I've almost finished Mamiya: A Shared Illusion of the World's End. And I've really enjoyed it - it's a very emotionally-driven story, with great characters and a fascinating (if sometimes confusing) plot.
But it has gacha mechanics for side stories that are required to fully complete the game. And you can only draw 5 a day.
Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! 😭
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Cookie Clicker has slowly been quoting Smashmouth's All Star at me, and it took longer than I would like to admit for me to catch on to that fact.
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I live for the day my husband decides he's finally given up on Xenoblade Chronicles so I can badly explain the plot to him. I will gleefully describe every twist and turn, as jarring and nonsensically as they appear in the game.
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Well, I have a new favorite achievement.
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I need to be stopped.
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My brother and I decided to start an achievement war - it's helped to get us to keep in touch more regularly, and talk and joke about what we're playing instead of isolating ourselves and suffering in silence.
But he makes the mistake of not really keeping up with what I'm playing. So while I know that he's playing Ryza, Monster Hunter Rise, and Ace Attorney, he only knows what I tell him I'm playing.
My Cookie Clicker achievements are going to destroy him.
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One of my absolute favorite video game openings is from Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom, in which the President of the United States gets isekaied by a bomb and wakes up in the world of Ni No Kuni, where his magic power is GUN.
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You thought the Bioshock pun was bad, wait till you find out about my Phantom Thieevees.
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Why does it feel like this year's so quiet for video games? I think that the only game I'm anticipating for the rest of the year is ReFantazio...Ys XNordics if it releases this year.
I mean, I guess it's a good thing. My backlog is quietly judging me.
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One of my least-appreciated jokes is that during the final boss fight in Bioshock, if you move too quickly during the chase sequence, Fontaine will get stuck in an animation, which stops him from taking damage.
Essentially, Atlas bugged.
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*Spoilers for an 8yo game!*
Oxenfree’s story isn’t terribly complex. It takes maybe 4 - 6 hours to beat, depending on how much of the collectable content you’re aiming to grab. Game play primarily consists of walking around the island, talking to your friends, and fiddling around with your pocket radio.
But DAMN does Oxenfree do well in its execution.
The aforementioned radio, as your primary means of interacting with the island, is an amazingly implemented mechanic. You can go through the entire game, only using it for its intended purpose, and it is entirely valid.
If you take the time to scroll through the radio stations in different locations - even outside of the “anomaly” areas - you’ll get little pieces of information and world building.
Music stations exist, though they only play music from the 1940’s.
Certain stations in certain places will broadcast messages in Morse code, which, coupled with the opening call signs from the anomaly stations and the freaking beats in the game’s main music track, led to an ARG back in 2016 when the game was released.
Sometimes, you’ll get clips from old interviews.
And sometimes…you’ll hear yourself. Having conversations that haven’t happened.
And that’s just the radio mechanic.
Another main gimmick of the game are time loops. You’ll occasionally get stuck in a loop, only able to escape once an old magnetic tape player appears, allowing you to break through the frequency of the loop. The time loop will visually appear on the screen as almost VHS quality static, like the world around you is physically being paused and rewound each time you make it to the edge of the loop.
The screen distorts with static, gets flipped upside down and your dialogue choices reversed, still images of nautical blueprints and old photographs flash for a brief second. In the background, seemingly innocent trees and stones will twist and distort into towering monsters, eyes glowing bright against the darkness of the island, there for only a second, leaving you to wonder if you actually saw something, or if it was just your imagination.
There are moments in the game where Alex’s reflection will speak to her, giving her advice. At the moment, the information seems…strange. Nonsensical. You tell yourself to let Jonas speak to his mom - who is dead. You tell yourself to let Michael know to stay with Clarissa - despite Michael having died years ago.
The information doesn’t make sense…until you approach the end of the game. And then you have to decide whether or not to believe your reflection, and make your choices, until at the very end of everything…after everything that you’ve experienced in your play through, everything you’ve learned…you have to tell your past self what to do. The entire time, it was you.
The game ends, your futures are set…and then, as Alex is narrating her closing statements…the audio distorts. Alex says that she has to pick up Jonas for Ren’s trip to the island. The screen gets staticky, and goes black.
And then fades in on Ren, describing the history of Edward Island.
You are on a boat.
At the beginning of the game.
And you are aware that you’ve been here before.
**Link to information on the ARG, because HOLY SHIT I WISH I COULD HAVE BEEN THERE FOR THIS!!! https://wiki.gamedetectives.net/index.php?title=Oxenfree#:~:text=The%20Morse%20code%20in%20the,to%20go%20to%20Edwards%20Island.
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I've been reading "Reality is Broken" by Jane McGonigal, and it's given me the drive to take something I enjoy doing - achievement hunting - and join a community. So I signed up for MetaGamerScore and Steam Hunters.
I'm not necessarily competing on the leader boards, but it does give me a rush of dopamine to see where I land.
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I started playing LiEat and it's very much in the same vein as Alicemare - fairy tales used as morality tales.
The visuals of lies slowly consuming people... wonderful.
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I don't know who needs to hear this today, but you have to equip the tool inside your room before you can LB + Right Stick toggle in the field.
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My video game recommendations to people tend to come in one of two flavors: farming sim, or SOUL CRUSHINGLY DEPRESSING NARRATIVE.
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I played Alicemare a few years back - it was fine for an RPG Maker game. Forgot about Miwashiba for a bit. But MAN their other two games look good! Good for them. :D
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Me: I'm going to clear out some of my backlog this year, go through some of those visual novels I've been sitting on!
Also Me:
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