#Bernadette my beloved
just-dottore · 1 year
“Sir, can I tell you a secret? But you have to come closer...”
“Haha! Got you❤️”
“Oh, Bernadette! You got me~” he chuckles why waving his hand lightly.
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Movie Musical Divas Tournament: FINALE
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It all comes down to this. The final round of our Movie Musical Divas tournament includes singer-songwriter, philanthropist, country music queen Dolly Parton, and actress, author, movie musical legend Dame Julie Andrews.
Primarily known for her music career, Dolly Parton nevertheless starred in a select few movie musicals, most notably the fine upstanding brothel owner Miss Mona in the film adaptation of The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. Conversely, Julie Andrews began her illustrious film career with her Oscar-winning performance as Mary Poppins, the titular character in the film adaptation of P.L. Travers's popular book, and continued starring in well-known musicals like The Sound of Music, Thoroughly Modern Millie, and Victor/Victoria throughout her career.
After weeks of impassioned voting, it's time to crown the Queen of Movie Musicals once and for all. And once again, reminder: this is a movie musical-specific tournament. Thank you.
Julie Andrews (1935- ): Mary Poppins in Mary Poppins (1964) | Maria in The Sound of Music (1965) | Victoria Grant in Victor/Victoria (1982) | Millie Dillmount in Thoroughly Modern Millie (1967) Additional musical/singing roles include: Cinderella (1957), Star! (1968), Darling Lili (1970),
"The QUEEN of the movie musical. Started in so many long lasting favorites. Dressed in drag in Victor/Victoria, thanked the casting director of My Fair Lady in her Oscar Acceptance speech for snubbing her for the role so that she could win an Oscar instead. The voice of so many people’s childhoods and genuinely such an amazing person. Look up the story about her Tony nomination!" - @kingscatt
Dolly Parton (1946- ): The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas (1982) Miss Mona | The Best Little Special in Texas (1982) | Rhinestone (1984) Jake Farris Additional musical/singing roles include: n/a
"Just look at her." - anonymous
This is Round 7 (finals) of the Movie Musical Divas tournament. Add your propaganda and support by reblogging this post.
Julie Andrews:
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Dolly Parton:
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The Coming Days (2010) Daniel Brühl as Hans Krämer
Not sure what her problem is. If I were pregnant with Hans' or Daniel's baby, I'd be bouncing with excitement to share the news. (And this is coming from someone who has no desire to have children.)
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etwlemons · 6 days
The adventures of Priscilla queen of the desert having one of the sweetest romances I've ever seen in a movie makes me sooooo happy
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bestofanimaniacs · 1 year
Best Song Tournament Round 1/Bracket 1:
I'll Take an Island
Humans Ain't What They Seem to Be
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whoslaurapalmer · 8 months
every time I watch the parent trap. I do think about parent trap au
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xiaoluclair · 1 year
omg thank you so much for all the reblogs and the tags 🫶🏻🫶🏻 you got me blushing 🤭 and btw love love love all your creations too
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droughtofapathy · 8 months
Bernadette Peters is doing a show at Carnegie Hall next season and I'm going to need someone to donate to the cause and get me front and center, thanks.
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nevalizona · 1 year
Franco The Fantastic
-He is the resident magician. He does cool tricks, and some people swear they think he's actually magical. He will never say, but there's a dark nature to him that turns a lot of people off from getting to know him long term. He's weird and somewhat erratic. He is somewhat enthralled by Peony, as she is his muse. They have a complicated relationship.
Peony the Assistant
-Peony is a part-time assistant to Franco The Fantastic and a part-time burlesque performer. She admires Franco but also struggles with his obvious attachment to her. She can't tell you how she feels about Pickles if you were to ask her. Somedays she misses him others she despises him and his desperate attempts to get them back together. She is currently having a fling with Lorenzo the Strongman. She's not sure it's going to turn into anything more, but she’s having fun. She realizes some people do not have high opinions of her, given that she floats from one lover to the next, but she doesn't mind too much, she's just trying to find a genuine connection with someone who doesn't just want her for her body.
Lorenzo the Strongman
-He is the strongest man around. He comes from a long line of Strongmen and is proud to keep the tradition going on. Lorenzo is a sweetheart but often has to act as the muscle of the carnival given his strength. He doesn't like to be aggressive in anyway, he doesn't even like the idea of hurting a fly. He has liked Peony for as long as he has known her. He's not even remotely frightened by Pickles but would prefer to avoid conflict as much as possible.
