#support: maribelle
kroosluvr · 2 years
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been going thru fe awakening and lissabelle has so thoroughly charmed me
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fore-seer · 3 months
i have so many awakening playthroughs i want to do but my newest idea is the chrom’s besties run where i can only use chrom and the characters that either have supports with him or can talk to him in summer scramble
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lannisterdaddyissues · 2 months
trying some new pairings in my current awakening playthrough and every single one of them is canon in my mind now
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Maribelle x Cordelia C-S Supports
Writer: SUBJ3CT (Discord)
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T4T Maribelle/Ricken is real to me.
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moe-broey · 1 year
Playing Awakening as a guy (ESPPP a transguy) is so funny like. Immune to the universal experience of Chrom marriage jumpscare. Falling in love with Chrom anyway because his supports with m!Robin are SO GOOD. Mentally in my head in my heart I'm co-parenting Lucina she is also my daughter. Bonus points if you get extra funky in your head where you ship Maribelle/Lissa and Chrom/Gaius, marry Maribelle because you love her and have Lissa marry Gaius because they're pretty cute but also have it all be like. We're all bearding for each other. Olivia is there too bc she is the funniest option and adds to Chrom's disaster bisexual vibes.
And then you decide "Well next run I'm romancing Chrom because I love him I am making A Point to romance him" either make an OC or play as default Robin and. Get HORRIFICALLY MORTIFYINGLY jumpscared by Chrom's supports with f!Robin SO BAD YOU'RE GONNA THROW UP ABOUT IT (ESP AS A TRANSGUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
And to this day you have NOT married Chrom and the only way you could ever feel comfortable marrying Chrom is to hack your 3DS
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asexualfoxmccloud · 2 years
Actually speaking of awakening I think Chrom’s whole marriage situation is super weird and arbitrary? Like for instance Miriel joins in like Chapter 2 but he cannot marry her at all, Cordelia is completely locked out for no reason, but he can marry Olivia who joins one chapter before the deadline and you have to go way out of your way for that to happen? And then the devs go out there to try and claim that Sumia is the “canon” option… then why give Chrom the option to marry anyone else then????
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crescentalice · 1 month
My partner's boss fired them for "underperforming" after my partner was hospitalized for what appears to have been a heart attack. Now we're just about broke, and our phone bill + rent are coming up, so if you can help us out at all, it would mean the world
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toskarin · 6 months
weird to think this is probably the last year I can jokingly tell people "renko and maribel go back in time to plant the seeds for gensokyo, renko dies and becomes yuyuko, and maribel becomes yukari" without it being directly supported or contradicted by canon
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four-loose-screws · 2 months
Etie Personality Analysis - Original Japanese vs. English Localization - Fire Emblem Engage
I've received 2 anons in regards to Etie, so I decided to do a full reading and analysis of her support conversation chains!
Even if I've seen her supports translated elsewhere, I'll still add my own commentary to be thorough, and just because I like to talk about FE support conversations that much.
First, I'll cover this anon.
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I think the description that Etie speaks more formally, and like an 'ojou' type, in Japanese is pretty accurate.
Here's some notes I took while reading her support conversations (Not going to go into too much detail here, hopefully I describe enough that those without a basic understanding of Japanese can follow along well enough.):
She always ends her sentences with desu and masu. Sometimes even de gozaimasu. (For those who don't know much about the distinct difference between formal and casual Japanese speech, sentences in formal Japanese almost always end with either desu or masu tacked on. Informal Japanese drops them.)
Her 'I pronoun' is atakushi. (For those who don't know much about 'I pronouns' in Japanese, atakushi is not inherently for noblewoman only, but noblewomen tend to use it.)
She ends everyone's name with the suffix san (Equivalent to calling everyone "Miss/ Mrs." or "Mr.").
She ends many of her sentences in wa (わ) - not inherently formal or feminine - but is a common speech trait of noble ladies. Maribelle (from Awakening) is another character that stands out to me as using sentence-ending wa frequently.
