kidnirvanaa · 3 years
▪︎03/05/21▪︎Monday▪︎3:18 am
Yesterday was the first sunday where I was productive at day time ever since I started med school. The issue was what I did after evening hours, where I couldn't figure out how to unwind ending up in a whole lot of wasted time.
I submitted a physiology assignment on respiratory disorders, and went through the arm in anatomy. I thought it would be a good idea to draw the elbow anastomosis on my own arm and it did help I guess. It's not complete especially on the dorsal side but these are the arterial anastomosises I no longer have trouble in.
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(If only I could somehow study Brachial plexus like this)
I was supposed to finish biochemistry today but didn't as much go near it. Can't leave it pending as I still haven't completed glucose metabolism.
I have to present a seminar on abductors of the hip and it seems like a good thing cause I know little to nothing about the gluteal muscles so it's my chance to reinforce those topics.
So for today I guess I can prepare the information and materials for the seminar and complete biochemistry (though I wanted to do the nerves of the arm).
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kidnirvanaa · 5 years
So few updates...
• I wrote my NEET entrance exam for medicine (first time) and after my calculations I will be getting around 335. It's not enough to secure a seat but then it was already known that I would be opting to repeat a year
• Now I'm preparing for my aiims exam, but since I'm tired of studying I've opted to just solving random questions.
The major update:
Considering the failure of this blog after my board exams I've decided to put the dreaded past behind me and start a new main studyblr instead of a side blog.
the actual reason is that my main and side blogs are of two different aesthetics and hence my feed always gets mixed up. And now that my new studyblr isn't linked with my old main blog (aesthetickid306) I can post more identity revealing stuff on my studyblr and not fear being exposed to people that know me.
So of to new happy beginnings & beyond
Follow my new blog:- @med-aspirant
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kidnirvanaa · 5 years
Had my first proper entrance mock test and I scored a flat 259 out of 720. Gotta work harder cause I'm running out of days to waste
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kidnirvanaa · 5 years
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This is a summary of college only using two pictures; expensive as hell.
That’s my Sociology “book”. In fact what it is is a piece of paper with codes written on it to allow me to access an electronic version of a book. I was told by my professor that I could not buy any other paperback version, or use another code, so I was left with no option other than buying a piece of paper for over $200. Best part about all this is my professor wrote the books; there’s something hilariously sadistic about that. So I pretty much doled out $200 for a current edition of an online textbook that is no different than an older, paperback edition of the same book for $5; yeah, I checked. My mistake for listening to my professor.
This is why we download. 
 Alternatives to buying overpriced textbooks
GaTech Math Textbooks
Project Gutenberg
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kidnirvanaa · 5 years
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I've been inactive for a long time and I guess now it's time to come out of the closet
• My boards were over and let say I'm dissapointed. Maths and physics was where it all went wrong. Physics was explanatory as it was overall difficult and had little resemblance to past papers with almost no easy questions. But maths was where I messed up ... almost all the high markers came from the topics that I wasn't entirely sure of and .....let's just say it went poorly.
High school was a bad chapter for me and I would love to put that behind me but the results are coming soon and I'm just hoping that I won't go down 80% cause If I do it would be a hard hot to my self worth, cause then I would be among those who didn't give a fuck about their academics and just played with their time. See I actually tried to and wanted to study and if I'm getting the same marks as those who neglected their studies then ....Idk...I don't even wanna think about it
• My entrance exam is coming soon in about 2 weeks and I can see myself reverting to my CURSED old habits...I wanna put an end to this cause I need to secure a score of 400 for NEET. It's the only chance I have of entering the entrance coaching institute of my choice. I wasted a lot of days and today too but now tgat I've started with tumblr again I'm gonna put the shit in my life behind me and continue on my journey as a kid with nirvana as his end goal.
It's sounds so cool referring to yourself in third person ...And that's what im gonna do
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kidnirvanaa · 5 years
Oh well uncle rick
it is so strange to me when people tell me they never had an ancient egyptian phase…like, what did you even do during your childhood? 