Bernadette the Bearded Lady
-She is a tough broad. She's had to grow a bit of a thicker skin because of the amount of facial hair she grows. She won't let anyone say anything to her or anyone else for that matter. She often has to keep Grumpy in line because he can be a bit mean, but she doesn't mind. She desperately wishes that she could work up enough courage to leave the carnival. She feels she's ready to move on and start living a normal life. She's not sure the Ringleader or Grumpy will ever let her leave, though.
Fi and Fo Acrobats
-These twins are practically joint at the hip. You will never see one without the other. They also came from a family of acrobats, and sometimes their mother and father partake in the circus, but overall, it's just them, and they feel like they have massive shoes they need to fill.
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Rita Hayworth (Gilda, Cover Girl)—Absolutely, drop-dead gorgeous. She steals every movie she’s in; she was Fred Astaire’s favorite dance partner, as you can see in clips from their movies [link][link]. Born Margarita Carmen Cansino, Rita's story had its tragedies—her father was awful and had her performing in nightclubs way, way too young; the studio totally remade her look because they were afraid of her hispanic image, putting her through painful treatments and diets; she had a string of failed marriages. But beside all that, I think there's something about Rita that still glows through—an inner beauty that has nothing to do with the studio, or the men who pinned their dreams on her. Rita brings an incandescence to roles that's impossible to replicate, and was truly a great actress in that she could switch from herself—shy Margarita—into a bold and glamorous femme fatale so convincingly everyone fell in love with her as Gilda. She's my favorite movie star, and I think she was a beautiful human through and through—Rita, gorgeous and real and shining bright.
Jennifer Jones (Duel in the Sun, Song of Bernadette)—Maybe not the best actress (despite her academy award), but she definitely has charisma. Watching her opposite an against type Gregory peck in duel in the sun: incandescent. Also was a mental health advocate.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Rita Hayworth:
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Do you need any other propaganda? Here’s the video.
She was not called "the love goddess" for nothing: beautiful, glamorous, despite playing sexy and provocative roles her inherent shyness somehow also would shine through sometimes, creating this contradictory and incredibly attractive image
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Often played "the bad girl" who tempted the male hero away from "the good girl"; but did have roles that broke her out of that mold. She was also the inspiration for Jessica Rabbit. THE pinup girlie.
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She was soo beautiful when she was young and she MAINTAINED that beauty into her later years and I think that old lady glamour is hot. bombastic sex appeal
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every line she delivers in gilda is so flirty and passionate or absolutely desolate and it's so good
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I just have a lot of feelings about her
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Jennifer Jones:
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She played a saint, a plumber, a film with Kate Bush music video vibes and a ghost and was friends with Ingrid Bergman
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battlevann · 14 days
14 of these guys available right now, grab one if you please :-)
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Schloss Einstein Folge 1057
Bin noch nicht ganz über Folge 1056 hinweg, aber egal. Alles für die Wissenschaft!
Noah guckt sich das Storyboard von dem Horrorfilm an, den er damals für Colin gedreht hat. Oh Gott. Oh Fuck. Frustriert zerknüllt er es und schmeißt es weg.
Joel hat derweil wieder sein geliebtes Flipchart aus dem Keller geholt und Noah ist genervt, weil der Stift darauf Geräusche macht. Also stürmt er wütend auf Joel zu und nimmt ihm den Stift weg. Joel: "Geht's noch? Das ist auch mein Zimmer!"
Noah gibt ihm den Stift zurück, macht dann aber laute Musik an.
Joel: "Was ist dein Problem?" Noah: "Was meinst du?" Joel: "Weißt du genau." Noah: "Ich hab kein Problem." Joel: "Stimmt. Du war schon immer ein egoistisches Arschloch. Deswegen hat Colin auch keinen Bock mehr auf dich gehabt!"
Joel ist frustriert, zieht mit seinem Flipchart in die Küche um und beschwert sich bei Ava, dass Noah seine schlechte Laune ständig an ihm auslässt. Joel: "Er ist der Arsch. Und ich muss mit ihm zusammenwohnen. Ich könnt echt kotzen."
Er ist so kurz vor nem Mental Breakdown einfach.
Ava und Noah müssen bei Frau Amani eine Präsentation zum Thema KI halten. Noah hat sich aber gar nicht darauf vorbereitet und fasst es so zusammen: "Wenn die Roboter kommen, sind wir alle am Arsch."
