Sugar, you’re goin’ down swingin’
“Good luck, you’re gunna need it,” you winked at your best friend before your Quidditch match against him. Slytherin vs. Gryffindor. “Oh, Sugar, you’re goin’ down swingin’, Calum replied with a proud smirk on his face. You were both Beaters for your teams, hence the pun. You didn’t have time to reply before you were all ushered onto the pitch.
Gryffindor were in the lead, and you just managed to hit a Bludger away from your Seeker. You let out a sigh of relief at the close call, stopping for a moment to assess the game. It was only at the last second that you noticed a Bludger coming right at you, and the vague sound of Calum shouting your name - you didn’t remember anything after that.
“Y/n!” Calum had shouted, flying towards you as fast as he could, but it was too late, the Bludger had hit you, smashing into you, no one saw exactly where it had hit you but it was frighteningly close to your head. You’d dropped. You’d been hit straight off of your broom and Calum had sped through the air, manoeuvring his way through the players to catch you only a few feet above the ground, lowering you down gently and dropping his broom once he landed so he could carry you, all the while trying to wake you up.
You finally woke up sometime during the next day, suddenly alert and worried when you realized where you were. Calum grabbed your hand to try and calm you down. Your panicked eyes met his. “What happened? Where am- shit-” you questioned when you cut yourself off, feeling a sharp pain in your arm. “Holy snot, what the fuck happened?” Calum looked at you, his face covered in guilt; it was then that you noticed his puffy eyes. He hesitantly started to speak when you heard your name being shouted. “You’re alive!” Michael cheered as he gave you a - not so careful - hug, then apologized ten times for hurting your broken shoulder. Luke and Ashton followed behind Michael, smiling as they said their hellos. You could see that everyone was thrilled you were okay. “What’s the damage?” Luke asked, and Michael answered before you got the chance, “Uh, broken arm,” he informed him. You chuckled but Luke glared at him. Calum rolled his eyes and spoke quietly, “broken shoulder - that’ll be in a cast for at least a month - almost a broken jaw and a couple bruised ribs from the catch...” he refused to make eye contact with you. “What catch?” you asked, suddenly feeling a pain in your jaw not that it had been mentioned. “What do you remember?” Ashton asked. “I hit a Bludger away from someone... then i remember seeing one coming right at me. I didn’t have time to move, i guess,” you recalled, “I heard Calum shout my name..” Calum’s head dropped to his hands and Michael patted him on the back, “we have good news and bad news,” the green haired - to match his house - boy said. Ashton continued when you gave a confused look, “Calum caught you. Pomfrey said you would’ve been mincemeat if he hadn’t saved you.” Your eyes widened and with your not-broken arm, you pulled Calum into a one-armed hug, kissing him on the cheek, “thank you for saving me,” you whispered, “you’re amazing.” “Unfortunately, there’s also bad news,”  Michael chuckled, earning an elbow to the stomach from Calum. “Is the bad news not that i’ve got a broken arm?” you questioned. “The bad news is why you’ve got a broken arm,” Luke told you. You were confused for a moment before you put it together. Calum. He was one of Gryffindor’s Beaters. The guys must’ve seen the realization on your face because three of them looked at Calum and Calum’s eyes were trained on yours. You raised a brow, “you owe me big time for this, Cal.” “I’m sorry, I- It wasn’t meant to hit you, but-” he started his apology speech, but you cut him off with a finger to lips and a smirk on yours. “You’re not mad?” he asked quietly. “Before you answer that,” Ashton jumped in, “you should know he literally hasn’t left your side. He made us get him a change of clothes last night so he didn’t have to leave you.” A bright smile was plastered onto your face, you loved your best friend, and you knew he felt like shit because of this, and you found it pretty funny, so all you could do was hug him as tightly as you could with only one arm, he hugged back, careful not to hurt you. “Calum i fucking love you, you know that?” “I know. I love you too, babe.”
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You were screwed. your brother, Ashton had just realized that you’d stolen a pack of cigarettes - from his best friend, and he was pissed. Both of them were. Stealing and smoking. You overheard him and Calum talking about it and Ash had come to the (correct) assumption that you must’ve taken them. You were dreading the knock on the bedroom door; they were both going to kill you.
You waited about five minutes before the sharp knock sounded through the door. Shit, you thought to yourself, “yeah?” you said casually. “We need to talk to you,” you were surprised to hear Calum’s voice first, before Ashton shouted a “now.”