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kidnirvanaa · 5 years
HEY, Romance Writers!
A few followers have asked for tips on writing romance into their stories or as the basis of their stories. Here’s a masterlist of sources (below cut) that may help.
General Romance:
What Defines Romantic Love?
How to Build a Romance Thread in Your Story
How to Plot a Romance Novel
Slowburn Romance
When Friends Fall for Each Other (ask)
Tips for Writing a Character Who Has a Crush
Tips on Writing Unrequited Love 
Writing Healthy Couples in Fiction
An Antidote to “Love at First Sight”
How Attractive Should Your Characters Be?
3 Great Ways to Show That Your Character Is In Love
6 Ways to Get Your Readers Shipping Like Crazy
Six Steps to Stronger Character Arcs in Romances
Seven Great Sources of Conflict for Romances
9 Romance Writing Mistakes to Avoid
20 Tips for Writing Lovable Romance Novel Heroes 
How to Write a Kissing Scene in a Romance Novel
Types of Kisses and Kissing + This Post Is All About Kisses
List of Ideas to Keep Romantic Tension High
100 Questions for Character Couples
How Do I Make the Relationship Development Realistic?
How Do I Know If Two People Are Compatible?
Healthy Relationships Can Include Teasing
YA Romance:
How to Write a YA Romance Without Cliché  
20 Mistakes To Avoid When Writing Young Adult Fiction/Romance
Intercultural Romance:
How do I write an interracial couple accurately? (ask)
15 Common Stereotypes About Intercultural Relationships
Cross Cultural Relationships
[Ideas for] Your [Fictional] Cross-Cultural Relationship
Things to Avoid When Writing Interracial Romance
writingwithcolor: Interracial Relationships (w/ links)
Bad Romance:
Removing the Creeps From Romance
Why The Surprise Kiss Must Go
Possessiveness 101
10 Signs You May Be in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship
Edward & Bella Are In An Abusive Relationship
Red Flags, Verbal Abuse, Stalking… | Script Shrink
5 Huge Mistakes Ruining the Romantic Relationships in Your Book
How do you write a [bad] relationship without romanticising it? (ask)
General Tips for Writing Characters Love Interests:
How to Write from a Guy’s POV
Writing Awesome Male Characters: What You’re Doing Wrong
7 Point-of-View Basics Every Writer Should Know
How Do You Describe a Character?
4 Ways to Make Readers Instantly Loathe Your Character Descriptions
3 Signs Your Story’s Characters Are Too Perfect
Is a Quirk Just What Your Character Needs?
Six Types of Character Flaws
Is Your Character Optimistic Or Pessimistic?
5 Ways to Keep Characters Consistent
9 Simple and Powerful Ways to Write Body Language
10 Body Language Tricks for Deeper Characterization
Describing People Part Three: Gestures, Expressions, and Mannerisms
33 Ways To Write Stronger Characters
Conveying Character Emotion
Distinguishing Characters in Dialogue
How to Make Readers Love an Unlikable Character…  
Characters: Likability Is Overrated
Relationships in General:
How to Create Powerful Character Combos
8 Secrets To Writing Strong Character Relationships
Character Relationships: 6 Tips for Crafting Real Connections
Writing Relationships: Hate to Love
Stereotypes, Archetypes, & Tropes:
Five Signs Your Story Is Sexist: Part 1, Part 2
Five Signs Your Story Is Sexist – Against Men
Always Female vs Always Male
Born Sexy Yesterday & Manic Pixie Dream Girl
7 (Overused) Female Love Interests
Other Resource Lists
Resources For Romance Writers
Pinterest Board “Writing: Romance Arcs and Plots”  
thewritershelpers FAQ (romance, kissing, sexuality, etc)
+ Follow HEY, Writers! on Ko-Fi // Wattpad // AO3 // Goodreads // Pinterest
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kidnirvanaa · 6 years
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How to deal with procrastination
One of the biggest problems for students is procrastination! It takes different forms for everyone but ultimately it stops us all at some point. Since there are several reasons for procrastinating, I’ve put together the five main types and a few ideas on how to deal with it. 
