Oh wowie, I've gotta WIP
"That should have killed you," I said, pointing the gun at his head. He smirked.
"Darlin', in case you didn’t notice, I'm already dead." Shoot. Well, that explains why he was trying to kill me.
"God damn, go back to Hell and leave me alone." I'm getting so sick of demons. All they want is to drag a soul or two back to Hell with them for their own amusement. Well, I was not going to be some demon's whore. No way.
"Aw, you're no fun. And anyway, I'm not about to leave the mortal world empty handed. And I've got my heart set on one thing darlin'. You." I rolled my eyes.
"You're disgusting, you know that? And you're just going to have to find someone else." He laughed.
"And why is that?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Because I have no intention of going to Hell anytime soon." He burst out laughing. What. The. Fuck. Why didn't anyone ever take me seriously?! "What’s so funny?!" His laughter died down.
"Watch your language darlin'. No one finds a cussing girl attractive. And I don’t just want to drag you to Hell for no reason." I was kinda surprised. I lowered my gun.
"Then...what do you want?" Oh Lord, I was slowly losing my composure. But...he's not like all the other demons I've encountered. He's different. But it's a good different. And it doesn't help that he's quite handsome. "
Darlin', I want your help overthrowing the Devil." I gaped at him.
"Wait, what?!" I was completely shocked. "What kind of demon wants to overthrow Satan?" He just looked at me.
"This kind of demon. And I'd appreciate it if you'd stop just calling me ‘a demon’." I rolled my eyes.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't catch your name while you were trying to kill me." He sighed.
“Okay, fine. You have a point. Call me Jay." I looked him over.
"That's not your real name, is it? And I'm Chrissy." I stuck out my hand and Jay shook it awkwardly.
"I knew that. And no, Jay isn't my real name. Demons only give their real names to those they trust." He smiled. "So, Chrissy, are you gonna help me or not?" Hmm, do I want to die just to help an unreasonably handsome demon overthrow the big boss of Hell?
"No." Jay blinked at me.
"Why not? With Satan gone, we could stop demons from killing who they please and dragging their souls back to Hell with them." I bit my lip.
"Well, I don't give a damn." That was a straight up lie, and it looks like Jay knows it.
"You give so many damns, they're visible from SPACE, Chrissy. Don't deny it." He studied my face. I could feel my face coloring as he stared. "Ah, you're afraid of dying, is that it? Don't be." I looked away and Jay stepped closer to me, now just inches away. "Actually, you have every right to be scared," he murmured. "Death hurts. It's awful. But for this don't you think it's worth it?" "I stared into his eyes, trying to find something to help me say no. But there was nothing. "What do ya say Chrissy? Your life, or that of thousands?" I swallowed loudly.
"That is the most cliché bullshit I've ever heard Jay. And fine." He smiled slightly.
"Good. Now, how do you want to die? Stabbing, shooting, burning, hanging, drowning, trauma, strangulation, suffocation, poisoning?" Um... I don't even know. How the hell is a person supposed to choose how they want to die?
"Er... Just shoot me. With my gun. Here." I held my gun out to Jay and he took it. He took a few steps back and aimed the gun at my head.
"I'm not gonna lie, this is gonna hurt. A lot. See ya in Hell Chrissy." He squeezed the trigger and I stumbled back. Immense pain shot through my skull, like the world’s worst migraine, everything going blurry and then just...black.
"Is she ever going to wake up? We need to get moving."
"You took three weeks to wake up Jay, so be quiet. The girl is quite amazing. She should be awake soon." I groaned and my eyes fluttered open.
"You guys talking about me? Well, I'm awake " I winced, biting the inside of my cheek. Ugh, I had a splitting headache. Maybe that's normal for someone who just got shot in the head though...
"It's about time darlin'." Jay flashed me a smile.
"Is it normal for the dead to have headaches? Because I have two. One of which is standing right in front of me," I deadpanned. I've known Jay less than two days now and I already want to punch him in the face. He stuck his lower lip out in a pout.
