An amendment to the Family Medical Leave Act for trans persons going through medical transition.
Hello again, 
I was away from social media for a bit to refresh myself. I am back and still trying to get more support for my vision - an amendment to FMLA that will award the same grace to transfolx that pregnant folx receive. If we work the neccessary hours, it should not matter what our FMLA is used for (within reason and qualifying criteria). Eligible employees should be able to get FMLA for the hard struggles they face during the first stages of second puberty.
First puberty was hell, but no one ever remembers that. Second puberty is hell on earth, but more so when you’re having to work for 8+ hrs a day on top of that. It doesn’t matter the physical demands of the job, what matters is the toll on the body as you go through those stages over again and the inability to get a grace period while you go through those changes. 
Please help me get my vision through to the US Department of Labor for consideration as an amendment to the current Family Medical Leave Act.
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me at any given time: can we just buckle down and focus on the task at hand please???
my brain:
my brain: ……….ranibow sprimkle……………
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Puberty Pardon - Time Off for Transfolx for Surgery and 2nd Puberty
It has come to my attention that I have not been utilizing all of my reach on social media platforms. I will now be doing daily shares here as well.
I am a trans man. I am twenty eight years old. I began HRT (testosterone injections) on January 27th of 2022 at the age of twenty seven.
HRT is not an overnight fix. It is a life long commitment. It isn't something you do for a couple of days, months, or years and just stop. Unless, you find you've reached a point in your life in which you are comfortable with doing that. Typically, you do not just stop doing HRT.
Changes take time. Just like first puberty. You will not wake up the day after your first dose with the voice, face shape, fat redistribution, etc that you have always wanted.
Puberty is different for everyone. Just like first puberty.
You may see those changes quicker than others. You may not.
For example:
1/28/22 -- I experienced a spike in my previously near dead libido. I used to only be able to get off if the conditions were right and I hardly ever had the urge, but that all changed on this day. The day after my first dose. I suddenly had THE URGE. It was unnerving and unsettling and all kinds of weird, but also, nice in a way.
But that's not always how it goes.
Some people may not even experience a spike at all in their libido. It doesn't mean that it isn't working or you're broken. Some people just don't have much of one to begin with. That's alright. We support our ace bretheren in this household just as much as we support everyone else.
As glorious as those effects may be that you're so excited to get and have, there is a less glorious side to it all. Like with pregnancy. It doesn't mean it isn't worth it. It just means there's ugly parts that people don't like talking about.
I experienced night terrors as well as hypersomnia and insomnia. All at the same time. I was working. I couldn't function well. My concentration dipped out, my numbers dropped, my manager and trainer had damn near weekly talks with me about what they could do to help.
They didn't understand that it wasn't about work. It was about sleep and the quality of it.
If I was able to sleep at night, it was interrupted horribly by night terrors or nightmares. If I slept during the day, it was the same interrupted sleep that left me feeling angry at the world when I woke up.
I was a zombie. A horribly moody zombie with a cracking voice who couldn't do anything to help himself aside from taking time off of work to try to catch up on elusive sleep.
I tried taking melatonin, sleep aides over the counter, lunesta, and some other prescribed drugs. Nothing helped.
I just had to ride out the phases.
Jobs don't understand that. Employers don't get it. They never will. I worked for a unionized EOE. I told them on 1/30/2022 that I had begun my medical transition. They didn't understand in February or March.
I needed time. Grace. To get through the first stages of puberty again.
Everyone forgets what it's like to go through puberty. It was so long ago for everyone. They forget that teenagers have a right to be so gripey and moody. Teenagers need more sleep, but schools don't accommodate that and they should. People going through puberty need more sleep.
No one accommodates that as they should.
This is what Puberty Pardon is for.
Puberty Pardon is there to allow you the time you need to adjust during puberty. Through the night terrors, nightmares, hypersomnia, insomnia, migraines, etc. You should be allowed time off just like a pregnant person who is experiencing changes due to hormones. They get covered under The Family Medical Leave Act, why not us?
