junkosakura01 · 4 years
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junkosakura01 · 4 years
[MM] New Merchandise Available on Cheritz Market: New L-Shape Folders!
Hello, this is Cheritz.
We have prepared seven brand new types of L-shape folders to cheer you on during these hard times!
Don’t miss out on the chance to see the special birthday and seasonal illustrations outside your screen, in bigger-than-life sizes! :D
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< 6th Version of L-Shape Folders >
1. 2020 Valentine’s Day Title Illustration 2. 2020 Yoosung★’s Birthday Title Illustration 3. 2020 ZEN’s Birthday Title Illustration 4. 2020 Korean Children’s Day Title Illustration 5. 2020 707’s Birthday Title Illustration 6. 2020 Unknown’s Birthday Title Illustration 7. 4th Anniversary Event Title Illustration
You can check out these new L-shape folders along with various other products available for purchase on the Cheritz Market page right now!♥
Cheritz Market Link : http://en-shop.cheritz.com
We wish you good health and happiness!
Best, Cheritz
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junkosakura01 · 4 years
Hello, I'm currently working on a fan blog for the app game "Cardcaptor Sakura: Happiness Memories" and I hope to finish it before the servers will be officially shut down on June 30, 2020.
I don't see much topics about this game since its release date, and I'd like to make something to show that it was still appreciated by some fans and players like me.
I'm looking for people who would like to help me make this blog. For those interested please send me a message here or on Twitter (@ junkosakura01 ), I'm mostly active there. I'm also trying to learn how to manage an additional Tumblr blog, so I've yet to know how to add contributors.
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junkosakura01 · 4 years
The Youngest and His Moving Ahoge
* Fanfic based on a fanart by Sgrimp on Twitter.
* I couldn’t think of a better title; If you know one, please feel free to tell me. ^^
* Default name “Yuki” and gender-neutral pronouns are used.
Satan’s brothers thought he was having regrets about the pact with Yuki, but what caught their attention the most was something they didn’t know about him.
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Sometime after Satan’s pact with Yuki, he had locked himself in his room and only comes out to eat. He also doesn’t answer their questions and soon they just assumed it’s his usual thing. Though one day, he was holed up in the library.
“You know, is it me or Satan’s kinda being Levi right now?” Mammon asked while busily browsing Akuzon. Everyone else but Lucifer, Yuki, and Satan is in the common room right now.
“You can’t compare Levi’s nerdy lifestyle to that, Mammon” Asmodeus replied. “But it is a little concerning. Maybe he might have some feelings of regret for making a pact with Yuki. I think.”
“Speakin’ of which, where is Yuki?”
“Yuki’s in their bedroom since this morning. I don’t really care what they do in there.” Leviathan said, he’s playing a game and his eyes were glued to his D.D.D.
“Oh I know!  Big brother Mammon will check up on Satan!”
“Mammon, did you hear yourself just now?” Asmodeus retorted.
“Hey, I’m still your big bro!” Mammon grimaced. “And if you’re thinkin’ I have some ulterior motive, I ain’t got one!”
“Creepy,” Leviathan said. “Ahh… Great you just made me lose focus.”
“We’re all going to check up on Satan, let’s go!” Asmodeus marched towards the door. “That means you too, Levi.”
“Ehh… Pass.”
“Beel? Belphie?” Asmodeus turned his attention to them.
“I’m staying here with Belphie, Asmo. Look how peaceful he’s sleeping on my lap right now.”
“Sooner or later you’re gonna get hungry and wake him up just to grab a bite, Beel,” Mammon replied.
“Mm… We’re coming too then…” Belphegor said as he slowly lifted himself up Beelzebub’s lap with a yawn.
The five brothers went to Satan’s room, but he wasn’t inside, so they went to the library next. There, Satan has a pile of books at his sides with peculiar titles. They haven’t noticed yet, but Satan’s ahoge was moving like a metronome. He hasn’t noticed them entering until Mammon picked up a nearest book from Satan.
“Let’s see what our brother’s been reading… “An Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Humans“? What the heck is this…?”
“This one looks interesting… “69 Ways to Seduce Humans”. Wow, I think I’d like to read this one,” said Asmodeus with an intrigued look on his face.
Leviathan peered in on the cover of the book Satan was holding, “101 Ways to Romance a Human.”
