joeesuggimagine · 3 years
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joeesuggimagine · 7 years
I wanna know what people assume about me because of my tumblr.
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joeesuggimagine · 7 years
Tumblr media
If your nude photos are posted online without your permission, Microsoft and Google want to know.
For years, most victims of revenge porn — people who have had their nude photos shared online without permission — basically couldn’t do anything about it.
According to one study, over 50% of all adults engage in sexting, and 70% admit to having received a nude photo online or over the phone.
And yet, despite the fact that we all (or at least more than half of us) do it, there’s still this weird, persistent, harmful notion that if your naked pictures get leaked or shared maliciously by an ex online, it’s your fault for taking them in the first place.
It’s completely backward, but sadly, the law seems to at least kind of agree.
As of September 2014, New Republic found, putting someone else’s illicit photos online without their consent was illegal in just 16 states, though laws have been proposed in more states. Not only is it typically impossible to prosecute the perpetrator, they note, it’s impossible to legally compel websites to take the images taken down most of the time.
But thankfully, Microsoft and Google — which operate two of the biggest search engines on the web — don’t think it’s your fault. And they’re finally saying “Enough is enough.”
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joeesuggimagine · 7 years
Would you accept a request to write something for Taron's character Eddie the Eagle?? He's just too pure and there is nothing for that particular role
I love Eddie omg 💞I'll try my best darling, What would the request be? Also, I made a tumblr for Taron if you want to send the request on there @unwin-eggy
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joeesuggimagine · 7 years
What’s his Name? (Taron Egerton Imagine)
What’s his Name?
A/N: this is set in the fictional world of ‘THE BREACH’ - by LAZY HABITS.
I hope you enjoy the imagine! Reblog, like and comment!
Sipping on a vodka tonic, you look around the pub packed full of drunk women out on a hen do night. There are a couple of men floating around, only one seems to catch your eye, though.
The blond haired lad sighs, running a hand through his hair, as he squats down to pick up empty beer bottles. He holds a tired expression on his face and you watch him curse slightly as one lady throws pink feathers in his hair. He looks up, catching your eye. You send him a sympathetic smile and he just gives you a short smile back before going back to picking up bottles.
Trying to balance them in his arms, he tries to get up. Seeing him struggle, you leave your post at the bar and run over to help the man.
"Thanks," he mumbles, once you've grabbed a few bottles out of his hands. You both walk over to the bar to set them down.
"You alright?" You ask him.
"Yeah, just a tough night," he replies, honestly.
"It seems it," you say, with a laugh, and gesture towards the hen party.
He chuckles, be it sincere or not, you couldn't really tell. "Yeah, hen do's aren't really my scene." After a second of silence between you both, he asks, "you part of them?"
You nod. "sadly, yes. It's a friend of a friend's hen do."
"Thought you, lasses, like a good hen do?" He sends a smirk your way.
You return an equally as cheeky smirk as you reply, "I'm not like your average lass, you see. I don't like to drink much, so hen do's aren't my scene, either. I'm only here because of my mate."
"Fair enough." He goes to say something else but something behind you catches his eye. "I've gotta go. It was nice talking to you," he trails off, gesturing for your name.
"Y/N L/N," is your simple response. You give him a toothy smile.
"It was nice talking to you, Y/N. This has been the highlight of my night, I swear. I hope to see you again." He grins at you, before pecking your cheek.
You look down at your heels, to hide the ever growing bright red blush on your cheeks.
"Wait, I never got your name!" You look up to see the mystery man had disappeared into the crowd.
Bringing the cigarette to your lips, you can feel the alcohol starting to take its toll on you. You can feel it streaming through your bloodstream and the buzz is getting to your head. You inhale the smoke deeply and then slowly blow it out. Going for another puff, you hear the exit door to the pub open beside you.
The gorgeous man from before steps out, placing a cigarette in between his lips. You watch him, with eyes full of lust, search his pockets. When he comes up empty handed, he sighs, deeply.
You aren't going to lie. The man before you is fucking beautiful. His blonde hair sits perfectly on his perfectly shaped head. He has a jawline you could cut onions on, and if you cry, you wouldn't know if it was because of the onions or because he is just so god damn beautiful.
He looks to the side and sees that you're already looking at him. His eyes seem to light up and he smiles. Your insides go to mush at the sight of his lopsided grin.
"You got a light?" He asks as he leans against the wall next to you. His arm brushes yours ever so slightly and a jolt of electricity goes through you. He feels it too as he shakes his arm, subtly. You notice. However, it may just be the alcohol streaming through your body.
You hand him your lighter as you finish the rest of your cigarette, chucking it on the ground and stomping on it.
"How's your night going?" He asks.
You lean on one shoulder, facing him. "It's gotten a lot better actually, now that you're here."
Under the street lamp, you see his deep green eyes stare into you as he smirks. "You're a lot more flirty when you're drunk," he states, as his face leans closer to yours.
Or is it just the alcohol again? You're not too sure anymore; his presence seems to have gotten you a lot more fucked than what you were when you first went outside for the cigarette.
"You'd have to be stupid to pass up the opportunity to flirt with a man like you," you reply to him, your eyes twinkling with mischief.
"I must say I'm flattered," he whispers. His face has inched closer and closer to yours. His breath fans your delicate face, a mixture of alcohol and smoke hitting your nose. Your noses brush together, eyes flutter close and your lips connect to his lips for a brief second before the pub door swings open.
The green eyed man jumps away from you, causing you to sigh, sadly, at the loss of his warm body against your own cold one.
"Oi, get back in here!" The bouncer exclaims, using his arm to aggressively beckon him back into the pub.
The man grunts, throwing his cigarette onto the floor. He sends you a soft smile as he walks through the doors back to his living hell.
You're left outside, craving his touch even more...and wondering what the fuck his name is still.
You watch the bouncer drag a blacked out girl, vomit around her mouth, out of the club. You feel sorry for the lass for a split second before being grateful that it isn't you being dragged out like that.
The night isn't even half over and shit is already going down. The drag queens, that are probably way under paid to be here, dance provocatively on the table tops as women stuff money in their underwear and pour alcohol all over each other. You watch them with a slight distaste.
Through the corner of your eye, you witness the bride and one of her bridesmaids stumble into the bathroom a tad too comfy.
You know what they're about to do. However, you don't care; they have nothing to do with you and you have nothing to do with them. They can do god knows what in that bathroom and you wouldn't give two flying fucks.
You do, however, curse them silently as the urge to piss comes over you, but you can't even go pee. Unless you are willing to walk in on some kinky lesbian sex. Which you are not. You've seen some things in your life, but lesbian sex isn't one and you definitely don't want it to be one anytime soon.
After getting yourself another drink and then mentally slapping yourself for 5 minutes straight for causing yourself the need to pee more, you see the bride and bridesmaid stumble out of the bathroom just the same as they did going in.
You do a little happy dance in your head and run to the bathroom before anyone else.
You slam the door shut and lock it. With your hands about to hitch your dress up to pee, your name said in a deep voice lifts through the air.
You jump and turn around to see your gorgeous lover from tonight. He is leaning back against the wall for support. He looks fed up, tired and anything else bad.
"What are you doing in here?" You question him, with a frown.
He points to the door. "I had to stop those two from necking it on."
"It's my job."
"No, your job is to tidy up the mess those girls made. Not stop them from making mistakes," you say with a hand on your hip.
Suddenly an idea pops in your head. An idea that one hundred percent would not come into mind if you weren't drunk as fuck.
