katiedesu · 8 years
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The part when I climbed Mt Fuji!
This was such a last minute decision I still can’t believe I did it. It was at the end of the climbing season and my room mate was going back to the UK, aaaand he really wanted to climb it. Although of course he wouldn't go alone, so, I was roped in and we climbed it together. It was a rough and cold start around 7pm in the pouring rain, the first photo was all I could take during the beginning of the climb. We found a little cabin about 1/3 the way up and had a rest for 30 mins and some warm food/drinks. It was going to be a long journey ahead.
We met a whole bunch of really cool people along the way from Denmark, USA, Singapore, UK and Vietnam and we reached the top together. That last hour was horrific though, it was steep, wet and I couldn't see a thing. 
Finally the sun started to peek through the clouds and although the view was mostly cloud and I’m pretty sure hypothermia was going to set in, it was still and amazing view and an amazing feeling to have achieved the climb. we Started at 7pm and reached the top at 5am, with a few hours rest on the way it was definitely not an easy thing!
We checked out the crater and got some photos before the much shorter climb down before getting on a bus to head back to Tokyo.
I definitely recommend to anyone wanting to try, one of the most physically draining things I have ever done but the most rewarding. 3776m conquered! 
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katiedesu · 8 years
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The part where I learnt some traditional dances
I was meant to go to work this night but there was the Lantern festival in Asakusa, right underneath the sky tree and it was beautiful. Thet float the lanterns down the river and the beautiful wade down past the crowd, finishing with a some traditional dances where you follow the ladies in the middle and join in the giant circle dancing around them. It was such a beautiful night.
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katiedesu · 8 years
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The part where I saw the fireworks
Hanabi in Japan is a summer long festival where they have fireworks all throughout the country, me and some of my friends went to the one in Yokohama. It was so nice sitting on the bay, with some sake and snacks in hand watching the sky light up. This night ended about as blurry as the last picture (Japan makes some strong alcohol) but it was such a lovely night out with friends and experience the summer festivities in Japan.
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katiedesu · 9 years
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The part where Nikko was beyond amazing
Nikko was beautiful! It was on my day off and so my boyfriend and I decided to take a trip into rural Japan. It was an early 2 hour or so train ride to Tochigi Prefecture. Starting off in town and then making our way up and into the mountains to the waterfall and lake. Was such a beautiful day, definitely recommend dropping into Nikko if anyone is around the area. 
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katiedesu · 9 years
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The part where I went to a cat cafe
I went to a cat cafe!! I can't believe I was in Japan for 5 months without going to one at all. This one was just magical and the cats were just so beautiful! Definitely will be visiting more during my stay! ねこだいすきです(^○^)ほんとにかわいい(*^^*)
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katiedesu · 9 years
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The part where I fell in love
Heyy! So a lot has happened since my last update. I have moved into my own place, a guest house in Shinjuku, I have a job and another one starting soon. I have been doing so many amazing things, met so many amazing people and I may also have fallen in love. Moving out of Chigasaki and quitting my job was the best thing I have ever done, opportunities were awaiting and I stepped out and took them. Here's to the rest of Japan being just as good to me as it has been for the past month.
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katiedesu · 9 years
The part I packed up and moved to Tokyo.
Yesterday I quit my job, packed my stuff and left, with no job to go to, no place to live. I am now temporarily staying in a Serbian Transvestites apartment with a fellow Aussie I met a month ago with a few days before I move into a guest house in Shinjuku with the struggle of trying to find a job in Tokyo. The past 5 months have been intense and I just had to get out of the place, away from the people. It was sudden but it was time to go. It’s time for a new adventure and Tokyo I am ready for you. I am going to start writing some of my past experiences I had in my previous job nannying share the ups and many downs and also the start of my new adventure. Opportunities await!
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katiedesu · 9 years
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The part where I rode for hours
This past weekend I really didn’t have a lot of money to spend so I figured I would do a cheap day out to Odawara. To avoid paying for the train, I rode 50km!! (there and back) it took a while but I really do love riding and it was such a great way to truly see Japan and the Journey. Odawara is a nice little city and the castle and culture behind it, is beautiful. All in all a nice day out!
