kathswonderworld · 8 months
Translation #6: YOASOBI - The Brave (English Version) (+Explanation)
As with any other translations I have done in this site, I do NOT own the original text. What I do own is my own translation and the explanation below it.
That being said, if there's something amiss in my translation, please feel free to correct me and/or give me some constructive criticism. I would love to grow more as an amateur translation, and the only way to soar is by seeing and listening.
Enough chit-chat, please enjoy the translation and don't forget to check the original song ("The Brave (English Version)" by YOASOBI, in case you didn't read the title!)
Original text source: here.
Translation + Explanation: here. (in GoogleDocs format!)
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kathswonderworld · 8 months
Translation #5: Hatsune Miku - Twilight Melody (by CircusP) (+Explanation)
As with any other translations I have done in this site, I do NOT own the original text. What I do own is my own translation and the explanation below it.
That being said, if there's something amiss in my translation, please feel free to correct me and/or give me some constructive criticism. I would love to grow more as an amateur translation, and the only way to soar is by seeing and listening.
Enough chit-chat, please enjoy the translation and don't forget to check the original song ("Twilight Melody" by CircusP and sung by Hatsune Miku, in case you didn't read the title!)
Original text source: here.
Translation + Explanation: here. (in GoogleDocs format!)
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kathswonderworld · 8 months
Translation #4: Loss by Ko Un (+Explanation)
As with any other translations I have done in this site, I do NOT own the original text. What I do own is my own translation and the explanation below it.
That being said, if there's something amiss in my translation, please feel free to correct me and/or give me some constructive criticism. I would love to grow more as an amateur translation, and the only way to soar is by seeing and listening.
Enough chit-chat, please enjoy the translation and don't forget to check the original poem ("Loss" by Ko Un, in case you didn't read the title!)
Original text source: here.
Translation + Explanation: here. (in GoogleDocs format!)
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kathswonderworld · 1 year
Translation #3: The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe (Assignment)
Before proceeding, I would like to tack on a disclaimer of the text(s) which you will read down below.
#1. I do NOT own the English/original text. I will write down the writer if I do find their names and/or link the text down below, right before the translation. #2. I am NOT a professional in translating texts. As you may read on the title, this is a product from an assignment that I very much needed to complete. As such, there may be mistakes and errors on my part. If you do find them, I encourage you to tell me directly to help me grow more and more.
That said,
As the story is pretty long, I have decided to put both the original story and the translation in separate links, which you can access from down below.
Original Text: A short story by Edgar Allan Poe, The Black Cat, which you can read for free here.
Indonesian Translated Text: here.
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kathswonderworld · 1 year
Translation #2: Blue by YOASOBI (Assignment)
Before proceeding, I would like to tack on a disclaimer of the text(s) which you will read down below.
#1. I do NOT own the English/original text. I will write down the writer if I do find their names and/or link the text down below, right before the translation. #2. I am NOT a professional in translating texts. As you may read on the title, this is a product from an assignment that I very much needed to complete. As such, there may be mistakes and errors on my part. If you do find them, I encourage you to tell me directly to help me grow more and more.