"How about this?" You start to say, a smirk growing on your face and your eyes twinkling brightly with mayhem. You step closer to him, and you swear he tries to step back but can't because he is already attached to the wall. "How about I make it my job," you step closer, "to make tonight the best," you give him a wink, "and I mean, best night  of your life?"
Your body is now flushed against his as your lips brush his lips. His eyes flicker to your moist lips as you hear him gulp heavily and you feel victory inside you at the fact that you can make this breathtaking man feel like that.
"I know you need it, babe," you whisper against his lips. Your hands slide down his chest until they hover above his crotch. "I can feel the tension." His breath hitches as you give his cock a tight squeeze over his trackie bottoms.
"You're right, Y/N," he whispers, his voice lacing with seduction, and slams your lips together, closing the distance between you two.
Your lips move perfectly together, fitting like a jigsaw puzzle. His hands cup your face and you can feel him moan into your mouth as you continue to palm his member.
With a swift movement, he flips your positions so that you are now in between the wall and him. His hands move from your face to under your thighs. He lifts you up so your legs wrap around his waist. He works his way down, leaving kisses down your face to your neck. He sucks on your soft spot as your hands entangle themselves in his hair. You stretch your neck to give him more access, moaning slightly when he nibbles at the sensitive part. Your eyes are tightly shut closed, moans and groans erupting from your lips as you feel him successful leave a hickey on your neck.
"Come back to mine," he softly mumbles into your neck. You nod and he lets you jump down from his waist. You're about to leave the bathroom, but he grabs your wrist, pulling you back into his chest. He ducks his head down to plant another kiss on your lips and you continue to make out for a few minutes, your hands wrapped around his neck as his slide down your hips to your ass.
He's the first to stop the kiss. "Come on," he says, pulling you out the bathroom with a grin on his face. A grin that actually looks sincere and real for the first time tonight.
Your stomach flips and butterflies dance. Your heart skips beats as a genuine smile quirks up on your face.  Your head goes light and you feel like you're on top of the world.
You've only met this man today and you already feel like you're in love. Lucky to say, he feels the same way.
However, just before you're about to leave the pub, you stop him from pulling you any longer to ask him a question that you should've asked when you first met him.
"Wait!" You exclaim. He turns back to look at you, his hand entwined with yours. He sends you a concerned smile as you ask, "what's your name?"
He laughs deep heartedly, throwing his head back as dimples appear on his cheeks. Cute as fuck, you think to yourself, mentally gushing over him.
"Taron," he simply says.
You stare at him for a second, almost getting lost in his green eyes, before testing the name in your mouth, "Taa-ron."
"Yeah, Taron Egerton."
"Taron Egerton," you repeat. "Taron Egerton," you repeat again, this time sending him a goofy grin. "I like it!"
He chuckles, giving you a grin. "And I like yours, Y/N L/N."
You giggle as he tugs you by the hand, pulling you out the doors of the pub and down the road into the sunset...
And by that, I mean, his bedroom. ;)
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joeesuggimagine · 7 years
Taron Egerton??
If I wrote Taron Egerton ((include all characters he plays)) imagines, would people read them??? I've recently fallen in love with the man himself, Taron, and I need to express my love through stories in which I wish would happen to me but they won't for 3 reasons... 1) I'm never going to meet him 2) I'm probably a tad too young for him... for now ;) and 3) I'm me lmfao But nah, yeah, I've already got an imagine written about him so I may post that soon to see how people like it.
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joeesuggimagine · 8 years
are you still posting joe imagines??
I am, yes. I just seem to go MIA a lot of the time. I’m a busy gal, you know. People to see, things to do, the usual. I do have multiple imagines in the works, so hopefully they should be posted soon!! :) xox
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joeesuggimagine · 8 years
Distraction (Joe Sugg Imagine) - requested | SMUT
Distraction (requested)
omfg-its-laura said: Can you do a Joe Sugg smut where the reader is also a YouTuber and joes girlfriend and is trying to edit a video and Joe is horny and tries distracting her and they have steamy sex?
A/N: So, this is my first attempt at a full on sex scene so I have no idea how it turned out. If you do have any comments about it, do go ahead and say them. I would love to know what you guy thought about my first ever smut. If you would like more in the future, do request them!
Warning: SMUT - still shouldn’t be a warning but hey ho…
It was Monday evening and you were desperately trying to edit a video that you were going to put up Tuesday. You were sat leaning against your headboard on your bed, with your laptop in your lap. Your boyfriend, Joe, was lying down beside you on his stomach, whining every 2 minutes about how bored he was.
“Y/N, do you have to edit that video now? Can you not take a break?” He whined again and laid on his side to face you. He played with the hem of your shirt as you tapped away on the laptop.
“Joe, babe, you know I would love to take a break, but if I don’t get this edited now, I’m never going to. And I need to. I have no videos for this week! I’m relying on this,” you said, your eyes glued to the screen.
“One small break, come on, love. I’ll even help you edit after.”
“I can’t, Joe.”
“But you can, Y/N.”
By that point, Joe had made his way to sit up and face you. He started to trail kisses up your arm, to your shoulder, and then your neck. He sucked on your sweet spot and you tilted your head the other way. A small moan came out and you felt Joe smirk into your neck. He knew he had this much power over you. You would quiver at the slightest touch from him. But you still craved for his touch. It’s like you needed it.
“A small break,” you mumbled, placing your laptop on the table beside the bed. Joe detached himself from your neck, giving you space to lie down. He hovered over you, his eyes darkened. Lust and love filled his eyes as he smirked.
“I knew you’d give in. You can’t get enough of me,” he stated and you rolled your eyes playfully.
“Don’t make me regret taking this break, Joe,” you half warned. You were only joking. He was right, anyway. You couldn’t get enough of him.
Joe pecked your lips and you frowned when he pulled away. You wanted more. He then pecked both your cheeks. And soon enough, he was smothering your face with kisses. You giggled as he kissed the tip of your nose, followed by your forehead. You loved forehead kisses.
Joe started to kiss all the way down your neck, to your shoulders. He pulled the straps of your tank top down so that he could continue his kisses to your chest. He pecked the top of your chest, before making his way down one breast. He kissed the outline of your nipple over your top; you weren’t wearing bra. He did the same with the other breast, and then pulled your tank top up to reveal your stomach. He trailed kisses down your stomach until he got to the waistband of your trackies. He looked up at you and you bit your lip, seductively, nodding your head.
After ripping your trousers off and throwing them somewhere in the room, you were left in just your tank top and the red thong that Joe adored on you. It’s like you knew you were going to fuck.
Joe kissed along the top of your underwear, before pulling down one end, slightly, so he could peck his way along your bikini line. Soon enough, he had ripped your thong off as well, leaving you exposed to him.
Now, this wasn’t the first time you’ve had sex with Joe, so it wasn’t weird being naked in front of him. But you still felt self-conscious. Sure, Joe says you’re beautiful and perfect but you still had your fair share of insecurities.
Your thoughts all disappeared once Joe’s mouth attached themselves to your pussy. You moaned, quietly, as he flicked his tongue and sucked on your clit. You used one hand to go under your top and play with your tits while the other made their way into Joe’s hair. You pulled at it when he was going so rough you couldn’t handle.
“Joe!” You gasped when you felt Joe insert not one, not two, but three fingers into you at once. Your breathing sped up as he moved his fingers in and out of you while his mouth still did wonders to your clit. With his other hand, he was roaming your body, hungrily.
