jehannandancer · 4 years
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u ever wonder how many layers of perfect it takes to dance in the middle of battlefield? because i do
another one of the inktobers drawings featuring one of my fave character from fe8: Tethys
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jehannandancer · 4 years
» downtime
“I’m—I’m not,” Celica looks up from the food, ruby gleaming in firelight as she meets Tethys’ eyes. The heat in her cheeks remained, though a newly ignited passion burned fiercely in her gaze. “Ashamed, you know? I would never be ashamed of loving someone as amazing as Alm.”
She ducks her head with a chuckle and sheepish smile. “Your comment was just… unexpected, is all. I’m afraid I don’t have much experience, speaking about my own matters of the heart.”
For Celica, there had never been much reason to. Why hope for a future with someone she wasn’t even sure she would see again? To titter and gossip with the other sisters-in-training, about dashing fishermen and the charming princes from the Zofian mainland (almost all of whom had been her half-brothers). Celica had her own problems to worry over, and a duty to fulfill.
There was no time—no possibility—for romance. 
Now that there was… she finds that it isn’t as easy as she might have initially thought.
The young queen falls silent as she remembers her fight with Alm, listening as Tethys explains her special recipe. A few tidbits catches Celica’s attention, her eyes flickering up to the other woman. “Sour cream? Interesting. I never thought of using it…”
Though she shows interest, it’s clear that her mind is still on something else. When Tethys cleverly changes the topic to the very person weighing on her thoughts, Celica gives a wistful sigh. “Yes, that is correct. We are also engaged… set to be married in the spring, not long after graduation.”
Celica sighs again, curling a strand of hair around her finger. “But it is, yes. The separation is always painful, but it’s a reality I know I’ll have to come to terms with, as we begin our lives together as royals of a healing nation.” 
She bites her bottom lip, a lump rising in her throat. “It’s just—it’s so much worse this time, because we had an awful argument, and I didn’t get to apologize. We haven’t spoken in almost a month, and—”
Abruptly, she cuts herself off, taking a deep breath.
“…I’m sorry. I’m just… so anxious. And angry. Mostly at myself.”
“T-that’s so soon! Congratulations, dear!” Tethys’ surprise is poorly hidden. She’s well aware of nobles being wed in the early years of their adulthood, but even so, it still comes as a surprise. Looking at this young woman, she can tell she’s had more to worry about beyond facing feelings and her personal love affair. It explains at the vulnerability, in a way. It was a sad truth, but one Tethys knew to be too common.
Celica’s sigh is met with a sigh of her own. Tethys feels nothing but sympathy over her current woes. A month, that was too long. The amount of suppressed emotions at this point must have been insane... to think she seemed so fine and approachable earlier despite carrying such burdens. 
“It seems no matter what part of the world you’re in, many countries are healing at this time...” She says with some sympathy, head shaking light as her thoughts briefly back in Magvel, towards the restoration siblings, towards Grado, to Jehanna... “You should be enjoying your youth, not worrying over a country or being deprived of a proper conversation with your love. I suppose it can’t be help given your status, but even so, you can’t neglect your personal life.”
She puts a hand on Celica’s shoulder and offers a kind smile, “Do you worry he won’t take your apology? My dear, we’ve only just met, but even I can feel your love. If your love is true, no matter the argument, it will reach him.”
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jehannandancer · 4 years
» i solemnly swear —
She doesn’t need to explain. At the sight of his dearest sister, every piece of the puzzle that’s been plaguing Ewan falls into place, and all is well in the world. (All except, maybe, for the half a moustache left on this poor man. It’s almost enough to make him laugh, but, for now, there are more pressing emotions to attend to. Ah well.)
He buries a snotty nose into her shoulder - she deserves it for her deceit - as he wraps her tighter in their hug in turn. He doesn’t care if he looks silly. Doesn’t care to find it in him to feel embarrassed in the slightest, for the reward is more than worth it.