She sometimes uses the 'polite' version of a word when one exists, like okata. (Kata is a general word meaning "person." Often used like a pronoun. Adding prefix 'o' makes the word more polite.)
This is not an exhaustive list by any means, but gets the point across.
In conclusion, I agree that Etie speaks more formally in Japanese, but mostly in ways that just don't directly translate into modern English, so something getting lost in translation was inevitable.
In English, there's no equivalent to ending one's sentences with desu and masu. There's no longer a formal and informal "I" pronoun. There's no "sentence endings" in English grammar that quite compare to those in Japanese. Etc., etc.
That being said, the localization could have made other word and voice acting choices to make up for the ENG / JP differences, but I don't think they really did. Characters like Maribelle (from Awakening), and Clair (from Echoes), are identifiable noblewomen pretty quickly based on how they speak in localization.
It's hard to tell exactly what direction the Engage localization staff were going in with Etie without official commentary. Maybe she comes off as more casual on purpose, maybe not.
I hope that all made sense, even to those who don't know much about Japanese! Please let me know if you have any further questions!
Now, for the 2nd anon!
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This anon is much more general, so there's nothing specific to respond to. I'll just lead into my full support analysis here.
In short, Etie really is as much of a workout and muscle building fanatic in the Japanese as she is in the English. She feels like an extreme final evolution of Effie's (from Fates) dedication to training. Where Effie being a workout/ muscle buff was more of a side result of her dedication to training to better serve Elise, and the localization played up the workout obsession part a bit; Etie's character leans hard into that angle straight from the original Japanese into English.
Aside from working out and building muscle, Etie's supports are also often centered around her tendency to rush to conclusions, then walk off before the other person has time to explain themself. The rest of the support chain is spent leading up to Etie realizing she made a mistake. With the misunderstanding cleared up, she happily becomes close friends with her conversation partner.
In my analysis of each conversation, I'll focus on discussing whether or not Etie herself and her personality come off as any different; but while we are on the topic, I'll briefly note anything else different about the convos as well.
Etie / Alear
Note: When I use they/them pronouns for Alear, it is to communicate that what I am discussing is true for both male and female Alear.
There's no big notable differences throughout Etie / Alear's C-A supports. Etie herself is the same in Japanese and English.
But as Etie is one of the playable characters under 18, there are several little tweaks to the Ring / S conversation that downplay romantic connotations.
Neither Etie nor Alear explicitly say they are in love in the Japanese by any means, but the use of words and phrases like 告白 (confession) and 離れずに (never be apart) still communicate that the Japanese conversation is more romantic. Still, the changes are very subtle. The main points of the convo are the same in Japanese vs. localization.
Here's my translations of the snippets slightly altered to be less romantic:
Localization #1: Alear: I’d really like for us to partner up. Japanese #1: [リュール] (Alear) …エーティエ。(...Etie.) 私のパートナーになってもらえないでしょうか…?▼ (I was wondering if you would become my partner…?)
Localization #2: Alear: Well…that’s not exactly it. Alear: I meant supporting each other no matter what. That’s why I’m giving you the Pact Ring. Japanese #2: [リュール] (Alear) あっ、ええっと、そちらではなく!▼ (Ah, um, that’s not it!) 私と特別な絆を結んでほしいんです。(I want you to make a special bond with me.) この『約束の指輪』を持つ、パートナーとして。▼ (And have this Pact Ring, as my partner.)
Localization #3: Alear: I’ve been wanting to bring it up for a while now, but I was afraid you’d say no. Japanese #3: [リュール] (Alear) 想告白しようと思ったのですが、(I’ve been thinking of confessing, but) 断られることが怖くて…▼ (I was afraid you would turn me down…)
Localization #4: Etie: From now on, we’ll always jog together. Etie: You and me are gonna run side by side for a million laps before we’re through. Japanese #4: [エーティエ] (Etie) これからは二人一緒に走りましょう。▼ (From now on, let’s run as the two of us together.) 人生という名の道を、片時も離れることなく。▼ (On this road we call life, we will not part for a single moment.)