You’ve got poor work/productivity habits. You leave things until the last minute since you “work better under pressure”. You probably think you’ll do something after you’ve finished something else, and then never do. You get distracted whenever you’re trying to study and will sit waiting to feel motivated but it never comes. For this I’d suggest:
create a productivity inspiring workspace - find somewhere that you can set up a study space, whether it is an actual office or just a desk. Organise everything that you will need. I have a selection of pens and my few notebooks on the top so I can easily access them. Remove anything that might cause you to be distracted and doesn’t need to be in your immediate reach. If you’re got space, put up some motivational pictures. This could be my motivational printables, some quotes or your own pictures. Plants are also proven to boost productivity, so might be worth putting a small one nearby!
create an action list rather than to-dos - write down a few manageable tasks that you need to do and be specific on the steps you should take. Writing the actions they require will help you see what you should be doing to complete something, instead of just the overall task. If you’re able to break it down, you can take actionable steps rather than mentally having to think of each point.
focus on 20-30 minute periods - generally, we lose focus after a while so taking regular breaks can help give you chance to relax and refocus. Apps like Forest allow you to set a timer and will give you off your phone at the same time. Obviously, if you’re being productive, don’t suddenly cut that off because it is “time for a break”. Here are some other free alternatives.
remove distractions as best you can - I’m always distracted by social media so I will use Forest on my phone or time-lapse myself so I can’t use my phone. With my MacBook, I have two accounts. One for university and one for everything else. I am not logged into any social media on my uni account so I can’t just check it for a minute then end up wasting 20 minutes :’-)
find an accountability partner - pick someone who you can rely on to check on you regularly and see how your tasks are coming along. You can send them your to-do list and then every few hours you can update them with your progress. You won’t want to let them down. Alternatively, you can study with a friend! Tumblr/Instagram is basically my partner!
use the two-minute rule - if something takes less than two minutes, do it. Don’t make an excuse, just do it. Tasks that are longer you can either delegate or defer. Here is a simple visualisation of what I mean.
record your progress - doing a simple “don’t break the chain” in your planner is a great way to see how productive you’re being and therefore get you more motivated to keep it up! The ‘100 days of productivity’ challenge might be worth doing!
You’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Everything seems to be mounting up and nothing seems doable. You don’t know where or how to start. For this I’d suggest:
ask for help - if you’re feeling like this, it is likely you need some help in some form or another. See if a family member, friend, classmate or teacher (or Google) can help or give you a starting point. Emailing your teacher is a great option if you’re a little nervous about speaking to them in person. Plus you won’t forget what they told you because you’ll have a response.
remind yourself that getting started is the first step - you don’t need to finish a task in a matter of minutes. Start doing something small. Maybe organise what you need, highlight the important bits of your assessment, or draft an essay plan. The secret to getting ahead is getting started!
divide and conquer - figure out what is the overall task that you need to do and split it into manageable parts. For instance, with an essay, the aim is to write it! Divide it into planning out what you want to write, any references you need, summarising a final draft and then writing each paragraph. By dividing bigger tasks into actionable parts you can reduce the obstacles and get through each part in a more timely manner.
reward yourself - create a system to celebrate completing a selection of tasks. By rewarding your progress you’ll build an incentive to work and reinforce productivity (great for your self-discipline!).
learn to forgive yourself - if you have an off day, that is okay! When the stress of your education is getting too much, it is necessary to have time out.  Remember to come back to it later and try again.
don’t over schedule - if you’re feeling pressure from the amount of work and then the added pressure of trying to stick to a time limit, you’re just going to go crazy. Set yourself flexible times to get something done instead of being heavily structured. Give yourself time for a break and the ability to change tasks.
stick with one task - it can be so tempting to multitask but try not to. Try to keep the focus on the what you’re doing until it is done. If you struggle with that, you could write down anything useful that you randomly think about for another task, use a break-time to think about that other task or alternate between subjects/tasks every few hours.