That said,
Original song: Blue by YOASOBI English lyrics by: Konnie Aoki
Original English Lyrics Blue
Ah, like every day I see Another day repeats, I'm yawning all the time After all the cheers, the night, it fades out and Shibuya receives a pour of the morning light And somehow, an emptiness surrounds That's what I always feel Something is not enough That's how it's gonna be It's all a part of life I'll let this be
See what, see what, covered deep inside Let us hear the voice in you, and resonate in you, hold on Pretending won't bring it out of sight It is always waiting there for you
Calling followed, what I feel's to be drawn Going by my selection in this color, then Suddenly, with the breeze of a drowsy morning There was a world of blue shown in front of me Liking what you believe in and saying that you do Can be too terrifying, but I know I've finally come across a true discovery of what I got
Ah, the more that I reach out my hands to what I need The further it becomes Another one of these unruly days go on I'm always in a hurry as I'm struggling Misery, stemming from all my thoughts Humiliation brings new tears into my view The more that I step in, the harder it becomes Even the pain renews
Calling followed, what I feel is the move Going by my selection in this path I walk On a night fighting off eyelids dropping heavy I'm grabbing tight, the blue vow in front of me Taking what you believe and to keep doing so Every step's not only fun all the time Don't know if I'm able, cause I am worried a little
Ah, "one line" was drawn Every "one line" was drawn Missing inner confidence, I've drawn all pages I could draw Ah, "one time" becomes Every "one time" becomes Soon, a large accumulation of a strength inside of you All around, I look at them Comparing what I do with them
What is it only I can do that nobody else can? Even if I've got no true confidence, I'm moving on Covered in thoughts and emotion within Unknown to me, a brand new feeling And, on the day I took the step for the first time Including even this, new pain that I felt too Liking what I believe in and facing it led To a touch of the preview of a light Gonna be alright, let us go All I can do now is to have the fun
Everything is on the line as I draw Using my own unique usage of colors and Every dawn, every night, I would keep on running And now I found the blue glowing light on me Liking what you believe in and facing it too Can be still terrifying but now I know No longer am I these versions of me living in transparency Now I know how to be my precious incomparable new self
See what, see what, covered deep inside Let us hear the voice in you, and resonate in you, hold on Pretending won't bring it out of sight It is always waiting there, still always waiting there for you and See what, see what, covered deep inside Let us hear the voice in you, and resonate in you, hold on Pretending won't bring it out of sight It is always waiting there, waiting inside of you
Translated Text (to Indonesian): Biru
Ah, seperti hari-hari biasa yang kulihat Satu hari lagi berlalu, aku menguap sepanjang waktu Setelah semua kegembiraan, malam, ia memudar dan Shibuya menerima siraman cahaya pagi Dan entah bagaimana, sebuah kekosongan mengerumuni Itulah yang selalu kurasakan Sesuatu terasa kurang Itulah bagaimana ini akan berlanjut Semuanya adalah bagian dari kehidupan Aku akan membiarkan ini seperti itu
Lihat, lihat, apa yang ditutupi jauh di dalam Biarkan kami mendengar suara dari dirimu, dan bergema dalam dirimu, tunggu Berpura-pura tidak akan membuatnya menghilang dari pandangan Ia akan selalu menunggu disana untukmu
Panggilan mengikuti, apa yang kurasakan adalah bagaimana rasanya tertarik Mengikuti pilihanku atas warna ini, lalu Tiba-tiba, dengan hembusan dari pagi yang mengantuk Ada sebuah dunia biru diperlihatkan di hadapanku Menyukai apa yang kau percayai dan mengungkapkannya Dapat menjadi terlalu menakutkan, tapi aku tahu Aku sudah menemukan sebuah penemuan nyata atas apa yang kudapatkan
Ah, semakin aku mengulurkan tanganku kepada apa yang kubutuhkan Semakin jauh ia pergi Satu lagi dari hari-hari tidak beraturan itu pergi Aku selalu terburu-buru sambil bersusah payah Penderitaan, datang dari semua pikiranku Penghinaan membawa air mata baru ke pandanganku Semakin aku melangkah maju, semakin susah ia menjadi Bahkan rasa sakit itu diperbarui
