jiecomic · 4 days
Chapter 4- The boy means trouble
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" Citizens!- It is I... RED SON! I have taken control of the weather station that will harness the very power of nature to return my father to his former glory; this message is more of a courtesy"
" When I finish, my father will once more dominate the wor-"
Jie turned her TV off.
"Yep, I heard enough, gods... this boy should find himself some hobby or something..." She muttered
Gou looked at her from the floor with his soul-piercing eyes.
"Nah Gou, they need to fix this on their own" she took a piece of popcorn and threw it into her mouth "Besides... I don't think that master would like me to stick close to the Monkey Boy"
Gou barked and run to the door.
"Oh, I get it. You want to go outside" Jie got up from her couch and came to the door to open them
As soon as Jie opened the door she felt a strong blow of wind.
The weather was indeed crazy- The wind was so strong that it almost made Jie fly to the wall!
She had to use a lot of strength to close the entrance to her house, after that she felt exhausted and laid down on the floor. She looked at her pet again, he was definitely waiting for her to react.
But now it really made Jie change her mind.
She stood up and teleported herself to the weather station.
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MK was doing really bad, mostly because he couldn't control his staff. At the end he kicked himself out of the station, and when he was ready to fall on the ground he suddenly felt someone... catching him?
" Got ya" he heard a woman's voice behind his back
Jie caught him as if he was a thrown doll. She held his arms tightly, then put him on the ground. When he was standing before her, still his back facing her face, she wiped the dust off of her dress.
"JIE?!" MK shouted into her ears" W-what are you doing?!"
" What are YOU doing? Letting yourself be kicked by some kid with an anger issue?!" Jie asked with her arms crossed, not hiding her frustration over the boy's behaviour
"I-I..." MK's face suddenly dropped
As Jie was waiting in silence for his answer she suddenly heard a familiar voice;
" How you doing down there?"
"Monkey King!" MK gasped in surprise
"Greetings, Master" Jie bowed down
Monkey King's eyes moved to Jie, he didn't notice her before and looked surprised
And just a little angry...
Jie on the other hand was completely unmoved
"I was just walking around, what a coincidence that Monkey Boy was just thrown down at me..." she said with a dull voice trying to escape her master piercing gaze
Then MK started talking;
"Great, now that you're all here we can fly up there and smash that-
"No, no, no, no" Wukong interrupted "In case you forgot I'm retired. You're supposed to be the one taking care of the bad guys"
"Th-Then what about ms Jie?" MK asked the demoness with tears in his eyes, hoping for help
"Don't look at me" She answered firmly
The shocked reaction of MK was saying everything.
"But don't worry- after all you are INVINCIBLE- right?"
" Well yeah I-I mean I am invincible but you know..." MK made a loud exhale and turned to Jie "You were right, I can't control my powers... I feel like I'm only messing everything up!"
Jie didn't know what to say so she discretely give an eye signal to the Monkey King. He seemed to understand since he finally jumped off of his cloud.
" Listen kid, the problem is really simple" He announced calmly
" What is it?!" MK was ready for the answer
"It's you"
"Ahem... what he means is your lack of self-confidence" Jie explained quickly so that MK wouldn't get the bad idea
" But I am self-confident!" MK almost shouted into Wukong's ears
" No, you're just loud" Wukong pushed him away with his tail " The only way to self confidence is-
" Take it till I make it?"
"NO! Practice!- you think I took shortcuts?!"
"Well..." Jie who knew his history was just about to verify the truth of this sentence
" NO!" Wukong interrupted her " It took me centuries of training and fighting and just beating up demons- just so many demons...anyway! Nothing worth anything comes for free"
Somehow for Jie it sounded a little bit of suspicious.
"But what about my friends, the city!" MK seemed very nervous
At that moment his attitude caught Jie's attention
'So he does care about others huh?'
After MK's battle with DBK, seeing all the ruins of the city Jie though that the boy didn't even care about other's safety but it turned out that she was wrong... and that actually made her feel a little bit guilty.
"How about limiting your power" a thought escaped from Jie's lips
" Is it possible?" MK jumped to Monkey King and used his puppy eyes on him
" Alright, there is a way that I can limit your power, but..."