“I missed you too, Sis,” he laments, slowly but surely finagling some control over his tears. She’s here. She’s really, really here…! It doesn’t take long for elation to steal across his features, but it takes even less time for mischief to take its place. “Ehehe heh… And now that you’ve a taste for pranking… we’ll be… unstoppable…!”
He can see it now. They will rule the school.
And it will be glorious.
It would be hazy come the present, but their reunion would be followed by a few antics through the form of pies, separation in distant worlds and times, an even hazier time in a foreign beach filled with old friends and fireworks, and finally, a present that she’s not sure of...
Despite all that has happened, and will happen, at least, they’re together. And nothing has changed, she swears, she solemnly does, that they’ll stick together. She respects his decision for independence and has nothing but amazement for how much has changed since then. He’s still as silly and cute as ever, but clearly, he’s gone through many things that changed him. And all she wants to do now is keep her front row seat of his growth as a mage and as a man. She looked forward to it. ♡
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jehannandancer · 4 years
» mystic
Corrin finds himself blinking, briefly taken aback when Tethys suddenly claps her hands. He regains his composure as she remarks “An all-rounder! You must be quite the talented mage,” with what seems to be praised. Following the moment of her head with one of his own, he watches as one of the other occupants take the test.
“I wouldn’t say that,” he says in response to her exclamation. “I’ve only studied a small bit.”
When she questions whether its possible to get a result indicating elemental potentials or none, a frown comes to his face. Either option sounded…concerning. Rather than voice his thoughts in that direction, however, he tries to hide it.
“Maybe. But even if you’re good at magic you should only have one that’s suited for you, right? Likewise, even if you can’t learn for whatever reason shouldn’t you still have one?”
“Humble, I see.” She teases, just a bit. If she goes by experience, those that do not gloat tend to be more talented than those that did. Plus, her gut feeling tells her he’s more informed than he lets on. She keeps that to herself, for now.
“I do hope so. I’m sure there are students out there who aren’t gifted at an early stage with magic but would be eager to study more if given the chance. This could give them the motivation they need.” She chips in, highlighting the students but she related to that as well. She’s always one for mimicry, a learner through sight and observation, not the books. If she truly wanted to dive into the arcane, perhaps it was time to... have more focus.
The man she’s speaking to seems knowledgeable and it would be wonderful to have someone to exchange input to once she’s tested. If her guess is right, he’s: “Are you a professor here? I’m afraid I’m not too familiar with everyone yet. My name is Tethys, by the way. I’m a dance instructor.”
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jehannandancer · 4 years
» spice it up
     Maribelle considers herself impartial (majority of the time) and made for an excellent critic. She’s spent enough time in the kitchen and the markets to get a general grasp on the Fódlan’s cuisines. In fact, when the Head Chef decided to hold a contest, Maribelle was on-board, one hundred percent. She has given her word she’ll set out to hunt the more promising entries and recommend it to him personally. Trying out every dish was too tedious and can muddle the senses. 
     The Ylissean noble began scouting not so long ago. There were a few interesting ones yet once she gave them a taste, it fell flat. A shame, she thought. Some aspiring chefs focused too much on presentation and as much as she liked food that was pleasing to the eyes, it’s the taste that matters in the end.
     As she roamed and hunted for food of interest, it’s the competitor behind the dish that catches her attention first, her bright smile and cheery disposition making it hard to ignore her invitation. She finds herself approaching, the desert sandwich handed over to her instantly. ❝ How confident of you to bring in a dish that could ruin itself if not eaten immediately. Well then, let’s give this a taste. ❞
     Maribelle didn’t like big deserts she had to hold by hand. It made a mess when eaten. Alas, she gave her word and had to try out what catches her inte–  ❝ Oh! ❞ The first bite takes her by surprise. It was incredibly sweet but then the pepper kicks in immediately after. There were others that gathered to try it out, and all around her, Maribelle could hear similar surprised yet delighted reactions. ❝ This tastes divine– the spice took me by surprise.  What do you call these? ❞   
The woman that approached seemed critical and pompous. To the remark, Tethys can only give a humble remark, “It’s less of confidence, and more of trust. Everyone looked so eager to try out food I hoped they’d give mine a chance.”
