kbabin-blog · 10 years
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We were so unhappy and bored in Croatia...naht, take me back, gimme some sunshine! 👌#croatia #pula #outlook #festival #sunshine #europe @dubfonik
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kbabin-blog · 10 years
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Finally finished a lamp for Joel ✌💡 #homemade #DIY #brown
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kbabin-blog · 10 years
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Friday morning tea/BEAST FEAST for MS 👌👍😍 #friday #food #feast
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kbabin-blog · 10 years
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Sunday 🍴#buckwheat, #berries and #banana #pancakes #breakfast #cinnamon
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kbabin-blog · 10 years
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Falafel wraps with home made humdog for Sunday dinner with @biii2 🍴 #falafel #hummus #dinner #homemade
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kbabin-blog · 10 years
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Perfect weather for a stroll and some fro-yo 👌🌻#sunshine #melbourne #weekend
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kbabin-blog · 10 years
I had a day off.
So today I had a day off. Yes, that’s right, I took a day off work. ‘Why?’ you ask? Because I bloody well felt like it. I have accrued a decent amount of ‘sick’ hours over the past few months, so I thought the time had come to use some. I decided that hump day was the best day to take off considering it’s the middle of the week, and it just so happens that it was prime weather today.
I went to sleep last night with no alarm set (how glorious!), and awoke at about 8:30am this morning to none other than the natural rays of sunlight beaming down through my skylight. I have faced the fact that there is no sleeping in until 11am in my room, ever (the heavens above are literally opening up for me every morning). However, I decided I would take advantage of the early wake up call.
Now to some, my day off and what it consisted of may not sound very exciting, but I think I really made the most of it. I first decided it would be the perfect day to wash my linen. Now don’t go calling the hygiene Po Po on me but I do it on average every three months. I’m sure I am not the only one… So I put them in the washing machine and off I went for a morning walk. Hello sun, so nice to see you! Those morning rays really set the mood for my day off and when I returned the washing had about ten minutes to go until it was finished.
I took this time to make one of my standard smoothies in which I love and adore making when I have the chance (mainly weekends). In went the nana, berries, milk and magical powders - the result was predictably delicious and went down a treat. I still had some time to spare so I quickly ducked out and walked across the road to the post office so I could send off some pants that I had sold on Gumtree. I love the feeling of ticking the imaginary boxes, of things that need to be done.
So I shoved the wet linen into a washing basket and carried it down to ‘Soapranos’, the closest coin laundry. There is no room in our place to dry linen (both clothes horses were full) and I figured it would be quicker to pay $7 and dry them in an hour. So as you might have guessed from the name, the laundry allows you to do your washing and as you wait you can watch continuous episodes of the Sopranos. I have never watched it before but I can imagine if you were a die-hard fan of the show, this would be awesome. There is also free WIFI, a massage chair, and a vending machine. I don’t usually use the coin laundry, but to me this seems like a pretty sweet set up. I will definitely be going back. My review of the local coin laundry is over and wow my day sounds thrilling so far.
My linen all clean and dried, I walked back down Johnston Street and popped into the op shop to see if I could find a lamp to recover. As I walked in with my washing basket I was swooped by the employees thinking that I was there to donate my linen. I kind of knew that would happen. I went into protective mode, like a lion and her newborn cub, explaining that I had just been to the coin laundry. They were clearly embarrassed and we all had a hearty chuckle. I found no lamps, but walked out with unnecessary purchases - a couple of clay mugs and an oil burner. $4 spent well.
I finally arrived back home to my sister (who thought my new clay mugs were terrible) and convinced her that we should prepare some chicken wraps and head on down to the Darling Gardens for some Vitamin D. Bianca was rather keen for the ‘D’ (ignore that immature reference/pun) but I on the other hand kept covered as I couldn’t be bothered putting sunscreen on and I really didn’t want third degree burns like the last time I sunbaked on a low 20-something degree day. So that was really enjoyable and we met a nice dog called Molly.