You mentally prepared yourself. “Come in,” you shouted. You were sitting on your bed with your laptop, and barely even looked up at them when the two angry boys walked in. “Have you got something to tell Calum?” your brother asked. You glanced at Cal, “you look lovely today, Mr Hood.” Calum held back a smirk and Ashton grabbed your laptop, shutting the lid and almost throwing it to the side. You groaned. “Fucking tell us,” Ash said through gritted teeth. “No idea what you’re talking about,” you said, crossing your arms. “Y/n, c'mon, was it you? Honestly?” Calum asked, but you still played dumb, shrugging your shoulders. Calum gave Ashton a ‘get out’ look. He huffed but obeyed, leaving just you and Calum. You glared silently up at him from your place on the bed, arms still crossed over your chest. He raised a brow at you and sat down by your feet. “We can make a deal, right?” he whispered, so Ashton didn’t hear. You just shrugged, letting him continue, “I won’t tell Ash if you admit it.” You chewed your lip in thought, eventually nodding and leaning over to the spot you’d hidden the cigs in, throwing the box at him. “Why did you take them?” he asked, checking how many was left - not many. “The paps are all over me because i’m Ashton’s little sister, i couldn’t go and buy them,” you admitted. “Why are you fucking smoking?” he asked. You shrugged, “stress?” He shook his head, “you’re quitting,” he said before asking, “where do you usually get them from?” “Luke,” you told him. “Does he know?” You went quiet and he glared at you. You looked at him guiltily as he stood up, shoving the cigarette box into his pocket. He left your room without another word. You heard the front door slam shut, then Ashton run up the stairs, “I’m sorry!” he shouted through your door, “can i come in?” “Yeah,” you said, smiling to yourself - Calum had kept it to himself. “I’m so sorry for blaming you,” he said again, “i shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.” “I forgive you,” you chuckled, “but can we get pizza in for dinner?” “’Course we can,” he smiled.
A while later, you got a text from Calum: ‘you owe luke big time (and me)’ As you were reading it, Ashton knocked on your door again, “Luke just texted me, it was him. I’m sorry.. again.” “I know, it’s okay,” you smiled, “but the pizza’s on the way, right?” He rolled his eyes but shouted a “yeah” as he left your room. You texted Luke: ‘youre a fucking life saver thank you, anything you want iou!!!’
i have no idea where this came from but ???
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Roomies ¦ Luke
Your phone woke you up at 9am. Not even bothering to open your eyes, you answered it, “mmm?” “Y/n?” Luke asked on the other end. “I’m literally in the same flat as you,” you mumbled, incoherently, but he seemed to understand you nonetheless. “I fucked up,” he said, panicking into the phone, “come help please.” You just groaned and hung up. Not bothering to put any pants on, you dragged yourself out of bed to the living room in just Luke’s shirt and your underwear. “Where are you?” you asked. “Uh - kitchen,” he replied. You walked into the kitchen, rubbing your eyes, “what’ve you done?” He stepped out of the way, looking at the floor guiltily. “Luke,” you said, too tired for his shit, “how the fuck do you burn cereal?”
this kinda popped into my head and i had to write it, so enjoy?
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New Friends and New Enemies
Part one here! I’m hoping part 2 is better though
Warning: fighting? [sorry Luke and Michael fighting is like my fucking drug ugh]
As you strolled out of your last class, you noticed a crowd starting to form at the end of the corridor and let your curiosity get the better of you. You pushed through the people only to see Michael push Luke into the wall. Luke tried to pull away and failing that, butted him, making Michael’s nose pour with blood, only adding to the popped lip, though it didn’t stop him from pinning him against the wall, trying to punch him in the face. “Luke!” you almost screamed, kicking the back of Michael’s leg, causing him to lose his balance. “Fuck, Y/n,” Luke dragged you away from Michael as he stood up, “i mean, thanks but-” You noticed Luke had a bruise under one eye, and a gash above the other. “What the fuck?!” Michael shouted, spinning you round to face him, “you’ve known him for what, 2 hours? and you’re already sticking up for him?” You glared at Michael, “If you hadn’t pinned him against the fucking wall, i wouldn’t have had to stick up for him, would i?” you spoke calmly, which pissed Michael off more. “He deserved it, the piece of shit,” he spat, and was about to say something else when the Head’s voice boomed through the hall. “Mr. Clifford and Mr. Hemmings once again! And you, Miss. Y/L/N?” “She didn’t do anythi-” Luke started, making Michael scoff, before the Head cut him off with his hand in the air. ‘might be late home, i’ll explain later but everything’s fine. love ya :*’ You sent a quick text to Ashton on your way to the office.
