k00284226 · 1 year
My temporary project:
- Initially based on the emotions people temporarily feel at any given time.
- Developed into the emotional response people feel when they wear makeup.
- Experimentation with tattoos and development of people through age.
- Experimentation with different forms of media (pencil, chalk, digital, makeup).
- Finalised concept: exploring a temporarily enhanced confidence through the power of makeup.
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k00284226 · 1 year
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My final display for the temporary assessment.
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k00284226 · 1 year
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I put both masks on a board which I painted black. I nailed the masks in to make them more secure and then using chicken wire created a lifted effect with the full mask. I don’t have pictures but to make the glue and chicken wire less prominent, I painted another coat of black on to the board.
This piece is to represent the similarities between makeup and masquerade. Both are used in an attempt to create a confidence that lasts as long as you wear them.
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k00284226 · 1 year
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I painted the full mask using makeup as I would on my own face. However, cream contour doesn’t blend as effectively on a mask as it does a face which is what those harsher lines are.
I then went ahead and chopped up the mask which I’m going to use as a surround for the masquerade mask.
I also blended multiple shades of brown on the inside of the mask to give it more depth.
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k00284226 · 1 year
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I painted a masquerade styled mask as the next step in my project. I’m going to combine it with a full face mask which was painted using makeup instead of paint.
The masquerade mask was created using paint as I don’t happen to own any blue makeup. I also used a sparkly gold eyeshadow over the parts I had painted gold. I did this to make the gold more vibrant as I had to mix brown and yellow to create it and it was quite dull.
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k00284226 · 2 years
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Instead of using the original masks I made, I took a trip to the siopa ealain. I bought masks and then painted them using makeup. It was more tedious and difficult that I was expecting. I don’t particularly like them, especially the left one, but it was a good first attempt. The left is based on ‘slay’ and the right is based on ‘sexy’.
I’m jealous of how easily the eyeshadow blended on the masks as opposed to how easily it blends on my actual eyelids but we persevere.
I also bought a full face mask as well as the half masks. I’m thinking about using it along side a masquerade designed mask and combining the concept of the confidence behind a masquerade mask and a makeup mask for my project.
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k00284226 · 2 years
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For the temporary project and my concept of makeup enhancing a persons self-confidence, I wanted to create masks. Makeup is like a mask but in a more positive way. We wear it to build our confidence and feel a certain way. Sometimes it can make us feel powerful, beautiful, or sexy.
I wanted to create different masks based on some of the words I was given when I asked my friends. I attempted to turn the templates into actual masks but the quality wasn’t the best so, I tried something else.
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k00284226 · 2 years
I created an animation using the two images of myself to better show the change and contrast in our younger selfs to our older selfs.
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k00284226 · 2 years
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After having a nostalgic moment and looking back at photos from when I was baba, I had a small epiphany.
My theme is based around how makeup is a temporary change in a persons appearance. Then I realised so does age. Our age effects a lot of things about our appearance ranging from our faces and hair to our sense of fashion.
So, I decided to combine two pictures of myself from when I was young to current me and compare the difference.
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k00284226 · 2 years
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I added the quote I found from Val Garland to turn this into a finished piece. I used this quote to create a link between my project and my artist research as I feel this particular quote explains the way confidence is shown.
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k00284226 · 2 years
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I then went and drew out the eyeshadow that I previously posted for this look.
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k00284226 · 2 years
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For my ‘confidence’ look, I drew a template of a girl and a lion.
The lion is a representation of power and strength that I have masked in with the girl.
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k00284226 · 2 years
Artist Research
Garland came up with the concept behind Lady Gaga's meat dress as well as doing the makeup for her Born This Way album. She also drew a penis on a models back for a runway show. To me, Garland is the definition of bold which is linked to my 'confident' look for my project. This look is supposed to be bright and bold, like Garland.
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k00284226 · 2 years
Artist Research
Garland's style is considered avant-garde, meaning her work is considered bold, innovative, progressive and experimental. Garland pushes boundaries and creates changes through her work.
"Feel the fear, do it anyway".
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k00284226 · 2 years
Artist Research
I've recently been watching a lot of the show 'Glow Up' on Netflix and have become intrigued by Val Garland.
In addition to being a judge on 'Glow Up', Garland is also the L'Oréal Paris global makeup artist and the British Vogue contributing beauty editor. She originally started as a hair dresser in Australia, colouring hair before she moved to makeup.
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k00284226 · 2 years
As well as focusing solely on photoshop in pictures we also used it to create our own mini animations.
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k00284226 · 2 years
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