As you were almost at your high, Joe detached himself and made his way to capture your lips with his.
In the mist of your deep make out session, your hands went under his shirt and you traced the outline of his abs with your index finger. In two swift moments, Joe had pulled your tank top off and you had managed to pull Joe’s t-shirt off so you could take in all his beauty.
Joe pulled away from your kiss and started to undo his jeans. He got up quickly and pulled them off, then going back to hover over you. He locked lips with you and you started to massage his erected member through his boxers. He groaned as one of his hands went up to massage your breast, while the other was placed under the small of your back.
“Do you like that, baby?” You mumbled into the kiss as your hand went into his boxers and started to move up and down along his length.
He groaned in response and you smirked. You liked this power you seemed to have over the man on top of you. You moved faster and faster, Joe detaching your lips so he can bury his face into the crook of your neck.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he moaned into your neck. “I think I’m gonna cum.”
Your hand actions suddenly stopped and you heard Joe whimper as you took your hand out of his boxers to rest on his back. He lifted his head from your neck and looked down at you.
“All in good time, baby,” you cooed, kissing his lips.
Joe had managed to get his boxers off as you two made out. You felt his member poke your inner thigh and your pussy throbbed. You just wanted Joe’s cock in you now.
“I want you, Y/N,” he whispered into your lips.
You nodded, slightly, and suddenly you felt Joe slam his cock into your entrance. You moaned as he thrusted deeper into you. He moved in and out, getting faster by the minute. Your eyes were shut closed, your bottom lip held tightly between your teeth and your arms laced into Joe’s hair. His hands went down to your ass and he gave it a good squeeze as he continued to thrust harder into you. Both of your voices merged together to become a sound of heavy panting and moaning.
“Joe!” You moaned his name as he fucked you and he bit the sensitive part of your neck before sucking on it.
Before you knew it, Joe flipped you both over so that you were straddling his waist; he was still inside you, thrusting his hips upwards into you.
“Ride me, baby,” Joe commanded, his eyes darken with lust.
You nodded, loving the dominant side of Joe. You happily did what he said, moving up and down on his cock. His hands firmly gripping your hips to keep you both in place.
“Oh fuck, Joe,” you whispered as you felt your orgasm arising. You moved up his dick and down on it. You did this a few times and Joe grunted after each thrust, his eyes locked on you. Your hands were placed on his chest as you closed your eyes and threw your head back as you orgasmed. Joe cummed as well, filling you completely.
“Y/N,” he said out of breath as you laid on him, your head on his chest. His arms snaked around your back and he kissed the top of your head. “I love you,” he whispered.
You pecked his chest before planting kisses up his chest to his neck before pecking his lips.
“I love you too,” you mumbled before kissing him again.
You are very glad you took that break.
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joeesuggimagine · 8 years
Flustered (Joe Sugg Imagine)
It was Thursday afternoon and you were out at the park with the buttercream squad. You were walking back from the ice cream truck to Josh and Mikey, who were sat with all your stuff talking amongst themselves. The rest of the boys were off playing football around the park.
As you were about to sit down, you heard someone shout at you.
"Heads!" You didn't react in time and as you turned around to see what was happening, a ball came flying straight at you.
"Jack Maynard, you little shit!" You yelled as you threw the football back at him. Jack had thrown a ball at you, hitting you in the head and causing you to drop your ice cream. He sprinted off as you started to run after him.
"I'm sorry, Y/N! I didn't mean to!" He tried to say but you knew he wasn't sorry. He was laughing his ass off as he ran! You could hear the other boys laugh as they watched you.
"You owe me another ice cream, you twat! Stop running away!" You called out to him. Jack abruptly stopped but you didn't respond in time and went running straight into his back. That caused you both to tumble to the ground, with you falling on top of Jack. You straddled his back as you pushed his head into the ground, playfully.
"Get off of me, Y/N," he mumbled into the ground.
"Sorry, what was that? I can't seem to hear you," you said, jokingly, as you chilled on his back. "Will you buy me another ice cream?" You questioned.
"Yes, yes, yes! Now, get off! You're ruining my shirt!" You laughed and just as you were about to get off him, you heard someone clear their throat behind you. You looked back, still sitting on Jack, to see Joe standing there, with a look on his face that you couldn't seem to decipher. You quickly scrambled to your feet and stood awkwardly by Joe. You held one hand out to Jack so you could help him up. He gladly took it.
You had a crush on Joe since the day you met him, which happened to be around 3 years ago. It first started off as just one of those school girl crushes, but as you got to know him, you slowly found yourself falling in deep. Every time you were near Joe, you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach and you heart would beat so fast, you thought it was going to explode out of your rib cage.
That moment, was one of them times.
You blushed a deep red and looked away from the two boys, your heart beating fast.
"We're going for lunch, you guys coming?" Joe asked, bluntly. You frowned at the way he said it. What was his problem? But you quickly placed it with a smile and nodded.
Jack started to say, "yeah, man, but I gotta buy her," Jack gestured to you, "another ice cream first."
You shook your head and looked at Jack, "it's fine. You can buy me desert instead." You winked at him and he fake scowled. "That's what you get for throwing a football at me!"
"I said I didn't mean to!" Jack exclaimed and started to walk away with Joe following behind him.
You ran up to Jack and jumped on his back. Jack slid his arms around your legs to hold you up and you slipped your arms around his neck.
You and Jack have been best friends for years. You were close with Conor, his brother, as well but out of the two, you were the closest with Jack. You had met the rest of the squad through the Maynard brothers. A lot of people mistook you and Jack for a couple because of the way you guys acted with each other; but you guys were just really close and best friends. Jack was like a brother to you and you were like a sister to him.
Joe cleared his throat again from behind you and you quickly jumped off of Jack's back.
Jack knew about your little crush on Joe. Jack always tried to get you guys together, however you always found a way to get out of being alone with Joe. It's not that you didn't want to, hell you wanted to so badly, it's just you were scared. Scared you would make a fool out of yourself. Scared Joe wouldn't like you back and just ditch you. Scared Joe would realise you weren't that interesting and stop talking to you altogether.
Little did you know.
"So, Joe, how's your day been?" You questioned, awkwardly, as you fell in step with him while walking to the cafe down the road. The rest of the boys were messing about in front of you two as they walked.
"Good, you?" He replied, simply. He was acting very blunt with you that day. You didn't know what you did wrong. You guys were fine before you got to the park.
"Yeah, same, I'm having fun."
It was silent for the next couple of minutes. All you could hear was the boys talking in front of you, the occasional sound of a car going by and your footsteps as you walked. You and Joe hadn't spoken.
You decided to break the silence by rambling, angrily, the thoughts that overtook your mind, "what's the matter with you, today? You've been in a mood with me since we got to the park. What did I do, Joe? Tell me, I don't want to go the rest of the day with you being pissed off at me for no apparent reason! That's just going to put me in a shit mood! Do you think I like it when you're annoyed with me? Especially when I don't even know what I did? Like, that just honestly makes me feel so shit about myself because I don't understand what I did wrong to get the person I like to be pissed off with me-" you stopped abruptly in your rant. You just realised what you just said.
You just admitted to liking Joe.
"Did you just..." Joe started to ask, his eyes widened.
"No, of course not!" You exclaimed, quickly and started to walk faster to catch up with the rest of the squad. However, Joe had other plans.