"Well, you're not very nice, are you? And guess what?" He grinned. "You're stuck with me for eternity." The other demon swatted Jay on the arm.
"Let the poor girl be. Chrissy, can you sit up?" I nodded slightly and sat up. He smiled at me. "Great. You two should be able to get going by tomorrow. And I'm Leo by the way." Sitting up, I could actually get a good look at Leo. He had messy jet black hair, green eyes, pale skin, a set of adorable dimples. He looked kinda short, around 5’4”-ish. He wasn't exactly handsome as much as cute. Jay, on the other hand, would be extremely handsome if he wasn't such an asshat. Caramel brown hair. Hazel eyes. Tall as heck. Fucking freckles. And his damn southern accent. Argh I hate him.
"So, darlin', how was dying?" Ugh.
"Painful. How was killing me? Hmm?" He smirked.
"Very enjoyable, especially considering you don't seem to like me much. And considering you shot me. Twice. You're quite trigger happy, you know?" I rolled my eyes.
"And you're quite annoying, you know?" I mocked him, doing a terrible southern accent. Jay dramatically put a hand over his heart, feigning offense.
"How rude." Leo rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"Jay, leave Chrissy alone. Seriously. She's already going to have to deal with your ass until you do what you're trying to do. Come on, let's let her rest." I smiled at him.
"Thanks Leo." He smiled back. "Don't thank me. I'm about to let you go off with Jay tomorrow." Leo turned and grabbed Jay's arm and dragged him out of the room. I closed my eyes and started to drift off before it hit me. My eyes flew open.
"Shit. I'm a demon." I was now the very thing that tore my life apart.
I’d just gotten out of school, it was my 9th birthday. Jackie pulled up in front of the school, smiling widely. “Happy birthday Chris!” I giggled, getting into his car.
“Thanks Jackie.” He drove me home, blasting Nirvana. I hopped out of the car, expecting my parents to come running out the door and hug me, wish me happy birthday again. But they didn’t come out. I blinked, staring at our front door while Jackie opened it. I walked in and went towards the living room before letting out an ear-piercing scream. Jackie came running and stopped dead in his tracks staring at exactly what I had seen. There was blood all over the walls, a smashed cake on the floor… And the cold lifeless bodies of our parents, ripped open. Jackie grabbed me, attempting to pull me away, but I didn’t move. I couldn’t. I was frozen. My jaw was slack and my face pale, tears streaming down my face. “N-No…” I mumbled, shaking my head. “Mom...Mommy! Dad…” I dropped to my knees, starting to sob, pulling away from Jackie completely. The cops showed up a few minutes later, along with an ambulance and some paramedics. They took Mom's and Dad’s bodies away. I didn’t want them too, I tried to stop them. But they just put me in the back of a police car along with Jackie. They questioned us, asking us when we’d last seen them. And then a few days later Jackie got a call. That call… It was exactly what we didn’t want to hear. Demon’s killed Mommy and Dad. Demons did it. The creatures of my nightmares. The things no one would have expected to be in our little town. After that phone call, Jackie took me to my aunt’s house and...and just left me there.
He left me and never came back. I haven’t seen him since. And I probably won’t ever see him again. Goddammit, why did I do this to myself?! I’m such an idiot. “Overthrow Satan” my ass. Why did I fall for that? It was obviously a trick… And yet… I don’t really think it was. I don’t know, something in Jay’s eyes told me that it wasn’t a lie, wasn’t fake. I don’t know. I tried to sit up, immediately feeling dizzy. Ignoring that, I stood up, wobbling slightly. “I’m not just gonna stay in bed…” I took a step forward, bracing myself against the wall, still wobbling. I headed towards the door, hearing faint voices from down the hall, probably Leo and Jay. A foot away from the door or so, the dizzy feeling intensified. My vision went blurry and I felt my body falling towards the ground. “Fuck-” My head hit the wall and a sharp pain shot through my skull. I heard the door open and someone mutter something… What was it? Something like “Oh darlin’...” A hand slid under my back just before everything went black again.