Not only that, but trans folx should be able to feel secure in their jobs if they choose to have a surgery done. Yes, we should also build up time for the surgery and recovery times, but we should also have some grace the same as pregnant people do with their time off.
That's what Puberty Pardon is about. Please sign, share, and support so that we can get this petition off the ground and start getting the attention of those who we need to send this off to.
Thank you for your support.
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My precious kitty, Opal. Passed away this morning rather suddenly. I'm having issues covering the expenses for her cremation. Any little donation can help.
My cashtag is Mikeyjayfish if anyone can help or just share it.
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Join my group roleplay! Several spots open!
This is a forum based roleplay revolving around a family (The Greys) and how they continue to function after the deaths of their parents. Anything that can happen in a soap opera can happen here.
We're open to anyone willing to join and wanting to play. This includes those who are under the age of eighteen (there is a separate area for NSFW stuff).
Please join, we are open!!!
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Souichiro: ...how's Light?
L: Oh, he’s doing well. He’s been staying out of trouble lately—
Light, [running into the room]: If anyone asks, I'm dead. [runs back out again]
L: ...I take it back. will you excuse me for a second?
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L: I need anyone with a pulse and a brain to pitch in.
Matsuda, poking his head through the door: Ryuzaki, do you need help with anything?
L: No, we're good, thanks. In fact, you can head home early.
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Light: Bye L! Bye Misa! Bye Matsuda! Bye Aizawa! Bye L! Misa: You said ‘bye L’ twice. Light: I like L.
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And they’ll rewrite our love story over and over again.
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a shit ton of angsty prompts
kissing your lover’s forehead as they’re dying in your arms
being forced to watch the love of your life move on with someone else, you’ve gathered enough courage to tell them you want to be with them, only to catch them holding hands with someone else 
our family won’t approve of our relationship but we have to stick together, until one day you question if the relationship is even worth all this secrecy and i can’t believe that you’d doubt us even for a second
i’m finally ready to be with you, but you’ve finally moved on from me, and i’m too late
we can’t be together but let’s make the most of the night before we have to go our separate ways, maybe watch the stars as we talk about how we would have gotten married, how many kids we would have had, if the odds had been in our favor
coming home to find your lover cheating on you, throwing all their things out the window and cursing them out of your life, wondering how they could do this to you ‘’you can’t claim to love someone, and then go and do what you just did.’’ 
being forced to kill your lover, because only one of you are going to survive, and your lover insists they couldn’t live in this life without you ‘’just promise me you’ll be happy. promise me you will be.’’ 
it’s been months since we broke up and i just found one of your old sweatshirts in my wardrobe and it’s making me miss you 
we haven’t seen each other in years but reunite at a mutual friend’s wedding, things ended badly between us and we both know it’s better to avoid each other but of course we’re seated at the same table, opposite each other 
we’re broken up, you’re over at my house to pick some of your stuff up, and neither of us know how to act, so i just let you inside, you grab your things, and leave as quickly as you came
you’re over at my house to pick some of your stuff up, and as you load the last of your things into your car, you head back to my front door to say goodbye, and somehow… we wind up in bed 
being forced to kill your lover, but you can’t do it, so they take your hand, and help you press the knife into their chest, while the antagonist watches your every move, making sure neither of you try to run 
having to watch your lover die, as you’re restrained by the antagonist, unable to fight your way out of their grip, yet your eyes are glued on your lover’s 
having to say goodbye to your lover, who’s moving across the world, kissing them goodbye one last time before they board the plane. during your last kiss, your lover says they didn’t think you would make it to the airport but ‘’i couldn’t let you leave without saying goodbye.’’ 
two character’s dying together, laying outside in the cold, rain, holding hands 
a love triangle in which, lover #2 recognizes how toxic lover #1 is for the main character ‘’one of you will end up killing the other. whether that’s physically or emotionally, one of you will end up killing the other. there’s no dimension in this world where the two of you end up happy.’’