“Mr. Hemmings, please explain what just happened,” the Head said, then pointed at Michael, “you stay quiet.” Luke glanced at you before speaking, then avoided your gaze. “I uh- was gonna go get Y/n from her class and he stopped me,” you smiled up at him as he continued, “he was talking rubbish and hit me..” “Mr. Clifford, is this true?” “He pushed me!” “You were being an ass!” “Luke,” the Head, who you found out was called Mr. Philips, stopped their bickering, “did you make contact first?” Luke huffed, nodding as Michael smirked. “Y/n, where did you come into this?” Philips asked. “I had to get Michael off of Luke, he had him pinned to the wall,” you said quietly. “She put me on the floor!” Luke chuckled. “Okay, you two,” he said, pointing at you and Michael, “detention tomorrow.” “And you,” he said to Luke, ”the rest of the week.” “Oh, come on,” Luke groaned, “i have plans tomorrow.” “Cancel them.” “Hey, Y/n, i kinda can’t make it tomorrow, you free over the weekend?” Luke said, running his hand through his hair. “Y’know what? Something just came up tomorrow anyway. Weekend sounds good,” you smirked. Mr. Philips dismissed you all and Michael gave you a snide look, “have fun, lovebirds.” Calum was waiting outside leaning against a car, “What happened this time?” “Ask him. I’ll text you later, ‘kay?” Luke shouted back and Michael got in the car. “How are you getting home?” Luke asked you. “Walking. It’s not too far,” you smiled up at him. “C-Can i walk you home?” “Really?” you smiled, “I mean- yeah, of course.”
You walked the short way home once Luke cleaned his face up a little. Ashton was waiting for you outside your house when you got there and you hugged him tight. “How long have have you been out here?” you asked him but he ignored your question, turning his attention to Luke and holding his hand out. “You must be her new hot friend,” he chuckled, and you blushed bright red, as did Luke as he shook his hand, “Luke,” he said shyly. “I’m the best friend she hasn’t stopped talking about,” he joked. “Ashton, right? Your families moved across the city together only to send you to different schools?” Ash laughed and pulled you into a one armed hug, “aww, you did tell him about me.” “Of course i did,” you giggled.
Soon, the three of you were in your house, chilling on the couch. “Either of you need anything?” you asked as they sat on the couch. “Nope,” Ash said grabbing the remote. “Uh, ice?” Luke asked. “Shit, of course,” you said running into the kitchen, “sorry!” You heard Luke explain what had happened, and Ash chuckled, “all that because you were meeting Y/n?” Luke nodded, chuckling slightly, “i mean, we fight quite a bit but it’s usually not as bad.” It went quiet and you realized they were whispering as you got back, but stopped when you got there. You gave them a frown as you handed Luke the bag from the freezer. “What’s with the whispering?” you asked sweetly, glancing between them. “Nothing,” Luke said quickly. “Boy stuff. You don’t wanna know,” Ash chuckled. “Fair enough,” you said as you sat yourself down between them.
It was about 9:30 when Luke started getting ready to leave. He let you walk him home on the condition that Ash came too, so he could walk you home. “Well, uh- thanks,” Luke said, getting to his house, “and nice to meet you both.” You pulled him into a hug, wrapping your arms around his neck, “nice to meet you too,” you whispered and kissed his cheek before pulling away. “If i don’t see you before, i’ll see you in detention,” you chuckled. “It’s a date,” he laughed, giving you a final wave before stepping into his house.
“Okay, so apparently that other dude was saying stuff about you and Luke going off aloe at lunch,” Ash whispered to you the second Luke’s door closed, “that’s why Lukey pushed him.” “He told me they never sit together,” you whispered back, wondering why that made Michael so pissed, “they hate each other but they’re both really good friends with Calum.” “Must be rough for Calum,” Ash chuckled. “He seemed used to it,” you laughed, “Luke said he doesn’t bother taking sides when they fight; just calls both of them dickheads.”
not as long at part 1 like, but lemme know if these are any good please?