Panggilan mengikuti, apa yang kurasakan adalah pergerakan ini Mengikuti pilihanku atas jalan ini yang kujalani Di malam dimana aku berjuang melawan rasa kantuk Aku memegang erat, janji biru di depanku Menghadapi apa yang kau percayai dan untuk terus melakukannya Setiap langkah tidaklah hanya kesenangan saja Tidak yakin jika aku mampu, karena aku sedikit khawatir
Ah, ‘satu garis’ tergambar Setiap ‘satu garis’ tergambar Kehilangan kepercayaan diri, aku sudah menggambar semua halaman yang bisa kugambar Ah, ‘satu kali’ menjadi Setiap ‘satu kali’ menjadi Segera, sebuah akumulasi besar dari kekuatan di dalam dirimu Sekelilingku, aku melihat mereka Membandingkan apa yang kulakukan dengan mereka
Apa yang bisa kulakukan yang tidak dapat orang lain lakukan? Bahkan jika aku tidak memiliki kepercayaan diri, aku melangkah maju
Tertutupi pikiran dan perasaan dari dalam, Asing bagiku, sebuah perasaan yang baru Dan, pada hari dimana aku melangkah untuk pertama kalinya Menghitung bahkan ini, rasa sakit baru yang kurasakan ini pun Menyukai apa yang kupercayai dan menghadapinya memimpinku Ke sentuhan cuplikan sebuah cahaya Akan baik-baik saja, mari kita pergi Yang bisa kulakukan sekarang adalah bersenang-senang
Semuanya kupertaruhkan sembari aku menggambar Menggunakan penggunaan warna yang unik milikku sendiri Setiap fajar, setiap malam, aku akan terus berlari Dan sekarang aku menemukan cahaya biru berkilau pada diriku Menyukai apa yang kau percayai dan menghadapinya juga Dapat tetap terasa menakutkan, tapi kini aku tahu Aku bukan lagi versi-versi diriku yang lama, hidup dalam transparansi Sekarang aku tahu bagaimana menjadi diri baruku yang berharga dan tak tertandingi
Lihat, lihat, apa yang ditutupi jauh di dalam Biarkan kami mendengar suara dari dirimu, dan bergema dalam dirimu, tunggu Berpura-pura tidak akan membuatnya menghilang dari pandangan Ia akan selalu menunggu disana untukmu, masih selalu menunggumu disana untukmu dan Lihat, lihat, apa yang ditutupi jauh di dalam Biarkan kami mendengar suara dari dirimu, dan bergema dalam dirimu, tunggu Berpura-pura tidak akan membuatnya menghilang dari pandangan Ia akan selalu menunggu disana untukmu, masih selalu menunggumu disana untukmu
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kathswonderworld · 1 year
Translation #1: Spiders by NatGeo (Assignment)
Before proceeding, I would like to tack on a disclaimer of the text(s) which you will read down below. #1. I do NOT own the English/original text. I will write down the writer if I do find their names and/or link the text down below, right before the translation. #2. I am NOT a professional in translating texts. As you may read on the title, this is a product from an assignment that I very much needed to complete. As such, there may be mistakes and errors on my part. If you do find them, I encourage you to tell me directly to help me grow more and more.
That said,
Original text: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/facts/spiders
Laba-laba adalah hewan arachnida, sebuah kelas arthropoda yang juga melingkup kalajengking, tungau, dan kutu. Ada lebih dari 45,000 jenis laba-laba yang diketahui, ditemukan di habitat-habitat di seluruh dunia. Ada laba-laba dengan bokong yang terlihat seperti kartun, laba-laba yang bisa melompat sesuai tuntutan, dan laba-laba kanibal yang menyerupai burung pelikan.
Laba-laba memiliki ukuran yang bervariasi dari Samoan moss spider yang sangat kecil, yang memiliki panjang .011 inci, hingga Goliath birdeater yang sangat besar, seekor tarantula yang memiliki panjang kaki yang hampir berukuran satu foot.
Laba-laba berbahaya?
Bagi kebanyakan orang, laba-laba disamakan dengan tarantula, wolf spider, dan hewan-hewan lain yang (terlihat) mengerikan. Meskipun semua laba-laba memiliki racun dalam kisaran yang beragam, hanya beberapa yang berbahaya bagi manusia. Ini termasuk laba-laba black widow dan brown recluse, keduanya ditemukan di US.
Mayoritas dari laba-laba tidak berbahaya dan memiliki peran yang penting: mengendalikan populasi serangga yang dapat merusak tanaman. Tanpa laba-laba untuk memakan hama yang berbahaya bagi agrikultur, dapat dibayangkan bahwa persediaan makanan kita akan berada dalam resiko.
Bagaimana laba-laba makan dan berburu?
Kebanyakan spesies adalah karnivora, entah itu menjebak lalat dan serangga lainnya dengan jaring mereka, atau memburu mereka. Laba-laba tidak dapat menelan makanan mereka begitu saja – mereka menyuntik mangsa mereka dengan cairan pencernaan, lalu menghisap sisa yang terlikuidasi.
