jetblackartist · 10 months
Should a Cripple Parent a God-Tier (Unordinary Fan-fiction)
The clock switched from 1:40 to 1:41. It was early morning and John, no matter how hard he tried, couldn’t sleep.
Whenever he closed his eyes, all he could see was his classmates lying on the ground. He could see their broken bodies, the blood seeping from their heads. The images of Adrion and Claire on the ground, the turf covered in blood. He could hear them screaming, crying, begging him to stop, to just admit defeat. He could hear Adrion’s cries as John held him against a wall. He could hear Claire yelling at him, her words coated in venom as she called him a monster.
She was right.
He was a monster.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, when he did get sleep, the images were so much more real. The limbs of his dead classmates grasping at him. Shouting, crying out about how horrible he was. They screamed that he didn’t deserve this power. That he was a shit king and needed to die.
They were right of course, but he couldn’t just off himself.
So here he laid in his bed, staring at the clock as it continually switched numbers. 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 to 9 and then back to zero. He watched, over and over and over. It’s what he deserved after all.
John’s eyes shifted to the book that was resting next to his digital clock. Unordinary. It was a book his dad wrote to help him cope. A book detailing a powerful figure that helped the weak. If the fact that it was dedicated to him wasn’t a big enough sign, then the god-tier protagonist definitely was. His dad was trying to tell John that he could be a hero to the rest. He could use his power for good.
His dad was wrong though. John could barely control himself without this overwhelming power. With the power, he was too unstable. John was a monster. His classmates were right, he didn’t deserve his power. It was better forgotten.
And that is exactly what John was going to do. The next morning he had promised himself that he was going to start trying to get “better”, he just wasn’t going to use his ability. It was the cause of all of his problems, so if he just didn’t use it then all of his problems would just go away.
The knock on the front door was not planned, however. Immediately John glanced back at his clock. Maybe he was so deep in thought that it had turned to morning. Nope, the clock showed 1:51. It had only been ten minutes and someone was knocking on the front door at 2 in the morning. What the fuck.
At first, John tried to ignore it. Whoever it was could come back at a more reasonable time. So he went back to staring at the clock. 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 to 6 to- It was 1:58 and the knocking had not stopped. At this point, the teen was starting to get annoyed. Who knocks for 7 minutes. It wasn’t even a nice rhythmic knocking that one could possibly fall asleep to. No, this was the type of knocking that was akin to someone tapping their pencil. Over and over and over and over.
When the clock hit 2:05 John had enough. He didn’t care if it was just someone waiting to murder him on the other side of the front door. He just wanted it to stop. So John slowly got up from his bed and walked down the dark hall.
At first, he thought about waking his dad up but quickly thought against it. His dad had to deal with enough as it is and if it was a murderer, John would rather himself than his dad. So he quietly passed his dad’s door and made it to the front door where the knocking could still be heard.
As silently as possible, John peered through the peephole. And boy did he regret even leaving the safety of his bed.
Shit. Fuck. Oh god. Why couldn’t it have been murderers? On the other side of the door, two figures sat waiting, one still knocking on the door. And both of them John recognized from his time at the readjustment facility. The only saving grace was that Keon wasn’t there. Still, his worst nightmare was knocking at his front door at 2 in the morning and John was panicking.
Already knowing the stubbornness that the authorities held, John figured they weren’t going to leave without someone answering the door. John was also aware that he was a chicken, so quickly back-tracking, John made his way to his dad’s room and knocked on the door. He sure as hell wasn’t going to be facing them and as much as he didn’t want to bother his dad, he valued his sanity over letting his dad sleep.
He heard a small bit of movement before his dad called out. “John?” How it only took a few knocks from him to get his dad up when the authorities have been knocking for over 20 minutes, John didn’t know.
“Hey, um some people are knocking on the door. I didn’t want to answer it in case of like a murder being there or something.” He spoke softly, not wanting to alert the people at the door.
John heard a sigh from the room. “Just ignore it, they will go away eventually.”
At that point, John was really tempted to just agree and retreat back to his room, but he knew the knocking wouldn’t stop. “I don’t think they’re going to leave. They have been knocking for the past 30 minutes.”