You’re a perfectionist. You either don’t want to start something out of fear you won’t get it right or you can get stuck on the small details. There is a pressure to achieve the unachievable. For this I’d suggest:
focus on getting started, instead of finishing - it is easy to get overwhelmed thinking about what something is supposed to be like finished if you’re a perfectionist. Take things one step at a time. It’s also useful to remember the sooner you start, the more time you’ll have to perfect it at the end!
make drafts - if you’re overwhelmed, take half an hour to map out your plan of attack. Drafts can take many forms: summaries, scaffolds/outlines, essay plans, post-it notes, etc. I find it much easier to get on with work if I have a bit of a plan.
remember that your perfectionist tendencies aren’t actually improving your work or productivity but hindering you - you’re continually setting yourself unrealistic objects and (like me) probably feel let down by yourself if you don’t reach them. Be realistic and focus on getting it done!
accept mistakes - you’ve written something wrong, don’t panic! Cross it out with a single line and move on. Things happen and you have to accept it. You can’t rip up the page every time you do something wrong, even if it is so tempting.
put things in perspective - is what you’re beating yourself up about right now going to mean anything in a week, a month, a year? Be honest if it isn’t, is it really worth putting unnecessary pressure on yourself.
praise yourself through the process - try not to criticise yourself but recognise your progress.
don’t compare yourself - this is very hard not to do but remember we are all different. Just because “you’re not as good” or don’t understand something as easily as others, it doesn’t mean you’re any less! Everyone was a beginner once and we all learn at different paces. Work to your strengths!
You want to do something else. You find whatever you’re doing boring. You want it to be over with but don’t want to get started. The ultimate catch 22, right? For this I’d suggest:
remember that putting it off isn’t going to make it go away - if you leave it too long you’ll end up getting more stressed about it. Best to get it over with.
make a plan from the get-go - once you know something is coming up (e.g. a test, an assessment, etc) make notes on it! That could be questions, annotations, potential topics, citations, etc. By making the effort to spend time reading through, you’ll save your future self some stress. Especially if it’s a topic you have forgotten. That way your notes act as a reminder so you can get started.
set a finish time with a reward - tell yourself that if you finish something by a certain time and then you can do something else. Use your self-discipline to not go back on this. Set a realistic time and try to get it complete before. If you can think that you’re doing something fun once it is completed, you’ll be more motivated to get it done.
make a structure - for note-taking, it can be overwhelming looking at a textbook and thinking what you’re going to write out. Make a note-taking layout/colour code that works for you and that subject. Mine is here - it just gives me an idea of how I’d lay everything instead of going in with no action plan.
try to make it fun - this could be using YouTube to learn or starting a study group. Use different methods for memorising information such as flashcards, mindmaps or study guides (like question/answer).
make the effort to refocus - if you’re finding something boring and you’re unfocused, walk away for 5 minutes, get a drink and come back. If you’re really struggling, change topics for a while. Find a point where you can finish and start doing something else that is productive.
listen to some music - generally, music without lyrics are best for focusing. Spotify has a great playlist for studying called ‘focus’. However, I find my regular music good for getting me a little more motivated and awake. I also like writing essays to music because I weirdly sort of type in the same rhythm. Funny study hack I’ve found that works for me haha!
write your thoughts down - Another thing I’ve been trying is externalising my thoughts. If I get distracted by something or have a “gosh, I need to remember that” moment, I will write it down. By getting it out my brain and onto a bit of paper, I no longer have to think about it and can continue. 