"But, what?"
"You won't be invincible anymore"
With that Jie saw a moment of hesitation in boy's eyes, but it was just a moment that disappeared before it could change his decision
" Alright, let's do this!"
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As expected, with the help of Wukong MK was able to win against Red Son and change everything back to normal.
" Is something wrong?" Jie asked Monkey King who was staring at her for a long time
'Maybe he is angry because I interfered'
" Nothing, just that..." Wukong scratched his head nervously " I guess you were right... about you know-the kid and his control over my power. Maybe I rushed too fast..?"
Jie was totally not expecting her master to say such a thing, this could be classified as an apology, from the Great Sage!
'Perhaps that monk really taught him some good manners'
"I was the one wrong, this boy... He actually has a really kind and warm soul" She spoke slowly while looking at the mentioned MK, who was happily playing and chuckling with his friend, Jie noticed that when MK is with people he cherishes, his soul is shining more.
" Hoho..." a strange laugh escaped from the monkey's mouth " So you finally accepted him, hmm?"
" Let's say that I can force myself to tolerate him for the time being"
"How cold..."
She chuckled a little but soon her face turned more serious.
" It won't be only DBK who he will have to fight, right..? She spoke quietly
" No. When the rumours about my descendant will spread further there will be more, much stronger opponents he will need to fight with" Monkey King explained with a serious tone of his voice "But till then, we will make him ready"
'...we, huh?'
' As I tough, because of this boy I'm gonna have more things to do...,
'What a troublesome kid...'
End of chapter 4
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jiecomic · 11 days
Chapter 3- Monkey Brain
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"What is that?" MK muttered to himself
He stopped his delivery car and looked at the black alleys, where he saw something strange...
It looked like a ball set up in a pink flame AND IT WAS FLOATING!
After a minute of brushing his eyes MK had realised that the flame was real. Though he still had his doubts.
With hesitation MK took his staff and came closer to the strange thing.
When the boy was about to touch it with his weapon (cause he wanted to touch it) flame flew away.
"WAIT!!!" without much of thinking MK started chasing after pink fire.
When the strange escaper was just about to be reached by MK it started flying up. Because of that poor Monkey Kid had landed on the floor, which wasn't the cleanest.
" Oh sorry~" an unknown voice reached MK's ears "Are you alright, Monkey Boy?"
MK looked up and saw the owner of this voice- It was a young woman with short brown hair, though judging by a pair of ears popping out of her head and multiple tails, which reminded him of the sunset sky, she was a demoness.
"Who are you?!" MK shouted while pointing his stuff at her
"It doesn't matter sweetheart, most importantly..." She jumped off the building and came close to MK in incredible speed "... who are you?" She whispered to his ear
MK stepped back almost immediately. A shivers run though his spine as he met the red gaze of demoness.
" I am...-THAT'S RIGHT!" he realised " BEWARE, CAUSE I AM THE MONKIE KID!" He shouted all proud and confident to the point when he was almost shining
A small chuckle escaped from demoness lips "I know about that dummy, I want to know who do you think you are to wield such a power?"
" You've got the power of Monkey King, the power able to cut the mountains and the seas, the power all the demons and gods beware of, the power that could destroy the world" She summoned a fire in her hand "Let me show you what can such a strong power cause"
She then threw a fire at MK.
He blocked it's way with the staff but then, as if it was alive, fire started spreading around him.
MK used his stuff to create whirlwind, thanks to that the fire disappeared but MK didn't have time to be proud of himself.
Just in time, he turned around to block the demoness kick.
He looked up only to see the demoness red, shiny eyes which were following his every move.
These two were fighting hand to hand for a moment, good for MK- his opponent wasn't very strong in combat, when MK was about to lay a finishing blow, the demoness jumped back to the roof of a building.
"Ha! Running away!" MK shouted " Right?" He added not so confidently
Demoness only smirked at him as answer.
MK felt like something was touching his legs, before he realised he was pinned to the wall by the chains around his legs and arms.
" It's not the end" he heard the demoness voice.
All her tails were now uncovered like a peacock tail. Above every eight of them there were balls of light that got bigger and bigger.
