justasksandbeats · 4 years
When will you open ask blog?
What is your schedule that you can open the ask blog? Just asking if that’s okay.
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this blog has been inactive for two years. im honestly surprised it still gets followers– im not sure if the theme shows the date? i occasionally post fanart that gets submitted to me, but i usually just hold onto it in my inbox because i dont want to get people’s hopes up by posting.
i havent been a part of the just shapes & beats fandom for a pretty long time now– i do sometimes draw stuff for it, but its about “once a year”. i just dont really feel like i can continue the askblog from where it left off, and id have to restart this entirely at this point because its been so long and my ideas for the characters and worldbuilding have changed
if you want to follow other jsab askblogs, i.. cant exactly recommend any because i have no idea which ones are still around? again, it’s been two years since i was last active in the fandom. people are welcome to promo themselves on this post!
honestly this announcement / confirmation is Very overdue, but i kept putting it off because i actually did get some hateful messages over my inactivity / posting fanart instead of doing anything (which is why i just hold onto it now, w/ exceptions). im really, really sorry to disappoint everyone.
if you want to keep up with what im doing now, you can find my main blog at @getallemeralds​​, but again i dont really do much jsab content anymore. sorry.
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justasksandbeats · 5 years
Hmrmrmrm finally got enough courage to do this
Hello leo! You may remember as the person you defyed physics on your stream that one time.
Just wanted to say that you're a huge inspiration. Everytime i look at your art and stories it just makes me feel so happy! Hell it's even to the point where me and my good friend literally became swears and friend and we bully eachother alot BFNXBDNBDNDND. Whatever you plan to do with this blog? That's your choice! And I along many other will still support you!
Here's some fanart I did vfbdbdfnfb..,,,
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Also here's this extra screenshot
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Anyway! Love what you do man! Keep up the good work! *Self destructs*
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aaa oh my gosh fuji,,, i just woke up and im bgfjkdbgjhg ;w; im really glad to be a inspiration to you!!
i guess i should take a moment to give an update: if this blog comes back, its entirely up to nyx. i ended up not being able to maintain an askblog (source: the other ones i had besides this one also died off), i prioritized this & my popularity in the fandom / feeling like i had to live up to it over my mental health, and also i just really dont want to be in the fandom anymore after stuff thats happened. ):
i did have fun while it lasted, though, and im glad to have had an effect on people. good luck to you guys on whatever you end up doing!
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justasksandbeats · 5 years
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if this is a cool character,just know that your always an inspiration
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your art’s adorable!! thank you for sharing!!!!
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justasksandbeats · 5 years
Would you mind if I do canary of my version of square interacting with yours? I’m sorry if my posts are kinda annoying.
RR: go for it!! sorry about the inbox being closed btw, i know that makes contacting me kinda difficult ^^;
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justasksandbeats · 5 years
Hey Uhm, I’m new to tumblr but your blog has been a huge inspiration for me. My friend and I have been doing a role play of our own version of jsab but the designs were inspired by yours. Sorry about the stress you’re going through and good luck with your sonic au!
Here’s one of the designs I made for my au if you’re curious
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RR: aah oh my gosh this looks so cool!! i hope you and your friend have  fun with it ^w^ and ty for the well-wishes, im hoping to be able to pick this blog up again sometime but in the meantime a break is doing me good.
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justasksandbeats · 6 years
[ hey, mun RR here! this... probably isn’t the update you were hoping for. im tired, im burnt out on jsab, and ive been having to take a break from the fandom because of all the current ongoings being very bad for my mental health.
so... ive started a new askblog! this time centered around a sonic AU ive had for years. i know its pretty different, but im hoping to just go back to having fun and doodling things rather than stressing myself out all the time. which also means answering questions on this new blog may be a bit slower-paced, which i hope is okay.
ja&b will be back eventually. i just cant currently maintain it, and im sorry for that. ]
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TAILS: I already told you, we’re doing a Q&A! SONIC: …Why?
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TAILS: You don’t need to stand so close to the camera, by the way. SONIC: Oop, my bad.
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justasksandbeats · 6 years
on a related note, im. stepping back from the jsab fandom. im not cancelling ja&b, and im not leaving the js&p discord, i just… i need a break.
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justasksandbeats · 6 years
Hello, this is a callout post.
Please watch for the blog collinriddle!!!
He was found to be into CHILD footfetishes, inflation, vore, ect. Please keep an eye out for this user!
This is a serious problem. I do NOT WANT ANYONE who is interested in such vile things near my blog!