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New School
This is rly long and i didn’t realize ¦ idk if it’s any good but i’ve got a part 2 planned
“Why not?!” you cried, throwing your uniform on the floor. “Because,” your mum said, trying to calm you down, “it’s a new start.” “I don’t want a new start, i want my best friend!” You and Ashton Iwrin had been best friends since you could remember, your families even moved together. Now you both live on the other side of Sydney, and you’re just finding out your mum’s sending you to a different school.
After a horrible morning, you finally got to school, and you felt sick as you sat in the Head’s office. You didn’t want to be the new kid when everyone else had known each other for over a year. You needed your best friend, you needed Ashton. To say you were dreading this was an understatement, especially since you knew he wasn’t far away. After a few minutes, the head teacher walked in, followed by a blonde boy about your age. “Y/n, welcome to our school. Luke here,” he gestured to the boy standing next to him, “will show you around this morning. He’s in your registration - 8B - so you’ll be able to get to now each other.” Your gaze went to Luke, and he smiled shyly as you nodded.
“So…” Luke said, holding the door open for you, “what’s your favorite lesson? You looked up at him and a small smile appeared on your lips, "uh, art. What about you?” He smiled and headed down the halls, “I’ll show you the art rooms first then.” “Thanks,” you smiled, “what are the teachers like here?” “Art teachers are great - most of ‘em are alright, but be careful of Mr. Williams, he once gave me and Calum detention for a week because we were 'disrupting the class’ like-” he air quoted the words, then paused and sighed, “it was an important discussion.” “What was it about?” you chuckled. “Who’s better, Good Charlotte or Green Day?” he looked at you with a smirk. “Oh god, i can’t get involved with that when i’ve just met you,” you laughed, “me and Ash get into enough arguments about shit like that.” He laughed, nudging your arm, “but in case Calum asks, Good Charlotte are better, okay?” You nodded, chuckling to yourself, “that’s fine with me - so am i gonna meet him?” “Probably,” he said, glancing at you before stopping in front of a classroom, “i mean, if you wanna stick with me.” “If that’s cool,” you smiled. “’Course it is. Now,” he pointed down the hall, “this is art.” “Pretty cool,” you said looking into one of the classrooms. “Oh- i was supposed to give you this,” he said, pulling something out of his pocket, you saw that it was a map of the school. “Thanks,” you raised a brow, “but why are you actually showing me around when you have a map? Wouldn’t you rather ditch?” you chuckled. He thought for a moment before he nodded and grabbed your hand, pulling you around the building and outside, up to the field by the gym to a little spot under a tree. You were both laughing when you got there but Luke froze, “shit, what are you doing here?” You stood behind Luke, only taking a peek at the dark-haired boy he was talking to. He looked surprised to see Luke, but you heard the smirk in his voice. “Who’s that?” he asked, trying to look around Luke. Luke hesitated and you peeked up over his shoulder, seeing surprise in his friend’s face once again. “New girl, huh?” “Y/n,” you greeted over Luke’s shoulder. “Calum,” he smirked, “nice to meet you.” “So you’re the guy who thinks Green Day are better than Good Charlotte?!” you chuckled, coming out from behind Luke, but staying close. Calum glared and changed the subject, “anyway-” “What are you doing here?” Luke asked again, cutting him off, “i thought you loved Miss Jones.” “I do; i hate Mr Williams - he’s the sub.” Luke nodded, “fair enough.”
Until lunch, you spent your day in the same spot with Luke and Calum, getting to know each other. You all talked about anything and everything, finally coming to the Green Day/Good Charlotte discussion, “I mean, i love Bilie Joe as much as the next person, but if nothing else makes Good Charlotte better it’s the fact he fucking sings like he’s got a blocked nose.” Calum wasn’t too thrilled with your comment. Or your impression of Billie Joe, though Luke loved it. You talked about your best friend and how, until now, you two have always been at the same school. As the lunch bell went, Calum helped you up from your seat on a log. “Thanks,” you smirked, “wait, is it lunch?” They nodded and you pulled your phone out of your bag, “I’ll be back in like 30 seconds,” you said before dialling Ashton’s number, walking out of earshot. “Y/n! How’s your first day going?” Ashton answered in his usual chirpy voice. “Fucking great,” you chuckled, “I’ve spent all morning with two hot guys, so it’s been good. What about you?” He laughed, “you met the hot guys already? But yeah, i’m doing good - my math teacher’s hot.” “Maybe you’ll stop flunking then,” you teased. “Hey, fuck you! Anyway, get back to your new hot friends,” he chuckled. “Will do, thanks Ash, love you!” “Love you too.”