Localization #5: Etie: Then let’s get moving. Last one back to the Somniel is a rotten egg! Japanese #5: [エーティエ] (Etie) さあ、参りましょう。神竜リュール様。(Then let’s go. Divine Dragon Alear.) あたくしたち、ずっと…離れずに、走り続けましょうね。▼ (Let’s continue running together forever… and never be apart.)
Etie / Clanne
No notable changes to Etie's personality here.
There's just a couple minor edits, such as this one in the C support...
Localization: Clanne slept with the pickles under his pillow.
Japanese: He chanted a wish that they would become delicious and exactly how she would like them.
There's a specific childish chant in Japanese, that people will sometimes sing to make something they are cooking come out more delicious. Equivalent to when people say "I made it with love." With that not translating over directly into English, the localization team switched up exactly how Clanne showed his dedication to making Etie a good batch of pickles.
Etie / Alfred
No notable changes to Etie's personality here either, nor to the convo itself. The localized conversation is a pretty direct translation of the Japanese.
A fun little trivia fact though: the Japanese specifically states that the weight Etie adds to her teacups... is lead. Actual lead. Yikes! I have no way of knowing if the localizers wrote that out on purpose or not, but it's understandable if they did.
Localization:  Etie: Well spotted. I did add some weight, in fact. Japanese:  [エーティエ] (Etie) 以前よりも鉛を大幅に足しましたの。▼ (I did add more lead then before.)
Etie / Céline
No notable changes to Etie's personality here either, nor the convo itself. The localized conversation is a pretty direct translation of the Japanese.
Etie and Céline really do just talk this much about tea.
This is the biggest change in wording I found, but it still conveys the same meaning. Etie is getting stronger, and had to have a new teacup made to keep getting stronger.
Etie: I had it specially made. The old one wasn’t enough of a workout anymore.
[エーティエ] (Etie) 職人に頼んで作っていただいたんですの。(I requested an artisan to make it.) これでさらなる強化が期待できますわ。▼ (With it, I expect that I will get even stronger.)
Etie / Boucheron
So in the Japanese, Etie asks Boucheron if he's drinking any kind of supplements (like protein shakes or something like that) to get so muscular. She does not believe him when he answers no, leading her to assume he must be doing something more extreme, like steroids... In the localization, Etie instead accuses him of using something a little less controversial: magic (At least, I suppose magic is less controversial than steroids. I think there's room for debate there honestly, ha ha.)
Localization #1: Etie: Ready to tell me what you’re mixing into your food to get those muscles. Boucheron: Hahaha, not this again. I’ve told you before that it’s got nothing to do with my diet. Japanese #1: [エーティエ] (Etie) あなたの筋肉についてですわ。(I’m talking about your muscles!) ブシュロンさんはどんな筋肉増強剤をご愛飲で?▼ (What kind of muscle supplement do you like to drink?) [ブシュロン] (Boucheron) あはは、またその話か。(Ah ha ha, this topic again?) そういったものは飲んでいないぞ。▼ (I don’t take anything like that.)
Localization #2: Etie: So I assume that whatever you’re doing on the sly really works! Japanese #2: [エーティエ] (Etie) 何か素晴らしいものを飲んでいるに  違いありませんわ!▼ (So there must be something really amazing you are drinking!)
Localization #3: Etie: Wait, are you using magic? Unbelievable! The lengths you’ll go just for some muscles! Japanese #3: [エーティエ] (Etie) まさか! 危険な薬物ですの!? (No way! It’s a dangerous drug?!) だとしたら厳罰ですわよ!▼ (If so, that’s basically criminal!)
But as for Etie's personality, she's no different in the localization vs. the Japanese. This convo is another classic situation where she runs with an assumption her brain makes up entirely on its own, until clearing up the misunderstanding in the end and admitting she was wrong. And the entire convo is focused around body building, that is also very much like her.
Etie / Jade
This conversation was so directly translated in localization, that I have nothing to say about it!
