is my greatest enemy. My own fears and negative thoughts stop me from moving. Being cautious is understandable but I think I need to take risks.
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Quick messy doodle bc i need to get back to my comic //sweats 
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#Your Choice
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Me, Myself and I
I have always done what others have told me to do or think I should do. I always prided myself on being a “good girl” I always assumed they knew what was best for me and trusted it would lead me where I was suppose to be going. To happiness and success. However, I have found this to be false. Yes, I am successful but I am not happy. It is a hard fact to face and a new thing to wrap my head around and adapt/change to. I am still figuring it out. Little by little I have to find my voice and listen to myself and do things for me because the more I listen to others the more I lose, the more I become lost and unhappy. I do not blame others for my unhappiness or at least try not to because their intentions were what they thought was best for me.
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But as you get older, you start developing conflicting motivations. “For example, you want to be free, but you want to be in a partnership; you want control, but you want to be taken care of,” she said. “You may have a specific phase in life where you cannot balance out the conflicts so well anymore, and things get stuck.” It’s hard to trust your gut when you feel stuck. Her approach is to help people get back in touch with their real selves, so they can regain access to the unconscious.
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Insanity is relative. It depends on who has who locked in what cage.
Ray Bradbury (via theemotionmachine)
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“ 1. The more efficient you are at your work, the more you will be burdened with it. “
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Have you ever quit or wanted someone/something you knew wasn’t for you. Did you feel guilty or weak for quitting? What keeps you from taking that step? How do you you deal with these feelings?
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“Lately I get carried away I've been living too fast And end up sleeping too late And patience is wearing off on me I've been learning to stop And I've been learning to wait”
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Her poem is beautiful.
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