accidentally catching your ex or the person you’re in love with getting frisky with someone else, and having to pretend like it doesn’t bother you
going to your lover’s house to apologize for something you did, but instead of being let in, you get the door slammed in your face ‘‘why are you here?’‘ ‘‘i’m here because i love you, and because i want to make things right.’‘ ‘‘well, i don’t want you here, so go away.’‘
one character, with trust issues, gets drunk one night and spills how insecure they are in the relationship ‘’you don’t. you don’t love me. you only love me when it’s beneficial.’’ or the partner is caught cheating and the character drops those words
your lover telling you that they don’t love you anymore, or that they’ve found someone else, and as you pack your things, you find a photo of the two of you together, from a time when you were happily in love
unrequited love, in which i just poured my heart out to you, telling you i love you and you said that you don’t feel the same way, and then you leave, and i’m standing here, not sure what to do, i can’t even cry that’s how shocked and heartbroken i am
‘‘you’re the worst thing that has ever happened to me. no, listen to me. you’ve destroyed me.’‘ 
a break up in which, one person doesn’t have any feelings for the other anymore, while the other one is still head over heels in love with them ‘’but that doesn’t mean that our love wasn’t real. doesn’t mean that you didn’t love me enough, or that you weren’t loved. you were. you’ll always be.’’ ‘’just not in the way i love you.’’ ‘’no.’’ 
promising your lover that you’ll make it home in time for your anniversary, but something comes up and you’re late, which screws up all your plans for the evening, and instead of celebrating your anniversary, your lover goes to bed, and barely utters one word to you the next morning
it’s toxic, and we’re not good for each other, and ‘’i love you so much it’s killing me.’’
begging your lover to open the door so you can talk things through ‘’i know you’re in there. [character], please, open up.’’ but as they won’t, ‘’at least let me say goodbye.’’ 
a character using their last bit of strength to kiss you goodbye, before they close their eyes for the last time 
two characters are about to kiss, but pulls away last second when one character says ‘’this isn’t right.’’ and the other replies with ‘’you wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t.’’ 
‘’you said you wouldn’t break my heart, and then that’s exactly what you did.’’ 
‘’i don’t want to listen to a single word coming out of your mouth.’’
‘‘we can’t be together. it’s too dangerous. you understand that, right?’‘
one character, who’s either been brainwashed or cursed by the antagonist into trying to kill their lover, has their lover pressed up against the wall, a knife to their throat, having tried to convince their lover to kill them instead, before they hurt them, in which their lover says ‘’go ahead. do it. if you’re telling the truth, if you’re so convinced you’ll kill me, do it.’’ and the character stares at their lover, who then says ‘’if you weren’t in control, you would have done it a long time ago.’’ and it then leads to the character slowly gaining back control, breaking the curse or whatever. alternatively, if you’re related to the devil himself, you could have the character kill their lover, and then right after they’ve killed them, they snap out of it, dropping the knife to the ground, in pure shock as they watch their lover’s dead body fall to the ground ? you guys wanted angsty prompts it’s not my fault also i’ve done this to my own character welcome to hell
i might make a part two
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a shit ton of more angsty prompts because writers are evil apparently
part one can be found here 
being told to surrender or the antagonist will kill your lover’s entire family
kissing your lover only to realize you don’t feel the same spark you used to feel, while your lover is more in love with you than ever before 
celebrating your victory of defeating the antagonist, only for your lover to be shot or struck by a blade a second later, falling helplessly to the ground as you watch the life drain from their eyes 
saving your ex-lover (who you still has feelings for) from the antagonist, bandaging them up and tending to their wounds, then you bring them home, and they rush into their new partner’s arms, relieved to be back in their arms, and their new partner thanks you for bringing them home safely
finding out over the phone that your lover is dead, standing there with the phone still in hand, close to your ear, without saying a word because you’re ridden with grief
the bakery tells you they’re out of chocolate cake (?) and it’s your lover’s birthday, so it’s a problem because chocolate’s their favorite 
calling your lover’s phone, it goes straight to voice-mail, they died three days ago but you forgot they’re not here anymore
crying at your ex’s house, the two of you realizing that you still love each other, only for your ex’s current partner to arrive in their car
having to say goodbye to your dog because you and your partner broke up and it’s rightfully theirs
you and i both know we can’t be together, but i’ll grab your hand when no one’s looking and hope we don’t get caught
