just-dottore · 1 year
An Inazuman man walks closer timidly.
"H-Hello, Mr uh, angel..? If it would please your d-divineness, um, could this one ask why an entity such as you has graced us with your p-presence?"
Dottore frowned. Another celestia-fearing human…
He wanted to say something to get the man to go away, but he realized he didn’t have an appearance to keep up. He was just a random angel. Nothing more, nothing less.
“No need for formalities.. But actually.. I don’t know why I’m here.” He hummed.
Maybe if I pinched myself I would wake up from this oddly familiar dream…
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just-dottore · 1 year
100 Follower Event!
Technically we’re at 105 but shush.
“How does this keep happening?!”
Dottore looked at the amount of letters and knew something strange would happen again. Over a hundred people sent him letters and those same people liked him.
I’m supposed to be a bad guy.. why do people like me?!
It was mind boggling. So many people of Teyvat shown some kind of interest- positive or negative.
From the times he would scare people out of his lab by pretending to be a man made monster, to the time he was turned good. Even when he was briefly turned into an Angel! People still liked him.
He enjoyed being the bad guy so much, it was crazy to even think that people could think sweetly of him.
“What’s going to happen tonight?” He sighed, and drifted off while sitting at his desk.
~ ~ ~
That night when his body rested, he dreamed of all of his various adventures. His body felt light and warm..
~ ~ ~
Suddenly when hearing seagulls and waves rushing back and forth over him, he jolted up.
The warm rays of the sun graced his being, the sea water massaged his body, and the feeling of sand under his hands.. all this and more made him realize immediately where he was.
He was back in an island of Inazuma.
But where? He wondered.
That’s when he felt something on his back. It lifted him to his feet.
“What the?!” Looking back, it was his white feathered wings. “Not again..”
Soon enough he saw people rushing to see what the commotion was. He groans.
My as well see where I’m at..
“Sir, do you know where I’m at?” They stopped when Dottore walked up to them, looking in awe.
“I- uh- Watatsumi Island. Why?”
… “Fuck.”
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just-dottore · 1 year
Yes please :)
-Angel Dottore Anon
Oh no~ I’m about to do a thing~
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just-dottore · 1 year
“Sir, can I tell you a secret? But you have to come closer...”
“Haha! Got you❤️”
“Oh, Bernadette! You got me~” he chuckles why waving his hand lightly.
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just-dottore · 1 year
I found this and I was scrolling through and I found your angel Dottore snippet and audnnxhxhs <3
I might do a part two if you want~
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just-dottore · 1 year
Mr. Dottore you have nice thighs, pls crush/suffocate me with it <3333
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(This but Dottore)
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just-dottore · 2 years
Me when - wehn-whennnnn
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“I see..?”
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just-dottore · 2 years
“Will you be my Valentine?”
*presents him a ring pop*
- 🔶
He looks down at the ring pop with a smile, then looks back at you. “I would love nothing more than to be your Valentine.”
IsBus: That applies to all of you. Also, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY, CUTIES!
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just-dottore · 2 years
We did it!!!
We’ve reached 100 followers! Actually we’re past it. But still. I can’t believe a blog I had little-to-no faith in has reached such an amazing number of followers!
Just-Dottore is no longer “just” Dottore! Just-Dottore is filled to the brim of lovely people and characters. Everyone who enjoys this blog, everyone who interacts with this blog, and everyone who followed, THANK YOU!!
I want to pay you guys back, but I don’t know how. So comment or reblog or whatever with your ideas! I hope to hear from you guys (gender neutral)!
I’ll pick one on February Third. Love you all!
~IsBus + Dottore
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just-dottore · 2 years
* gets close in a shy way * excuse me, may I please get a robot? *looks with shining eyes*
“Hmm? What kind? You’ll have to speak up.” He grins. He looks at your eyes, curious about you.
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just-dottore · 2 years
My birthday is soon about to arrive! So I want to ask you when is your birthday, My Love.
“Oh my dear Bernadette.. I’m sorry for missing such a wonderful day. I’ve been so busy.. But I’m sure I can make it up to you~” He feels bad for missing the day..
But hopefully I can make it up to my sweetest Bernadette…
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just-dottore · 2 years
“I’ll have the usual,” he pauses. “Diluc…” The cyan haired man in a mask grins.
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just-dottore · 2 years
“What~? Why are you looking at me like that Kahnreiahan Boy?” His eyes widen. “Wait..! PUT DOWN YOUR CLAYMORE!!”
“I’ll have the usual,” he pauses. “Diluc…” The cyan haired man in a mask grins.
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just-dottore · 2 years
“Dottore, my lady requests your presence.” Kiska leans in the door way. “Probably wants you to make her something to entertain her.”
“Oh~?” He muses. “Maybe a wind-up toy? Or how about something out there.. like a weapon!” He chuckles.
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just-dottore · 2 years
I am not feeling so well. Could you tell me a joke perhaps?
“Oh! I’ve got one!” He snickers before barely saying… “IsBus’ posting!” He bursts out in laughter.
“Get it? Cause IsBus doesn’t post a lot and takes a LOT of breaks!”
… “I guess it’s not really all that funny…”
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just-dottore · 2 years
Thanks for the month supply of cough drops that was a really great snack - Ursa The Drake
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just-dottore · 2 years
*leaves a wrapped gift box at his front door that has a smol note of calligraphy that says “Here’s a box of origami I’ve made recently. I’m not exactly sure if you may even find this intriguing or not, but I thought you may enjoy an origami dragon or two with a lovely origami lily + dragonfly to go with it. Origami cranes are rather common, so I thought I’d give something I find quite beautiful to an impeccable person such as you, Sir Dottore. Whether you find these origami keepable or not, I do wish you a lovely day!”
(I hope you’re doing well, Isbus!! Have a beautiful day/evening, whatever time it may be for you!)
How lovely.. He hums to himself as he looks at the gorgeous works of art he finds in the box. “Well, that was rather nice of you. I adore these. I shall keep them on my desk, especially that lotus. You’ve really outdone yourself on that…” He writes a letter and speaks with each word.
(I’m doing great, thank you! Have a wonderful day/night to you as well!)
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