“Gaah…!? What are you all doing here!? Ah—ouch…!” Satan was so surprised that he fell off his chair.
Asmodeus’ lips curled into a mischievous grin, “Oh~? What’s our little baby brother doing trying to read guides to interacting with humans? Let big brother Asmo teach you the art of seduction!”
“Uh, he’s supposed to be the 4th brother,” said Belphegor.
“But if not for our powers, we’re actually the older ones. So, I’m the big brother!” Asmodeus said proudly.
“Hm… Good point,” Belphegor replied.
“All of you…” Satan sighed as he stood up, “You’re all disturbing me.”
“Now don’t be shy! I’m in a good mood today,” Asmodeus insisted, and he had already grasped Satan’s face to nudge him cheek-to-cheek.
“This is getting embarrassing…” said Satan and for some reason his ahoge was waving side-to-side.
Mammon was the first to notice, “Hahaha! What’s Satan’s hair doing!? It’s wagging like a dog’s tail!”
“LMAO This is a discovery!” Leviathan pulled out his D.D.D. to record.
"He's more like a cat though. Ooh, maybe we can think of it as his cat ears!" said Asmodeus while playing with Satan's side hair.
“Cut it out, Asmo…or you’re going to get it…”
“Aww, is our Satan shy? Was my love that pleasant?”
“Stop it…” This time, Satan’s ahoge was drooping.
“This is gold! Who knew we can tell what Satan feels just by looking at his ahoge!” Leviathan was too busy enjoying the fun, “Quick, someone call Yuki over here!”
Speak of the devil, Yuki and Lucifer had just arrived. They were from different places and saw that everyone else was gathered in the library.
“What’s all this commotion about?” Lucifer said with furrowed eyebrows. “I could hear your loud voices from the entrance hall.”
“Ack! Lucifer’s back!” Mammon shrieked. “Wait! You gotta check this out! Satan’s hair is moving on its own!”
“Like an anime character!” Leviathan grinned.
“…I suppose that’s surprising to know,” said Lucifer.
“That’s so cute!” Yuki said with sparkling eyes.
The moment Satan saw Yuki with their excited eyes, his ahoge curled into a heart shape. Satan realized it and quickly covered his head with his hands.  He thought no one would notice this unique trait of his so he wasn’t sensitive about it until now.
“Looks like we don’t have to worry about Satan feeling regret about his pact with Yuki,” Asmodeus said.
“Huh!? You thought I was disappointed or something!?” Satan grimaced.
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junkosakura01 · 4 years
A Gift for Lucifer (bonus)
* Bonus story for “A Gift for Lucifer”.
* Once again, please excuse my biases. ( ; w ; ) This MC is a sleepy & quiet person like me, but I'll also leave it up to the reader's imagination why this one was so tired the next day. XD
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The next morning, everyone is at the dining table eating breakfast. They all thought Lucifer was glowing because he looks so relaxed right now. Junko, on the other hand, was nodding off even when eating her meal.
“Junko, are you okay?” Belphegor asked and stopped her from falling asleep on the table.
“Hey, Junko, wake up! That’s bad manners!” Mammon said as he stood up from his seat to poke Junko who is sitting across him. “Belphie, go shake her or somethin’.”
“Did something fun happened last night~?” Asmodeus grinned at Lucifer. “You both look different today, but something tells me it’s related to each other.”
“I just had a good night’s sleep,” Lucifer replied, and continued to eat while hoping Asmodeus shuts up.
“Is that so?” Asmodeus grinned some more with his flirty eyes. “Well last night I came back from the kitchen to drink a glass of water. When I passed by outside your room, I heard you moaning. I happened to hear Junko inside too and she was asking if it was too painful for you.”
“Pfft..!! Wait… WHAT!?” Mammon choked on his meal.
“Oh sweet scandal!” Leviathan whistled.
“Lewd…” Satan and Belphegor said in unison. Beelzebub was busy eating his fill so he didn’t say anything even though he was also shocked.
“Did you and Lucifer do somethin’ last night…!?” But Junko remained silent even though she was eating.
“Whatever Asmo had heard, it was probably me having a nightmare,” said Lucifer as he grimaced to try hiding his embarrassment.