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to him. He made you both stop in the middle of the pavement. The others boys carried on walking to the cafe; they hadn't noticed that you stopped.
"You did, Y/N," he said, slowly. He had a hint of a smile on his face because of your confession.
"I didn't. Stop lying to yourself, Joe. I mean, who would like you out of all people, pshh? It's not like you have perfect hair that falls in front of your beautiful crystal blue eyes. It's not like that the way you push your hair back with your hand makes me swoon every time or that the way your perfect smile lights up any room you're in makes me wanna cry every time. I mean, your laugh obviously isn't the most beautiful sound I've ever heard and it's so not contagious and cute and doesn't make me wanna just talk and laugh with you all day-" you quickly stopped yourself from carrying on. You hated that you rambled when you were nervous.
"Sorry," you quickly apologised and looked away from him, a huge blush spread across your cheeks.
He didn't reply. Instead, he gently placed his hand under your chin and turned your head to face him. You locked eyes with him and your breath hitched.
His eyes had a twinkle in them that you've never seen before. It was beautiful.
"Do you want to know why I've been so pissy today?" He asked, softly. You nodded, eyes still locked on his. "I've been annoyed because I hate seeing how close you and Jack are. It gets me so angry when I see how lovey dovey Jack acts with you. I hate the way you guys laugh, hug, even talk together! You guys act like such a couple, it makes me think you may actually be a couple! It gets me upset because it showed me that I lost my chance with you," he whispered the last bit and looked away from your eyes.
You bursted into a fit of laughter. Joe looked at you in confusion as you doubled over in laughter and your eyes glazed over as tears nearly started pouring out.
Once finished your laughing fit, you stood up straight and intertwined your hands together. "Joe, me and Jack...we're just friends. I don't see him like that, I would never date him. That's just gross. He is like a brother to me. And Jack sees me as a sister. We are literally like siblings," you said with a smile on your face.
"Does that mean...I haven't lost my chance after all?" He questioned and took a step closer to you.
"Yep," you simply said.
On that, Joe wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you to him so that your chests were pressed together. You let go of his hand and wrapped your arms around his neck. Your hands started to play with the hairs on the back of his head.
"Do you give me permission?" Joe asked, your lips mere inches away from each other. You chuckled and slammed your lips onto his.
Your lips moved in sync as Joe wrapped his arm tighter around your waist. He picked you up and you giggled into the kiss. Everything around you disappeared. It was as if it was just the both of you in the world. You guys were happy. Carefree.
Joe placed you down and you both pulled away, still in each other's arms.
"We should head to the cafe," you said, blushing. You were flustered over that kiss. And you knew Joe was too as his ears turned a bright pink and he tried to subtly readjust himself. You giggled, quietly, finding it cute.
You quickly fell in sync with each other as you walked to the cafe, hand in hand.
"There you guys are!" Mikey exclaimed as you both walked into the cafe. They had around taken a seat at a table in the middle. They were the biggest group there. They were rowdy as well when you and Joe walked in, hands not together anymore.
You guys were going to keep your relationship secret for a while. However, a certain someone clocked on straight away when you sat down at the table. Joe took the seat next to you.
"Why do you both look so flustered?" Jack whispered into your ear from the other side of you as Joe interacted with the other boys.
"Is it that bad?" You whispered back and looked down at the menu.
"You look like you guys just fucked in a bush," he said, chuckling.
You playfully punched his shoulder and he laughed. "We didn't, if you must know," you said with a small smile.
"Yeah, yeah," he replied, winking at you, "at least you guys finally admitted it to each other. It's 'bout time!" He exclaimed, quietly, so only you heard. The other boys were too engrossed in the argument about who had the biggest...sandwich!
Your friends sure were a weird bunch.
You chuckled at Jack's comment and locked your hand with Joe's under the table. Joe gave your hand a reassuring squeeze and you smiled, lovingly, to yourself.
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joeesuggimagine · 8 years
Hi! Can just say I absolutely adore your writing. I know your probably REALLY busy with requests but could you do one its the hit the road premier and Y/N and Joes is unknown to fans but your friends know and then one of your friends does a ZALFIE *cough Jim cough* but joe doesn't know and awks happen. Love ya!
Hi, I know this was requested way back then, back in the days of the first Hit the Road, but I decided to write the imagine during the second one. Only because it was recent and I had started writing this request then. I do apologise deeply for the wait, I took some time off writing, but now I am back and ready to rumble!
I have just uploaded this request! I do hope you enjoy! Thank you very much for taking the time to read my imagines, glad you adore my writing ;)))) Love you too babes xx
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joeesuggimagine · 8 years
Hit the Road (Joe Sugg Imagine) - requested
Hit the Road (requested)
Anonymous said: Hi! Can just say I absolutely adore your writing. I know your probably REALLY busy with requests but could you do one its the hit the road premier and Y/N and Joes is unknown to fans but your friends know and then one of your friends does a ZALFIE *cough Jim cough* but joe doesn't know and awks happen. Love ya!
Leicester Square started to come into view and the sound of muffled screaming and squeals were heard under the music that was playing in the uber.
It was the Hit The Road USA premiere. You had gone to the premiere of the first movie last year and absolutely adored it. When you were invited this year, you were ecstatic.
However, something was different this year. This year you were going as Joe's girlfriend. Sure, no one knew about your relationship, except close friends and family, but it still made it special. You were attending something really important and proud worthy of your boyfriend. You were so proud of how much he has accomplished in his YouTube career.
As the fans had no clue about your newly formed relationship with one half of Jaspar and one member of the buttercream squad, both you and Joe decided it was best for you to show up with the other boys. Plus, you knew Joe would be extremely busy, seeing as it was his premiere and all.
"Y/N, stop daydreaming about Joe and come on, we have a premiere to attend!" Your thoughts disappeared as you heard Jack exclaim from beside you. You noticed that the screaming got louder, but realised it was because the uber had arrived at the destination. You thanked the driver, paying him and getting out. Oli held the door open for you as Jack offered a hand to help you out. You gladly took it.
As you all got out and the car drove away, the fans, that had managed to come, noticed, their screams getting louder. You and the three boys you showed up with, Josh, Jack and Oli, laughed and started to walk down the red (it was blue) carpet. You smoothed down the Elie Saab ombré dress you were wearing that you loved and latched arms with Josh. You held onto Jack's other arm and the three of you walked down the carpet.
The cameramen took pictures of the three of you in front of the Cadillac, the car Joe and Caspar showed up in earlier. Some pictures were serious, others funny.
You giggled as Oli ran towards you guys and started posing for pictures as well. The four of you spent a few minutes taking pictures and joking around in between. The next car pulled up, and you guys moved along the carpet towards everyone else.
Fans screamed your name, asking for autographs and pictures, and you happily did them. You loved the fans. They have supported all the boys along the way and you couldn't be more grateful for them.
You were taking a picture with a girl you recognised from twitter, a big fan of Joe, when you were beckoned over as your interview with Jim Chapman was starting soon. You excused yourself from the fans, saying you'd be back, and went over to where the interview was being held.
"Y/F/N! It's been a while, my friend," Jim exclaimed as he hugged you.
"Jim Chapman! It has been a while, hasn't it? Good to see you again." You hugged him back and grinned.
"Right, so I'll just ask a couple of questions and then you can be on your way," he explained and you nodded, understanding.
He started the interview off and went straight to the questions.
"So, Y/N, seeing as you're alone here, you can say anyone you want, but if you were to go on a road trip, who would you go with and why?" He asked into the microphone. He held it out in front of you, waiting for your reply.