kissing your lover one last time before parting ways, cherishing the last few moments of their lips against yours because you know it’s the last time you’ll ever get to kiss them
standing with your back to your lover, then turning around, uttering the words ‘’i’m sorry’’ before you fall to your knees, and the last thing you see is your lover rushing over to you, screaming your name
you want a traditional white wedding cake for your wedding, whilst your partner wants cheesecake. whatever will you do 
after your lover dies, your friend has to physically drag you away from their body, while you cry uncontrollably and kick them, screaming at your friend to let you go 
during a life-or-death situation, you reach for your lover’s hand to comfort them, only for the antagonist to snatch your hand away from them, leaving your lover to deal with panicking by themselves
your lover saying goodbye to you over the phone, you can’t kiss, you can’t hug, you can only hear their voice 
a character being forced to pick between saving their lover, or their best friend of many, many, many years
a character finding out that everything their lover has told them during their time together has been a big fat lie, when they catch them in bed with their cousin (is it even angst at this point? no but it’s evil) 
you’ve went and done something that upset your lover, and as you try to apologize, they back away, refusing to let you touch them
telling your lover that if they can’t put more effort into your relationship, they should simply walk out of the door, and they do, which you weren’t at all prepared for, because you thought they were willing to fight for you
a character saying ‘’i love you’’ to their lover as they’re dying, which makes their lover freeze for a moment, because saying i love you, means they’re accepting it. after the character is dead, their lover grabs hold of a weapon, storming towards the antagonist
asking your lover to stay the night, because you can’t bear the thought of being alone, and they know they can’t stay, so they kiss your forehead, and it hurts like hell having to leave you as you’ve got tears in your eyes
having spent the last couple of weeks away from your lover, only for them to come home to surprise you, but they only have a day before they have to leave again 
you’re in a love triangle and the love of your life has to choose between you and another person. you aren’t chosen. a couple weeks later, the love of your life shows up at your door, telling you they’ve made a colossal mistake
a character has been cursed or brainwashed into killing their love interest, and as they’re straddling their lover’s hips, tears bursting out of their eyes and with a knife pointed at their lover’s chest, they beg their lover to kill them instead, but their lover can’t bring themselves to kill them either 
you’re in a love triangle, kissing one of the men you’ve got wrapped around your finger, only for the other one to round the corner, catching you right in the act
if there’s any type of angsty prompts you think is missing from this list, please let me know and i’ll make a part three. @decseptapril asked for more death prompts so this one is more focused around that! 
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have you ever finished a test in 30 minutes and no one else was even close to being done
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all of tumblr right now trying to make sense of things
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In case you missed it:
Dabi is a Todoroki theory confirmed
Hetalia is coming back
Megamind 10 year anniversary
Destiel is canon
(Rumor) BBC Sherlock season 5
System of a Down releases first song in 15 years
Johnny Depp is fired from Fantastic Beasts
Ted Bundy RPer Twitter Artist callout post
Day 3. Still no results of who the next U.S. president will be
Nevada is still counting votes
Georgia turned blue for the first time in 30 years. (Thank you Stacey Abrams and the late John Lewis)
Pennsylvania is also flipped blue. Gritty is dancing in a protest outside the convention center.
Speaking of protests…there are protests on vote counting. Some demanding their vote be counted. Others demanding to stop counting.
Trump is suing 3 states where the ballots are not done counting yet.
The election still goes on
World News:
Scientists found a hell planet made of lava
(Rumor) Putin is resigning due to Parkinson’s disease
Bolivia President-elect was attacked with dynamite
California is still on fire
COVID-19 pandemic
My brain still processing this hot mess
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i think the person writing these headlines deserves a raise
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i love this destiel news i have zero investment in supernatural but you dont have big fandoms like this anymore. literally everyone on social media knows what youre talking about when you talk about it. this is the first time in so long ive seen the entire internet collectively lose its gourd over something that wasnt horrific tragedy and existentially horrific news. feels really good. 
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I found a meme on Facebook, decided to fix it up a little for all the struggling writers
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