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katiedesu · 9 years
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The part I experience Golden Week
This is my and my Japanese Class participating in the parade dressed as traditional ‘Hanami Girls’ The guys were dressed as Samurai. The day began with us all being dressed in the many layers of clothing, adorning our toe socks and shoes, having our makeup done, hair tied back and each given a branch of Sakura. Before going out to walk we learnt a dance the women would do and did that as we walked through the city. It was such a great experience to be a part of something like this especially as a foreigner, especially with the people I was with, all of us are foreigners, from Mongolia, Vietnam, Cambodia and theres me, but I love how all of us are so different yet we come together with the mutual language of Japanese and interest in Japanese culture. Such a great day!
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katiedesu · 9 years
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The part where I did my first proper Japanese mountain hike
After a few busy days, packed trains and hundreds of people I knew just the thing I needed. The Japanese really are quite fond of hiking and I understand why this place was just beautiful. Mt Takao isn’t a difficult hike and quite touristy but definitely something I wanted to do, I took one of the more ‘off the beaten track’ paths up and just fell in love. Best thing about it is that is doesn’t cost a thing, Japan is so beautiful.
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katiedesu · 9 years
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The part I bought a lot of satsuma imo
This was a big day I had the other week! I started off heading to Ueno and stopped off at Asakusa, to go to Senso-Ji. It is so grand, definitely stands out amongst all the of the temples I have visited. After this I went back to Ueno to visit the famous Ameyoko, I love this street I managed to score such a good deal on dried sweet potato (One of my favourites!) If you want cheaper produce definitely head here and buy in bulk! After this I headed to Odaiba. Here I went to Madame Tassauds and walked amongst the stars and then finally walking along the broad walk as Tokyo started to light up. Definitely a really good day!
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katiedesu · 9 years
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The part where the Sakura bloomed
Cherry Blossom season has come and gone but I couldn't help reminiscing the beautiful pink flowers. For this season I went to two really popular spots for Hanami, Cherry blossom viewing, the first is Shinjuku Gyoen, I was a little bit late so they weren’t in full bloom and starting to fall (they don’t last very long!) but it was still so beautiful and there were hundreds of people sitting under the trees enjoying their beauty. The second spot I visited was Meguro River, with lanterns and stall lining each side of the river it is such a lovely walk. Oh I miss the Sakura!
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katiedesu · 9 years
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The part when I was on top of the world
An evening in Tokyo! I really wanted to go to Tokyo and there is still so much to do and explore so I figured I would go to Skytree, having been to Tokyo Tower before I figured it would be pretty similar and I was wrong. Sky Tree is so tall and the views are just spectacular, I stayed until sunset and into the night watching the lights of Tokyo come alight with the pink sky right behind Fuji San. Tokyo really is beautiful.
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katiedesu · 9 years
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The part where spontaneity is great
I had a spontaneous day off so I just got on my bike and went for a ride, I ended up here at Enoshima Island. I figured I might as well do some exploring it has some gorgeous streets with little stores and restaurants, some beautiful temples and a lighthouse. It is really isn't too far from my home so it is a nice day out.
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katiedesu · 9 years
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The part where I experienced the beauty of Fuji San
My Day in Hakone! It was a long day this one, a lot of travelling. First it was a train from my town to Odawara, then Odawara to Hakone, a really cute little train from Hakone to Gora which was two different trams and then a Shuttle up the hill to Sounzan and Finally the Ropeway to Lake Ashi. Although all of these trains led to some pretty amazing views. Hakone is so beautiful and Mt Fuji was just spectacular, it was such a clear day and the sunset was amazing.
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katiedesu · 9 years
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The part where I appreciate Japan’s culture
A day trip to Kamakura! This day wasn't my day off so we went as a family and visited the temples and did some hiking, which is really difficult with a 3 year old complaining and just being a kid and a 5 month old having to be carried the whole way. Let's just say my back and my legs were dead by the end of the day. We made it to Daibutsu which was really nice to see and the nature of this area is just so beautiful.
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katiedesu · 9 years
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The part where Shibuya still amazed me
I am so far behind!! This was from a few weeks ago when I did some more exploring around Tokyo, I went to Yoyogi Park and Shibuya. Yoyogi is so beautiful like when you step in its as if you have just left Tokyo and civilisation and have entered just this beautiful serenity. The gardens, bridges and temples there are all just so beautiful it's easy to forget you are so close to the busiest crosswalk in the world, Shibuya. I headed here next got a Starbucks and did some people watching, which is probably one of my favourite things to do in the city. I stayed until the the sky was dark but the lights were bright, it is such a beautiful place.
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