That seemed to work as he heard more shuffling from the room. After a minute John’s dad poked his head out and listened to the knocking before sighing once more and fully exiting his room. He looked over at John. “Hey John, you don’t have to go to your room, but do you mind just staying out of the door's view? I just want to make sure you’re safe.”
Glad he could still listen in, John nodded. Although there was a part of him that really didn’t want to hear what the authorities had to say, he swiftly pushed that part down.
John watched from the hall as his dad proceeded to walk to the door, peek into the peephole, and cursed. He watched as the man quickly smoothed down his hair and opened the door. The knocking had finally stopped. “Gentleman, what can I do for you on this early morning?”
They were a bit quieter than his dad, but John made out most of it. “Good evening Mr. Doe, my name is Zander and this - are here on behalf of the authorities.”
“So which of you can tell me why you are at my door at 2 in the morning?” His dad sounded annoyed and John was just scared
Why were they here?
“-are here to inform you that your book has been - up for inspection.”
“Is that all? Because if it is, you could have sent me an email.” His dad was right. A book being inspected wasn’t that out of the ordinary. It was definitely not enough reason to show up in the middle of the night.
“If you would - minute, we would tell you. As well as your book - parenting is also being inspected. -here to take you and your son -tioning. Please corporate as we have a warrant and are not afraid to use force.” The last sentence was clearer than the rest like they wanted anyone listening to hear it as well.
He heard his dad’s breathing stop. “Yo-u can’t just take my son. And it was just a book, that is no reason to question my parenting.”
What was happening? His dad isn’t going to let them take me right? I’ve been good, right? John’s spiral into his thoughts had made him miss what was said next. The only thing on his mind was panic and him falling into hysterics followed shortly after.
He didn’t hear his dad arguing with the men that night, nor did he hear all three adults running to John’s side. The only thing he can remember from that moment was people taking his dad away. Tearing the duo apart as they tried to calm John down. He couldn’t even hear their nice calming words, only the insults towards his dad.
He could vaguely remember being dragged out of his apartment with cold hands.
There was a car at one point. Someone’s arm wrapped around him. Their freezing gesture trying to replace the warmth of his dad.
There was more dragging. An office and then a gray room. The cold hands finally left him as he stared at his hands. His hands, which looked oh so similar to his pale hands in cuffs. Flashes of the adjustment facility flickered through his head. His face felt wet.
The cold hands were back. He tried to focus on his hands but bigger hands were suddenly blocking them. He looked up, his vision was blurry.
What happened?
“-ohn. You there?.” It was the man at his door. Zander maybe?
“O-oh. Sorry.” He grabbed his hands from the other guy and wiped his face. “What’s happening?” His voice sounded quiet.
“Nothing bad I promise. I just need to ask you some questions about Unordinary and your dad. Then you can leave and go back to bed.” The guy sounded like he was talking to a 5-year-old. Like John needed to be pitied.
Maybe it was the crying that made this guy think John was anything but a monster. He wasn’t going to question it though. “Okay.”
“So you are aware this conversation is being recorded. My name is Zander and I will be questioning you on behalf of the authorities. Can you state your name for the record?” The man’s voice was stern, almost demanding.
He hesitated for a second before slowly answering. “John Doe.” He looked back down at his hands.
“Alright John, I have some questions about Unordinary.” Zander waited a minute before continuing. “Have you read the book?”
“Uh, yeah I have.” John had actually read it 6 times.
The man wrote something in his notebook. “And what were your thoughts on it?”
At that point, John was staring at him again. He had a feeling he shouldn’t answer that but did he really have a choice. “It was okay I guess.” Was he shaking? “The protagonist was cool and it was nice to see a powerful character protecting the weak.”
John heard a pencil scribbling again before hearing another question. “And being a god-tier yourself, did you have any plans to act on the book’s message?”
That’s a weird question. “Er no? I mean I don’t plan to play superhero anytime soon. I-” Why was he shaking so bad? “I don’t really have what you would call a “superhero” personality.” He awkwardly smiled like it was supposed to be a joke.
Again with writing, seriously what was this dude writing? First the knocking and now this. “Interesting,” Zander mumbled a bit more before speaking up. “So John, moving on to your dad, what is he like?”
Heh? “Um, he’s a great dad. Honestly, I feel like a burden most of the time, because here he is working so hard and then I go and screw everything up.”
