it-at least he thought.-but Jason did. Every night he went on patrol he'd stop by the fire escape to her apartment and listen to her sing. No he wasn't stalking her. At least he told himself that but c'mon that's super stalker-ish. [THIS PROBABLY SUCKS IM SO SORRY]
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jasontoddispure · 7 years
Oh hi
Hi im in a dark place rn but i wrote a fic and ima post that yeah
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