So it was about 2:30pm and we decided we would take a trip down to Pana Chocolate in Richmond. They make raw, vegan chocolate and desserts (pricey so you wouldn’t buy them every day) so I bought two slices that were nice, but I was a bit disappointed – I think I chose the wrong flavours. I mainly wanted to go there to check out the store, so I feel as though I got that out of my system and I probably wont go back for a while.
It was then home time. I still felt like I wanted to get a couple more things done so when I set off again to go to Northland, I realised that I had forgotten my Myki card. It was past 4pm anyway so I figured by the time I got there the shops would be closing. Now what to do? I planned in my mind to clean the bathroom and vacuum, but it never happened. I was actually pretty exhausted and thought that it was time to just chill out – that’s what you’re meant to do on your day off, I think. I suppose I don’t get many so I wanted to get as much done as possible. So here I am finishing off this post, and then to end my day I will go and cook my dinner because I am bloody starving.
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kbabin-blog · 10 years
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🎉🍺🐖🇩😘💕@yanahawkins (at Munich Brauhaus)
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kbabin-blog · 10 years
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So this morning I ventured down to the newly opened @rawtrader - a little cafe in the CBD that sells raw slices, home made almond milk, super food smoothies, granola and all that stuff that everyone is into these days (like moi) I tried a 'complexion' smoothie and bought these two slices - Cherry Ripe and Peppermint. They were damn delicious. I really do love desserts that arn't that bad for you 👌 #raw #refinedsugarfree #delicious #rawtrader #melbourne #cafe #vegan - #ithink
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kbabin-blog · 10 years
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So this morning I ventured down to the newly opened @rawtrader - a little cafe in the CBD that sells raw slices, home made almond milk, super food smoothies, granola and all that stuff that everyone is into these days (like moi) I tried a 'complexion' smoothie and bought these two slices - Cherry Ripe and Peppermint. They were damn delicious. I really do love desserts that arn't that bad for you 👌 #raw #refinedsugarfree #delicious #rawtrader #melbourne #cafe #vegan - #ithink
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kbabin-blog · 10 years
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Rest in Peace.
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kbabin-blog · 10 years
This morning the world was delivered the shocking news that actor Robin Williams, had passed away. It was, and still is, all over Facebook and other social media sites. Initially I think people thought, and hoped, that it was just a ridiculous hoax, but in a matter of minutes the news spread like cyber wildfire.
As I sit here blubbering while watching 'Mrs Doubtfire' on Channel Ten, I still cannot believe that such a great man has left us. Growing up, I watched Robin in many memorable roles, as did most people of my generation. The outrageously energetic, sarcastic, big blue Genie in Aladdin comes to mind first, partly because I am a big Disney fan (what girl isn’t?) and also because Robin was a comic genius. He clearly had a real knack for animation and cartoon voices (‘Fern Gully’ and ‘Happy Feet’ to name a couple) that made everyone laugh.
The next Robin Williams movie I remember watching was ‘Jack’ which came out in 1996. It was about a fifth grader who was born with an aging disorder that made him look like a 40-something year old. I remember crying my eyes out because I felt so bad that people at school were picking on him.  Robin also played a doctor who believed that laughter was the best medicine in ‘Patch Adams’. I don’t actually remember much about that movie except for Robin Williams wearing a red clown nose and just being really funny and making sick kids smile (major waterworks).
And then there was ‘Jumanji’. What a movie. I don’t think anyone will forget that rumbling sound (which was kind of scary) of the board game and I won’t forget where they get sucked into the floorboards and those big spiders explode out of nowhere. ‘Mrs Doubtfire’ is no doubt the most popular Robin Williams movie – it is such a feel good, family favourite showing audiences just what amazing talent Robin brought to the screen.
Whatever troubles Robin Williams faced in the last moments of his life, it is important for us to remember what joy he brought to our screens, and how his different roles affected us and made us laugh. I know I will be introducing Robin’s great movies to my children when I have them, so they too can know what a great entertainer he was.
RIP Robin Williams.        
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kbabin-blog · 10 years
Pondering Babin
I thought I'd share a few things i have been asking myself as of late...