Etie / Lapis
On the topic of Lapis, in the A support:
In the localization, Lapis says “taters,” then corrects herself to “potatoes.” In the Japanese, in this specific convo, Lapis does not start speaking in a remote dialect, then correct herself to hide her rural upbringing. She just speaks her line and does not correct herself on anything. However, Lapis does make attempts in other convos to hide where she is from - so I don’t see this as a change exactly, but the localization making efforts to reinforce established character traits, where English allows the wordplay.
Back to Etie herself, this conversation has no changes. Actually, it has a couple of examples that prove she really is this much of a devoted muscle-head in the Japanese as well!
From the C Support:
Localization: Etie: For me, bodybuilding is life. Japanese: [エーティエ] (Etie) あたくしにとって体作りは、(To me, bodybuilding is) 命と同じぐらい大切なものですわ…▼ (something of the same importance as life…”
From the A Support:
Localization: Etie: Dried potatoes? From a remote part of Brodia? Is that what I think it is? Etie: The high-calorie, low-fat starch that’s every musclehead’s dream?! Japanese: [エーティエ] (Etie) ブロディアの田舎の干し芋?(Dried potatoes from rural Brodia?) それってもしかして…▼ (Could it be…) 脂肪がつきにくく、腹もちがいいと 鍛錬通の間で噂の!?▼ (The rumored food that burns fat, and makes you feel full, spoken of by bodybuilders?!)
Etie / Yunaka
The localization plays up Yunaka's flavor text a bit. Here's an example from the C Support:
Localization: Etie: Hey, Yunaka. Mind doing me a favor? Yunaka: Whatcha need, pumpkin-seed? Japanese: [エーティエ] (Etie) ユナカさん。(Yunaka,) 少しよろしいですか?▼(May I have a moment?) [ユナカ] (Yunaka) なんですかな?▼ (What is it?)
This is not a change exactly, more of an addition; as Yunaka also had a unique greeting in the Japanese - "Yoropippi" instead of "Hiya papaya." To play up that trait of Yunaka's a bit, the localization chose to add more catchy sayings for her here and there. (I haven't read enough of her JP support convos yet to know if she says anything else like "Yoropippi" in JP.)
But as for Etie's personality, again, she was very directly translated in localization. She creates a misunderstanding that has to be cleared up so she and Yunaka can be friends by the end of the A support, and the first thing she's interested in about Yunaka is her muscles.
Etie / Goldmary
So there's a LOT that could be talked about with this support chain overall, more so than almost any other support chain in this game probably.
But staying focused on the topic of Etie's personality? There actually isn't much to say when you get right down to it.
She's the same as ever in the C Support. Her emotions get heated quickly, and she immediately defends herself as the person who should rightfully get to eat the potato/ root vegetable.
In the B Support, tensions are still building, and Etie and Goldmary personally attack each other even more. In Japanese, they fight over who's more attractive to men. In localization, they insult each other's priorities in this time of war. But the core theme is still the same: after getting off on a bad start, they now have an antagonistic relationship and fight over who's better than the other.
In the A Support, both Goldmary is the first to state that she wants to clear things up between them. Etie has an open mind to do so and put the past in the past, so the two can grow to become good friends. While the localization changed exactly what parts of their bodies Etie and Goldmary were... touching, the localized version of the conversation stays true to the overall point this time as well. The two don't have to despise each other for their differences and fight over who's better. Even total opposites can understand each other and come to be... friends. ...Or more. Up to interpretation I think.
So in short, there's no notable personality changes for Etie in this support chain either, I don't think.
Due to the localized and JP convos being so different, I also did a full translation of them. If you'd like to read them, they are linked below:
C Support - B Support - A Support
Etie / Fogado
No changes to discuss here either!