Somehow, MK knew it didn't mean anything good...
" Oh! come on!" He tried to do anything with his staff but for some reason it didn't listen to his commands at all!
" What are you going to do now, Monkey Boy?" the demoness chuckled
"You'll see- AH!"- he realised
'This golden vision!'
He closed his eyes and activated his ability, when he opened them everything was in gold but... something was off.
The image he saw was completely different but he saw one thing very clearly- his opponent! (Which to his surprise was much closer than before)
'Alright, let's try this!'
Which all his strength MK held his staff tighter, an amusing golden aura surrounded his body "I AM...THE MONKIE KID!" he shouted as he threw his staff on the place when golden sight showed him his opponent.
MK looked with confusion as his staff landed on some trash can far from his enemy.
'I'm done!'
But something changed. Everything around him started to glitch like in a faulty video game. Few seconds later everything came back to normal but there wasn't any chains around MK, there wasn't any fox demoness on the roof, there wasn't any fireballs, even the thing that MK threw wasn't his staff but some metallic tube and it was laying in front of some lady, who looked hurt.
" I'm sorry ma'am!" MK ran towards the lady " I thought you were... demon" he hesitated as he met the furious red eyes of this ‘women’
The demoness growled at the boy and pushed him away still checking her head condition leaving MK speechless.
" Looks like you two had already met!"
"Monkey King!"MK shouted in surprise " Wait, why are you here?"
Monkey King jumped off of his cloud and stood between MK and demoness.
" MK, meet Jie- my first ever demon servant!" Wukong announced while leaning on demoness side
" WHAAAAAT?!" MK totally didn't expect that " You've got a servant?!"
His face showed a lot of admiration and Wukong liked it.
MK completely forgot that the demoness was going to kill him.
" Kid, I'm a KING of course I have a servant" At that moment Jie looked at him with despise and quickly stepped away, which made Monkey King fall on the ground
"So...." He stood up really quickly and looked at Jie with satisfaction " What do you think now about my successor?Huh?"
He took confused MK under his shoulder and waited for demoness's reaction. Which was the most scary expression MK have ever seen, though Mei also was looking like that sometimes. It was a scary mix of smile and burning anger that makes everyone freeze, just like now him and his mentor.
" How should I start~" Jie came closer to them and pointed a finger in front of MK's face "HOW OLD ARE YOU TO WALK INTO BLACK ALLEYS AFTER SOME FLOATING FIRE, FOUR?!- she shouted
"N-no I'm actually-"
" it was an illusion?"
"HEY!" This time Wukong felt touched "You know that I trained my ability for a long time right?! Give a kid some time!"
"Master, he doesn't has immortality to spend on training! I'm telling you his body won't be able to make it!"
"Wait, I will explode?!" MK broke in their conservation
"BE QUIET!!!" The two immortals screamed at him at the same time
"I am his mentor, I am the one who says if he is worthy or not, It's my words that matter, not yours!
At the last words of her master Jie felt a burn on her wrist, Wukong's words were repeating in her head, together with the other voice that she thought she already forgotten about.
In her mind she was already scolding herself for being too bold in her master presence. It were ages since she was serving someone so she forgot the most important rule- always remember your place
"And what's the deal with this illusion, what did you-
" I'm sorry"
"Will you let me fini-
"...What?" Wukong looked bewildered at the sight before him
Jie, the demoness who till now was speaking boldly to him, questioning his decisions and even arguing with him was now apologising while bowing her head so low that he didn't even saw her face.
Wukong didn't know what happened and hesitated for a moment but before he could say anything Jie spoke to him:
"I promise not to question your ways anymore"her voice was emotionless and stiff "Please, forgive my rudeness"
"Just... go home"
" Alright" She straightened up and cleaned her dress from dust, after making a few steps she turned back and looked at MK, who seemed to be really anxious "I know the power that you're wielding boy, use it well... and don't cause me any problems"
'Wait- Why does it sound like a warning?!'
Jie disappeared leaving MK with Monkey King alone
Monkey King shook his head and turned to MK, when the boy suddenly announced something;
"I like her!"
"She seems nice!" There was no insincerity in his words
"HUH?!" But there was a lot of shock in Sun Wukong's reaction
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jiecomic · 18 days
Chapter 2- That’s him?