You pretended you were thinking for a bit but you knew exactly who you would take.
"Joe," you replied, a small smile on your face. You could hear the crowd screaming and you giggled.
"Of course, we all know why you chose Joe," Jim said, trying to send a subtle wink your way, however the fans noticed, knowing what the wink meant, and all the other background noise was muffled by their screams and squeals. Jim sent you a worried look, as if to say, "shit, I didn't mean to out you," but you just gave him a smile to say, “don’t worry about it.”
You didn't mind the fans knowing you were going out with Joe. You wanted people to know. You wanted to be able to go out in public without worrying someone might see. You wanted to be able to hold his hand and kiss him wherever you were. You didn't just want to be able to be with him in the comfort of your own home, you wanted to be able to show him off, tell people, "yep, he's mine," when he's off doing crazy shit and you even wanted to be able to scream, "I'm in love with Joseph Sugg!" and not worry about the consequences. You just wanted to be able to love the man and not have a care in the world about who knew about it.
However, Joe wasn't very up for that. You didn't mind; if Joe didn't want his fans to know yet, then so be it. You would wait until he thought it was the right time.
After finishing off the interview, you went to walk away but Jim called you back.
"I am so sorry, Y/N! I did not think they would see that!" Jim blurted out.
You giggled and said, "it's fine, Jim. Honestly. It just shows the fans are smart." You gave him a short hug. "Now, I must go and find the boyfriend. He should know we've been outed. Surprisingly, by his sister's outer as well." You gave Jim a wink and he chuckled.
"Alright. Thank you for not being mad."
"I could never be mad at you, Jimmy," you said and pinched his cheeks. You both laughed and went your separate ways; you went to find Joe and he went to interview the next guest.
After searching the carpet for him, you found Joe behind a massive sign near the back. He was leaning against it, his hands in his pockets. No one was able to see him behind there so you quickly made your way to him.
Slipping behind the sign, you leaned against it as well, bumping shoulders with Joe.
"Hey," you said, nudging his shoulder lightly.
"Hey," he replied, moving to stand in front of you. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear before caressing your cheek. You closed your eyes and sighed deeply.
"You look handsome," you complimented and opened your eyes. This was the first time you and Joe have been able to talk since the premiere started.
"And you are absolutely breathtaking." He looked into your eyes and smiled. Your heart started to beat faster and faster. God, what does this boy do to me?
Joe leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. Your hands wrapped around his neck and his went down to hold your hips. You haven't been able to kiss him for hours, it was like you were deprived of his lips.
You pulled away and leaned your forehead on his. Your arms were still around his neck and he still had a firm hold on your waist.
"Why are you behind here?" You questioned, wondering why he was behind a sign and not out there, enjoying the premiere for his second movie.
"Just thinking, really," he simply replied, his breath fanning your face. Minty.
"About what?"
"Everything. How I started off YouTube as just a small hobby. How much things have changed in the past 4 years. How much I've accomplished to get here. Like, I have two movies now! Two! And two graphic novels! Do you know how crazy that is? If you were to tell 15 year old Joe where he would end up, he would laugh in your face and call you insane!"
You giggled and replied, "well, babe, you deserve everything you have. You deserve all of this. All this love. You deserve it all because you're a genuine, nice, amazing, down to earth, and fucking beautiful guy that deserves everything."
"I don't deserve you," he said, a frown on his face, and pulled away from you.
You frowned as well and pulled him back. You pulled him into a tight hug and held him there. He soon wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face in your neck.
"If anything, I don't deserve you," you replied, pulling away. You poked his chest when you said, 'you.' "You're amazing, Joe. Please don't forget that."
It was silent for a few seconds. The only sound being the chatting of people and screams of fans on the other side of the sign.
"I think I'm ready," Joe suddenly said. You frowned slightly and tilted your head to the side, confused. He saw your reaction and continued, "I think I'm ready to tell the world that we're a couple."
You laughed, awkwardly, and turned around. You spun back around and sheepishly smiled at him. He gave you a confused look.
"That's why I came over," you started. You paused and said, quickly, "basically, we've been outed."
"What?" He didn't understand a word you said.
Slower, you said, "we've been outed. By Jim."
Joe had an expression on his face that you couldn’t recognise. "Well, that's awkward," he said, chuckling.
You furrowed your brows and asked, "why's that?"
"I literally had a whole video planned to reveal you as my girlfriend but if everyone's going to know by the end of the night, might as well just go for it right now," he explained and you giggled over his video plan but was confused about what he meant by ‘go for it.’
Before you could question him, he pulled you out from behind the sign and back to everyone else. People did question where you guys were but you couldn't reply as Joe had gotten a microphone and started to speak.
"Excuse me, hi, I'm Joe! As you all already know," he chuckled and everyone around him did too. "Basically, I know tonight was supposed to be all about the movie and all, but I do have to make an announcement. Seeing as me and a certain someone," fans screamed at this, "were revealed earlier by someone," he sent Jim a look and Jim sheepishly waved at him, "I thought I'd clear up the air."
"Joe, you don't have to do this," you whispered to him.
"I want to, love," he whispered back so only you heard. "I have a girlfriend," he said into the mic. You heard people gasp, other people cheered and some even clapped. "And it's this beautiful woman here!" He held out his arms to show you off and you blushed as everyone's eyes were on you. In the background, you saw the rest of the buttercream squad and they all gave you thumbs ups and big grins.
"Hi," you squeaked out into the mic. People cheered at you and a small smile made its way onto your face.
Everyone was so accepting of your relationship. No one judged. Everyone just cheered. That made you happy. Happy knowing that people weren't angry or mad. Happy that you no longer have to hide your relationship. Happy Joe was yours and you were his.
Of course, hate was inevitable when it came to dating a popular celebrity. You knew people were going to send rude comments on social media; you wouldn't be able to run away from it. Everywhere you went, someone would send hateful comments your way. But you knew that if you had Joe by your side and all your family and close friends, you'll be able to get through it. One way or another.
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joeesuggimagine · 8 years
Omg i love your imagines!!! Can you write an imagine where y/n and joe meet on vidcon. Because y/n did a colab with zoe once. And then fans see them together and start shipping them and stuff... I hope i make sense. Love you ❤
Hey, this request is up and ready to be read! Thank you for taking the time to read my imagines.
Love you too
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joeesuggimagine · 8 years
VidCon (Joe Sugg Imagine) - requested
VidCon (requested)
Anonymous asked: Omg i love your imagines!!! Can you write an imagine where y/n and joe meet on vidcon. Because y/n did a colab with zoe once. And then fans see them together and start shipping them and stuff... I hope i make sense. Love you ❤
Y/B/F/N squealed behind you as you opened the door to your hotel suite. You rolled your suitcases into the room and dropped them. Your eyes widened in awe as you looked around the hotel room.
It was beautiful. There was two twin sized beds in the middle of the room with a bedside table in the middle to separate them. In front of the beds was a slide in glass wardrobe. At the end of the room, there was two doors that lead to a balcony that overlooked the pool downstairs. The balcony had a small glass table and chair set on the right side of it.
"This is probably the best hotel room I've ever been in," Y/B/F/N said.
"Y/B/F/N, you've never been in a hotel room," you replied with one brow raised slightly as you sat on one of the beds.
"Exactly why it's the best hotel room I've been in." You laughed at her response and just shook your head. Your best friend sure was something.