Instead, I have yet another support snippet proving that Etie is as much of a bodybuilder in the Japanese as she is in localization. A workout party is truly the best type of party to her:
Localization: Etie: Desserts are the opposite of a party. Fogado: Huh… I’ve never met anyone who hated dessert. Etie: Hate’s a strong word. I just love my muscles too much to load up on empty calories like that. Etie: What do you say to a workout party instead? Fogado: What kind of party is that? Etie: It’s where a bunch of people get together and do nothing but tone their muscles. Japanese: [エーティエ] (Etie) お菓子は…あたくしの敵ですわ。▼ (Sweets are… my enemy.) [フォガート] (Fogado) エーティエはお菓子が嫌い?▼(You hate sweets?) [エーティエ] (Etie) 嫌いではないですが、筋肉を愛する者にとって、(I don’t hate them, but for those who love muscle,) 余分な肉の増加は許せませんので。▼ (we cannot allow ourselves to gain excess fat.) それより、鍛錬の会なんて如何です?▼ (How about a workout party instead?) [フォガート] (Fogado) それって、何をするの?▼ (What do you do there?) [エーティエ] (Etie) みんなで集まって、(Get everyone together, and) ひたすら筋肉鍛錬をするのです。▼ (focus 100% on building muscle.)
Etie / Panette
And now for the last Etie support, according to how I listed them here!
This one is also very directly localized, so I have little to say. It's another example of Etie brashly rushing to a conclusion - in this case, that Panette is acting like a fake noblewoman - leading the conversation to be about the two clearing things up. In the end, Etie explains that she just wanted to know if Panette is also a commoner who rose to a higher social rank, and they sense they will be good friends from now on.
...And that's the end of Etie's supports!
I think the question as to whether or not Etie's personality is any different in localization is a good one. Many of us in the FE fandom know that Effie was played up to be a bit more of a bodybuilder/ gym girl in Fate's localization.
But almost any one of Etie's support chains quickly proves that her being obsessed with bodybuilding and muscles is no exaggeration in localization - it is all part of the more cartoon-y tone of Engage, even in the JP version.
And while she speaks more like a noble or "ojou" type in Japanese, making her English sound more casual, the otherwise direct localization of her support convos does not make her seem too different in localization. Overall, I'd rate her as faithfully translated into English from Japanese.
Thanks to all who read this far! I hope that was super informative for you, and if you have any further questions or would like to see a full support chain translated, just send me an ask!
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sieglinde-freud · 10 months
finals mostly over and i feel like playing awakening again and having some fun with it sooo if anyone got any fuckass pairings pleeease share i got this gay mod for a reason and im gonna use it !!!
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miradishisims · 2 months
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Maribell Rhoads-Sim download
She has 1 outfit.
Gallery name: Maribell Rhoads
! I don't own the custom content. If you want your cc to be removed from the folder please dm me. !
If you use it on social media please tag me.
Don't claim as your own.
Don't use it as a base.
I hope you like it!
My reshade: Senshi 4.0
DL: PATREON (Its free but you have to be a free member. Thank you for your support <3)
My socials:
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occasionaltouhou · 9 months
Manga series where Renko is Pining for Maribel and every time she does it keeps cutting away to Yukari tortured by her inability to tell Renko the truth but it's ruined by the fact all the cutaways look like Family Guy cutaways
trying to think of a response to this ask gave me a headache. thank you for supporting occasionaltouhou dot tumblr dot gov
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Version 8 Release
Creature Campaign (v8) Changelog
Added unique sprites for all gen 2 units as taguels/manaketes. Credit to Merrill for all non-Owain taguel sprites!
Unique taguel Lucina textures
Asset assignments so the kids will keep their voices when they transform (no voice filter unless they're Yarne, Nah, or Morgan though)
Optional alternate manakete Morgan sprites, one to match Tiki's outfit and one to match Nah's outfit. Alternate textures not included.
Updated UGGLR to match the expanded support options
Custom male manakete model (UGGLR only)
Removed Owain's inexplicable dark mage reclass
Various minor support fixes
53 new supports!!!