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"Perfect for what?" MK asked the Monkey King with confusion
"To be... MY SUCCESSOR!" Sun Wukong answered in the most dramatic way possible
" Uh... Are you sure you are the Monkey King? You've been cooked up in here for way too long…" MK was checking the monkey's condition as if he was sick " I think your brain went moshed up..."
At that moment Monkey King put MK on the ground with his tail "Listen Kid" Suddenly he started searching for something in the stock of garbage behind him " You fought demons- and you didn't die and you made it here!" He opened a back of dry peaches " Not anyone can lift my staff, but you did" and started eating them.
MK looked at him with even bigger confusion.
"But what about the DBK?!"
"Pff..!" Wukong laughed "You can handle it!" He said while still eating peaches on his cloud "Consider it's a trial!"
"But I-" MK looked down
With that Wukong had no other choice but to give a kid some words.
" Look, if you can lift my staff you can use it" He came to MK and put a hand on his shoulder "Just believe in yourself- even a snitch makes all the difference"
MK looked at his idol with much more relief in his eyes.
AAAND... just when Wukong was about to finish...
A little friend came for a visit.
" Em... Monkey King?" MK looked behind Sun Wukong "I think something is trying to eat your tail"
Wukong didn't even have to look behind him. He knew this pair of little sharp fangs and a sound of wagging tail.
"You...." He looked at Gou all pissed for ruining his moment
Gou on the other hand let go of his tail to bark, probably for him it was a hello.
In no more than 5 second Wukong had summoned his cloud, put Gou on it and gave him a ride to his home.
" IF YOUR OWNER WILL LEAVE YOU HERE AGAIN I SWEAR TO HEAVEN I'M GONNA...- he thought for a while- "LOSE HER WAGES!!"- "though I don't remember paying her anyway..." he muttered the last part to himself
After a while he remembered about MK.
"Ah right!- Sorry, can you remind me when we have finished?"
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Hello I don't know if you remember but my name is Jie! In case you wonder who I am let me introduce myself...
You see, once I was a pretty powerful fox demon- Buuuuut for some reason the Jade emperor said that I'm a little bit too powerful and dangerous or something like that, anyway after that the not so good Jade emperor took away half of my power and e.t.c, I had some boring depression after that when suddenly I decided that it would be nice to start a second life!
I was doing pretty great!
Till I realised that I was not fully able to protect myself anymore... after a long, long journey I found myself a perfect place to call home, I spent hundreds years peacefully till the evil lady and her angry son said 'Let's summon the angry bull demon and destroy the city! “Hahahaha”
And I didn't like their plan since lately I too live in the city!
So, brave me asked Monkey King, my old enemy (not really an enemy though) to help me fight the evil guys! He agreed and took me in as his servant (which is really a great honour to me) just before telling me...
That instead of lifting a finger he is going to send some human boy with no experience at all, so to sum it up kids...
"I was scammed..."
"Jie, You're being delusional again" Said Monkey King after the demoness finished her monologue, it was hard to hear his words since he still didn't finish his pack of peaches "I had never deceived you, if anything you should be grateful!
After saying that, he looked at Jie's face which was wearing a suspicious expression mixed with all her complaints.
'What the heck am I supposed to be grateful for?!'- was what she wanted to say
"Think about it this way!" Wukong tried to ease the mood "You practically won't need to intervene in anything since MK will take care of it, after I'll teach him of cou-
He stopped when he noticed that Jie's face didn't fix itself but rather the opposite, now it was screaming 'What a bullshit!'
"A-anyway..." Wukong continued not so confident anymore "Can't you at least wait till you meet him?"
"I'm sure you'll change your mind once you see him! I'm telling you, this boy is a true diamond in the rough!"
"And what if he isn't?" Suddenly Jie spoke with a serious look on her face "What if he's not a diamond but just a normal stone?"
Wukong fell silent for a while but sent her a dissatisfied look to show that she's going too far, yet Jie ignored it and continued.