Why must girls insist on wearing next to nothing in Winter?
It’s cold. I don’t mean to state the obvious but it’s that time of year when it’s freezing in Melbourne, especially at night. Yes, this city does seem to have a certain degree of chill to it all year round, but it’s the 23nd of July – all the nipples of Melbourne have officially frozen. Getting up in the morning is a constant challenge - the thought of having to strip off and run to the shower as quick as lighting while your shivering like a Chihuahua is not pleasant. Getting out of the shower is always worse of course. I could go on and on about the unpleasantries of winter, but one thing that annoys me a lot is how some girls seem to prance about their day to day lives wearing little clothing. And by little, I mean that they may as well be wearing nothing at all but a beanie, gloves and scarf. To some this would be pleasing on the eye, but it makes my bones shiver. I understand if you are going out to a hot and sweaty club, but pahlease, use the cloakrooms!
Why must I see so many pictures of people having an amazing time overseas?
Because that’s what I did a couple of years ago so I need to suck it up and take it like a man. Oh the jealousy that runs through me. I need to stop whinging about it as I’ll soon be one of those people anyway, but while I’m in this cold city, for the time being I will complain. Or I could just stop scrolling pointlessly through Facebook all day.  It is great seeing friends and family having a ball in different countries and it brings me right back to when I was there, doing the same thing and seeing the same memorable sights, like quad biking in the Greek Islands, drinking coconuts in Thailand, or taking pictures under that giant hunk of structured metal, the Eiffel Tower.
Why do some people feel the need to explain their life stories on public transport?
Whether it’s an old man shouting out across the train carriage to those who will listen to their angry views of the world, or a couple who feel the need to make everyone uncomfortable on a peak-hour cramped tram by arguing, I have heard it all. It does make the morning ride to work interesting and different, but I have to admit I do everything in my power not to make eye contact with them as to avoid any interaction that will involve me having to awkwardly answer their questions. Last night a young girl on my train started shouting to her boyfriend on the phone calling him a ‘’useless c***” and that she was going to call the Po-Po on him if he touches her or her child again. She then apologized to the silent carriage of passengers and continued to cry. I felt really bad for her and as she hopped off at Richmond station where I got off, a part of me wanted to ask if she was okay but she ran off in the other direction. In my head I wished her good luck in life.
Do I really need to do Jury Duty? Really?
So I received a letter in the mail telling me that I had been summoned to do Jury Duty. I know that everyone has to do it at some stage if they are enrolled to vote, but I really didn’t think I would have to do it until I was at least 30. That sounds silly but I don’t know anyone my age, give or take, who has done it. I had a bit of a whinge but I guess it’s okay if I get paid to not be at work. All I know is that I’ll be doing a lot of waiting around the court, and if I even get picked, I’ll get asked a bunch of questions about myself and then the defendant/prosecutor will say whether they want me on the case or not. Hopefully it is an interesting case, but not too interesting or I’ll get way too emotionally invested and make a fool of myself if I burst into tears for some reason or another. Anyway, life goes on and I'm sure I will survive it. Who knows, it may make me want to become a lawyer! Very, very doubtful.   
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kbabin-blog · 10 years
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A few snaps of the first collection of recipes using my new Omniblend! An amazingly tasty smoothie, fresh fruit and veg juice, buckwheat pancakes with fresh cashew cream, raspberry sauce and bananas, and some hummus! All guilt free :)
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kbabin-blog · 10 years
So Terrible Tuesday is over for another week. I gave it that name because in the past Tuesdays at work seemed to be, well, a bit terrible, and for some reason Tuesdays just weren’t my day. Lately though, they have been nothing to complain about in terms of work itself, but I still find that Tuesdays are the shittiest day of the week as the weekend is still so far away. I have a love-hate relationship with Mondays - who really wants to set their alarm for an early morning wake up after an awesome weekend? On the other hand, the day goes by quickly and it’s the start of the week so I’m feeling as fresh as a fiddle. Wednesdays, or ‘hump day’ gets you excited for the weekend because it’s only two days away, Thursday you are almost there, and then Friday speaks for itself.