You have no motivation. Often we feel that motivation is the only thing you need to get on with something, but this isn’t totally true. You need a mix of motivation and discipline. As the saying goes: “motivation may get you started, but discipline keeps you going”. To build your motivation, I’d suggest:
have a mass organise - usually when I’m feeling unmotivated, I’ll clear out my desk and sort out my computer. This involves throwing out stationery that doesn’t work or scrap paper. I usually make piles of spare stationery and will re-organise my desk drawers. For my computer, I will pull out all my files to my desktop then start working through them. I’ll delete duplicates, rename files properly, and put them in the right place.
find some new stationery - weirdly buying stationery is one of those things that instantly makes you want to be productive. Head to the shops and spend a little something on a new pen, highlighter or notebook!
film yourself - studying generally doesn’t give us any instant gratification which can make it feel like a drag. By filming yourself working you can get a little video at the end which shows your progress. I love watching time-lapses of myself because you see all the work you did super quickly. It also means I’m not touching my phone!
set yourself some goals - write down a few things you want to achieve, in the short or long term. Put it somewhere that you’ll be reminded about it! By externalising your goals, you’re more likely to make the effort to achieve it.
check/make a studygram and studyblr - this is one of most motivating this I’ve done. Having social media dedicated to studying has helped not only improve my work ethic but my whole attitude towards education. Getting involved in the community is a great motivator. Here is a post on how to set up a studyblr.
I hope this post gives you just a few ideas on how to tackle procrastination! If you’ve got any tips you’d like to share, please message me! x
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kidnirvanaa · 6 years
Reblogging to save this for later..off to study for chemistry finals..
A big bang of “how to” stuff
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There I was again tonight forcing laughter faking smiles so I made up this long ass post for y'all!
So you a potato. Me a potato. World conquered by we potatoes. But potato need survival tips. So your bro potato help you out. Yay potato. Go go potato.
Study related stuff :
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1. Get good grades
Catch concepts, not chapters. Your portion is most likely gonna be super vast, so it’s helpful to know a little something from every chapter rather than knowing just 50% of your syllabus.
Figure out which concepts are important and master them.
Keep all assignments completed at least 1 day before submission date. This isn’t always possible but trust me if you do this you’re guaranteeing marks for proper submission. Job done early? Proof check and add touches to enhance that essay!
Let the teachers know that you’re working hard. I actually passed math because my math teacher knew I was working super hard on my math skills. Participate in the class, gather a bunch of doubts and then dump them on your teacher when the chapter ends.
Try not to miss lectures because chances are you’ll remember that silly mnemonic your friend made up in class and get the answer correct.
Analysis of your exam type is super important. Want me to make a long ass post about it?
2. Be more productive
Having a stuydjo/bujo by your side helps hella lot.
Plan plan plan. Lists, organise lists and colour code them. Basically become Monica Geller Bing and you’re set for life.
Motivational quotes from pinterest almost make me guilty for not being productive and force me to do something.
Before starting your study session, dance around to upbeat music for like 5 minutes. You’ll see the difference I promise.
Seek out inspiration from your smart friends /tumblr friends /people you look up to by constantly reminding yourself about them. I always think of hermione granger because even randomly picturing her with books in my mind ignites that badass boss feeling complying me to study tf up.
3. Manage your time
Studyjo/bujo saves your life.
Wear a watch all the damn time, it will remind you of how much time you’re spending doing nothing. You’ll end up saving several extra minutes!
List out what you’re gonna do every hour of the day on a sticky note and refer to it when you feel lazy.
Get a super nice friend /parent /sibling who will constantly remind you to utilise your time.
Think of time as currency and pretend that it’s all a game where you need to save up as much money as you can to become a billionaire. Save up your time and become rich af.
4. Avoid procrastinating
Stduyjo/bujo again. You know the drill now.
A little bit of exercise before starting work generally works you up and sets the correct mood.
Knowing how ahead your friends are from you often makes you wanna catch up so try getting that motivation.
Set goals + rewards that actually matter to you. Maybe a face care spa day isn’t your thing but munching on a snickers bar is. Treat yo self.