" Think again master, after spending thousands years with humans you should know it already but humans are wicked creatures, they tend to be greedy and unlike other species they have a changing nature"
"... You're right, but demons also tend to be evil and unlike humans- they rarely change"
This time it was Jie who became silent, she actually didn't have anything more to say so she just clenched her teeth and looked away admitting defeat. Seeing this Monkey King let out a long sigh.
"Listen, we know each other for long enough-
"One month"
"Let me finish!*ahem* Okay, since we already know each other for those long, tiring 4 weeks... Why won't you just trust my judgment for now. I believe in that kid!"
Jie calculated everything they've been saying a while ago
"Alright Master"Her voice was much calmer "When will I get the chance to meet that precious successor of yours?
Within a second a loud sound reached their ears
"How about now?"
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Everything was turned into ruins.
Jie wasn't sure who caused more damage- DBK or this black haired boy who wielded Monkey King's stuff
She and her master were standing on the head of a robot watching the group of those new "heroes"
"Soo... what do you think?" Wukong asked as if he was waiting for an applause from the fox demoness
"Master, do you want my opinion?"Jie looked at him kindly
Monkey King didn't respond, but there were more stars shining around him, so Jie treated it as an approval.
"I think you're not in your right mind" Jie spoke without hesitation in a cold tone
"Wha-WHY?!"- Wukong was really shocked by her reaction
" Is that him?" Unlike him, Jie stayed as calm as at the beginning
" Yes"
"THAT'S HIM?!" There was this one tiny blaze of fury in her voice
"...yes?" Wukong felt that blaze on the back of his neck
" So you- ahem..!- Master, you want to tell me that your successor, the new Monkey King, is this mortal? And my peace lays in his hands?!" She pointed at a boy who was swirling the staff around him and making some 'hero' poses
The great sage for some reason started escaping the red, piercing gaze of a fox demoness. But then he remembered his position as her master.
" Well~ if you want to know, I've been keeping a close eye on him from a very long time- AND LOOK"- he started pointing at the boy,  who was going somewhere with his friends "You see what he holds in his hands- MY STUFF!"
" Wow, the chosen of a stick" Jie didn't even care about her attitude towards her master "Beware of his power demons and builders" at the last word she looked around the ruins of the city
Monkey King was at the end of his patience. The times when Jie would use sarcasm where rare, but honestly's she was acting a hell of arrogant while using them. It can be said that it was her tricky fox nature switching on.
" Just give kid some time and you'll see for yourself"
Jie didn't expect such a calm answer.
"Your right"
"Of course!- now go, make yourself some tea, feed your... pet and-
"I need to check for myself"
With that Jie disappeared leaving poor Monkey King with tons of unanswered questions.
"I wonder if I should worry about it?"
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jiecomic · 25 days
Chapter 1- The contract
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Red Son walked through the corridor with a mischievous grin on his face chuckling to himself, right before his mother's room he cleared his throat and walked in slamming the doors into the wall.
" Mother!" He jelled as soon as he kicked the heavy doors "I think I found it!"
Iron Fan turned to her son and looked at the roll of paper which was in his hand.
" Finally..." her red lips formed an evil smile
The women moved to her son and took the paper before Red Son was able to say anything.
"After all these years..." she started to unroll the map "After thousand years my love will be able to come back to living!"
She stared with a flaming gaze at the red marking on the map.
" How are the preparations?" Iron Fan turned to her son with a face full of enthusiasm
" Everything will be ready within a month" Red Son smiled showing all his teeth
"Great" Iron Fan nodded and with a map in her hand she came closer to Red Son "Soon your father will be free again and we, the family of Demon Bull King will raise and rule this world!" She started laughing at the end, soon her son joined her.
The son and his mother were so absorbed in their 'villain moment' that they didn't realise... that they weren't alone....
Just under the ceiling, in a small crack, there was a spy who followed their every move with its red eyes. As quietly as possible the little creature disappeared in the darkness leaving only a small cloud of pink dust...
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Jie sat on her cough as soon as she teleported to her house. She buried her nose in her hands letting her elbows rest on the table, after spending a few minutes in this position, she lifted her head. She was emotionally tired but tears still didn't stop flowing from her eyes.
Her lips were formed into something that looked like a smile of a person screaming inside of their head.