"Okay, lets just refresh ourselves and then we shall go explore!" You exclaimed and jumped off the bed to start getting ready. "The YouTube squad is meeting down by the pool in 15, so be quick, please, Y/B/F/N."
"Will do, Y/N!" Y/B/F/N yelled from the ensuite bathroom. You chuckled, lightly and continued to tidy your hair up.
You enveloped Zoe in a tight embrace.
"It's been so long! We need to collab again while we're here!" She exclaimed as you pulled away from the hug. She complimented your new found hair style while you complimented her dress. It looked beautiful on her.
You introduced her to Y/B/F/N and Zoe complimented her makeup as Y/B/F/N blushed.
Zoe then pulled you along to meet everyone else.
"Y/N, you remember Alfie, Jim and Tanya," she said as you greeted them. You had met them when you did your first collab with Zoe because Jim and Tanya were over at the Zalfie household.
Zoe eventually had introduced you and Y/B/F/N to practically the whole of the YouTube community. Everyone was there.
However, there was one person you seemed to just click with since you got there. And that happened to be Zoe's brother, Joe Sugg.
When Zoe introduced you to Joe, your heart stopped. He was gorgeous. Perfect even. He had the most beautiful blue eyes, his hair was a perfect mess on his head and every time he smiled, he seemed to make the atmosphere 100 times better.
You guys clicked straight away. You had the same sense of humour, which you liked in a guy. You wanted to be able to have a laugh with a guy. And that's what you had with Joe.
For the majority of the trip, you had spent it with Joe. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, in between panels, chill out times. You and Joe were like two peas in a pod. You couldn't leave each other's sides.
As VidCon progressed, you slowly found yourself liking Joe. And you meant like-like. You've never fallen for a guy so fast, but Joe was different.
He made you smile and laugh any possible time he could. He was such a gentleman, opening doors for you, pulling out the chair for you when you went out to eat, even walking you back to your hotel room. Within the space of a weekend, it was safe to say you had developed a big crush on the lad.
It was the last day at VidCon, and you and the whole crew decided to just spend it relaxing by the pool and enjoying the sunshine. You were going to miss the sun when you head back to dull, old England.
You were trying to catch some rays but a figure stood in front of you, blocking the sun. You pulled your sunglasses off and saw Y/B/F/N standing in front of you, in all her beauty in that bikini.
"Looking hot, Y/B/F/N," you said, smirking as she took a seat in the beach chair next to you.
"Why, thank you, I say the same to you. I wonder who you're trying to impress," she replied with a wink. You rolled your eyes with a smile on your face and punched her shoulder, lightly.
She was talking about Joe.
"Oh, shut up, I've known him for like 3 days."
"Yeah, but you act as if you've been a couple for years." That comment made you blush and quickly put your glasses back on and laid back down on the chair.
"But anyway, I came to say that me and the others are off to lunch, you coming?" She asked and gestured to the group of YouTubers stood by the pool, talking amongst themselves. You could see Zoe, Alfie, Jim, Tanya, Jack, Conor, Josh, Caspar, Oli, Mikey, Marcus, JJ, Simon and Niomi.
Where was Joe?
"Yeah, you guys go ahead. I wanna catch some more rays first. I'll see you in there," you uttered. She nodded and gave you a hug before going to the others. Soon enough, they were all gone, leaving you left by the pool to sunbathe.
After a few minutes of shut eye and sun tanning, you felt yourself being picked up bridal style. You squealed as you pushed your sunglasses above your head to see the culprit.
"What are you doing?" You exclaimed and smacked his bare chest, playfully.
Woah, he sure worked out, you thought to yourself as you felt his abs beneath you.
Joe didn't reply but he had a glint in his eyes that made you think he was up to something.
He pulled your sunglasses off of you and threw them to one side. You were about to complain but before you knew it, you felt yourself been thrown and water soon engulfed you. You splashed about before arising from underneath. You gasped as water splashed you in the face. Joe had just cannonballed into the pool.
"Joe!" You exclaimed as you watched Joe pop his head up from the water. You laughed at his hair. It stuck down to his forehead. "You're looking pretty with that hair," you said with a soft smile as you swam over to him. You held one of his shoulders to keep yourself up and used the other hand to push the hair away from his eyes. You wanted to see them. They were your favourite feature on his face. Well, actually, everything was your favourite of his. You loved everything about him.
"Why, thank you, kind ma'am, you don't look so bad yourself," Joe uttered in a posh voice. You laughed at his attempt and shook your head.
"So, what are you doing here? I thought you went to lunch with the others," you asked as you felt Joe's hands place themselves on your hips. They were warm in the water. You liked it.
"I wanted to wait for you," he said, looking down, a hint of a blush on his cheeks but it was gone before you could be sure. "Plus, it was a perfect opportunity to throw you into the pool," he added with a small chuckle.
You playfully slapped his shoulder as you voiced, "yeah, thanks for that. I was hoping to not get wet today, but you came and ruined that for me."
"Honestly, Y/N, how did you miss that many sexual jokes in that one sentence?" Joe asked, throwing his head back in laughter. You blushed, deeply, as you thought back to what you said.
Okay, that did sound very sexual. Oh, dear.
"Oh, shut up, you immature child," you replied with a hint of smile.
"An immature child that you looove." Joe grinned at you and placed a sloppy kiss on your cheek.
Suddenly, an eruption of high-pitched screams enveloped your ears. You winced, slightly, and looked behind Joe. There you saw a small group of teenage girls, squealing as they had their phones out, filming.
"We have a crowd," you whispered to Joe and he glanced behind him.
"We should leave, or we'll be the talk of Twitter for weeks," Joe said, before letting go of you and making his way to the exit of the pool. You soon followed behind.
After lunch, you, Y/B/F/N, and the rest of the buttercream squad decided to go back down to the pool to relax some more.
You and Y/B/F/N decided to sit on the beach chairs and chill, while the boys went for a swim in the pool.
Scrolling through Instagram, liking pictures now and again, you felt Y/B/F/N tap your shoulder. You turned to look at her.
"Have you seen Twitter?" She asked you, a grin on her face. You shook your head 'no' and looked back down at your phone to open the Twitter app.
Once it was open, you saw you had a lot more notifications than usual. You furrowed your brows and scrolled through them all.
Everyone was tagging you and Joe, saying you guys would make such a cute couple. You realised half way through that your ship name with Joe was trending worldwide on Twitter. You slightly blushed at all the tweets as your fans gushed over you and Joe. There was a picture that went viral of you two, the one from when you were in the pool and he kissed your cheek. Someone must've taken the picture at the perfect moment.
You looked up from your phone and to Joe, who was laughing in the pool as Caspar bellyflopped into it. You started to think,
Has Joe seen this? What would he think about it? Oh, no, he'll run away first chance he can.
"Y/N, Y/N!" You felt yourself being shaken and you looked away from Joe to Y/B/F/N.
"Sorry," you said, still blushing.
"Aw, you're blushing! Is it the tweets? Of course, it's the tweets! See, even your fans want you two together! Just do it!" She gushed.
"I've only known him for a few days, I can't do that. Hey, my feelings will probably go after this trip," you uttered as you looked back at your phone. You exited the twitter app and placed your phone beside you. No more distractions.
"Oh, shut up, no, they won't. You're in love, Y/N, you can't fall out of love with him in a day. Just tell him. You never know, he may like you back," she simply said with a wink and got up and left.