Maxi hat Karl in der letzten Folge erzählt, dass sie sich für ihr Kuscheltier schämen würde. Eigentlich wollte sie sich ihn nur vom Hals halten, aber jetzt hat Karl einen riesigen Plüschbären namens Bernadette mit in den Unterricht gebracht.
Ava ist jetzt auch wütend auf Noah, weil sie seinetwegen nur fünf Punkte gekriegt hat. Joel bietet ihr erstmal nen Pastinakensaft an.
Nesrin und Annika sitzen im Partnerlook in ihrem Zimmer und helfen sich gegenseitig bei den Hausaufgaben. Annika muss für den Kunstunterricht ihr "künstlicheres Ich" finden. Nesrin legt ihr aber einfach ein Foto hin und will dann, dass sie zusammen zu Simon gehen, weil der noch Eistee-Lose hat. Annika: "Aber ich bin doch mehr als pranken! Oder ist das alles, was dir zu mir einfällt?" Annika, das war die letzten beiden Staffeln deine komplette Persönlichkeit! Erst seit dieser Staffel wissen wir, dass du gut in Naturwissenschaften bist.
Nesrin fallen noch ein paar andere Sachen ein: "Du bist gut in Mathe. Du bist immer pünktlich. Dein Bruder ist voll nervig."
Das reicht Annika verständlicherweise nicht. Während Nesrin zu ihrem Date Eisessen mit Simon geht, versucht sie, sich selbst etwas zu überlegen.
Marlon versucht, Annika zu helfen, aber ihm fällt auch nur das Pranken ein. Annika ist genervt.
Joel musste mit seinem Flipchart mal wieder umziehen, dieses Mal in Avas Zimmer, weil er Noah zu laut atmet.
Joel über Noah: "Er ist schon immer ein mieser Arsch." Jetzt versteh ich die spätere Sendezeit. Neue Bingokarte "Joel beleidigt Noah".
Ava hat Noah durchschaut: Sie weißt, dass Noah eigentlich nur wütend auf Colin und die ganze Welt ist. Sie schlägt vor, dass sie Noah zeigen sollen, dass sie ihn verstehen. Joel: "Wir sollen Verständnis zeigen?"
Joel startet also zusammen mit Ava sein "Projekt Noah". Punkt 1: Analyse. Das machen wir hier doch schon die ganze Zeit!
Um Karl zu unterstützen haben am nächsten alle ihre Plüschtiere in den Unterricht mitgenommen. Okay, das ist wohl wieder so ne Storyline für den unteren Teil der Zielgruppe.
Annika hat ihr künstlerisches Ich gefunden: Sie hat verschiedene Fotos von sich gemacht und ihr Gesicht mit verschiedenen Farben bemalt. Das soll symbolisieren, dass sie viele verschiedene Seiten hat - nicht nur Pranks. Kriegt sie jetzt endlich eine Persönlichkeit? Nach zwei Staffeln ohne?
Maxi muss Karl nun gestehen, dass sie ihn angelogen hat und gar kein Kuscheltier besitzt. Karl will aber trotzdem unbedingt herausfinden, was ihr Geheimnis ist. Das wollte Joel letzte Staffel auch und damit hat er das ganze Nolin-Drama überhaupt erst ausgelöst.
Maxi vertraut sich Karl nun doch an: Sie sucht etwas, das ihrer Oma gehört hat.
Ava und Joel haben für Noah eine kleine Horrorperformance vorbereitet. Titel: "Der Stimmungskiller!" Zitat Joel: "Ein Film von Noah Temel, mit Noah Temel und über Noah Temel."
Noah haut direkt wieder ab.
Ava knöpft sich Noah vor. Noah: "Lasst mich einfach alle in Ruhe." Ava: "Geht nicht. Du bist nicht alleine auf der Welt."
Noah: "Colin hätte einfach nicht abhauen dürfen. Ich hatte noch nie so nen guten Freund." Wir sind einen klitzekleinen Schritt weiter.
Noah hat Joel eine Pastinake mitgebracht: "Für deinen Saftladen." Joel: "Heißt das?" Noah: "Nein. Und was euer Plakat angeht? Häng es auf. Ist cool."
Noah und Joel kriegen eine neue Mitbewohnerin: Maxi. Ich glaub nicht, dass das offiziell so geregelt wurde. Das wird noch ne lustige Kombi!