"It's all over..." she whimpered quietly, her voice was pretty dry from exhaustion
" Goodbye my old, uncomfortable cough" she whined while trying to stand on her two feet, after that she moved to the coffee table "Goodbye you piece of wood... I'll never forget the pain you give me when I hurt my toe on you"
Then she moved to every other furnitures in the room, then to the kitchen and even a toilet, at the end was her animal which was... well let's say that it was hard to interpret it's race. But for Jie it was a dog, and that's the reason behind his name.
" Gou..." Jie hugged a little beast in her arms still crying like a baby, Gou probably didn't understand the atmosphere since he was only chewing his tail while Jie continued her goodbye " Listen your little demon, your gonna be better without your mom, ok? I-I hic...hic... I left you your favourite snacks and...sniff... and put my picture near your bed so that you wouldn't cry after meee!"
She left him at the floor and got her luggage from gods know where.
" Goodbye, thank you for staying by my side all those years but... You'll going to be safer without me!" She said as she opened the door of her house
Just before taking the first step she froze due to the sudden realisation...
'I have nowhere to go to...' she thought while closing the door
With that Jie decided that leaving her home and bab- *ahem* pet... wasn't a good idea so she started unpacking.
"I'm gonna fight them!" Jie stood up pointing her fist to the ceiling " No... Princess Iron Fan will kill me in a second with the help of that lunatic son of hers..." with that thought all energy left her body "Would be much easier if my powers weren't sealed away" she scratched the back of her neck while swearing at the Jade Emperor in her mind.
" That's the end huh?"- she looked at her photos on the wall, all with her and Gou. Some were taken on holiday, some on a beach, the cutest one was with her and Gou celebrating her 2000 birthday "Well... maybe I didn't deserve more than just those thousand years...WAIT!
Jie suddenly stood up all filled with energy from her toes to head "There is a way!"she stood like that for 3 seconds " Cause... He will help me right?" She started to question her decision.
'There is a way that he will agree... although...'
Suddenly she felt something pulling her dress. When she looked down Jie's eyes met the innocent gaze of Gou.
A smile had slowly appeared on her face.
"Don't worry Gou..." She crouched to pet her dog "Till now I have been only hiding, it's time to fight for my life!"
With that thought Jie snapped her fingers and teleported.
She felt confident with her decision and was ready to stand before a great sage.
Jie wasn't confident anymore.
She was standing on a beach of Flower Fruit Mountain (the farthest she could teleport to) questioning literally every of her life choices that leaded her to this damn mountain.
" Maybe moving out wasn't such a bad idea..?- It's not like I was never homeless anyway..."
Right when she was about to go back Jie noticed that she wasn't alone.
'Damn it! I had to bring him along by accident!'
The dog was so excited about visiting a new place that he ignored his owner and ran into bushes as fast as he could.
"Whyyy are you doing this to me..!"
And like this, the great chase had started!
(By the way Gou won)
Without realisation Jie had entered the secret cave of Sun Wukong.
She had no idea how had she been able to break the seal, but probably thanks to despair.
" Gou..." she whispered as quietly as she could "Gou..." this time a little bit louder
Jie's heart almost escaped through her throat when Gou had answered to her call just next to her.
Now when she didn't have to worry about her pet Jie looked around.
Judging by the state of this place there was NO WAY that the Monkey King would still live here.
At least that's what Jie hoped for.
'I've got so far, it would be a shame to not at least try...'
She cleared her throat and took a deep breath.
"Are you here!?"
When her calls started echoing through the cave she started counting to three in her mind.
"Looks like he isn't at home, well what a sha-
At that moment Jie's heart really jumped to her throat.
She made a few steps back trying to calm herself but when she saw HIM her instincts were ordering her to run as fast as she could.
"M-Monkey King?!"- she jelled while looking behind at a specific monkey
" Yeah!- the one and only!" He answered proudly
"But..." he moved closer to Jie and looked at her as if he had a scanner in his eyes "Do I know you...? I don't remember fighting you..."
"You're right" Jie was finally able to say something "My name is-
" What are you here for?" The monkey cut Jie off as if he was already tired of her presence
"I'm here cause-
" You want to fight?"