Got a question about this? Feel free to DM me!
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justasksandbeats · 6 years
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Chill is (understandably) afraid of the other Freshes/Blixers of the multiverse.
Someone help this boi; he’s trapped.
Fresh/Blixer designs by: @small–crcle @jsab-trash @getallemeralds (for some reason, it wouldn’t let me tag @just-asks-and-beats, so… oops).
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justasksandbeats · 6 years
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Anx went back to exploring the world, Laser started working at the Factory again, Sadcube-- or just Cube now-- got some much-needed rest, and Swears and Friend got to live life as heroes!
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He decided to go back to living in his cave to avoid everyone and recover from getting annihilated. Nobody really bothered to go look for him.
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According to the letter, a shape was trapped in a cave somewhere and was hoping for rescue! Curious about what the purple writing might mean, Friend and Swears split up to check opposite ends of Paradise. Friend went to the Volcano to check on Barracuda, and Swears went to Fresh's cave.
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Cudy was the wrong colour for a really long time because of the mun being indecisive, don’t worry about it. They’re naturally a reddish colour, and prefer to stay in the Volcano because it’s quiet. Meanwhile, Swears and Fresh started throwing punches at each other because of residual anger over the Corruption fiasco and Fresh not wanting to take the blame for what happened in the Factory.
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Sovi is... a bit of a mystery. They explained that they’d been locked up down in the caves a long time ago because of being able to change colour at will between blue, pink, and purple. Angry at how they were treated, Swears broke them out of shape jail and told them that they can go to the surface with them and Fresh. New friend acquired!
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Both Cube and Awoo turn pink when under the effects of strong emotions, and Awoo holds a bit of a grudge because a sibling fight between Swears and Friend lead to his corruption. Friend mostly patches it up.
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Awoo gained a healthy fear of them.
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Everyone (except for Cudy and Awoo, who stayed at the Volcano) reunited back at the Treeangle to meet Sovi, who Swears happily introduced their friends to. Fresh was also dragged into things, despite trying to go back into his cave.
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justasksandbeats · 6 years
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[ more updated designs! anx didnt change that much but thats because i like them a lot as is, ahah. just figured out how to draw their coat in a way thats easier for me. cudy also didnt take much touching up, and awoo is now a lot fluffier and has free-floating arms so he’s easier to pose. and laser, uh, now has zero evidence of legs. good job, laser. ]
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justasksandbeats · 6 years
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[ redesigning everybody a little bit, again! wanna make sure im happy with designs before i move forward with the recap and all that, seeing as ill be drawing stuff for it.
anx, laser, awoo, and cudy will be in a separate post once i do em! ]
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justasksandbeats · 6 years
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(( First time properly participating in Fresh Friday, starting with two of the four Blixers my King Pink is crushing on: Fresh and Phae! ))
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justasksandbeats · 6 years
[ ooc: recap is taking a bit because i have to revise it and i want to draw new art for it! thank you for your patience <3 ]
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justasksandbeats · 6 years
I'm new here and have no idea as to what's going on. All I wanna know is where Blixer is and why he isn't trying to conquer the world. Is he dead?
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FRESH: I’d summarize it, but I think I’d sound insane.HELI: Oh, are we gonna do a recap? I love recaps!
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justasksandbeats · 6 years
to explain what exactly is going on:
[ ooc: hey guys, im back! just... not the way you were expecting, probably.
some of the problem i was having was that i threw myself into a new event, like, right away. i kept talking about how i needed downtime, but i only did a little bit of it before plot plot plot. i... didnt actually want to do that! but i felt obligated to, because computer issues meant everything was getting derailed and i felt like people were getting sick of everything and id hinted at this event back near when the blog started and. Oof
so we’re rewinding! all of the progress on fresh start is the same, we’re just rolling it back to right after duet unfused, but before fresh start, uh, starts. fresh is currently not blue, the factory hasn’t had a malfunction, cube’s sister will have to wait on her introduction again (sigh. sorry. i feel pretty bad about it bc shes my bf’s oc and i kept promising him id include her soon as the story allowed), all that.
the askbox is currently closed. i have waaayyy too many asks and i wanna take care of those before i reopen.
right now, there’s no major plot-- just these dweebs hanging out and answering questions, taking a break from shit going on. ]
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justasksandbeats · 6 years
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SQUARE: Whoa, hey, easy! How come you’re acting like I died-- Oh. Right. SQUARE: Sup, everybody?
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