The man looked disappointed with his response, like he expected it, but was still disappointed. He quickly whispered something to himself and then wrote more things down.
“Uh, if you don't mind me asking,” Zander paused and looked up at him. “What does my dad have to do with Unordinary? He really is a good parent, more than I ever deserve.” John was hoping that if he said it enough, the dude would understand and let him and his dad go.
The only thing he seemed to accomplish though was making the man even more frustrated. He pinched his nose and sighed before finally talking. “John, your dad might be okay for another cripple or low-tier, but you are neither of those. That is why we are investigating. High-tiers need to be raised a certain way because of how valuable they are to society.”
And? That doesn’t mean they can just discredit his dad. “Oh.” He stared at his hands again, too afraid to look into that man’s eyes and see more pity.
“Alright next question. Did your father teach you anything about the hierarchy and your place in it? And if he did, did he ever check back in when you discovered your ability?”
“I mean I guess. They taught it at school as well so he didn’t really have to say much. He just told me to be strong because he knew I would get bullied a lot.” Maybe the dude wouldn’t make him answer the second part of that question.
Damnit. “Wel-well after finding out my ability-” He rushed through his words. “Yo-you know everything happened so fast and we just never really had time to sit down and you know discuss it.” John knew at that moment that this conversation wasn’t going to go his way. He was screwed.
“Did he tell you anything at all about being a high-tier or maybe try to reel you in after you lost it?”
“I mean he told me to stop being stupid with my power.” Just don’t cry, John. That's all you can do now.
“And did you listen?”
The man let out another heavy sigh. “And I’m guessing he didn’t help you readjust after your time in the facility either.”
“He just left me alone mostly, but he did that on my request,” John spoke up more confidently now. He had to try, for his dad. “I just needed to think and he respected that. Plus I-I planned to hang out with him tomorrow. I have been really wanting to discuss the-” John trailed off after realizing what he was about to say.
He couldn’t admit that he wanted to chat with his dad about the book that had landed them in this situation in the first place. It seemed Zander wasn’t having any of it though.
“John, what exactly did you want to discuss with your dad tomorrow? Was it the book?”
“I mean-” He paused, his hands seemed very interesting at that moment. “I don’t know. It was just an idea.”
He could feel the cold stare. “John, I need a clear answer. You know, Keon is sitting in the room next door. I bet he would love to check up on you.”
No, he wouldn’t. This man did not just say that. John froze, he couldn’t deal with Keon. Not again. It was too soon. “I-I.” He tried to calm his breathing, but it wasn’t working. “I wanted to discuss Unordinary with my dad. I just thought it was a cool book.” He had never sounded so defeated.
His dad gave him the world and this is what he does. He goes and screws up his interrogation. DAMNIT.
“Of course you did.” He heard the man but John didn’t look up, he didn’t want to see the pity, the disappointment. He couldn’t handle it. “I really tried to put my bias for cripples aside. I guess they are all just pitiful excuses disguised as humans. Well-” John heard a book close. “I have everything I need from you. I apologize for taking up your morning John.”
The man got up to leave but before he got too far away, John grabbed his sleeve. “Wait!” Zander looked back. “What is going to happen to my dad? What’s going to happen to me?” At this point, John's voice was nothing more than a whisper.
The man turned his head to look back at him. “Sorry kid, but your dad’s not going to be your dad much longer.” With that, he ripped his arm away and walked out.
John looked down at his hands for the 5th time that morning.
And he cried.
The Court ruled in favor of the authorities.
Unordinary was banned and William Doe was found to be unfit as a parent for a god-tier.
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jetblackartist · 4 years
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Some nice art.
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jetblackartist · 5 years
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Simple sketch.
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jetblackartist · 5 years
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I’d like to think my art has come a long way. #art #digitalart #oc #shading #idkwhatiamdoing #anime #blondeanimegirl #blueeyedrawing
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jetblackartist · 5 years
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i finally figured out how to shade nicely so here ya go.
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jetblackartist · 5 years
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This is a something from the book Independence by @thefluffyvillain-fluffmaster
I enjoy the book a lot and found this scene too funny not to draw so here......
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jetblackartist · 5 years
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Welcome to my little artist world of art. Here is my first post, Something I did a while back.
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