You frowned at her sudden departure, but shrugging, leaving it. You looked over at Joe to see him sitting by the side of the pool.
You decided to go tell him. You thought you'd listen to Y/B/F/N for once. She was always right, but you just wanted to believe it was coincidentally. You thought why not listen to her for a change? Maybe she really is always right.
"Hey," Joe said with a grin as you sat next to him. You dipped your legs into the water like his and sat on the edge.
"Hey," you replied with a smile. You were nervous. You were about to tell Joe that you may possibly be in love with him. It could go absolutely brilliant or it could just go to shit and leave you heartbroken.
"I need to tell you something."
"I need to tell you something."
You both said. You looked at each other and chuckled.
"You go first," Joe said.
Here goes nothing.
"I think I'm in love with you."
It was silent. So, you continued,
"Honestly, I don't know how it happened or when. We've only known each other for, like, 3 days! But, you're different. You make me feel things I haven't ever felt in my life before. You make my stomach do flips every time you even come into a room. My heart just beats so much faster with you there. You make me laugh, you make me smile, you're such a gentleman, you're fucking gorgeous and you don't even know it. You're perfect to me, Joe. So perfect. I know you may not think that about yourself, but you, you are perfect, Joseph Sugg. As perfect as you could ever be. And for that, I love you. Like really love you. Not just some puppy love or a love you have for a best friend or sibling. But I actually love you. Like how a lover loves their partner. I'm in love with you, Joe Sugg."
It was still silent. Joe had made no noise. Everything around you had disappeared; your only focus on Joe. He was making you nervous from not replying. How did he feel? Did he want to run? Did he feel creeped out?
"Joe...please, say something," you whispered.
"I...woah...I just can't believe it. You really love me?" He asked, eyes slightly widened. His cheeks were rosy, like there was a slight blush there.
You nodded, slowly, thinking that'd help to not creep him out even more.
"Fuck, you ruined it," he suddenly bursted out.
"Excuse me?" You asked, eyebrow raised.
"I guess it's my turn to tell you what I need to say," he said. You nodded for him to go on. "So, I'm not one to believe in love at first sight. I never have been and I thought I never would be. I always thought it was something that couldn't happen or it was just a once in a lifetime thing. But when Zoe introduced us the first day, I instantly fell in love. You were beautiful, still are. You were kind, down to earth, you have my sense of humour, and I like that," he said, with a wink. "Getting to know you these past few days just made me fall deeper and deeper in love with you. It's amazing how much we're alike and how much we clicked straight away. You're perfect, Y/N, and I love you. I'm glad you're my once in a lifetime."
You smiled, your arms wrapping around Joe's neck to bring him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in, so that you were basically sat on his lap. You guys were still sat on the edge of the pool.
You pulled away from the hug, arms still wrapped around his neck. You grinned at the man in front of you and slowly leaned in. He started to lean in too. Your lips brushed against his but before they could make contact, you felt yourself been thrown.
You squealed as water hit you. You emerged from the water, half laughing, half scowling at Joe, who was pissing himself in laughter from his seat on the edge. You could hear the other boys and Y/B/F/N chortling in the background.
"You had to be the joker in a intimate moment, didn't you?" You huffed and tried to walk away from Joe in the water. It was hard; water weighing you down.
Joe stopped laughing and his eyes widened. He jumped into the pool and came after you. His arm wrapped around your waist and he pulled you into his chest. He twirled you around to face him and pulled you close.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, I thought it'd be funny," Joe apologised. However, it didn't seem like he was even paying attention to himself; his eyes were focused on your lips.
You giggled and rested your hands on his chest, "I was only joking," you said and soon enough, you connected your lips with his. The first kiss of many to come.
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joeesuggimagine · 8 years
Disaster - Chapter Seven
http://my.w.tt/UiNb/e5Y2u2Aipy Link to Chapter Seven of my fanfiction, ‘Disaster’. I hope you guys like it!
I should have more imagines coming up soon! So, keep a look out for them ;)
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joeesuggimagine · 8 years
Drunk (Joe Sugg Imagine)
A/N: I came up with this when I watched Alfie’s vlog, ‘TWO SUGGS IN MY BED.’ (link below - I do not own the video at all, just the idea for this imagine) tbf, I don’t really know where the idea came from, but I do hope you guys like it! Let me know if you do! Enjoy!
Link to Alfie’s vlog - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFBmiXt7VbY&t=42s
You rubbed your eyes as you looked at the time on your phone.
Who the hell was texting you at 4 in the morning?
You opened your text messages and saw that you had a text from Zoe.
'Come get your boyfriend. He's third wheeling Zalfie!'
You frowned and sent a quick text back.
'He's not my boyfriend, Zo. But I'll be there in a min.'
You slowly got up from the bed that you shared with Joe, your best friend. You both didn't mind sharing. You always did so it wasn't weird or awkward.
You slipped your shoes on, and grabbed your phone and key card and left the room.
You made your way to Zalfies floor and to their room. You knocked on the door and waited patiently.
"Oh, that must be room service," Alfie said from inside the room. "I'll go get that." He jumped up from bed and ran down the stairs. He opened the door and saw you there. "Oh, hey, Y/N!" Alfie exclaimed and hugged you.
"Hey, Alfie," you said, pulling away from him. Alfie moved to the side and you walked into the hotel room. "Zoe said that Joe was third wheeling and I had to come get him," you explained, chuckling lightly.
Alfie laughed and said, "I wouldn't say he's third wheeling."
I raised an eyebrow at him to say 'really?'
"Okay, maybe he is third wheeling a bit."
"Well, I'm here now to take him off your hands," you said, laughing. Alfie started going upstairs and you followed behind him.
"Joe!" Alfie sang. "You've got a visiter!" Alfie jumped back into bed while you stood near the end of the bed.
"Hi, Y/N!" Zoe exclaimed from her position in the bed. You smiled at her and Joe turned around from where he was stood near Zoe's side of the bed.
"Y/N!" Joe shouted and ran-more like stumbled-to hug you.
"Joe, be quiet! It's nearly 5 in the morning!" You scowled and lightly sat him down on the bed. He laid down on the bed, his head in between Zoe and Alfie's legs.
"You should've been there, Y/N," Alfie started, laughing. "Joe was off his nut at the party. It was pretty funny. Except for that one part where he bumped into the waiter and made him drop the dishes."
You gasped and covered your mouth with your hand. "I knew I shouldn't have left. Joe can never be on his own when drunk." You saw Joe slowly get up and make his way to lie down next to his sister. Alfie had his camera out as he filmed Joe talk about a date he went on.
"I went on a double date to Winter Wonderland," Joe started. You frowned as you listened to the conversation.
"No you didn't. With who?" Alfie asked.
"I can't say, of course. I'm being filmed."
"Wait, but with who?"
"Two girls."
"Just you and two girls?" Alfie questioned. Joe nodded. A weird feeling came into your stomach as you heard that.
Joe and two girls? You thought to yourself. You knew it shouldn't have bothered you much but it did. Maybe it had to do with the fact that you were madly in love with him and have been for the past 16 years.
You lightly shook your head rid of the thought and looked back at the trio. You saw that they were all looking at you.
"Why'd you shake your head, Y/N?" Alfie asked you. His camera was facing you.
"Err...no reason. I was just thinking," you quickly replied. Before anyone could question you anymore, you said, "right, well I think it's time for me and Joe to go now. Come on, Joe." You went over to Joe and lightly tugged him to stand up. He got up but suddenly fell into you. You quickly balanced yourself and him as he leaned into you. You made him throw his arm over your shoulder so that you could help him to your room. You slid your arm around his waist as you went over to the stairs.