Meski tidak semua laba-laba membuat jaring, semua spesies dapat menghasilkannya. Mereka menggunakan protein fiber yang kuat dan fleksibel itu untuk banyak kegunaan: untuk memanjat (seperti Spider Man), untuk menjaga diri agar aman dari ancaman terjatuh, untuk membuat kantung telur, untuk membungkus mangsa, untuk membuat sarang, dan lain-lain.
Kebanyakan spesies laba-laba memiliki delapan mata, walaupun beberapa memiliki enam. Meski memiliki banyak mata, banyak laba-laba yang tidak dapat melihat dengan baik. Salah satu pengecualian dari ini adalah jumping spider, yang bisa melihat lebih banyak warna dari yang bisa dilihat manusia. Menggunakan filter yang berada di depan sel-sel dalam mata mereka, jumping spider yang berburu pada siang hari ini dapat melihat dalam spektrum merah, spektrum hijau, dan dalam sinar UV.
Ancaman terbesar bagi laba-laba adalah hilangnya habitat mereka, meskipun beberapa spesies laba-laba juga terancam oleh perdagangan hewan peliharaan.
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kathswonderworld · 2 years
- Clauses - (Exercise!)
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Heya there! It's me again! And below is the ultimate-super-duper important main quest that you must push through before I let you pass! I have already told you before, right? So you must be prepared! As I always say: be a good human being and don't cheat. Well, here we go!
Exercise! Part I Put "i" for independent sentence and "d" for dependent clause in the blank space! 1. We are going to get some sandwiches. [...] 2. Because I want to eat a sandwich. [...] 3. After all that we have went through. [...] 4. I was watching Courage the Cowardly Dog on the TV. [...] 5. So I got that gorgeous table. [...] Part II Identify the part in italic and put "n" for noun clause, "adj" for adjective clause, or "adv" for adverb clause in the blank space! 1. Courage, who was actually a coward, was fending off an alien chicken. [...] 2. Whatever you choose is what we are going to order. [...] 3. I was brushing my teeth when my cat came barging through the door. [...] 4. I was doing stuffs before she came. [...] 5. Whatever that is outside that door will probably murder us. [...] Now, to the fun part: the answers! Answers: Part I 1. i 2. d 3. d 4. 1 5. d Part II 1. adj 2. n 3. adv 4. adv 5. n ...Are you done? Heh, well done. Now you can finally move on to... wherever you want to, I suppose. Anyways, my job here as a simple quest giver is done. How about that? Are you still confused? The posts before are always there and my corner is always open. Just letting you know. Welp, since you are done here, I guess I gotta go too... Bye!
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kathswonderworld · 2 years
- Clauses -
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Welcome to my humble abode. Or welcome back, if you have ever stepped into this realm before.
Now, before we even start, have you ever heard about my friends, clauses? They are quick to adapt, small, and hides between sentences. We are going to learn about them today.
I am kind of excited to introduce them to you, so without further ado, let's get right into it.
Independent Clause What is an independent clause, you might wonder. Well, you have learned about simple sentence, haven't you? A sentence that can stand alone. An independent individual, if you will. Yes, that very same simple sentence can also be called an independent sentence. Not super-duper-ultra confusing, isn't it? This clause has more than one name, just like we all do. In case you forgot, here's a simple example of an independent clause: I like cats. No need for further explanations. Simple, short, yet meaningful. The very definition of a good sentence.
Dependent Clause Now, here comes the opposite of an independent clause. A dependent clause. You might be able to guess what a dependent clause is by its name, but I'm going to explain it again. A dependent clause is a clause that can not stand alone. It needs an explanation, another sentence, that can help it be understood by the mass. There's several hints that can help you find them quickly, such as: after, while, where, because, if, etc... For example: Because she isn't hungry. It is a sentence, alright. But the way it is presented make you question its existence. And that's no good. If a simple sentence make you confused, sometimes it really isn't your fault, you know. That's why, for this kind of clause, we need to add another sentence to complete it, to explain its existence. For example, why don't we add this sentence in front of that dependent clause? She didn't take the bread because she isn't hungry. Now, isn't that better? It provides the answer that we might have about the dependent clause. Oh, don't forget, you need to add independent clause to make it coherent. Because, think about it, what happens if you add more dependent clauses to an already dependent clause? That's right: more confusion.