" You want an autograph?"
"No, I-
" You came here because you feel like a tiny piece of dust in a big universe and you seek for a reason of your existence?"
" Aha! So you came here for the peaches of immortality!"
"WHAT?!- wait, why do you even have them?-BUT NO! I'M NOT HERE FOR ANY PEACHES!"
" Then you are here for-
'Gah! This will take an eternity!'
"Forgive me for interrupting you, but I'm not here for a fight, an autograph, a philosophy lecture or some magic fruits!" Since Monkey King was FINALLY listening to Jie, she decided to use this chance "I mean no charm, ok?"
" Is this thing yours?" Wukong asked calmly while raising his arm, his arm with such a beautiful, yellow sleeve made from an old, expensive fabric...which Gou was trying to eat...
"It's my dog"
"Take it away until it's still in one piece"
"Yes sir…"
Thankfully Jie was able to stop Gou from chewing Monkey King's clothes.
Wukong was checking his sleeve's condition while Jie was sweating and screaming in pain (mentally).
" I'm sorry..." the demoness muttered quietly. Since Wukong didn't seem to be angry and was a little distracted she decided to finally have a serious talk with him "I'm really sorry for interrupting your peaceful time, but this is half of why I'm here. You didn't know about me till now even though I was living in this city for hundreds years because I was hiding from you. You and every other being that could kill me while all I wanted was a peaceful life..."
She looked at the monkey to see if he pays any attention to her. Thanks gods he seemed pretty interested in her speech.
" As you can see I'm a demon, that's why for many years I was doing only what was expected from a monster, then I faced the consequences and... lost everything... but thanks to you, for the last thousand years I was able to finally live my life the way I wanted.- And I don't want to lose this. The family of Demon Bull King is planning something and you're aware of that. So please... in order to keep our peaceful lives, please... let me stand next to you"
Jie bowed her head and waited for Wukong’s reaction.
" So you want to be my ally? Don't feel offended but... you don't look too strong"
That actually hurt Jie's pride but it didn't take her long to recover and continue
" Unfortunately you’re right, half of my power was sealed away long time ago, but believe me" she looked up at him with a red light in her eyes "If you give me an order I will show your enemies the true fury of the fox demon"
"Ha... sounds more like a servant than an ally" at the end of the sentence Wukong grinned
" If that's who you want, then I'll fit in that role"
The Monkey King seemed to consider Jie's offer.
" Come to think of it..." his face started to show a little bit of excitation " I'm a king... but all I have is a group of a little cute monkeys..." He looked at Jie again. She could tell that he was using a golden sight on her. It really felt as if he seen her through at that moment.
"At least five tails your hiding huh?- he chuckled quietly "ALRIGHT! Since now youuuuuu...."
" Jie"
" JIE, are under my command! As a servant of a great Sage equal to heaven, The Monkey King- Sun Wukong!
Wukong stood in front of a kneeling Jie while lifting his arm as if to reach the demoness, as the air between them became tense and a strange string of golden light connected their wrists Jie knew that the ritual of contract started...
The contract between demons isn't a normal contract. It's like an exchange. A servant gives their live and loyalty to their master, while master shares a little of their power with them. The thing is that only master can break the contract.
At that moment Jie was able to feel the power of Monkey King running through her veins.
' Such a little power and I already feel like my body is about to explode...'
She also allowed herself to look at Monkey King's soul orb.
You see, Jie has a special ability that allows her to see the souls of livings trapped in an orb. With that Jie could always recognise the power, personality and sometimes the intention of the soul's owner.
There is not such a thing like two identical souls but Jie had never seen a soul like Wukong's. It was bright to the point when she though she's going blind, so hot that it could burn her if she had ever reached for it, it was big and it's shape was changing every second as if someone put it into a fire. All because this poor little orb couldn't contain the full strength of the great Monkey King.
' He really is dangerous...'
' But that's good'
Jie suddenly felt an ache on her wrists, she looked at them and saw the two golden rings around her hands.
' Like a chain'
"Is it done?" Monkey King broke into Jie's thoughts "I've never done this before..."
Unconsciously Jie started rubbing her neck, where a jade necklace was hanging. Or, how she liked to say- her death threat.