Your new hot friends were already beside you when you turned around to go back to them. “You didn’t tell us you had a boyfriend,” Calum smirked. “You didn’t tell me you guys were gonna eavesdrop,” you raised a brow. “We didn’t mean to, we just-” Luke started. “He’s not my boyfriend anyway,” you cut him off, chuckling, “he’s my best friend.” “Have you guys kissed?” Luke asked. “I- Well, not like-” “Basically together,” Calum laughed. “Both of you can go fuck yourselves, or each other, since apparently that’s what friends do,” you laughed, nudging them both away from you.
They led you into the cafeteria to get lunch. As the three of you went to queue up, Calum spotted someone across the room and went to get them. Luke groaned, “Michael. I fucking hate this guy.” “Who is he?” you asked, putting some food on your tray. “Calum’s other best mate, but he just- he’s such a dick.” “He’s fucking hot,” you said as you saw him walking over with Calum. “You’re not gonna ditch me for him are you? After all we’ve been through?” Luke said dramatically. You raised a brow at him and chuckled, “I’ve known you for like three hours, but no, i’m not gonna ditch you.” “Good,” he smiled, “to prove it, you wanna hang out tomorrow after school?” You held back a smirk as you nodded, “you with your girlfriend today?” “Actually, i said tomorrow because you probably have plans with your “not your boyfriend” tonight,” he smiled, air quoting the words. “Oh, well.. yeah i did,” you smiled wide, “thanks for the consideration.” “You’re welcome,” he said as Calum and Michael got to you guys. Calum introduced you both and you nudged Luke when he rolled his eyes.
You were about to follow Calum and Michael to a table when Luke pulled you away. “I got somewhere better,” was all he said as he linked his arm in yours and pulled you out of the cafeteria. He led you into a little room that you assumed was part of Drama - it was amazing in there - and sat you down to eat. You smiled up at him and pulled him down to sit next to you, and you continued to get to know each other as you ate.
Luke had to pretty much drag you to the last two classes of the day after lunch. You made sure to get his number so you could text him when you needed to.
Part 2 here!
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Boyfriend’s Best Friend
This is influenced by ‘She’s Mine’ by @dibsonmikeybitch because i fucking loved it and loved the idea of it. Go read it ¬¬ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@dibsonmikeybitch if you have a problem with me posting this please let me know - i freaking love your writing though
“Fuck this,” you said to yourself, pulling your phone out if your pocket and dialling Calum’s number. “Meet me outside in like 2 minutes,” you said over the music when he answered, then hung up. You were sitting on the wall when you saw Calum come out of the house and you immediately stood up and strolled over to him. “What’s up?” he asked, you saw the concern on his face, mixed with intoxication. You smirked and ran your fingers through his hair, kissing him roughly. Calum kissed back almost automatically but pulled back after a moment, “what the fuck are you doing?” his eyes widened. “Kissing you,” you said bluntly, pulling him close again only for him to push you away. “What about Michael? Y'know your boyfriend? My best friend?” he questioned, running a hand through his hair, “we can’t do this. I shouldn’t have-” “Michael’s busy with some slut, so i-” “What?!” Calum’s expression changed, he was pissed off, “how do you know?” “Saw him,” you said, looking up at him. Something seemed to snap in him and he grabbed your hand and pulled you back into the party. “I don’t wanna see him,” you tried to tell him but he ignored you and pulled you into the empty living room, plonking himself down on the couch and pulling you to straddle his lap. “I’m gunna bet he comes in here with her,” he whispered, glancing at the door then smirking at you. “I like your thinking,” you smirked, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning into him to kiss him hard. Michael was completely out of your mind after a few moments. You were rolling your hips against Calum’s, feeling his hardening cock underneath you. Your lip was between his teeth as his tongue ran over it, making you moan into him before he pulled back slightly to kiss down your jaw. Your right hand tangled in his hair and the other lightly scratched down his torso, making it’s way to his cock.