“Really? I doubt it because of your refreshed look right now. Hehe… I wish I could’ve recorded those sexy moans of yours. It was leaking out even through your closed door.” Asmodeus was in high spirits that he continued teasing Lucifer, “Junko has a softer voice so I don’t know what else might’ve happened, but she’s in a daze today. I’ve been observing her for a while now so I’m sure.”
“So, you’re saying Junko right now is in cloud nine despite looking so tired?” Satan said.
“Yes~ So last night, I bet it’s actually them having—“
Lucifer sighed, “Not another word, Asmodeus…”
-Bonus End-
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junkosakura01 · 4 years
A Gift for Lucifer
Updated fic in my AO3 account: junkosakura01
* Fanfic based on Lucifer’s 2020 birthday event + one major spoiler.
* Junko is my “Obey Me!” in-game name & [ideal] persona here. IRL I can do simple massages like in this fanfic (and no, I can’t make one moan like this one, lol). Please also excuse my biases here.
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Before the surprise party plan for Lucifer was set into motion, and Junko was almost seen through by the man himself, Asmodeus had given Junko some extra tips to win over the birthday boy.
“As much as I appreciate your help, Asmo, but I still don’t know what to give him…” Junko’s stoic face remains the same, yet her tone of voice felt sad.
She has been with them for a long while now, and a lot has already happened—reconciling the brothers with each other and even learning about her ancestor.
“Want me to help set up a romantic mood when you both get back?” Asmodeus smiled but there was a hint of slyness in his tone.
Ever since after they learned Junko is Lilith’s descendant, Asmodeus was always the one who notices her being nervous sometimes when she’s with Lucifer.
“Thanks, Asmo, but I think I can find one during our da—I mean, the plan tomorrow.”
“Hmm~ If you say so, Junko~” He grinned at her, and for hearing her almost a say a certain word.
The next day, Junko and Lucifer were out on their date, with Mammon and Leviathan in tow hiding from them. Unfortunately, those two were eventually found out by Lucifer and sent them home, but Junko played dumb so the party won’t be ruined.
“I’ll trust you for now. Come, let’s continue.”
“Yes, Lucifer. Let’s go shopping over there.”
Moving on, they also went to a shop for a bit and bought matching necklaces for each other. Their date ended when Junko’s phone alarm rang, signaling party time. They soon returned home, and Lucifer was greeted with smiles and cheers. Diavolo laughed at him because he was right when he expected Lucifer to forget his own birthday.
“Ah yes, today is my birthday,” Lucifer grimaced. His embarrassment surprised them but he immediately reverted to his usual face again.
“We all prepared this for you.” Junko said as she gently tugged on Lucifer’s sleeve.
“Is that so? I’m glad it didn’t turn into a disaster,” Lucifer retorted.
“My livestream was a disaster though…” said Leviathan as he gently caressed his camera. “Those juicy moments between them was—“
“Ooh! Yeah, I was enjoying that!” Asmodeus frowned. “Gosh, Lucifer, you should’ve let him and save it as a remembrance.
“Ehh…?” Junko grimaced at them, but inside she was feeling embarrassed.
After everyone had given their messages and now eating, Junko sheepishly went near Lucifer’s face and whispered, “I… I have something to give you too, but can I go to your room later for it…?
Surprised, Lucifer’s eyes widen with his fork halfway out from his mouth. He didn’t expect her to say that. Like a confused Mammon, a lot of scenarios ran through his mind, wondering about her gift.
“Sure, I’ll be expecting you then.” Lucifer replied and ate another piece of cake. He didn’t bother to press her further.
“Ah, thank you, Lucifer!” Junko faintly smiled and caught his attention, so did Asmodeus.
”I guess she found out what to give him, eh?” Asmodeus smirked at them. He’s also the only one who noticed their matching necklaces, but he assumed that it wasn’t the one Junko planned to give as a present.
“What are you mumbling about, Asmo?” Satan asked as he grabbed his plate away from Beelzebub, who was aiming his fork on Satan’s plate.
“Oh nothing, I’m just talking to myself.”
Later that evening, after the party and everyone else were in their rooms, Junko silently went to Lucifer’s room and then knocked on the door.
“It’s me. Can I come in?”
Something clicked and made the door slightly ajar, she then went inside. On his chair, Lucifer was enjoying a glass of blood wine while reading a book.
“You’re finally here. What is it that you want to give me?”
The timid and quiet girl didn’t reply, but instead raised her hands up as if she was trying to scare or scratch him.”
