jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
Officially deactivating.
As you guys noticed for the past one or two weeks, I've regularly stopped posting as I should, stopped plotting with people, stopped acting like this was a roleplay and lost the character. OOC post were constant and once I start making ooc posts everywhere, I tend to lose something I enjoy that is, resuming myself to the IC side and roleplaying decently, especially because Jimin is the complete opposite of the mun. Not that I don't like to ooc, but once I start it, I end up being all ooc and then a lot of awkward uncontrollable situations run out of my hands. So, for those two reasons, when you go to my blog, all the posts were erased, and now all you have is links to my other roleplay accounts in case you want to interact. But I won't be using Kiseop nor Hwa a lot in case you go follow them, so, I strictly recommend you to follow Yukwon/Jimin double character.
About the sudden deactivation, I might come back to check my inbox and warn about my new accounts. But I don't think I'll get back as Jimin. At least not Hwang Jimin. I'll stuck to Yukwon and furthermore Hwayoung as my priorities.
Sorry for all the bothering ooc posts without readmore on dash, I really got it going out of control.
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jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
I seriously want to get rid of this account, it's clear that I've found the characters with which I feel comfortable with, and I tried for the past month, but I seriously can't.
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jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
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The Fallen Princesses, Dina Goldstein
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jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
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Just some of the reasons I spend half my life on the computer.
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jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
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Surrounded by the insane.
His world fragmented into dozens of sharp, cutting shards, shedding the salty blood and saltier tears that ringed the bitter cocktail of his despair. He was a caterpillar and butterfly, both, caught in a cocoon of raw nerves and open sores; he was insanity, wrapped up in the thin, transient wrappings of a temporary lucidity; and he was afraid, because an innate desire lay in the bottom reaches of his psyche for the very poison that was killing him. He had discovered that there was not just one God but many, and some were more than cruel — they were insane, and that changed all. Cruelty, after all, was understandable. With insanity, however, there was no arguing.
The pure fury of a demon instantly possessed me. I knew myself no longer. My original soul seemed, at once, to take its flight from my body; and a more than fiendish malevolence, gin-nurtured, thrilled every fibre of my body. They say that one with an aura that screams the tint ‘white’ can never be bad, however as the lights go down even the white becomes dark. From one who seemed so pure, I turned into a monster, the kind of monster you run from, hard and far away. Don’t stop and stare, just run, and that’s all I can say.
[ ♣ | ♣ | ♣ | ♣ | ♣ | ♣ ]
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jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
japanese vs finnish
Japanese: hai, aisenai - yes, not love
Finnish: hai, ai se nai - shark, oh it’s fucking
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jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
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jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
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jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
It had to be done.
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jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
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jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
Every morning, I wake up and think I’m going to start my life all over again. Then I look in the mirror and realize that I can’t.
Julie Harris  (via a-naya)
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jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
Life is a flying piece of poop.
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jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
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jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
I guess it's the same as your Hwayoung account, I have one, but I don't really go there.. Maybe I should, I kinda miss it all.
I will eventually end up deleting this account too and focus on Hwa, Yukwon and Kiseop (the only new account I created besides Yukwon was this one) but first I want to buy myself a new laptop in which I can have all the gifs I had and probably make more.
Well, if you miss it, then go for it. How long has it been since you did quit? Since May?
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jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
i should be ready to go to school but instead i'm on my pajamas in front of the computer... what's wrong with me
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jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
Reblog if you don't care if someone is transgender, straight, gay, lesbian or bisexual.
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  My followers better all reblog this.
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There should be more notes
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As long as you’re willing to love, you’re alright in my book <3
 i fucking love this.
This is amazing <3
No H8
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If you don’t rebolg this:
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jxminblackbxrd · 11 years
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