kaijukat · 6 years
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Hello, people of Tumblr! I’m still very rarely active on this site, but I wanted to let you guys know: MY ONLINE STORE IS CURRENTLY OPEN  ←  ←  ←
It’s on its soft launch while I build up to having a full website/storefront, and work on shipping logistics! Head over there for vinyl rude cat stickers, the return of my acrylic keychains, and much more! 
I am currently trying to make the jump to doing art full time, so any purchase made during this soft launch is DEEPLY appreciated! All profits go straight to bills, rent, and making more rad designs and products for you guys! 
FOLLOW THE LINK: https://neonkaiju.bigcartel.com/
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kaijukat · 6 years
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Hello friends and followers~
So I wanted to make this post because I know a lot of people either end of following me or find me through tumblr, but...I really...don’t go on or use tumblr much anymore! I can be found on Instagram or Twitter! I’ll try to come back on here now and then to check on messages, so hit me up if you have a question or commission inquiry! 
But I post most consistently on instagram right now for new art updates and con appearances, and I’m trying to get better at posting art on twitter and not...just...reblogging haha ha
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaijukat/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kaijukat
Ko-fi: http://ko-fi.com/kaijukat
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kaijukat · 6 years
Return & Refocus
(aka Kaijukat attempts to return to the internet!)
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Hello friends, fans, followers, & peeps! First off, I’d like to say, thank you so much to all of you for your patience and support! Randomly disappearing from the internet is a thing that often ends up happening when real life begins to overwhelm and consume, and I deeply apologize to those that ended up getting caught up in it. To those that I owe things to, I am working on catching up to everything and reaching out, while still balancing real life, so my goal is a slow but steady pace.
Anyways! I wanted to make this post because I feel like I experienced a huge art/creative burn out sometime last year. Since then I’ve been able to begin bouncing back but I’m planning on coming back in a bit of a different way and want to talk about some of the reasoning. 
Running Kaijukat as a business was an interesting experience. It was a rewarding experience, but it was difficult to maintain stability. It gave me a lot of insight into what it takes to run and maintain this sort of business, what sort of things I’m personally more interested in focusing on, and a better idea for how I would like to reshape the business model in the future, and things I can do in the present to fix mistakes, and continue producing products here and there but in a more hands off approach until I am ready to begin anew. 
A huge problem I began having at a certain point was a huge “art block”. Things I drew never appeared how I wanted them to, concepts I understood before seemed to baffle me, ideas seemed stale, my hands were too shaky to draw lines properly, nothing seemed to come out “right”, etc. And because I was using my art as my business, drawing things for myself, or using art for anything other than the business came with an immense sense of guilt, especially as responsibilities began to pile up, and deadlines marched closer. 
Recently I’ve begun actually wanting to draw again. As I started walking away from using art purely as my business, for designing products and for the public, I began using art for myself again, and almost purely so. I realized that I stopped drawing for myself or for fun as much as I began to table at cons more, and especially as I began real life regular working too. Since childhood, since before I could even remember, drawing has been my most comfortable form of expression. Talking is hard for me, expressing myself through words can often be difficult. Right now my art doesn’t HAVE to be my means for survival in this world, and I’ve decided that if I can help it I’m going to try and keep it that way. I’m looking for my work to help me in a supplemental way, but not depending on it.
Gradually teaching myself self discipline and patience is the long game here. I’m looking to become much more active creatively, not just with drawing but in a wide variety of my life! And I want to share that with others, and see others’ creativity as well! I want to inspire and be inspired! I want to reach out to others, and become better at reaching out and maintaining the relationships and friendships I already have in my life and form new ones! Instead of constantly wondering and worrying over how much of myself I should share with my followers, I would like to start focusing on essentially just sharing myself, and opening myself up to others, it’s way better on my mental health. I’m focusing on my art being a source of happiness, rather than purely a source of profit.
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kaijukat · 7 years
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Most People: -stares at attractive strangers for the usual reasons- Me Who Has A Problem: -STARES AT EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING, LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT ART REFERENCES-
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kaijukat · 7 years
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Happy Super Smash BARAS release day everyone!!
I was gonna draw more of the Smash Bros all buff and bara but they weren’t really coming out soo you just get bara pikachu O u O
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kaijukat · 7 years
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Have you ever had this friend? ( I was warned by 3 different people on 3 different occasions XD) 
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kaijukat · 7 years
I’ve been able to post one comic a week for a month +O+/
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TFW your inner weeb comes out around your non-weeb friends
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kaijukat · 7 years
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"One day I'll learn not to procrastinate on con prep." I say two months before my next big cons QvQ;;;;;;; 
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kaijukat · 7 years
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It’s my BF’s birthday tomorrow so I decided to get a bit gross and mushy and make a comic about a cute/funny memory <3 
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kaijukat · 7 years
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After that last comic I figured it’d be good to showcase my partner’s cat, Wednesday!! <3 I based my punkass bitch stickers off of her, and she’s just so full of personality and attitude! Gotta love and support all those black cats <3 <3
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kaijukat · 7 years
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Wednesday meows at us when we sneeze/cough. We’re still not sure if it’s out of concern or rage. Do your pets do similar things?
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kaijukat · 7 years
I took a small online course about utilizing your social media and expanding your reach and now I’m attempting to get this cluttered up brain to organize my thoughts enough to plan my next move! 
I’m really excited and motivated to keep working to better myself and Kaijukat in general +O+
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kaijukat · 7 years
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A friend of mine gave me a cutting of some bear paw succulents and I'm trying really hard to not kill them so I made a cute bear to go with the paws >w< I really wanna make more succulent monsters/animals now! +O+ Anyone else getting randomly inspired by nature lately? =D <3
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kaijukat · 7 years
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A lot of the reason why I hit an art block/become overwhelmed/disappear is often because of my depression/anxiety. But I feel like it's important to be open about it, since it's a part of me and I can't pretend it doesn't exist and effect my life! Just as I'm sure the same is for many of you! Good days, or bad days, we're all pulling ourselves through this life together!
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kaijukat · 7 years
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I watched a lets play for night in the woods a lil bit ago and it was so good!! I have so many feelings for so many of the chars aaaaa -LAYS-
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kaijukat · 7 years
Reblog for the day crowd~!
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Have you ever wanted me to draw YOUR cat? Or maybe even draw a picture of you? Your OC? Favorite character? 
Well my commissions are currently: OPEN!  Full colored, fullbody characters= $35 per character Portrait style= $15ea
Please contact me if you’re interested! <3 I’d prefer if I was emailed at: [email protected] (PMs are fine, the alerts just aren’t as accurate or reliable) 
Reblogs and shares are INSANELY appreciated! Every commission helps me get a little closer to making sure I have rent/regular food! <3 <3 <3 <3 Everyone’s support and kind words always means so much to me! UvU
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kaijukat · 7 years
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One of my roommates ran into these guys at a show a few months ago and they ACTUALLY HAD MY ART TATOOED ON THEM!!! <3 <3 I’m still so blown away that so many people have been getting my shit tattoed on them??? Like for reals you’re all so fucking bad ass! If you’ve ever gotten a tattoo of my art please show me! 
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