Then came the hard part: the anticipation. Tethys took this chance to give warm smiles to everyone else that took some of her samples, giving them out to each of them as the ones that came earlier started trying them out. It’s the delighted oohs and aahs that give her certainty that she added the right amount of spice and sugar. Even the blonde who looked about ready to scrutinize her earlier seemed impressed.
“Does it, truly? You spoil me too much with your words.” Tethys clasps her hands together in glee, chuckling a bit as a name was asked, “A name? I’m afraid it doesn’t have any special names. Its simply a black pepper ice cream sandwich. I appreciate a good dessert, but I’m also a woman who appreciates a bit of a kick. I hope that reflected well enough in this little treat, he he.”
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jehannandancer · 4 years
» to play with death
He watches carefully, slightly on edge about it. But she continued, and it wasn’t his place to tell her how to do it. Whatever it was he said that she took to heart Erk wasn’t sure, but Tethys seemed to be stirred by his words, which he appreciated greatly. 
It seemed that once she finished her dance it really did end the spell and he closed his hand, not seeing any need for the aid anymore. Though, the minute she hit the sand he was already halfway to her and he crouched at the shore beside her, offering both an awestruck and inspired look. “Yes, I saw.”
“You’ve outdone yourself. You really made the magic your own.” He thought it may have been a touch concerning that she seemed to be dispossessed to dark magic, but perhaps that wasn’t something for him to dwell on. “Are you alright, though? You seem a little… discoloured in the face there.”
Perhaps it was just stress, but better to be safe than sorry. He’d feel terrible if something happened and he ignored it.
It was draining, and not simply because she danced. There were far more strenuous routines yet this one sucked some energy out of her.
“I suppose I’m simply... tired. It was draining, but I’ll be fine.” Tethys admits, a small smile offered to Erk to keep him from worrying. She tucks the stray reds that stuck to the sides of her face, neatly hiding them behind her ears. She looks back into the ocean for a moment, and then back to Erk, studying his expression. “The magic just now... it was dark magic, I’m sure.”
She pauses unsure if she should ask an almost-stranger, but she knows of its reputation. He seems like a kind, young man, and a part of her is confident he doesn’t have narrow views, but, just in case, she decides to ask, “What’s your opinion on it?”
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jehannandancer · 4 years
» oh, crab!
Lene’s seen a lot of crazy things in her life, but this? 
This definitely took the crab cake.
A seemingly normal night of helping out in the kitchens had suddenly turned into an all-out war, with cooks and volunteers alike scrambling to avoid the wrath of the encroaching army: a legion of crabs that had been caught, bound, and set out for a fresh boiling, only to rise and turn the tables on their oppressors instead. This spirit of rebellion would almost be inspiring, if she weren’t one of the people they were currently trying to knife.
She had taken to helping some of the others evacuate, nimbly avoiding knives and projectiles all the while, when she catches a shock of red in her peripherals.
“Huh—” Lene whips her head around, ponytail swishing as she comes to face the older woman. In all the chaos, her thoughts run faster than the other’s words, but the young dancer manages to get the gist of what she’s trying to get at. “Stop these crabs? Sure! Someone’s gotta do it, so why not us?”
A skittering sound is heard as the crabs scuttle—kind of like the axe warriors, back in Jugdral—across the floor, towards her and Tethys. Snorting a bit at her intrusive thought, Lene lunges forward and grabs a knife off one of the crustaceans. After setting it on a high surface they (hopefully) couldn’t reach, she gives the other dancer a thumbs up before twirling out of the way of another thrown projectile.
It was showtime.