The ‘terrible’ aspect of today is certainly the weather. Winter is well and truly here in Melbourne and it’s bloody cold. It’s cold, wet, and depressing. I must admit I do love bringing out the winter woollies, but getting up in the morning is proving to be a difficult task as we delve deeper into the season. Sometimes I wish I was a bear that could hibernate in a cave until the summer time, but sadly that won’t pay the bills. Being all wrapped up in a warm and fuzzy cocoon of blankets and pillows is just so wonderful.
Although the middle of the year means rain, wind and snotty noses, it also means it is time for my birthday, and to turn one year older. As I explained last year (wow a year?) I do get quite excited for my birthday. Turning 23 was an enjoyable day, as if it would be anything less. My work girls spoilt me, and made being at work as best as it can be on your birthday, and I went out for dinner to the Meatball and Wine Bar on Smith Street. I highly recommend this bar/restaurant to anyone who enjoys a warm and dimly light atmosphere (it would help if you felt like meatballs too), which were delicious – great comfort food for this time of the year.
For my birthday I also received my new favourite appliance - the Omniblend - from Joel. Basically it’s a really, really, good blender that you just chuck everything in, press a button, and you’re done. If you’re like me, and love baking and experimenting with healthy/raw recipes then this is a really great option for a hybrid blender and food processor.  Joel also went to the effort of putting together booklets of just some of the many recipes you can create – from smoothies, juices and cocktails, to raw desserts, cakes, soup (yes, it heats it too!) and ice cream. Perfection. The only downside to Mr Omni is how loud it is, so I can’t use it in the morning before work or I will scare the poo out of my housemates. So far I have made hummus, guacamole, my healthy chocolate balls, delicious ‘super food’ smoothies, and I also made a banana coconut cake covered with cashew cream – this is a great alternative to normal cream I have discovered. I’m excited to try loads more recipes, especially soup and ice cream (not together though).
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got on this rainy Tuesday evening. I’m going to see the production Wicked on Friday evening with my girlfriends so I’m sure my next post will include a raging review about that (I have already seen it in London so I know it’s amazing). Bubye.  
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kbabin-blog · 10 years
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Travis and Jackie's Wedding - 26th of April 2014
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kbabin-blog · 10 years
A Trip to Sydney
This time last week I had arrived home from a three-day weekend in Sydney. I was not only looking forward to getting out of Melbourne for a few days, but I was very excited to celebrate, and witness, the marriage of my big brother Travis and his new wife Jackie. I was really looking forward to spending time with mum’s family as well. Christmas is really the only time everyone gets to spend together and catch up, unless there is a big occasion such as Trav’s wedding, of course.
We had just had a four-day weekend (thank God – literally) due to Easter and we were all lucky enough to have two long weekends back to back. Anzac day fell on the 25th of April, and with the wedding on the Saturday we were able to enjoy one night at home and two nights in Sydney. Joel and I left on the Friday afternoon, and after an easy 1hr flight we arrived at about 6:30pm and went straight to Circular Quay to meet the family for dinner. We caught the train from the airport into the city thinking that it would be cheaper but it turned out to be $16 each. I know that I’m pretty stingy in general when it comes to money, but we did think that was quite expensive. Getting a taxi would not have cost too much more we discovered later on.
We finally pulled up to Circular Quay station and hopped out of the double-decker train, or ‘two-storey’ as I like to call them (this really annoyed Joel and he thought I was a complete retard for calling them that – whatever mate) and headed over to the restaurant where everyone was waiting for us. The view of the Harbour really is lovely at night with all the lights, and it was warmer than Melbourne it seemed.
A couple of years ago Mum and Mark brought us kids up to Sydney, and Grandma too, where we spent nearly a week being tourists, visiting Travis, and just having great family time. We even got to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge - I will never forget what an experience that was. I’m glad I did it and am very thankful, but goodness me I thought it was going to be the end of me. I never knew I had a fear of heights until I climbed it. I was shaking in my boots a majority of the time but the view was amazing though.
