kdmerchant · 1 day
I may keep playing...
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kdmerchant · 1 day
Guys. I'm trying something.
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kdmerchant · 2 days
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I may or may not touch this one more 🤣
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kdmerchant · 4 days
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Thiking about how the Teif Beef move their tails - Teiflings aren't cats or dogs or snakes or monkeys or anything else... they're people and the ways they move their tails reflect that. Some folks pick up habits from family members (or even the family pet) to express themselves, but it's like trying to quantify hand gestures - it's going to vary region to region, person to person.
Her tail moves a lot, just like her, she thumps it around, waves it when exited, and plays with it when she's bored. Her motions tend to be big and unafraid of taking up space.
a) Dozing off - it's still on the ground.
b) Stimming - she swishes it against a nearby surface, the ground in this case (Tav does the same thing)
c) Holding it still while it's twitching - holding the end of it means the middle of it can still move freely.
d) Lazy stretch - Just a normal little flick because it doesn't hold still long
e) Killing a bug - keeps her sharp
f) Self hug - keeps it out of the way (although this is something she'll usually just do by herself)
Tends to be a little more still than Karlach, or at least smaller in her gestures (she's a monk), but she's still expressive with it, and sometimes it has a mind of it's own. She holds it and plays with it a lot too (which her family found rude - but her mentor at the monastery figured out helped her concentrate).
a) Dozing off - also still on the ground, usually the only time it will be flat on the ground unless she's ill
b) Meditation - it's still but she'll have it wrapped around herself or be holding it off the ground
c) Grooving - someone's playing something nice
d) Alert - listening attentively
e) Irritated - tail buzzing
f) Thinking - tapping her tail as she thinks
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kdmerchant · 4 days
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kdmerchant · 4 days
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30 days to full pumpkin
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kdmerchant · 4 days
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Thank you all for helping me pick!
Wyll is ready to paint :)
I'll post an update when I'm done!
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kdmerchant · 5 days
Conversations and smooches
“Are you mad that I cuddled up with Halsin?” She brushed a lock of silver out of his face. He did not answer but somehow managed to pout harder, avoiding her eye contact. “I really meant nothing by it. Sometimes I hate touch, other times I crave it and in that moment it was helpful.”
“I understand that he brought you comfort. I wish I was the one who could have supplied it is all.” He still wouldn’t look her in the eyes.
“Do you want to keep us exclusive?” Paradigm brushed his cheek while she asked.
“I’m guessing that isn’t exactly what you need.” Astarion finally met her gaze, a look of defeat in his eyes. Paradigm leaned down and kissed his forehead.
“How much have you pondered love?” She asked in return and before he spoke she added, “to be more specific, have you personally broken down the idea of love and considered what you need?” Paradigm gently massaged his ears, and he looked at his hands as he contemplated.
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kdmerchant · 6 days
My son smashed up ground apples and offered them to a slug beneath the squash plant. The slug seems very appeased.
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kdmerchant · 7 days
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I'm going to make a gif today :)
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kdmerchant · 8 days
Wyll is ahead by a ton so I'm going to attempt some sketches :) I'll update again later if I manage that.
There is still time to change it but 36% are in favor and so am I!
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So. My grandmother was purging her art a few years ago and I grabbed what I thought I could paint over and re-use.
This frame is almost 2ft long and 6 inches thick.
The painting is an 8x10
I think I'm going to put a BG3 character in the middle and paint over the flowers all together.
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Guys. Who do I pick?
I'm tired and off to bed but if you have suggestions I wanna hear them. I'm willing to paint the frame too.
Seriously, I'll pick what gets suggested most. Forgive me if I've missed names. I'm exhausted.
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kdmerchant · 8 days
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I need to clean my pumpkin 🤣
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kdmerchant · 9 days
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Rotated the greenside to the sun.
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kdmerchant · 10 days
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For Head, Heart and Health chapter 14 start.
It's going slow but I'm enjoying the process.
I need to be writing an email so I guess I'm writing this instead. 🤣
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kdmerchant · 10 days
I'm over halfway done. My voice has nearly gone out a few times this last month so I haven't gotten as far as I've wanted. But this sentence made me smile as I read it 😅🤣
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kdmerchant · 10 days
I'm about to paint over the flowers. I found a spot for it on the wall. Wyll is in the lead and I'm here for it!
Side note. I think it'll take 3 cans of spray air to clean out the frame. 👀 those are some dusty nooks and crannies.
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So. My grandmother was purging her art a few years ago and I grabbed what I thought I could paint over and re-use.
This frame is almost 2ft long and 6 inches thick.
The painting is an 8x10
I think I'm going to put a BG3 character in the middle and paint over the flowers all together.
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Guys. Who do I pick?
I'm tired and off to bed but if you have suggestions I wanna hear them. I'm willing to paint the frame too.
Seriously, I'll pick what gets suggested most. Forgive me if I've missed names. I'm exhausted.
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kdmerchant · 10 days
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We think its getting close to done.
We now have one other that's bigger.
I can't wait to see the gif of it growing when it's done :)
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