So it seems Tethys chose the right partner. Her smile was bright, optimism not baseless. She’s fast and nimble, similar to the Jehannan dancer, even. “I have a plan-- cover for me!” With her impromptu partner, thus began the strangest dance of Tethys’ life. 
Tethys was light on her feet, maneuvering through the army of armed crabs while protecting herself from their pointy weapons. Each turn, each twist was all for the sake of avoiding their clutches. She leaps over a large bundle of the tiny army and finds herself at the countertop, eyes immediately searching for the pots. One by one, she started throwing them on the floor, aiming to trap the crustaceans. The metal kitchen ware were heavy, and surely it could keep them at bay--
Oh, was she wrong.
The pots she just threw started moving, some lightly elevated to reveal the cunning orange little buggers that now peaked out from the pots. Even the heavier looking pots were being dragged on the floor, and the dancer knew she accidentally gave them an extra layer of protection. They can’t harm anyone from the inside, but until when, she’s not sure.
“H-how in the world?” Tethys stares at the moving pot, horrified. Their strength was insane, and for a moment she wondered if it was safe to actually eat them... Regardless, she refused to give up. They had some strength in them, but there has to be a limit to it..!
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jehannandancer · 4 years
» the damsel and the knight
“Aw, you flatter me too much, good lady.” He chuckles, before offering her a light bow. “You may call me Clive, by the way. It is a pleasure.”
Once she passes him the bridle, he puts it on the llama and makes all the necessary adjustments. Everything looks… surprisingly good, considering the unusual nature of the animal in question; the llama appears calm and relaxed, presumably it has been taught and and trained for riding.
“Mounted knights do tend to have the advantage of being able to move around faster than infantry soldiers. This gives us the edge of getting to where we need to be to save lives faster”, he nods. “Though in Valentia, infantry is also highly popular. The Deliverance - the military force I was from - was really a rebellion and took a while to grow into something one would call an army. So we could not afford to grant a horse to every soldier”, he muses. “That did not stop our men from showing their full spirit and fervor in battle, however.”
When she voices her request, Clive does not hesitate before nodding. “While I cannot promise that… this animal will be identical to a horse for riding, the basics at least should be the same, so I believe this may work well.” He thinks for a few seconds. “Perhaps it would be easier if I too find myself a mount… Excuse me for just a moment.”
His first thought is to go get Frida, but the stables are quite far away from where they are now, so perhaps it would be easier for him to choose one of the animals present here… He glances around, and his eyes meet those of a large, handsome male deer. He has never even thought about riding one of those, but for now, that might do.
The deer is calm and cooperative, and accepts his hand quickly; in just a few moments, the equipment is put on it, and everything is ready. Well, this will be… unusual. (Clair and especially Gray would have the laugh of their lives if they saw him right now. But that is fine.)
“Alright. First… mounting”, he begins to explain. “Your feet go in the stirrups. Put your right foot in there, push yourself up and throw your left leg to the other side of the animal.” He will think about how its name is pronounced later. He mounts the deer to demonstrate; its size is similar to that of a horse, so for him the movement feels natural. “Go on, I’m certain you can do it.”
“Tethys. The pleasure is mine, Sir Clive.” To his bow, she curtsies, name now engraved in her mind.
She takes note of the land where he comes from, nodding along to the details thrown her way, her curious mind sent wondering. Every knight had an interesting story to tell-- although most of which involved sacrifice, always ending in either a bittersweet tale, or a happy one. More often than not, it was the former. Clive seemed sweet and looks satisfied with life, but looks were deceiving. Surely, his experience stemmed from something beyond simple knight’s training.
“If you feel it’s best, I’ll be here waiting. I do learn more from observing.” Watch and repeat. That’s how she learned her dance and the rest of her life skills. Riding might not be so different. 
She waits for a moment, bonding with the llama as she does. They seemed like tame beasts that won’t give her any trouble, and when Clive returns, she’s snuggling into its fur. 