"Bye, Y/N. Bye, Broseph," Zoe said. "Don't get up to anything naughty!" She winked and you rolled your eyes.
"Shut up, Zoe," you scowled and helped Joe down the stairs. "We'll see you guys in the morning. Goodnight!" You said as you got to the bottom of the stairs.
"Thank you for helping me, Y/N," Joe exclaimed, grinning. "I don't know where I'd be without my beautiful best friend!" Your stomach flipped when he called you beautiful but all feelings subsided when he called you his best friend.
Best friend, you thought. That's all I'll ever be to you, Joseph Sugg.
You made your way to the elevator with Joe stuck to your hip. You pressed the button to your floor as you waited. Joe's head slowly started dropping and you quickly shook him.
"Joe, we're nearly to our room. Stay awake a little while longer, will ya?" You uttered as the door to the elevator opened. You pulled Joe inside and made him lean against the wall for support. You let go of him and pressed the button to your floor. You stood next to him as the elevator chugged to a start.
"You're looking hot in that outfit, Y/N," you heard Joe say from beside you. You could tell he had a cheeky smirk on his face. You blushed as you remembered what you were wearing.
It was a white crop top with a pair of sports shorts. There wasn't anything 'hot' about it; it's literally just what you wear to bed.
"Erm, thank you?" You replied, nervously. Joe laughed, deeply and you just blushed even more and looked away.
After a few seconds of a calm, yet awkward, silence, you heard Joe shuffling. From the corner of your eye, you could see Joe reposition himself. He pushed his weight off the wall so that he was standing alone.
"Joe, are you sure you'll be okay standing alone?" You asked him. He ignored you and suddenly pushed the 'Emergency Stop' button. The elevator halted and you spun around quickly to face Joe. "What the fuck, Joe? What do you think you're doing?" You half-shouted at him. He still didn't answer you. Instead, he turned to face you.
He had a look in his eye that you couldn't decipher. You've never really seen that look before. It was scary, somewhat.
"Joe," you started off, "are yo-" he grabbed your waist and pushed you against the elevator wall. Your breath hitched in your throat as your brain tried to wrap around what was happening. His face was millimeters away from yours. His eyes looked in between your eyes and your lips. "Joe, what are you do-" he never let you finish your sentence. His lips smashed into yours and you froze.
A few seconds went by and you realised what was happening. You don't know how it happened, but you somehow found yourself kissing him back. His hands stayed put on your waist while yours managed to find themselves tangled in his hair. Joe bit your lower lip, as if asking for permission to enter, and you opened your mouth slightly. You both fought for dominance but in the end, Joe won.
After that heated make out session, you both pulled away from each other, but still in each other's arms.
"Joe, you're drunk, you don't know what you're doing," you quickly said and slid out of his arms. You turned around so your back was to him.
"I'm not drunk pshh," he said and you could tell he was swaying in his steps. "And I do know what I'm doing, I'm kissing the girl I love."
Your heart started to beat really fast when he said that. But you shook it off as just Joe saying things because he's drunk.
The elevator started up again and next thing you knew, you were on your floor.
"Well, come on, we're here," you said and pulled Joe out of the lift and to your room. You pushed him in, lightly, and he stumbled a bit but soon regained his composure. He went over to the bed and flopped down on one side. You went over to the other side and laid down as well. You shifted so that you were facing away from him and turned the lights off so the room was dark.
"Night, Y/N," Joe uttered, softly, from his side.
"Goodnight, Joe," you replied back. It was silent for the next few minutes so you thought Joe had passed out. You decided to try sleep again. But you couldn't.
After another minute, you felt Joe shift behind you and next thing you knew, his arm was wrapped around your waist and his face was nuzzled into your hair.
You didn't mind.
Something did catch you off guard though. It's what Joe said next,
"I do really love you, Y/N, more than a friend." He kissed your head.
You heart stopped beating at that and you didn't reply. You pretended you were asleep.
Joe obviously doesn't mean it, he's drunk, you thought.
Or does he?
It was 11:32am and you were awoken to the sound of banging on your hotel room door.
You groaned and slid out of bed and answered the door. "What?" You said, grumpily.
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," Marcus said as him, Alfie, Jim and Jim's brother, John, walked into your room. They all took a seat on the couch.
"Yeah, sure, just come in, why don't ya?" You replied, shooting daggers at them.
"We came to wake you and Joe up as lunch is being served in less than half an hour. We would've woken you up at breakfast but we didn't know what you were doing," Jim said, adding a wink to the end of his sentence. You fake laughed and flipped him the finger. He chuckled.
"Shut up, nothing happened," you voiced and sat on the edge of the bed.
They ignored you and Alfie asked, "is he still asleep?" You nodded. The boys looked at each other and grinned. You raised your eyebrows, unaware of their plan. "I'd move out of the way, Y/N," Alfie said. You quickly jump up from the bed and moved aside.
All the boys jumped up from their seats on the couch and ran to the bed. One by one they all belly flopped on Joe, piling on top of him. From beneath the pile, you could hear Joe groaning.
You laughed from the sidelines and watched as Joe tried pushing all of them off of him. He was losing by far.
Soon enough, they all got off of him. "There we go, now he's awake," Marcus said with a smile. "We'll leave you to it." And then they all walked out of our room like nothing happened.
"That was probably one of the best things I've seen this whole trip," you voiced with a laugh. Joe grunted from his position on the bed; he was laying on his stomach, sprawled out. You went over and laid down next to him on your back. You pushed his hair away from his eyes and said, "it's okay, love, a nice shower will help you."
Suddenly, everything from last night came back to you. You were about to get up but Joe grabbed your wrist and said, "can we just lay here for a bit? We can be late to lunch." You chuckled and nodded. You laid back down but this time you laid down on your side so you could face Joe.
It was silent, just consisted of you and Joe looking into each other's eyes. It wasn't awkward but you broke the silence by asking, "do you remember anything from last night?"
"Yeah," was Joe's simple reply.
"Oh. What do you remember?"
"A lot of things. Some things I regret," he started saying. Your heart broke. Did he regret the elevator incident? Or did he regret admitting he loved you? "Some things I don't regret," he finished saying. He lifted one hand and stroked your cheek. You closed your eye and nuzzled your face into his hand.
"What don't you regret?" You asked and opened your eyes to look at him.
"Well, I don't regret getting so drunk that you had to come get me from Zalfie's room. I don't regret what happened in the elevator...and I don't regret my confession," he stated with a soft smile on his gorgeous face. "I really do love you, Y/N, more than a friend. Heck, I'm in love with you!"
You closed the gap in between you by capturing his lips with yours. It didn't take him long to respond and soon he pulled you over him so that you were straddling him. You pulled away from the kiss and ran your hands down his chest.
"I'm in love with you too, Joseph," you replied with a grin. You leaned back in and kissed him. His hands slid from your back down your sides to your thighs.
"You need to wear this outfit more often," he mumbled into your lips. You smiled and you could feel him smile into the kiss as well.
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joeesuggimagine · 8 years
Disaster - Joe Sugg fanfic
Disaster [Joe Sugg fanfic] - Chapter Six (on Wattpad)
Just uploaded! I hope you like it!
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joeesuggimagine · 8 years
part 5 for disaster pleaseeee. It is soo good!!!!!!
Posted! Enjoy!
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