Tell someone a detailed plan of what you are going to accomplish the next day. Now whenever you see that person you’ll want to prove to them that you’re doing what you promised. Or the guilt may drive you too.
Appearance related stuff :
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1. Look more put together
Try the lipstick trick. There are days when you do not have the time /want to put on makeup, so just put on a lipstick that matches your outfit and you’ll automatically create an illusion of being more put together, boss af and fabulous.
Try out cheap (potato can’t afford sorry) but elegant accessories. If it’s a necklace try tucking it under the collar of your shirt and see the magic. Stick to one staple accessory that’s gonna be your trademark.
Tame that mane potato. Your hair isn’t gonna detangle itself. You gotta do it. I mean, don’t you love your hair?
Minimalistic colours rock. Some outfits never go old like flannels or white shirts or black dresses.
2. Feel beautiful
The lipstick does the trick for me.
Putting my hair in a sky high ponytail makes me feel like I’m a queen or something.
Save little compliments for yourself as reminders and when you get them you’ll feel 10x more beautiful than before.
Mind related stuff :
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1. Deal with burnout/slump
Try to accomplish super tiny stuff. Break down every task into micromolecular basics.
Give yourself a ted talk. It works.
Sometimes the best way of dealing with burnout is by detoxing from the thing that caused burnout. Stay away form books and after some time you’ll actually want to study.
2. Study with slumps/mental illness
Step one is to finish homework /assignments. If you can concentrate on them, you’re good to go.
Do not take up a lot of load, just skimming through textbooks, reviewing notes, going over flashcards should do the trick.
If you desperately need to get shit done, just ignore the fact that you do not want to do it. It’s harsh on your mind but desperate times require desperate measures.
Avoid forcing yourself to study because you’ll not retain info like that.
Take it easy. But consistently. Maybe just one topic a day. But do not miss a day. A steady everyday practice goes long way in the future.
3. Strengthen self control
There are several apps that can help you with this, like forest. My top pick is the Tide app which has a gorgeous interface and super aesthetic timers with new pictures everyday. I shit you not every time I quit my pomodoro I feel the guilt of having killed 1000 puppies its worse and I avoid doing that at all costs.
If you study in your room, keep your phone in the kitchen for some time. Your lazy ass is less likely to get up and use the phone.
Switching the phone off before starting a study session works because I care for my phone like a baby and it feels horrible to switch it on and off and on and off.
Practice 30 minutes of digital detox everyday. You don’t have to study at that time, just stay away from everything that is technology. Read and book, eat a fruit, make a sandwich, paint, sing, dance, exercise. Study if you want. Just no gadgets.
4. Deal with stress
Yoga works. Potato body ain’t that flexible so just breathing exercises for a start is also enough.
Highly recommended : brain dump every night before sleeping can ensure that you’ll not stay up too late pondering over the meaning of your existence and world politics.
Having a hearty talk with someone you trust will also lift weight off your chest.
Pin point the cause of your stress and annihilate the problem. Slay it.
Life related stuff :
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1. Drink more water
Carry a cool ass bottle of water with you every frigging where.
Make it a rule to have a drink everytime you go to the loo or you take a bath /shower.
Replace one of your daily caffeines /sugars with water. You don’t have to get rid of coffee because that’s just non potato ish, but maybe that third cup could be replaced with water.
Try a game thingy. Maybe everytime the word ‘procrastination’ pops in your mind take a drink. Wow, I’m so creative *sighs for eternities*.
2. Be more healthy
5 minute stretches right after getting up works you up.
Try one of those YouTube videos of 15 minute workouts. You can have 3 such workouts through the day and call yourself a fit potato.
Replacing one packet of junk food with nuts/fruits also works.
Everytime you hear someone say something related to money, have a banana. Random much? Nope, bananas are known to increase hormones that make you happy in your body, meaning you’ll feel full and happy. Maybe offer the person a banana too.
3. Be more happy
Eat bananas!