“Interesting choice, Sir Clive.” Tethys remarks, a light laugh let out. She reaches for the docile deer and starts to pet it, amused at the varied animals that found its way in Garreg Mach’s stables. “Well then, I’ll be in both your care.”
She listens attentively at his instruction and repeats every moment immediately after he does so. True enough, it was simple, and she’s lucky enough the beasts they had were far from being the mischievous and troublesome kind. She pushes herself up and no sooner than later, she’s on top of the llama without a hitch. “So I suppose I should make sure my feet are secured over here-- oh!” As she keeps her feet on the stirrups, the llama starts moving on its own, prompting Tethys to immediately hold on to the animal. “Eager, aren’t you?”
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jehannandancer · 4 years
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Favourite Fire Emblem female character -
Long red haired woman. Enough said. She’s nice, has a sort of motherly figure. I find her music dance cool, I like her animation. And for some strnage reasons, I always pair her with Gerik.
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jehannandancer · 4 years
» an early morning encounter
          Relief swelled up inside her when the woman brushed off her intrusion. Tethys was her name… What a nice woman. Sumia was sure she must’ve been popular for more than her dance moves. Smiling, she took her words to heart and sat on a crate across from her, welcoming her company and the chance to get to know her better. 
          ��Oh, I wouldn’t call it admirable.” The blush still lingered on her cheeks but she managed to smile through it. Sumia didn’t want to admit to Tethys yet that if she got up early to train, it was only because it took her twice as long as everyone else to finish something. Putting herself down became second nature by now, but she needed to break out of that habit. No one wanted to be friends with a downer, and Sumia wanted to make a good impression! 
          “Training in…? No! No, it’s nothing like that. You didn’t foil anything!” Sumia shook her head, her bed-hair swishing everywhere. “Please, I would love to spend more time with you! Maybe you can, um…” Oh gosh… could she do it? Was she brave enough? Sumia looked into her lap, noticing that she managed to bunch up her sleep clothes into her fist. 
          …Great. She was already making a fool of herself, might as well go all the way. 
          “I’d really like to learn some dance moves! The only kinds I know are the formal ones my tutors showed me.”
“Mmm?” She’s certainly the shy type isn’t she. It almost felt like bullying teasing her... there’s something about her earnest expression that gives the dancer comfort and an urge to poke at her, hehe.
She waits patiently for Sumia to finish her statement, curious as to what brought in the even meeker demeanor. When she finally does hear it, Tethys blinks twice, surprised. “That’s quite the unexpected request, dear. But one I would never say no to.” Formal dances and tutors. Hmm, she must be one of those privileged knights that came from nobility. She certainly has the face of one, the demeanor... hmmm. A certain prince of Frelia could take a page from her book.
 “What kind of dance strikes your fancy then?” Tethys inquires, head tilted slightly as she observes Sumia’s general physique. She’s certainly has the build of a knight, but her flexibility she hasn’t quite gauged. “Is it for self expression... for entertainment, or perhaps, for charm?” She shakes her elbows lightly, half-joking. Imagining such a shy woman dancing to entice was not something Tethys thought she’d be doing this early.
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jehannandancer · 4 years
» to play with death
There was a bit of a breeze as Erk watched Tethys step towards the sea. A message from the spirits perhaps? No, they did not exist within Fodlan’s borders (is that where this even was?) in the same way they did at home. He wondered if she knew about them as well.
When she began his breath caught, almost mesmerized. He could remember Nils’ songs and Ninians’ dances vividly, but she seemed to be invoking something else. It was absolutely fascinating, and he would have to eventually find a way to search up if something similar had ever been done. Surely it must have, as the spark of human curiosity was never-ending.
And then she sees it. He sees it too. The mage’s brows draw together in worry and confusion. His mind whirred into overdrive – if he stood there with a dumbfounded look on his face, she might get more afraid and hurt herself. It was after all…. Her own spell. He could tell that much, though it was a bit outside of his own understanding of expertise. Erk shuffled slowly around to a different position, trying to get a clearer look.