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Puppies and kittens and adoption, oh my!
Or, Bebe, Bernadette, and their lifelong commitment to animal welfare.
VOTE HERE: Bebe Neuwirth vs. Bernadette Peters
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In 1995, founders Mary Tyler Moore and Bernadette Peters began what would become an annual event to promote animal adoption in the Broadway community. Broadway Barks brings some two-hundred adoptable dogs and cats to this star-studded event each summer in the hopes of finding them a forever home. Since it began, this event and the organization at large has placed thousands of pets (both young and old) with loving families.
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As Broadway's foremost cat lady, Bebe has been a staple of these events. Owing to her involvement, Gotham Coffee Roasters (owned by Chris Calkins, Bebe Neuwirth's husband) has an offshoot company called Little Cat Coffee? 100% of the profits go towards animal shelters and rescues, and they frequently collaborate with Broadway Barks.
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Produced by BC/EFA, Broadway Barks has seen many a Diva cross the stage with a heart-meltingly adorable animal in tow. Most recently, Bernadette has brought her beloved event overseas to the first ever West End event entitled "West End Woofs."
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As staples of the Broadway community, Bebe and Bernadette are inextricably intertwined by more than just dog leashes and balls of yarn. These two curly-haired Divas may not have a shared show, but they've done more than a few collaborations, including the "New York, New York" single recording in the wake of 9/11, and many a Joel Grey birthday.
Recently, arranged in a super secret group chat consisting of Bebe, Bernadette, and Donna Murphy (and how do I get on that chain?), the three Divas cooked up a surprise event in Times Square for Joel Grey's 90th. And these photos are truly some of the greatest gifts we've ever been given.
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I had a dream about this trio directly after this happened, but now is not the time to elaborate.
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Hello hellooooooo, I have returned with another request ;^)
Could we get some Bernadette x Reader smut, pretty please?
-simp anon
Bernadette simping real lmao
(Female reader)
A light citrus taste hits your tongue as your lips collide into the other woman’s, suggesting that the dark Italian had eaten an orange for a snack while labouring away in the gardens around the manor. You paid little attention to the dirt and leaves that clung to your figure as you pressed against Bernadette with each kiss, gripping each side of her head tightly to keep her from pulling away.
“Hm, won’t even let me clean up?” The blackette teased with a low thrum from the middle of her sternum, her strong arms wrapping around your waist to squeeze you close. She raises a foot to kick backwards, closing the door in which she just came through.
Her thick voice resonated towards your core, like the deepest note of a guitar, plucking at your patience. Despite her words, the tight hold she has on you shows just how needy she was as well.
“Did you really have to work for so long?” You question with a stupid grin, sealing it with another long kiss.
“The garden won’t clean itself.” Bernadette replies with a cheeky grin before easily pushing you off of her and weaving past you to stride further into the manor. You follow her like a lost puppy, practically skipping as the dark Italian woman hums in her baritone voice. It’s a familiar lullaby, one that you always seem to forget the exact lyrics too, but remember well what its meaning is. One that she’ll sing to her baby sister during the harshest of storms, where the lightning lit up the sky as thunder rips it apart. While you knew the middle sister loved storms, and often would be out and about during them, Bernadette was inside with the youngest- cradling her with this lullaby. A few times you’ve walked in on the scene, unable to resist the urge to join.
“But you took so looooooong!” You complain in a playful whine, making your lover chuckle as she takes off her dirty accessories. “How come you took so long, when I know you’ve been pent up?”
“Me?” Bernadette smooths through pursed lips, curling them in a smile. “Oh, you’re referring to the video you sent me? Are you sure that I’m the pent up one?”
“Think about how I feel!” You exclaim, jumping forward to grab onto either side of the dark Italian’s unsaturated green shirt. “I was all warm with you in bed this morning! And you knew exactly what you were doing!”
“Oh, hm.” Your beloved grins, looking away from you in pretend cluelessness. “I don’t know. You just have the softest thighs, my love, I didn’t realize it would turn you on.”
“That’s bogus and you know it.” You retort with a grin, gripping her shirt and pulling her into another kiss. This time, Bernadette gives in and moans against your lips, sending electric sparks through your body. The dull itch in your abdomen roared to life as a warm explosion of heat overtook the space between your legs.