“I don’t get it.” He bluntly said. His eyebrows slightly furrowed and he was starting to feel annoyed.
“I’m confident in giving massages… We already got matching necklaces, but this is something I wanted to give you. Plus, if I told you earlier, they might hear it and get misunderstood.”
“Alright, I forgive you,” he smiled at her, “But you were a little misleading earlier too. You had a different expression on your face while telling me. Asmo was also giving us a strange look as well.”
“Ah… Haha…” She laughed softly from being embarrassed.
The proud eldest demon brother sighed but with a relaxed look on his face. Putting down his wine glass and book, he then sat on his bed. A pat on it signaled her to follow.
“Sorry, but I need you to take your clothes off. Back massages are best without it.”
“You’re pretty bold and assertive right now,” he chuckled. “I’d rather not, but if you say so.”
Slowly he started undressing—making her flinch after every top layer was removed. He’s unaware of her current expression right now.
Being weak to good-looking people, specifically handsome men, Junko can’t help but fawn over his revealed body and reflexively hides her face in embarrassment. It’s also the first time Lucifer had shown some skin to anyone other than Diavolo when they went to the beach together.
“Hehe… What, was it just an act? I thought you were going to give me a massage.”
“Ugh… That grin…!” She thought, and had a pained yet satisfied look on her face. “A-Ahem…! Now lie face down.”
He did as he was told and she nervously positioned herself near him while on his bed, “É-Excuse me…” She softly said.
After stretching her arms and hands to warm up, she started massaging him from his head, then to his shoulders, to halfway down his back. At first she had trouble with how stiff Lucifer’s back is, but as it went on, she was also trying to calm herself after hearing him moan and groan from the massage.
“Ah…! That spot… Mm…”
“Yeah, this lump is a sore spot. I bet there’s a lot more; I’ll beat those up too.”
“Go easy on me…”
“This is already my normal massaging strength. You must be so tired, Lucifer,” she said and then pressed him harder with her palms, “I know you’re doing a lot, but I never expected your back to be this stiff! You should really learn to take a break sometimes.”
“Hngh…!” he huffed and tried to suppress it, but he was also enjoying the pain melting away. “Haah…ha…”
“If it’s getting painful, tell me, okay?”
“Just carry on… Ah! I’m not just used to this… Gaah…”
“Please stop being like that…you’re going to give me a heart attack…” She thought again. She felt her cheeks slightly warm and her blank expression was starting to break from seeing glimpses of Lucifer’s sexy yet pained look, also while he’s trying to bury his face on his pillow.
“Lucifer… Really, please tell me if it’s hurting you now…” her tone was starting to crack as well and having a huge urge to laugh at him too. Right now, she’s the only one seeing him in this vulnerable state giving into a good back massage, and she can’t help but feel happy about it too.
“No…continue if you’re still not finished yet… Augh…” he replied weakly, but now his face was completely buried on his pillow. Junko finally chuckled a bit and switched to a gentler pressing since his muscles became tender.
After several kneading and down to his lower back, which made Lucifer yelp a bit from the pain, she asked him to sit up next so she could move on to his arms. She sat next to him, and with her small, feminine hands, Lucifer was surprised that was exerting a decent amount of force in massaging him from the start. The tension in Lucifer’s arms seems to have faded away too when his expression relaxed some more.
“When did you learn how to do this?”
“My mother always asked me for one whenever she needed it. I learned when I was young.”
“I see. This has been very comforting, thank you, Junko. My body feels lighter now.”
“Good. You’re welcome. “She nodded and continued massaging his hands as it she was playing with it.
Strong, big hands…it was definitely different from hers and Asmodeus’, who has a beautiful body and was the first to experience her skill. Lucifer’s hands were often covered in gloves so this is also the first time she sees the red nail polish on his fingernails.
“What’s wrong?”
Junko shook her head, “Nothing. It’s…just that your hands are bigger than mine.”
“Of course it is,” Lucifer chuckled and patted her head.
“Okay, we’re done now. How do you feel? I’m sure you’ll be able to sleep well tonight.”
“Indeed. I’ll return the favor someday and when you need it too. Or do you want me to massage you too right now while you’re still here?”
Her eyes widen and could feel him teasing her. “E-Ehhh…!?”