You bit your lip but he hesitated slightly, “are you sure you wanna do this?” Nodding, you leaned in to kiss him once more, smiling at the fact he was drunk enough to be doing all this but still sober enough to make sure you wanted it. “I want you so bad, Calum,” you breathed out, hot and low, and his expression went from concern to lustful in 0.2, letting out a slight moan as he roughly grabbed the hem of your shirt, pulling it off your body quickly, followed by his. You stood up, slowly undoing your skinny jeans as he watched you, biting his lip. Calum made quick work of his own jeans and boxers once you were in just your underwear. You were planning to tease him a little but he pulled you back onto his lap, unclasping your bra effortlessly as he sucked on the sweet spot on your neck, you moaned, your nails digging into his back, earning a hiss from him. “Fuck me already,” you moaned, and he snarled, ripping your underwear off and biting your neck. You let out a hiss and he pulled your hair, making you look at him. “I’ll fuck you when I’m ready,” he growled, making you whimper slightly, and he loved it. After what felt like hours of teasing, Calum finally lifted you up, and down slowly onto himself; teasingly slowly. He gripped your hips so tight you knew there’d be bruises there tomorrow. He leaned back into the couch and thrusted up into you roughly, you bounced up and own his cock, and he pulled you into a deep kiss to keep you from moaning too loudly as he could hear someone just outside. You barely even heard them come in, you were too intoxicated - with booze and Calum, his fingers marking your skin, his teeth sinking into your bottom lip, his cock- fuck, his cock making you feel fucking wonderful. “It’s usually empty in here,” Michael’s voice sounded slightly, followed by a, “shit!” You ignored your boyfriend and moaned Calum’s name, running your fingers through his soft hair, “f-fuck, Calum, harder- fuck, please!” He did as you asked and you felt yourself about to go over the edge. He dug his nails into your back and dragged them down to your ass , squeezing tightly as he fucked into you  with everything he had, sending you into pure bliss. Your head fell into his chest and his hand went to your hair, pulling slightly. You bit and sucked at his collarbone, creating more deep purple marks upon his skin. You heard a door slam shut at some point during your high, but didn’t acknowledge it, instead focusing on the white hot heat pulsing around your veins. Once you came down from your high and were able to see straight again, you looked at Calum with hooded, lust filled eyes, climbing slowly off of him, you went to kneel on the floor in front of him. “Y/n, you don’t hav-” he started, but you cut him off by licking up his cock, taking him all in your mouth, you moaned around him and you knew he was already so close, so you swirled your tongue around him and massaged his tip with your tongue as you bobbed your head up and down. Soon, you felt Calum’s hot cum shooting down your throat, and heard a loud moan coming from him, his breath hitching when your nails trailed up his thighs. You licked it all up and smirked up at him innocently. He pulled you back up to him by your hair and kissed you roughly before laying back into the couch with you on top of him again.
It took you both a while before you returned to the party, but you bumped into an angry Michael as soon as you left the room, “what the fuck was that?” “What? Oh, in there? That was me fucking Calum. And fuck he was good,” you teased, biting your lip and leaning against the brown eyed boy. Michael didn’t know what to say, he stuttered out his words, “I-I- why did- wha- why the fuck would you have sex with my -my best friend?!” “Because, Michael, I fucking saw you with your tongue down some slut’s throat! So i figured fucking your best friend would be some pretty good revenge,” you smirked, then added a little breathlessly, “fuck, was i right.” Michael glared at Calum, who shrugged innocently, “i mean, you’re kind of even now, right?”
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Yuzuru Hanyu on Ice vs. off Ice
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You meet Luke's twin for the first time [ Yes my keyboard is Calum Hood :') ]
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Mixed Up ¦ Michael & Gordie
“Gordie, could you help me with this?” you asked, hand up the back of your shirt as you scooted over to him on the couch. “Hm?” he paused his game and looked over at you. “My bra,” you said turning your back to him, “please.” He nodded, spluttering out a ‘sure’ before unclasping your bra. You turned to him once it was off and gave him a peck on the cheek. He looked at you with a raised brow but you laughed it off, smirking up at him as you leaned into his side. “What are you doing?” he asked, brows in a confused frown. “What’s it look like?” you chuckled. He stopped himself from saying something as he hesitantly put his arm around you and continued his game as you lay on his chest. Calum, sitting across from you both, held back his laughter at his friend’s confused face as he knew exactly what was going on.
See, yesterday, Gordie had green hair and Michael had red hair - but they decided to dye their hair last night without telling you - and now Gordie had red hair and Michael had green hair. There wouldn’t have been a problem with this harmless prank, only you and Gordie sort of had a “thing” and you and Michael had never really gotten along.