I woke up, groaning softly. “Uggh…” I opened my eyes, trying to sit up, but a pair of hands pushed me back down.
“Take it easy darlin’, stay there.”
Ugh it’s Jay… I sighed, my gaze flitting over to him. “...I hate you.”
“I know you do. But you still need to rest, no matter how strong your hatred is. The more well rested you are, the easier it’ll be to express that hatred.” Aaand there’s that grin of his again. Goddammit, dimples and all. It’s horrible that one smile can make me practically melt. “You’re staring Chrissy,” he teased, his grin growing.
“Am not!” I growled, hitting him over the head with a pillow. “And even if I was, at least I wasn’t watching you while you slept like some sort of creep!”
“You passed out. I was just makin’ sure you were gonna be okay. You can get injured, even if you’re dead y’know.”  
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you don’t write every day or every week
you haven’t been able to write in a few months
this is your first story or your hundredth 
you never finish a book 
you are completely unpublished
All you gotta do is write!
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I haven’t written anything in days and I have a feeling that that’s not gonna change unless I magically find enough money to buy myself a typewriter because I refuse to write otherwise
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trying to write like ok don’t forget stuff needs to happen but don’t also forget that characters need to have like thoughts and feelings but also don’t forget that about conversation but also not everything needs or should be conversation and don’t forget the setting but don’t overdo it you want to set a mood not get lost in the details and hey stuff is still happening right that has to happen and what are the characters thinking about that and 
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Hot Take: writers should do their utmost to support each other and make sure none of us succumb to the various demons sitting on our shoulders. No one here is in a competition, no one here should be some sort of rival, we’re all in the same boat. Be kind to each other, writers, everyone needs support sometimes. 
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a wild egg appeared?
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everyone who reblogs it before Oct 25 will get a Pokemon based on their blog in their submit inbox (make sure submit is open!)
happy hatching!
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Fantasy Armoury: Swords
I love swords. Love them. Swords are to fantasy as walls to a castle. You need your swords to battle dragons, usurpers, knights and wizards. So lets go into the armory and learn about swords.
Anatomy of a typical sword
Crossguard: This is the part of the sword between the hilt and blade. This protects the hand.
Blade: The sharp end, duh
Hilt: This is the part you hold. Also called a grip.
Pommel: the end of the sword attached to the hilt. This can be decorated as you like.
Fuller: this is a hollow running up the sword. Debates go on whether it is made to reduce suction or make blood run off quicker or to make the sword more dynamic.
Edge: the sharpened sides of the blade. Can be singular or double.
The point: The pointy bit at the top. Stick them into the person (jon snow logic)
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Types of Swords
Claymore: This is the Scottish Gaelic version of the Great Sword. It is a heavy sword with a long reach
Longsword: Medieval and Renaissance weapon commonly used with with two hands.
Bastard sword: refers to a sword of an uncertain origin. It may be a cross between a long sword and a great sword.
Gladius: an ancient Roman blade used by gladiators and then legionaires. There is no crossguard. It is also called a shortsword. Made for stabbing rather than slashing.
Xiphos: double-edged, single-handed sword used by ancient greeks. The blade is commonly leaf shaped made for slashing.
Sabre or Rapier: This is a slender blade used by fencers. This blade might not be able to hack a head but its light weight makes the blade an asset in speed.
Katana: The Japanese samurai sword. This is single-edged and the blade os hammer thin. Made for speed and deadly sharp.
Scimitar: a curved blade with a singled edge.
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Sword Moves
Advance - to attack, going forward.
Deflect - engaging sword with your own and pushing it away
Empty Fade - jumping backwards as if to retreat then attacking.
Front Guard - the sword is held in front of your face.
Full Iron Gate Guard - the sword is halfway between your legs, angled right.
Half Iron Gate Guard - the sword is held before your left leg.
Lunge - leaping forwards while feet are in the same stance.
Pass Back - moving your front foot into the rear position.
Pass Forward - moving your rear foot into the front position.
Pivot - Rotating 180 degrees, keeping dominant foot stationary.