“Well, I know you,” Broad hands fell flat against your hips, holding them steady despite your attempts to seek relief against her thigh. “The more I deny you, the sweeter the release is.”
A humming moan leaves from the vibrations settled upon the middle of your throat as you couldn’t help the spreading heat across your face. Giggles leave your lips as the dark woman’s hands hook into the belt loop of your jeans and tug your pelvis closer, providing the firm surface of quadriceps for you to seek relief upon. Dense and thick hair tickles along your cheek as Bernadette rests her chin against your shoulder, warm breath blushing your ear.
“I know what you want,” She purrs in a quiet rasp, softening her grip to a more guiding palm against the curve of your backside. “I’ll take care of you, but you must show me you want it. Go on, good girl, I’ll give you what you need only after you show me.”
That does it for you, breaking away the restraints that stopped you from practically humping against your lover in desperation. Her thigh provides the perfect surface for your shivering legs to seek support, hips rolling against the surface to force the friction against already soaked lips. Already you could feel the viscous arousal coating the fabric that protected the treasure between your legs, the smell hitting your nose in a mild sample of approval. It must have reached Bernadette too, who moans into your ear, nipping incisors against the crest. It spurs you on more, grinding against her strong thigh, sometimes practically thrusting into it, letting your voice sing for her.
“Oh, amorina, your legs must be tired.” The dark Italian coos, noticing the way your thighs were shivering and the way your body was collapsing against hers for support. No longer able to stand, you were led to the couch, an expectant giggle leaving your lips as Bernadette took her place above you. Straddling your hips, the muscular woman reaches forward a hand to fist the front of your shirt, pulling your limp torso up easily to practically rip the fabric off all in one smooth motion. Damn. What a turn on. You sucked in your bottom lip as your lover hooks her hands beneath the hem of her own shirt, lifting it up and over her head until it was peeled right off from her figure. You were just admiring the way her ponytail was swinging free from the collar when suddenly, your vision was taken over by the dark green of the sweater-like shirt, suddenly finding yourself wearing the musky fabric.
Bernadette’s scent invades your nostrils aggressively along with the spices of the various plant life in the Beneviento garden. You recognize some of the potent scents coming from various flora, but as always- you focus on Bernadette’s scent. It’s become more intense from working underneath the blazing sun and soaking the secretions of salt from tired pores, but it was perfect, and you can’t help but tuck your nose beneath the collar.
“Awh, is mia amata comfortable?” The dark Italian hums, pulling down her sports bra that was still stained from sweating in the garden.
You nod with a satisfied hum in response, smiling beneath the fabric as your lover uses two fingers to ‘walk’ up your sternum, then trace back down to your pants. A squeak lives you involuntarily as the jean buttons are popped open, and you’re violently reminded of the arousal soaking your undergarments.
“Wearing my shirt… mmm- you know, that does something to me.” Bernadette mused, sliding off your pants with a flex of her chiseled biceps, making your mouth dry at the sight. Her eyes are focused intently on yours, and they’re almost all blacked out from the dilation of her pupils. There’s a light pink dusting her cheeks as she’s watching your sweet reactions to her actions, and you could tell there was some kind of swirling squeeze in her core from the way her abdomen muscles were contracting. She wanted you as much as you wanted her. Oh the thought makes your body leak.
“Seeing how you’re all mine.” Her thick voice has you in a spell, pressure spinning in a dizzying typhoon in your head as she’s peeling away the last barrier to the sacred space between your legs. Your lover bites her bottom lip at the sight of your soaked petals, clit swollen and pleading, you’re such a good girl for her.
Bernadette inhales with a satisfied sigh. “And you smell so good. My scent smeared all over you, even the Dimitrescu family wouldn’t dare take what’s mine.”
You pop your nose out from the collar of the shirt, taking the fabric between your teeth as you wiggle your hips, eager for your lover to reward you.
“Oh, oh- and so impatient~” Bernadette hums, tapping her lips with an index finger as a malicious grin breaks out across them. “I have an idea. Be a good girl and flip over for me while I go fetch something.”
“Be fast. Please.” You whine, but otherwise obey, huffing as you prop yourself up on your elbows as the dark Italian slinks away. A dark blush blooms across your cheeks as you turn onto your hands and knees, hearing the door click. Raising your head, you gasp lightly at Bernadette’s return, grasping the belt of a strap in one hand.