Oh, have you realized? The fact that a clause is another word for a sentence. They're the same, see? Good. Now to the next part. The trio that we call Noun Clause, Adjective Clause, and Adverbial Clause. They're closely related, too. They are also most likely to be a dependent clause. Think of them as the three variety of dependent clause. Okay? Okay. Let's continue, then.
a. Noun Clause Noun clause is a clause that serves as the noun in a sentence. How does that work? Hm, let's look at the example first, shall we? Whichever book you choose is probably a good one. In that sentence, the noun clause is 'whichever book you choose'. It doesn't point to one, single noun in particular. The subject can be whichever book that you choose. In the sense that it is not bound permanently. The subject is up to you. Or the book that you choose, in this case. Also, look at that sentence beginning. There's the word 'whichever', which is a hint towards both a dependent clause and a noun clause. Here are some other hints: whatever, what, which, whoever, that, where, wherever, etc... Note that those hints could be found in other kinds of clauses, too. The most important thing in these variations of dependent clause is the function. Remember? The function. b. Adjective Clause Unlike noun clause, an adjective clause is a clause that is used to provides information or description about the noun in the sentence. You know, like the name itself. It isn't called an adjective clause for no reason, after all.
Before the explanation, here's an example: Alice, who is wearing a blue apron dress, is chasing the White Rabbit. The adjective clause is 'who is wearing a blue apron dress'. It provides information about Alice, the noun. Through this clause, we can tell which one is Alice. The one wearing a blue apron dress, that is. Simple, ain't it?
c. Adverbial Clause Here's the last variation. An adverbial clause, or an adverb clause for short. Like the name suggests, it acts as an adverb in the sentence. It provides information like time, condition, place, manner, comparison, reason, purpose, and any other information you can get from an adverb. It can be a bit complicated, but you can easily identify it since its function differs from noun clause and adjective clause. An elimination process, if you will.
Here's an example for you: Let's go get that money while he is distracted! The adverb clause is 'while he is distracted'. It provides information about the sentence as a whole. No, it doesn't serve as a noun and no, it doesn't provide information or description about the noun. It is on a different league altogether. This one is the hot shot. Here's some hints for adverbial clause, although, of course, it can be used for other clauses too: as if, while, when, because, as, if, as soon as, after, before, etc... Easy, right?
You shall not pass! ...or you can, if you want. But not that easily! I have another quest for you to conquer before that! This post right here is only the weapon. And there's not much use for a weapon if not for use, right? Just give me a moment and I will be back with this important main quest!
Until then, farewell, internet stranger.
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kathswonderworld · 2 years
- Active and Passive Voice (Exercise) -
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This is the quest you must conquer before reaching the next level. Ready? Take a deep breath, stretch a bit. Done? Then, let's start. The rule is simple: don't cheat.
Exercise! Fill in the brackets with "a" for active voice and "p" for passive voice.
The map is thrown away by Jane. (...)
Theresa is baking a cake in the kitchen. (...)
Emil is eating snacks. (...)
She was slapped by me. (...)
He was stabbed by her. (...)
Mia has been dumped by Harry. (...)
I have known her for years. (...)
I will get the drink later. (...)
She is called by him several times in a week. (...)
That poor cat has been abandoned by its owner. (...)
Finished already? Good job! Let's look at the answers! Did you get everything right? 1. p 2. a 3. a 4. p 5. p 6. p 7. a 8. a 9. p 10. p I assume this is the right time to wrap "Active and Passive Voice". The next time you see my post, it will be about a different topic. How's that? Are you excited? Are you? ...For real?
I hope to see you in the next post, then. If you actually stopped by, anyway. Well, that's that. See you!
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kathswonderworld · 2 years
- Active and Passive Voice -
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Have you read the title yet? Go on, read it one more time. It's fine, we have time.