Anyway, we arrived at the restaurant where we said G’day to Mum and Mark, Grandma, my uncles and aunties, siblings, little cousins, and of course Travis and Jackie who I hadn’t seen since my 21st birthday. It was amazing to see my brother looking so happy with his bride-to be. So we enjoyed a rather expensive meal (I had a feeling this weekend was going to break my bank), chatted over some drinks and then scoffed down a well earnt Gelato (I am not sure why it was well earnt, I just like to think of excuses as to why I deserve dessert). We ended the night by heading over to the Opera House where my cousins wanted to pretend they were on Dance Academy (some ABC show), and took numerous selfies which all turned out to be pretty horrendous I think. It was funny though. 
Into a cab we hopped (the first of many) and arrived at our motel, the Garden Lodge, or Garden View (something with Garden) situated in Habberfield – a suburb in the inner west. We were all staying at the same place, which was handy. I didn’t think it was too bad at all. For some reason we were given a room with two double beds so Joel and I took advantage of this and hogged up one each. At first I wasn’t sure about the idea but it proved to be a wonderful decision. The only downside was that it appeared to have bed bugs – we found one in each bed. It wouldn’t be until the next day, however, that I discovered the bastards bit me all over during the night.
So Saturday morning arrived quickly - we got up and walked to a nearby café for a big breakfast as we figured it would be our only meal before the wedding reception. We then killed a couple of hours in the hotel before it was time to get our kits on and make ourselves look presentable. Coincidently most of us girlies were wearing red and black and as a group it was fair to say that the Groom’s family was pretty sexy. The men, especially Joel, were looking mighty fine in their suits as always.
We arrived at the church about twenty minutes later, made our way into the church and sat down, eagerly awaiting the Bride. And what a beautiful Bride Jackie was. As we all waited you could tell Trav was shitting himself slightly, but I suppose that’s just the normal thing to do when you’re about to get married. I must admit I was a little nervous for him as well, but my big brother was about to tie the knot so I was very proud, happy and emotional. I am a big ball of blubbering mess anyway so it came to no surprise.  As soon as Trav started crying as Jackie approached the alter, the tears could not contain themselves any longer. It was bloody beautiful to say the least.
Despite being a little long due to the standing up and sitting back down again, and prayers, (our family isn’t religious – well Travis is – it’s a little confusing) the ceremony was really, really nice. After congratulating the newly wedded couple, taking photos, (and trying to catch a random rabbit that was in the garden) we headed over to the reception which was held at a Greek restaurant nearby that Jackie had worked at in the past. It was set up beautifully, and we enjoyed some delicious beverages and the food was great too. The speeches were touching (as always the speeches start the waterworks for me – big time) and it was also great to see Jackie and Travis together with Jackie’s little boy, Jayden. The three of them are the cutest little family.
The night continued on with lots of dancing – Joel and I are convinced that there is just one wedding play list consisting of nothing but the latest ‘party rocking’ tunes, and dirty beats played on Nova FM (oh and who could forget the golden oldies) – not our favourite songs to groove to but I still had such a fun time dancing with the family.
Tired and exhausted from a wonderful night, it was time to leave and say goodbye to the Bride and Groom. Joel and I left in a taxi with Brad - and a very intoxicated Jacinta - and enjoyed an amusing cab ride with a driver from the Czech Republic. He wasn’t too impressed with our lack of direction, but we finally made it to the Maccas where we inhaled some hot chips, and thankfully it was only a short walk from the motel where we ended our night rugged up in our bed-bugged beds.
We left early the next morning to catch our 9:30am flight back to Melbourne. It was a really nice weekend away. Joel and I have been to a number of weddings in the recent months, but to me this one was extra special. I wish Travis and Jackie all the very best for the future, as they deserve it. I am also wishing that the next long weekend would come quickly – I’m not sure what I’ll do but having an extra day off is awesome, as most would agree. Anyway, time for me to hit the hay – I need to get up for another week of work – hooray. Next time I’ll have a poem for you – not really – I’m not that gay. Alright I’ll stop.  
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