“Oh look at you,” The dark Italian chuckles, smiling at your reaction as she strides over and puts on the toy, joining you on the couch once more. You turn your head to look at her, knowing for a fact your entrance is practically drooling arousal at this point, eager to be filled. Her hand cups the curve of your ass, caressing it lovingly with a hum. “You look so beautiful looking over your shoulder like that. Don’t worry, my love. I’ll give you what you want, what you need. You’ve been such a good girl for me.”
You open your mouth to plead for her to go faster, but you’re quickly cut off when the base of Bernadette’s hand presses between your shoulder blades- shoving your face down into the cushions. Without another second passing, you feel the kiss of the rod as it’s slid along the soaked lips, lubing itself on your juices. It’s a lovely opportunity for your melted mind to predict the sort of size that was going to invade, and what sort of delicious stretch it’s promising.
“I think you’re ready for me.” Bernadette hums, placing a hand on your backside as she lines the tip to the entrance. “Are you?”
“Yes-” You gasp, repeating the word like a small chant. You’re been waiting for this all day- from the moment you felt her hands stroking your thighs in the morning- to the times you’ve looked out the window and watched her working out in the sun. Well, perhaps ‘look’ is too light of a description for what was basically shameless staring. “Yes, I am, please-”
“You want me?” Bernadette moans, starting to apply pressure against the pretty petals, “Good. Because I want you too.”
Relief hits your body like a truck the moment your lover enters- strap lubed thoroughly to slip inside- pushing out a stretched out moan from your dropped-open mouth. Your insides clench around the toy, trying to guide it deeper within you. Bernadette’s hands are on you in a second, smoothing over the skin, and slipping underneath the green sweater-shirt. A whimper slips from your lips as more of you are forced apart by the rod, until the entire thing buries itself within you. A perfect fit.
“Taking me so well. Oh- and you’re even backing up into me.” Bernadette purrs as she slides her hands down your spine, hooking around your hips to keep them steady as you’re warming the toy.
She rolls and adjusts her hips, making the toy knock against your walls, making you moan and squeak. If she pushes just a bit more, a sharp pleasurable pain pops within your abdomen as it kisses your cervix, making you loudly groan. Just thinking about the possibility of her thrusting so hard that it pounds against it was enough to turn you on more, which doesn’t go unnoticed by the dark Italian woman.
“Impatient.” She tsk’ed, making you whine.
“I’ve waited all day!” You retort, attempting to wiggle your hips against the strong grip of your lover. “I’ve been good!”
“Have you?” Bernadette questions, starting to pull out. You whimper.
“Yes! Yes I have! C’mon- please!” At this point the tip was the only thing in you, and she wasn’t pushing back in. You could try to push back, but the dark Italian’s grip is far too strong.
“How can I say no when you beg so sweetly?”
The hard thrust into you makes you roar in pleasure. If it wasn’t for Bernadette’s grip, you were certain that your legs would have failed you and you’d collapse into the couch already. With your shivering body in her hands, the dark Italian takes it slow. Her hips move predictably, sliding out slowly before inserting at a slightly faster speed, making sure the sheath fully enters you before repeating. Low moans draw out of you, your arms reaching for the pillow that is laid against the backboard of the couch, drawing it into a tight embrace just to have something for your hands to hold onto. You could feel the smooth surface sliding within you, every stretch as the bulbous tip willed your inner walls apart.
Bernadette was calculated with her motions, angling perfectly to stimulate the most sensitive parts within you. Slow and sensual was her favourite way to make love to you, taking hours to get you off, and maybe even denying you the release. Oh you prayed she wouldn’t choose to do that this time.
“You moan so sweetly, mia cara.” your lover compliments you, still holding your hips tightly to control the pace. She could tell that you were more than ready to just throw your backside into her, taking her with such greed that there would be no time to savour the process. Oh, but she so did love the nights she let you take and take and take- more and more- all of her at your disposal to devour.
Bernadette licks her lips at the slick sounds from the sheer amount of arousal your body was producing, lethargic moans leaving you despite your body’s shivering state. Thighs tense, shoulder blades drawn, the fabric of Bernadette’s shirt suddenly felt constricting and stuffy. Each time you breathed in through your nose, however, the musk invaded your senses and made your eyes roll. You couldn’t find it within you to care anymore, whining as you resist her hold, throwing strength into your pelvis to move.
“Desperate?” Bernadette chuckles, letting go of your hips and running her hands along your backside. “Go on then. Show me.”
