Please stop picking on me. I do it enough without you helping.
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That awkward moment when your crush likes your very best friend....
Yeah. I feel like I'll never be as good as her.... 
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"The less you care, the less you worry"
What this person forgot to mention was the less you care the less people will care about you.
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just so you know…
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If comparisons could kill
I have a big problem with comparing myself to other people. Sometimes I think "why can't I look like them", and other times I think "glad I don't look like them". Both of these are wrong, but the real problem comes when I compare myself to my own best friend. I find myself almost angry at her because she's beautiful and fun, and everyone just loves her. I wish people loved me like that. I shouldn't think like this. This is wrong and sad. Shes my BEST friend. I have some days where I feel confident in my looks but today is not one of them.
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Hi my lovelies :)
I know there are only 11 of you, and only like 2 of you guys like my stuff but I'm just happy I have any followers at all. Yesterday I got back from church camp, and I learned a lot. I was always a christian but I never really acted like one. It's time I go back to my faith and I want to start helping people. This week I donated around 90$ to a charity that tells people about God. If I can donate that much then I figure I can tell people about God for free myself :) 
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Interviewer: So what Diet are you on?
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Hey! Did you know:
sex is okay
so is masturbation
watching porn won’t make you impure
one night stands are okay too
having sex with multiple people doesn’t make you a slut
even 3-somes or group sex and orgies are a-okay
sex with the same gender is alright
not having sex doesn’t make you a prude
your body your choice no matter your gender
shaming other people for who they have sex with, how much they have sex, and even their kinks make you NOT okay!
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I'd rather be her than me
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I have an amazing ability to fuck everything up.
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I'm always the bad guy
Today I broke up with my great boyfriend because he wasn't right for me, he was great, but I need a different kind of great, but later, because I'm not ready to settle down into a relationship so why should I have one? 
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I hate it
I don't even make my own opinion anymore, I just wander through life listening to everyone else, and one day I am going to explode and tell everyone exactly what I think. soon. 
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