”Kidding. You’ve finally given me a different expression again.  You’re going to end up grumpy like Satan if you keep that stoic face on,” he smirked at her, but he was actually trying to contain his laughter.
“Geez…” she sighed in disappointment. “It’s not a favor, but if you say so… Thanks, I’ll look forward to what you’ll come up with.” Junko replied, with her head down in embarrassment, but she was smiling.
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junkosakura01 · 5 years
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"Cardcaptor Sakura: Happiness Memories" app game was released last October 3, 2019, and I had started the following day after coming home from night shift. My friend code, by the way: 17B16X It's been a while since I last touch my Tumblr account, but for now I'm still in indefinite hiatus due to work & real life problems. I plan to make a quick & easy guide for this game both for myself and others once I have more free time. So far I've made it into Rank 7 as of this post, and the missions are fairly easy (it also directs you to the requirement/s even if you don't know Japanese).
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junkosakura01 · 7 years
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junkosakura01 · 7 years
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junkosakura01 · 7 years
Several Shades of S - Characters
Main | Routes | Characters | Album | Events | Others
Disclaimer: All listed info below are from the game's character profiles.
There’s no info on Shizuka here; I wasn’t able to play his route, because I’ve already uninstalled it a few days before the English route was released.
Chiaki Kira (V.A. Satoshi Hino)
"There is no such thing as a woman who hasn't fallen for me."
Chiaki refuses to accept any opposition when making you his personal concierge. However there seems to be some sort of justifiable reason for his actions...? Get to know more about his secret side he keeps hidden from the world...
Toma Kira (V.A. Kosuke Toriumi)
"Shall I give you the lesson you deserve?"
Toma is very strict not only with himself but those around him. As his concierge, a certain level of improvement must be achieved in order to find out what kind of rewards await...
Minami Kira (V.A. Toshiyuki Toyonaga)
"You're my toy to use as I please, right?"
Minami will tease anyone and everyone, but you're the lucky girl who gets to become his personal "toy." After you come to know the man under the mask, you learn just how much he can change...
Mei Tarantino (V.A. Yusuke Shirai)
"Whatever you do, just stay out of my way."
Mei is a world renowned pianist with a serious attitude problem which would lead anyone believe he's much older than the reality, which is younger, cuter, and more talented than you. However even a perfect rich man has his worries...
Rei Shindo (V.A. Yuki Ono)
"Be sure to keep this our little secret."
Rei is the perfect gentleman. Party of one, ally to none, he never dates in order to keep the playing field fair for all. However, we all know ever perfect man has a hidden secret...
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junkosakura01 · 7 years
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Main | Idols | Cards | Stories | Events
Images used are screenshots by me.
Cards are according to Album number: (1-11) (12-22) (23-33) (34-44) (45-55) (56-66) (67-77) (78-88) (89-99)
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junkosakura01 · 7 years
Shining Live
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Images used are screenshots by me.
Cards are according to Album number: (1-11) (12-22) (23-33) (34-44) (45-55) (56-66) (67-77) (78-88) (89-99)
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junkosakura01 · 7 years
Dancing with Stars
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Images used are screenshots by me.
Cards are according to Album number: (1-11) (12-22) (23-33) (34-44) (45-55) (56-66) (67-77) (78-88) (89-99)
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junkosakura01 · 7 years
Listen to MUSIC ♪
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Main | Idols | Cards | Stories | Events
Images used are screenshots by me.
Cards are according to Album number:
(1-11) (12-22) (23-33) (34-44) (45-55) (56-66) (67-77) (78-88) (89-99)
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junkosakura01 · 7 years
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Main | Idols | Cards | Stories | Events
Images used are screenshots by me.
Cards are according to Album number:
(1-11) (12-22) (23-33) (34-44) (45-55) (56-66) (67-77) (78-88) (89-99)
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junkosakura01 · 7 years
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Main | Idols | Cards | Stories | Events
Images used are my personal screenshots.
Cards are according to Album number: (1-11) (12-22) (23-33) (34-44) (45-55) (56-66) (67-77) (78-88) (89-99)
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junkosakura01 · 7 years
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Main | Idols | Cards | Stories | Events
Images used are screenshots by me.
Cards are according to Album number:
(1-11) (12-22) (23-33) (34-44) (45-55) (56-66) (67-77) (78-88) (89-99)
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