“Tethys…” He sucked in a breath to level his voice; had to stay levelheaded here. “Keep going. Finish your dance. If you cannot finish your spell you will put yourself in continuous danger.” He felt really bad as it sounded like he was ordering her around, but it was quite a dangerous game they were playing. His hands fell behind his back, his own sigil alight in his hand, should he need to rush to her aid – but better to keep it hidden from her right now.
“You can do it.” The hardest part of fear was overcoming it, how he knew that well.
She’s losing concentration. She’s too aware of it. Fear crept through the cold night, made even colder by the entity staring right back at her. This is her magic. Her doing...
It’s both Erk’s steady instruction that keeps her together, making her recall that not all those who practice dark magic are not evil that keeps her together. As intimidating as it may appear, as afraid as she may be, more harm will be done if she bails now.
She takes a deep breath, the ocean air filling her lungs. Red eyes stare back at purple, a small tremble in her arms but she continues to move. As she exhales, she closes her eyes, arms extended to the heavens and towards the eyes, as if beckoning it to come closer. The dancer twirls in place, slow at first before she picks up speed once more. The imagery of the eyes remain, and even with her eyes closed she’s sure its piercing stare still remains, the reddish purple only growing brighter and brighter, the darkness surrounding it spreading.
As her twirling reaches its peak, Tethys brings her dance to a close, ending with a graceful bow, both hands touching the tip of the waters as she kneels. 
When she looks up, the eyes burn a bright purple one last time before it disperses, the eyes closing and fading into darkness. It wasn’t the kind of magic she intended to learn and acquire, and yet... here she is.
Out of breath, face pale after the whole ordeal, Tethys turns to Erk and lets out a big sigh of relief. She completely falls to the sand, now sitting on by the shore, the water crashing at her back. It was just one simple attempt, but it exhausted her greatly.
So much for pacing yourself...
“Did you see it, Erk?” She tries to sound positive and enthusiastic, but there’s still a bit of uncertainty laced in there. “I’m not sure what kind of magic that was but... it certainly fascinating.” Fiersome eyes amidst darkness... certainly that leaned more on dark magic. “I just hope I can put it to good use.”
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jehannandancer · 4 years
» the damsel and the knight
There are three types of animals Clive is familiar as ones commonly used for mounts: horses, pegasi and wyverns. Of those three, the first one is the only one he has solid experience with; though he has often assisted Clair in maintaining her pegasus, he has never once attempted to ride on it, as he knows it would not accept him as its master. It would appear that in many places - Valentia being one of them - the pegasi vastly prefer the touch of a woman’s hand. Even if they did not, pegasi overall are scarce in Valentia.
Wyverns meanwhile are not native to Clive’s homeland at all, and he only knows them from stories and fables that made their way to Valentia from the neighborhood Archanea. A big gap in his knowledge and experience that he must seek to fill as soon as possible, to be sure.
The point is, the animals he currently sees around him are all of the variety he has never considered trying out as mounts. And yet, this time around, he is apparently supposed to. One, because that seems to be this fair’s entire idea, and two, because a woman’s voice suddenly calls out to him, seeking assistance with one of the unusual candidates.
He turns to face her, subconsciously switching to his model knight or gentleman tone as he does so. “Oh, well– I confess I am mostly unfamiliar with the types of animals present here, but I am knowledgeable in riding, so I will of course assist however I can.”
He approaches the stall she is interested in, taking his time on the way to read the animal’s name on the information board. Llama. How does one even pronounce that? At any rate, the saddle is identical to that of a horse, so he carefully places it on the animal’s back and fastens it on its belly. “Okay, so that goes like this, and next up… We need the bridle”, he says, pointing at the other part of the equipment. “May I ask you to pass me this, please?”