Since there are so many new supports, the list of what's been added will be under the cut
New Romantic Supports: F!Robin/Nah, Chrom/Virion, Lissa/Cordelia, Lissa/Cherche, Frederick/Libra, Virion/Sumia (no voicelines), Vaike/Kellam, Vaike/Sumia, (Vaike/Donnel have an S available that has not been written), Miriel/Tharja, Sumia/Say'ri, Sumia/Tiki, Kellam/Henry, Maribelle/Sully, Maribelle/Nowi, Maribelle/Cherche, Panne/Say'ri, Panne/Yen'fay, Nowi/Olivia, Cherche/Tiki, Emmeryn/Aversa, Lucina/Nah, Inigo/M!Morgan, Brady/Yarne, Kjelle/Nah, Cynthia/Noire, Cynthia/Nah, Severa/Nah, Gerome/Yarne, Yarne/Laurent, Noire/Nah
New Platonic Supports: Chrom&Emmeryn, Cherche&Emmeryn, Lissa&Lucina, Frederick&Lucina, Sumia&Severa, Libra&Nah
New PC Supports: Lucina&Libra, Owain&Cordelia, Owain&Olivia, Inigo&Nowi, Brady&Sumia, Cynthia&Panne, Cynthia&Tiki, Severa&Lissa, F!Morgan&Walhart, Yarne&Sully, Nah&Olivia
New Sibling Supports: Owain&Severa, Owain&Kjelle, Inigo&Nah, Cynthia&Yarne
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I just got Olivia's support chain with Maribelle, and in it Maribelle has Olivia do this exercise to go flirt with random gentlemen to get over her shyness. At the end, according to Maribelle, it turned out that was a "men only" exercise
But with those supports in mind it seems olivia passed down that advice to Inigo to get over his shyness. What a fun little connection!
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Still Tone Deaf: Oprah Winfrey shocked over Maui fire donation backlash
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Oprah Winfrey is breaking her silence and responding to her critics. 
Earlier this month, the former talk show host and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson faced backlash after asking fans to donate money to help those affected by the Maui wildfires — despite having a combined net worth of more than $2.8 billion.
During an interview on “CBS Mornings,” Oprah, 69, opened up about the matter while speaking with best friend Gayle King. “I was so excited about it, and then I got up the next morning, and I saw all of this vitriol, and I was, like, ‘Whoa, what happened here?’” she said on Tuesday. “It made me sad that we are at this state in our country.”
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Winfrey revealed that she was inspired by Dolly Parton, who organized a support fund to aid victims of wildfires in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, in 2017. 
Winfrey and Johnson, 51, collectively kicked in $10 million to launch the People’s Fund of Maui, but then jointly asked their fans on Instagram and TikTok to donate the rest.
Fans complained they were already living “paycheck-to-paycheck,” and that the uber-rich celebrities should dole out more of their own money toward relief efforts.
“I would but I’m broke…you two got this though!” Carolina Moreno wrote in the comment section on TikTok under the August 31 video.
“Billionaire asking for money from the poor, what a joke,” another outraged fan commented on Winfrey’s follow-up video on Instagram.
Fans slammed Oprah’s videos asking for donations.
“You have billions. You could donate $100 million and still be as wealthy as before donating. YOU give the money,” Maribel Rubio criticized Winfrey. 
“This should be a private message between you and your billionaire mates,” another critic wrote. “It’s so outrageous that you are pleading for money.”
Another wrote: “How is the richest woman in the world asking for money? Make it make sense.”
Fans were not impressed by Oprah and The Rock asking them for donations.
Oprah defended herself and said that her donation fund with Dwayne Johnson is “a really strong idea.”CBS
After acknowledging that she was blindsided by the “vitriol,” Winfrey said she’s still standing behind the idea for the fund. 
“We’re going to create something and I still think it’s a really strong idea,” she said. 
Winfrey and Johnson are just the latest celebs to face backlash for their response to the fires in Hawaii.
Last month, Stevie Nicks, 75, was slammed as “self-centered” and “tone deaf” for her Instagram post about how the tragedy affected her niece’s vacation. 
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