It was about an hour later when you found out that you’d mixed them up, and you were actually cuddled up with Michael on the couch. Gordie walked in the room, laughing when he saw you two together. He pulled you away from his brother and you tried to pull away from him. “Y/n! Calm it - it’s Gordie,” he laughed, and you looked between both of them, confused. “We swapped hair colours,” he said, pulling you into a hug, “sorry.” You pulled away from him and turned to Michael, looking as confused as you, “you couldn’t have told me you were Michael?!” “Wha- I- he- uh-” he stuttered, “I did ask what you were doing!” “But i-” “I didn’t know it was fucking normal for you to be all cuddly with Gordie!” Mike cut you off, standing up and pushing past you to go to the kitchen. Gordie followed him and you noticed Calum almost crying with laughter. “You didn’t think to fucking let me know?” you snarled. He shook his head, “it was hilarious!” “Fuck you, Calum.”
Michael made sure to let you know which twin he was after that. You always heard an “I’m not Gordie,” when you entered a room he was in, earning a “fuck off Michael.”
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I’m going to link my posts from my other blog - that’s why they’re not all here This Blog Other Blog
Calum - Broken Strings
Luke wakes you up with a little problem
New School ¦ Part 2
Boyfriend’s Best Friend (involves cheating)
Michael/Gordie - Twin Mix Up
Love and Hate and FWB ¦ Part 2
Calum/Thomas - Twin Mix Up
Michael - you break his guitar
You meet Luke’s twin for the first time
Luke - your 2yos have been fighting
You steal their clothes (2/4)
You surprize Michael on tour
Calum hears you in the shower
Beach Luke
smalla than a bug
Michael - Friend or boyfriend ¦ Part 2 ¦ Part 3 ¦ Part 4
Luke is an ass ¦ Part 2 ¦ Part 3
You slip to your brother that Luke’s hot
Luke finds out a little secret
Michael - you send your pic to the the wrong guy
Michael - Independence Day prank
You kissed Michael
Calum - jealous roomies
Michael’s your teacher and the rest is history
You and Michael disappear
You and Luke hooked up - oops
Your brother walks in on you and Calum
You and Luke disappeared together last night
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Love and Hate and FWB 2
[Link at the bottom for part 1]
You stayed in Michael and Calum’s for a week after the boys’ fight. The apartment you shared with your brother and Ashton only being visited once when you realized you’d forgot some of your stuff. You, Michael and Calum were watching a movie when there was a knock at the door. Michael went to get it and you heard, “what are you doing here?” followed by Luke’s voice, “i’m here to talk to my sister.” “Y/n,” Michael shouted to you, “it’s Luke. Do you wanna speak to him?” You shouted back a ‘yeah’ and stood up, but you still wanted to piss him off so you grabbed Calum’s hand and pulled him up, ignoring his questions. You pulled Cal’s arm around you as you got into the hallway and Luke glared. Dragging you away from Calum, Luke pulled you into the kitchen and you saw Ash give Calum a look. “What the fuck was that?” Luke asked between gritted teeth. “What?” you asked innocently. “Calum!” he whisper-shouted. “Oh, Calum! No, that was just to piss you off,” you smiled. “Y'know, i came here to apologize but now you can suck it,” he snarled. “Y'know... i will suck it,” you chuckled, “i mean, i’m assuming you’re talking about your best friend’s dick, right?” Luke stormed out the kitchen slamming the doors on the way upstairs. You and the rest of the boys stood in the hallway listening to Luke wrecking the place. Ashton ruffled your hair, “way to go, i gotta walk home with that,” he chuckled. “Sorry, he set me up for a blowjob comment,” you said guiltily, “i couldn’t not take it.” The three of them nodded, laughing quietly as you ran upstairs to find Luke in Michael’s room, everything around him was trashed and he held Mikey’s guitar in his hands; your eyes widened. “Luke...” He looked up from the guitar, one of the only things in the room that he hadn’t thrown on the floor or at a wall. “I- I almost smashed his guitar,” he admitted. “Luke, I- Look, I’m sorry but-” you sighed, and he cut you off. “No- I’m sorry for being an ass,” he looked up at you guiltily, “I shouldn’t have reacted like that - but you should’ve fucking told me about it.” “I didn’t tell you because i knew you’d react like that, dingus.”