"Don't worry Master... Everything is just as it should be"
There was no way for Monkey King to know it back then but Jie hid something important from him... the fact that if she found their contract inconvenient for her she could easily break it. Which gave her an advantage.
'There's no way I'll let him use me, for the sake of my life I will never let anyone do that again...'
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"So... when are you going to strike the Demon Bull King's family?" Jie asked as if she was ready to cause chaos and beat some demons with her new powers, now she was confident to win against Princess Iron Fan!
"ME?!"Monkey King started to laugh his head off "Nah, I won't even lift a finger!- I'm retired! "
Jie looked as if someone had turned her into a stone "T-Then whose gonna fight the Demon Bull King?!"
"Well, my successor of course!"
"Excuse me?"
This way the great Monkey King managed to destroy all of Jie's hopes in one sentence
End of chapter 1
|Table of contents|Next
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jiecomic · 25 days
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After the great sage Monkey King had sealed the Demon Bull King and vanished...
Jie could finally enjoy her life!
Since she was a fox demon she had to hide from Sun Wukong in order not to be killed by him, but after he disappeared she could finally take a deep breath and start a new, quiet life far from wars, demons and annoying overpowered monkeys!
Jie had a chance to enjoy her life for hundreds years, but now she has a strong feeling that her calm days are coming to an end because of the family of Demon Bull King.
In order to keep living her peaceful life she decided to become an ally of Wukong himself!
... Will she regret it?
*Read before starting the story*
- no canon characters x oc ships
- bad English
- I am the creator of cover and all art in the story
- all no canon characters were created by me
Table of contents:
See new chapters every Sunday!
Chapter 1- The contract
Chapter 2- That’s him?
Chapter 3- Monkey Brain
Chapter 4- The boy means trouble
Chapter 5- Too many monkeys for one fox to handle
Chapter 6- A fox in the dragon’s lair
Chapter 6.5- A deal between two collectors
Chapter 7- The fox and the spider
Chapter 7.5- Bon appétit
Chapter 8- Perfect
Chapter 9- A double win
Chapter 10- The mirror blade
Chapter 11- A break?
Chapter 12- An order is a goal
Chapter 12.5- The stinky Monkey vs the Fox
Chapter 13- Ghost of the past
Season 2 preview
Continue the journey of Jie in season 2 (currently in preparation)
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jiecomic · 1 month
Hello Beans~
I’ve got a very important question to you, I would love it if many people gave me the answer so it would be nice if you reblogged this post:
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jiecomic · 2 months
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Page 26>>Page 27(end)>>Masterpost
// Is it really happening? Did I really just finished my first comic?! Yes I did!!!
Btw according to Procreate I spent almost 60 hours on it 🫡
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jiecomic · 2 months
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// Somehow seeing that smile makes me feel at ease… and then I remember about all angst Jie experienced.
But seriously I spent hours creating that precious smile!
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jiecomic · 2 months
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//Ignore the hands please 🙏🏻
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jiecomic · 2 months
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// Gosh… someone has some serious mommy issues… but Anyway-
I must say I enjoyed drawing this page, at first I didn’t have any energy but when I started my hand just couldn’t stop but I must say… there are only 3 pages left 😢 I mean- I feel great about it cause I will finally be able to do other projects of mine 😅
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jiecomic · 2 months
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// Don’t worry about Yī’s humour, she got it from her mother after all
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jiecomic · 2 months
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// I love Yī💙
Today I’m done introducing the three kids of Jie (and Zen) the end of comic is near and after that I will properly show you every member of this family
I’m afraid I won’t be able to finish the next page before Monday 🥲
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jiecomic · 2 months
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// Zen what happened to your eye?
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jiecomic · 2 months
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// Sorry for the messy look but I was getting tired of drawing from different perspectives
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jiecomic · 2 months
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// We’re almost there ladies and gentlemen!
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jiecomic · 2 months
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// Who needs a therapist when you have a big fluffy baby!
but seriously Jie should go to therapy and take Wukong and MK with her
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jiecomic · 3 months
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// *sniff*sniff* Smells like trauma to me
(Just noticed I forgot to add shadows to Gou 💀)
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