Oh this is exactly what you wanted to hear. With reckless abandon, you now throw yourself against her front, changing grip from the pillow to the couch cushion as you thrust backwards, swallowing her strap greedily. Your moans increase in volume and frequency as you chase your orgasm, having been pent up all day.
“Mmmm, I could get used to this.” You hear your lover drone, her hands finding your thighs, guiding your movements to the right angle to get the rod to hit your insides just right. The repetitive spearing of the toy shoots electric storms of pleasure through your system, begging for more and more of the sensation, guiding what little control you had left. You can only do so much though. Despite the primal instinct to breed, climax just won’t bestow its presence to you, and you find yourself begging your lover to help.
“Please- Bern- I… oh…” You drown your own voice in your moans, trying your best to keep the progress you’ve made, but feeling your body fail at keeping the strength to go on. “I can’t- ah… please- I need your help.”
You’re so close- you’re just right there- and relief arrives when a strong hand wraps around your waist and finds home on your clit. A dark chuckle is your only warning before the assault begins- a complete pounding from the source- and you find yourself unable to stop whatever sounds left your mouth. Your elbows buckle and you fall back onto the pillow, biting into the case in the futile attempt to quiet. All it does is make you look even more like a disaster somehow. More of a disaster then your current position of being plowed mercilessly by your beloved.
With her skilled hands on your clit, the climax comes sooner than you anticipated. Without her strong hands on your hips, providing support, your legs fail and slip from beneath you as your body is wrecked with an earth-shattering orgasm. Your spine ducks inwards as you curl in on yourself, silently screaming into the pillow you embraced tightly in your arms, creaming all over Bernadette’s strap.
Sweet release. You fall into a limpless bundle on the couch as afterglow takes hold of you, and your lungs desperately try to catch up with your breath. A small moan leaves you when Bernadette pulls out, leaving you feeling awfully empty. But she makes up for it by settling next to you and snuggling into your shoulder.
“Well done, tesoro.” She whispers into your ear, soft hands caressing along your figure, rolling pressure against places to undo the knots in your body.
You just hum and nod, burying your face into the fabric of your lover’s shirt, which smells like sweat and sex. A small break, and you’ll return the favour. You couldn’t ignore the way your lover was grinding against you. Damn. Bernadette knows what you want.
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askewhammer · 6 months
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sniigura · 2 months
Okay, trying this again now that I’ve eaten;
I absolutely loved this chapter, everything about it was perfect.
I started laughing so hard at the conversation reader had with Judas. It was so quick. I too appreciate the “Rip it off like a bandage and bolt” method.
Maybe I’m not a romantic but I couldn’t for the life of me picture the fight as “Sexy” all I could picture is two angry guys rolling on the floor and shouting insults at each other and trying and failing to land a hit because of proximity. 🤣🤣
We finally see Sera!!! She’s as pompous as I remember. Her clear exasperation with Adam was very much in character. It was amazing 🤣 I can’t wait to see more of her or meet Chuck, even if it’s from Adam’s perspective.
I really really wanna know what that discussion was about that led Adam to get shit-faced. I’m so nosy. I wanna know what was said.
Lute is a good friend, such a bitch, but a good friend.
The tender scene of reader taking care of Adam might be my favorite, I read it a couple times because I loved how vulnerable he was being and how tender reader was. I’m a sucker for scenes like that. Adam is a jackass but he’s reader’s jackass.
The sexy scenes were as great as always. I can’t wait to see what you do next.
judas was in such a shook state and reader just wanted to get it over with 😭😭 before judas brain came up with some proper questions reader was already on the other end of the campus. she also blocked him which he didn’t appreciate lmaooo so all calls and messages went unanswered
the fighting scene was supposed to be less romantic and more just a comedy show for the group 😭 reader embarrassed to death, bernadette enjoying the drama and lilith, lucifer and eve just wanting to know what the fuck adam is up to this time
sera my beloved. she thinks both her and adam are too old for her to keep managing him like that LMAO lowkey she’s happy reader is there so she can retire from parenting in peace
the discussion went from „are you insane why would you beat someone up in public like this“ to „do you never learn from your mistakes??? how often does the past need to repeat itself for you to grow up“
i love lute my bae
adam was going through it. he was genuinely convinced it’s over for him. reader on the other hand just wanted to chill 😭 in the end he thought it was sexy being babied like that, even tho he’s supposed to be the strong man
thank u for the feedback :3
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