… All of a sudden this does not feel all that abnormal. Amazing how much just a shred of familiarity can do for one’s sense of security sometimes. He briefly wonders if he could actually give it a try with some animal as well.
“Any help would be appreciated, kind Knight. I did strike you as the type to be familiar with mounts-- I’m already grateful you’re willing to assist me.” Tethys looks excited, glad she found someone so quickly who can push her to the right direction. It’s a bonus he seems so kind and patient, too.
She watches him work soon after, his knowledge in riding made obvious as he dealt with the Llama and equipped it for riding. “You were too humble, Sir Knight. You’re quite the natural with this.” Like ever the diligent assistant, Tethys takes note of his instructions, of his movements, and assists where she can. Thankfully, none of the equipment were too heavy for her build, “”
“Where I’m from, plenty of the knights were on horseback. Rarely were they not. They always looked so gallant as they rode off to battle and rescued everyone.” She says almost dreamily, although memories of old comrades that fell despite their gallant nature makes her wish she never brought it up. She maintains her cheery disposition, however, “Would it be alright if I trouble you further? I’d like to know how to ride one as well. I might not be able to do any rescuing any time soon, but a single step towards that goal is more than enough.”
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jehannandancer · 4 years
» reunions in the sand
He seems taken aback by how passionate Tethys was about that. Whether or not this was a dream, either way he would never expect her to react like she did to the possibility of him going mad. The two of them weren’t that close, at least he doesn’t think they ever were. It’s at least comforting he supposes that she cares enough to scold him at all. He gives her a slight smile, and takes another sip from his coconut.
“Your word’s more than enough for now. After all, if I can’t trust my mind, and I can’t trust my companions from home, what else is there left? This place may not be entirely real, but I can believe that you are.” The more Knoll thinks the more he manages to convince himself Tethys is right. If he were to hallucinate someone to be on the beach with him why would it be her instead of Duessel, Natasha, or Lyon. Someone he had truly spoken to during the war. Plus he had seen Ewan earlier when it stormed. Yes, Tethys had to be real. He could trust her even if he couldn’t trust his surroundings. “Ewan, you, the Frelian prince, and myself. Maybe someday all of us from Magvel will manage to find our way to the cathedral and reunite.” Knoll is mostly joking, but he’d be lying if he said the idea wasn’t more than a little appealing to him. He holds out his coconut towards her, smiling softly. “Cheers. To old friends, and a new job at Garreg Mach. I only hope the students can tolerate me while I figure out their library system.”
There’s legitimate belief in the dancer’s face as Knoll comes into terms with their current ‘reality’. Disbelief is one thing... but madness? She’d rather not witness it again if she could help it. Both her head and heart hurt from the memories of it alone. Of crystal shards entrapping souls, of the desperate cries of help from those driven to the edge, of a mother filled with malice and not a sign of love, and of dread and hope lost despite a claimed victory... 
She lets out a soft sigh of relief at this, and meets the held out coconut with her own. “You’ve crossed countries with Prince Emphraim and endured more difficult challenges, Knoll. A library will not be your downfall, I’m sure.” The anxiety in her heart is quelled, at least for the moment, and she lets out a short burst of laughter. Magvel... it feels so far away. She wonders if they truly will reunite one day. Each of them has taken separate paths after the war, her own little brother away from her most of the time. It’s wishful thinking, but she welcomes it.
“To old friends.” She repeats, drink happily taken after the coconut drinks connect, “And to Garreg Mach. May the knowledge you acquire in their archives bring you a step closer to what you wish to find.” 
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jehannandancer · 4 years
» mystic
Corrin hadn’t been in Fodlan for long when word got out about the School of Sorcery’s theory. Normally he wouldn’t have paid the rumors too much mind but when word got out that some of the Monastery were planning to test the theory, he couldn’t help but be interested.
He hadn’t given too much thought to elemental affinity himself, having learned most of his spells in the midst of a war. 