Yes, we will be learning about active and passive voice today. A simple part in the vast world of literature and language. Grab your detective coat and let's ask the most important question in today's material:
"Who did this?"
That's correct. That one question will open a whole new wonderworld right before your eyes. The world of 'Active and Passive Voice'.
...It doesn't sound that interesting, you say? Well, deal with it.
Without further ado, let's dive right in, shall we?
Active Voice By definition, active voice is a sentence where the subject is the one doing the action to the object. The subject is the one doing the act. The culprit, if you will. She holds a knife on her right hand. We have all the evidence here. Now, let's identify the type of this sentence. A case, to make it interesting. Now, I will give you a clue. It's free, you can take it. Clue: An active voice usually does not contain the word 'by' after the action (verb). She is the subject, holds is the action, and a knife is the object. ...That's correct, that sentence is an active voice. Why? Because she is the one holding the knife. There are no other clues that point toward the knife being the one holding her instead. With this, the first case is closed.
Passive Voice Here's the second type; the passive voice. Unlike active voice, the passive voice is a sentence where the object was affected by the subject. That's the point of the sentence. The victim. A knife is held by her on her right hand. Do you remember the clue I gave you before? No? Go back up and spy with your little eyes. Got the clue? Yep, this is a passive voice. The reason? The knife is being held by her. The knife is not the one doing the act. Therefore, it is innocent in this case. This sentence is the conclusion that we can get from the sentence before. Did you notice the change in the verb's form? That's the special little thing with passive voice. It uses the past participle. Get it? Because it already happened. The clues have been assembled into a report. A more detached report, that is. Oh, and another thing. The subject pronoun changes too. Did you notice that one too? It's became an object pronoun. Because in this case, the culprit is not the focus of the sentence. Hence, it takes the position of the object in passive voice. Last but not least, here are some common tenses that you might encounter in the wild and their passive forms: I. Simple Present Tense Active: Subject + V1 + Object Passive: Object+ to be + Past Participle + by Subject II. Simple Past Tense Active: Subject + Past Participle + Object Passive: Object+ Was/Were + Past Participle + by Subject III. Present Continuous Tense Active: Subject + to be (am, is, are) + Present Participle + Object Passive: Object+ to be (am, is, are) + being + Past Participle + by Subject IV. Present Perfect Tense Active: Subject + Have/Has + Past Participle + Object Passive: Object + Have/Has been + Past Participle + by Subject V. Simple Future Tense Active: Subject + Will + Infinitive + Object Passive: Object + Will + Be + Past Participle + by Subject VI. Past Continuous Tense Active: Subject + Was/Were + Present Participle + Object Passive: Object + Was/Were + being + Past Participle + by Subject VII. Past Perfect Tense Active: Subject + Had + Past Participle + Object Passive: Object + Had been + Past Participle + by Subject (Note: The object and subject refers to the noun that holds the position in the active voice!) Hey, there. Now, after that little adventure, are you able to identify which words are active and which words are passive? I sure hope you do. If you don't, go read through the post once again. Still don't? Well, drop the question to me then. My corner is always open for a confused stranger. Ah, you want to correct me? Go ahead, write a small note in the corner too. I welcome you. And there you have it! A brand new knowledge that you can wield in the battlefield! Dun-du-run-du-run! Congratulations! Off I go to prepare a little something for you! P.s. It's on the next post! A tiny quest made by me! If you can complete the quest perfectly, then I shall... Let you pass, I guess? Oh, well. Bye!
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kathswonderworld · 2 years
- Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentence (Exercise) -
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Hey, welcome back! Have you read the last post? ...Yes, I mean to the end of the post. All the way to the bottom of the post. You have? That's great! Now, why don't you try to answer these questions? Imagine this little exercise as the glue to stick on the material to your head. I will even throw in the answer key down below so you can re-check your answers before you leave. So, don't cheat and try your best. Remember, don't cheat.
Seriously, don't. Be a good civilian and try your best first. Without further ado, let's proceed to the next stage.