Retreat - a movement backwards.
Shed - to allow a sword to slide away off your sword.
Short Guard - the hilt is at your hip and the point is forward.
Step Across - Rotating 180 degrees, crossing feet and spinning.
Tail Guard - the hilt is at your hip and the sword is behind you.
Two Horn Guard - pommel is at your chest with the sword pointing out.
Window Guard - a guard where the hilt is at your ear and the sword points forwards
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Things to remember about swords
1. When drawing your sword, the scabbard is on your opposite hip.
2. If a sword is two-handed, use two hands. Don’t try be cool. You will cut yourself.
3. Swords are sharpened using a whetstone and polished with oil clothes. Water rusts them. Look after your swords.
4. Swords can stick to to scabbard if the air is icy. To prevent it, you can line your scabbard with leather.
5. Practise with a blunted sword first. Blunt swords are used in tourneys.
6. Defense over Attack. Better to defend rather than attack.
7. Shields are your friend in defence but hamper your ability to attack.
8. Sword to size. Smaller and weaker swordsmen(women) can’t any wield heavier swords. Bulkier and stronger swordsmen(women) can wield heavier swords. Match sword type to body type.
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i just found this website that can randomly generate a continent for you!! this is great for fantasy writers
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plus, you can look at it in 3d!
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theres a lot of viewing options and other things! theres an option on-site to take a screenshot, so you don’t have to have a program for that!
you can view it here!
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Creative writing prof: You’re in control. You’re the puppet master. You control these characters - what they do, what they say, what they think-
Every writer I know: My characters stopped listening to me and now I’m 8272836 words in to a plot that went of the rails on page 3
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you, a reader: i really like your story but you probably don’t care about in all the ways i like it
me, a writer: you realize you could talk about how you like my story for HOURS and i would be riveted at literally every individual moment
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The one section you’re having trouble writing:
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I don’t follow enough writblrs!
Reblog this and I will follow you!
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Things I have in common with William Shakespeare
A bunch of thinly veiled sex jokes
random fight scenes
long monologues
edgy characters
things going from 0 to 100 real fast
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“Why have all my ratings dropped? No one but you is even talking to me anymore!”
Kyle rolled his eyes to the back of his head before taking a deep breath and pointing down towards my legs. “Dude, you’re not wearing pants. And lemme tell ya’, those tighty whities aren’t the best look on you.”
“. . . That explains a lot.”
Everyone has an approval rating above their head, which people either increase or decrease by ‘reviewing’ you. The rating determines pretty much everything in your life, from your job to how strangers treat you. You’re ratings have dropped significantly lately, and you need to find out why.
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The monster let out a sigh before dropping me to the ground, an annoyed look on his face. “Yeah, okay, fine. I suppose that’s better than the hundreds of ‘I’m too young to die!’ statements I get on a daily basis.”
“Wait, seriously?” Cocking my head, I gave him a suspicious look. “You’re just- Just going to let me go, just like that?”
“Mhm. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, kid.”
Writing Prompt #623
“Give me one good reason I shouldn’t kill you right here and now, human.” I cringed as the monster hissed in my ear, breath scalding and molded.
“W-well I just paid like a hundred and thirty dollars for concert tickets and I’ve got a paper to write still and I’d really like to kiss a girl before I die!”
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Just wanted to say:
Swing by Kwame Alexander and Mary Rand Hess came out last week. I was lucky enough to get an ARC of the book in September, and lemme tell you; it was amazing. 
Swing is a book that seems like a normal coming of age novel, minus two things: it’s written in prose, and it ends in such a heart-wrenching, gut-wrenching way it’s insane. I totally cried. 
It’s a great book, especially if you’re involved in the Black Lives Matter movement, or if you just want to read. I totally recommend it to everyone. Please read it, I beg of you-
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NaNoWriMo is haunting me.
We all know it's the bane of our existence's, don't deny it. We hate it, but we still do it. Why? Because it haunts us even more if we don't.
But oddly enough, I'm kind of excited this year? My novel idea is actually kind of good for once.
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