Crossing the threshold into one of the rooms being held for the event, he found himself standing alongside one of the other members of the faculty: a taller women with braided red hair who struck up conversation as they waited.
“I do admit… I’m a tad curious,” she spoke aloud. “I’ve always associated myself with fire, but it would be interesting to know if that was actually true.”
“I’m not sure of my own affinity myself,” he replied as he drummed his fingers on his leg. “I’ve dabbled with bits of fire, thunder, and dark magic but it’d be good to have a more concrete idea…”
Tethys claps her hands once in amazement at the man’s response, “An all-rounder! You must be quite the talented mage.” He’s familiar, but not in name. He’s faculty, she’s sure, but one she hasn’t had the chance to associate herself with. Maybe he’s even one of Ewan’s professors, he he.
She turns to the person now being tested, the mechanism hovered by them. It whirled and made odd sounds, and soon enough, an almost blinding sigil of thunder appears. Tethys was patient in most situations, but she admits, right now, she wanted to be tested immediately and find the answers to her curiosities.
“It makes me wonder then if more than one element would appear on some individuals.” She rests her cheek on her hand and sighs softly, “Or if none would appear at all to the unfortunate.”
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jehannandancer · 4 years
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Life can be painful. Miserable even. But I’ll never cry. Because if I were to cry, he would cry…
Tethys, Beloved Dancer
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jehannandancer · 4 years
» spice it up
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Mission Task Board: With so many people from different countries in one place, the kitchen is looking to expand their recipes with more dishes from Fódlan and beyond! The Head Chef is holding a cooking festival, inviting any muse with a flair for cooking to put forth their new dish for a taste test! Cooking for the tryouts or trying out the cooking, what do you bring to the table? [ Authority +1 ]
Oh, this was going to be so good.
Pepper and ice cream sandwiches might seem odd to those that never gave them a try, but for the lover of spice and flavor over all, the extra kick makes the sweet treat even better. Tethys prepared a plate full of peppery ginger cookies stuffed with an even more peppered vanilla ice cream. The plain sweetness from the vanilla is perfect with the pepper, and all in all, Tethys simply loved the combination.
She can’t wait for others to try them out. She made sure to save one for the Head Chef and had no qualms with giving out the rest to the others. Be it a fellow competitor, a judge, or simply a curious soul that knew good food when they see one, Tethys calls them over with the brightest smile she can offer. 
“Don’t be shy. I have plenty to go around. Here, I pick one just for you.” She’s not lying, she did take her time in picking among the plate of sandwiches, only because they all looked the same. No sandwich is bigger or smaller than the other, but that does not make them any less special, hehehe. “Eat up before the ice cream melts. I guarantee you’ll love it~”
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jehannandancer · 4 years
» mystic
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Mission Task Board: A recent theory from the scholars at Fhirdiad’s School of Sorcery suggests that a person’s innate elemental affinity influences what spells they learn, should they follow the path of Reason magic. Faculty and students intrigued by the idea have gathered together to host an extracurricular period for the purpose of putting said theory to the test—even the less magically inclined are welcome to attend if curiosity permits. Fire, thunder, wind, ice, light, dark… Which one dwells within? [ Reason +1 ]
Magic has always been a curious topic to tackle for Tethys. She doesn’t have the book knowledge to back it up like Saleh, or Ewan, but it intrigued her. So much so that she attempts to learn what she can from watching them and trying to apply them herself through her own means.
Past experiences have proved she has very little affinity to it, but perhaps she was simply doing it wrong? 
The theory from the School of Sorcery makes her further curious as to what she could further improve on. And as a believer of fates, of destiny, and of spirits, she wants to know if she’s bound to one kind of magic. She feels silly standing among more learned individuals, faculty, students, and knights, but it matters not. She’s here to learn, just like all of them.
“I do admit... I’m a tad curious.” She starts idle conversation with a fellow interested soul. “I’ve always associated myself with fire, but it would be interesting to know if that was actually true.”
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