Exercise! I. Simple Sentence 1. Among the sentences below, which one is a simple sentence? a. She will do the laundry if you put the dirty clothes in the basket. b. When she went for a jog, Susan came by. c. She is doing her best. 2. Among the sentences below, which one is not a simple sentence? a. She is a great cook. b. I will go out when the weather's clear. c. Gwen is in the restroom. 3. How many clauses are there in a simple sentence? 4. What type of clause is used in simple sentence? II. Compound Sentence 5. What type of clause is used in compound sentence?
6. How many clauses are there in a compound sentence?
7. What are the conjunctions used in compound sentence?
8. Aside from conjunctions what else can we use to connect the clauses in compound sentence?
III. Complex Sentence 9. Mention at least three conjunctions that can be used in complex sentence!
10. What are the clauses used in complex sentence?
Done? Here's the answer key, then! 1. c 2. b 3. one (1) 4. independent clause 5. independent clause 6. two (2) 7. For, and, nor, but, or, yet 8. a semicolon (;) 9. while, when, if, after, although 10. independent clause and dependent clause
Congratulations! You have reached the end of this post! Did you cheat? Did you? Oh, well. You are here now, it's not like I can do anything at this point. Welp, I have tried my best to remind you. See you next post! Bye!
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kathswonderworld · 2 years
- Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentence -
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When learning a language, it's important to understand how to make a sentence. Because, hey, what use is there in learning a language if you can't use it to argue with someone else in comment sections?
But we are not going to talk about that right now. Instead, what I will be telling you is the three types of sentence.
Simple Sentence By definition, a simple sentence is a sentence that consists of 1 (one) independent clause. Remember, just one. Keep it simple and short and there you have it! A lovely simple sentence. Not really getting it yet? Well, here's an example for you: "Amy went to the market." See, a simple sentence. An independent clause that needs no one else. Write any independent clause and you can make your very own simple sentence!
Compound Sentence If a simple sentence consists of only one independent clause, a compound sentence uses 2 (two) independent clauses! Can you imagine that?! Well, of course you can. Or at least, I hope you can. ...Anyway. Those independent sentences must be connected by one of the FANBOYS (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So). Gotta make sure they don't try to run away, am I right? So, here are some examples for you: "Our car broke down, so we walked to the supermarket." "She is washing the dishes and her sister is watching a movie." "I don't like her, yet I still talked to her yesterday." Oh, and you can also connect them with a semicolon (;) too! Here's what the sentences will look like: "She is really smart; in fact, she can be compared to Albert Einstein!" "He is smart; however he is the laziest person I've ever met." There you have it! Remember, two independent clauses make a compound sentence. Two independent clauses make a compound sentence. Two-- Okay, I will leave the rest to you!
Complex Sentence A complex sentence is a bit... well, complex. It is a sentence that consists of 1 (one) independent clause and 1 (one) dependent clause. As you might have already known before stumbling into the rabbit hole named tumblr, out of all the places, a dependent clause is a sentence that can not stand alone. Think of a sentence that depends on other sentence. Still confused? Here's a hint: A dependent clause can be identified by the existence of a subordinate conjunction attached to it. Some of the subordinate conjunctions are: if, because, although, after, while, when, and many more. You can always go search for them by typing "Subordinate Conjunctions" on my best bud, Google. Always ready to help, that guy. A sentence like "After the night ends," is unclear if you leave it like that, but if you add an independent sentence like "We can go home.", it became clear that 'we' can go home after it is no longer night. And so, when combined, a complex sentence is born. "After the night ends, we can go home." Complex, ain't it? It's alright; that's part of the learning experience. Here are some other examples of a complex sentence: "When she is writing a letter, a goose snatched the paper away." "She would have won if she was stronger." "I saw a man dancing while he is crying in embarrassment." Hey, you have reached the end of this post! Good job, fellow internet lurker! Now, you have the power of knowledge about the different types of sentence. Congrats! You can either proceed to the next post or continue lurking around as you do before. Well, that's that, it's time for me to send you off to wherever you choose to visit next. I'll see you again if you visit my next post. Bye! (Psst, the sentence above is a complex sentence!)
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