You and the other three guys were watching the movie again when Luke finally came back down after fixing up Michael’s bedroom (mostly). You scooted away from Michael’s arms when you heard him coming down the stairs, and he ran a hand through his hair as he stepped into the room, “Mike, i’m sorry for being an ass, okay? But if i see you two all coupley i’m going to kill you both - oh, and if you fucking hurt her-” “Dude, you really think i’m gunna hurt her?” “No but i’m her brother, i’ve got to say it.,” he explained before continuing, “if you hurt her i’ll fucking rip your throat out with my bare hands. Deal?” “Deal,” Michael said as he stood up and they hugged it out.
Part 1
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Love and Hate and FWB
Luke was 7 minutes older than you (he never let you forget that.) Since you were tiny, you’ve had a very love/hate relationship; right now you hated eachother. The day before, Luke had snooped through your phone. “I didn’t expect to fucking find anything,” was his excuse when he’d confronted you about the texts he’d found between you and Michael. “What? He’s hot.” “That means you fucking sext him?” “Well i couldn’t sex him, he wasn’t here, dipshit!” “I swear to god i’ll kill you both if you’ve-” “Fucked? You’re too late,” you smiled slyly. Your twin brother huffed and threw your phone at you before storming out the room. You stayed at Michael and Calum’s apartment last night, and Luke turned up at 9 am, banging on the door and waking you up from a not so long sleep. Michael groaned as he got out of bed, throwing his sweatpants on before going downstairs to get the door. You followed him down after putting some of his clothes on. You regretted following him when you heard the door open, then a crash. Running to Michael, you saw Luke at the door and he barged in, “What the fuck are you doing with my sister?!” “Well, we were sleeping...” Mike answered as he steadied himself and stood up properly, “...until someone almost broke the door down.” You stood between Luke and Michael, “why do you think i’m here, Luke? you were a fucking asshole yesterday!” “So you came and slept with him?!” Luke almost screamed. “He knows?” Michael raised an eyebrow. “He looked through my phone,” you explained and watched Michael’s eyes widen and his face redden. “Yep,” Luke chuckled saltily, “nice dick pics, by the way.” Michael paused, glaring at him before you spoke, “you’ve seen his dick before.” “Not on my sister’s phone!” Luke yelled, pushing you into the wall so he could get to Mchael. You screamed and grabbed your head, falling to the floor. Luke forgot about Michael and quickly moved to help you up, though you nudged him away. Michael ran to get something to put on your head, and you looked up at a terrified Luke, pushing him against the back of the door, “i’m fine, dickhead!” “What?! Why the fuck did you you do that?” he asked running his hand through his hair before pulling you into a relieved hug. You pulled away, “it got you to back off him!” “I’m still gunna fucking kill him,” he told you. “If you cared about me you wouldn’t fucking touch him,” you crossed your arms. “You’re not fucking falling for him are you?” You shook your head. “If you beat him up i can’t fuck him and i’d be super cranky,” you said with a smug smirk. “So this is nice Y/n?” You kicked his shin and he cursed, “clearly,” he said sarcastically before pushing you out of the way and going to find Michael. You hit the wall and tried to push him back, but he’d already disappeared. You heard them as you leaned against the wall. “What the fuck, Michael?!” “I’m sorry okay? But she’s 20, she can do what she wants, no matter what big brother Lukey says.” You heard a thud, and Luke shouted, “fuck you! You know you’re no good for her, you peice of shit!” “That’s why we’re not together, we’re just fucking,” Michael said, followed by a crash and what sounded like a fight. “Guys!” you shouted, running into the kitchen. The two boys were on the floor, throwing punches at each other so you jumped at them and pulled your brother off of his best friend. Michael sat with his head in his hands and punched the counter behind him as you shoved Luke against the wall, screaming in his face, “what the fuck was that for?” “Fucking my sister,” he said, scarily calm, wiping his eye with the back of his hand. That’s when you noticed the blood trickling down his face, and you immediately dropped to the floor, turning to check on Michael, who had a cut lip and a bruise already forming on his cheek. Though he looked hot, you just felt like turning around and punching Luke. That’s what you did. You punched your brother in the jaw, and he pushed you back into Michael, who’d stood up and caught you in his arms.
Part 2
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so this is my new blog, i don’t really know why i’m making it - just fancy a little change.
no one i know, knows about this blog so i can post what the fuck i want, i guess :)
and even if no one reads it, my secrets stay secret
so yeah :)
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