Take pictures of things you love, not things your followers love.
Puppies are a source of eternal joy.
Reading goofy/cheesy/romance books make you giggle and feel good in general.
Watching cheesy films or good ass romcoms works just well.
Friends was created for a reason.
Writing down what you accomplished today gives a sense of pride and satisfaction. Take that shit.
Tumblr has shitposts made basically to make you happy.
4. Find your true calling /figuring tf out what you wanna do with your life
Lists lists lists. Subjects you love, you hate, you’re good at, you suck at.
Consulting your teachers, family etc and find out what they think you’re good at. Sometimes other people can see traits of yours better than you.
Career tests rock.
You’ll figure it out in the end somehow.
And that’s about it for now folks, hope this helps. See y'all laterz~
Etudaire ♥
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kidnirvanaa · 6 years
Okay. So #studyblrs get real isn’t trying to offend anyone. I’ve gotten some anon messages that are really rude and I’ve just straight up deleted them.
#studyblrs get real is just that, we’re getting real. I’ve rewritten my notes to be aesthetically pleasing one time. Uno. Ein. Yeah that’s the only languages I know one in.
The studyblr aesthetic isn’t most people’s real life studies methods. It’s some people’s, and I want to congratulate those who manage to keep the aesthetic up.
But honestly, it’s not real life. Real life is being up at 2 AM, surrounded by four empty cups, Rice Krispies Treat wrappers, and a pizza box with just pizza crust in it, and grease marks on your paper. Real life is not having time to make these AMAZING and GORGEOUS notes, because you’re studying for the grade, NOT the notes.
People say you just need to “study” to be a studyblr, but why is it only the MUJIs, the Mildliners, and the Staedtlers get reblogged? Why doesn’t the pictures of sloppy, coffee stained notes get reblogged? The rain drenched crinkled notes that don’t get rewritten. The notes with more scribbles than legible writing.
Underneath is why I think that #studyblrs get real needs to become popular, and fast, which has been taken from what I said in a conversation with @universi-tea where the idea for #studyblrs get real came up.
Teens that are growing up may not know what they’re facing, because aesthetic studyblr makes it look like sunshine and lollipops.
“I’ve been through things that will commonly happen. I’ve been rejected by my dream school, and I’ve cried at 4 AM in the morning because my fourth SAT scores weren’t high enough to meet requirements after months of studying. I’ve taken AP classes. I’ve graduated.
Your high school/college/university experience may have been different, but mine was a rude awakening and I’m trying to prevent others from crashing and burning like I did. I was an all A student in high school, even with AP classes. I graduated fifth in my class with 25 credits from AP scores, in which my school only offered seven AP classes.
My first test in uni was a 38 in Business Calculus. A fucking 38 out of 100. I remember it very vividly (Thursday night, and the Blacklist was on.) It was like someone was trying play a joke on me because I had NEVER gotten that low of a test grade before. I remember looking at my scores, and the sense of dread settling into the pit of my stomach. I cried, and then called my old AP Bio teacher (idk why now that I think about it) I had a panic attack, and I was by myself (lived alone.) Those two are very dangerous. My next test score was a 51. Rinse, and repeat.
Do you know how worthless I felt? How long my mom yelled at me after I called her? How my friends reacted when they found out? I went and had a four hour conversation with the professor, who told me that this was the most common thing he saw in a class with freshmen in it. That they come thinking that they’re prepared and they are by no means prepared. I had to go to tutoring. For every single class but one. This was so fucking embarrassing. I had gone from the tutor in HS to the tutored in Uni.
My best friend went to the North Carolina School of Math and Science. Extremely prestigious, and extremely hard. “It’s like taking uni classes when you’re 16, 17, and 18, but you don’t get credit for them as college classes.” I’ve known my best friend since I was 10-ish. She’s the most level headed, and the smartest person I know. She calls me frequently, crying, because the work load. She spent a whole week with me trying to get over one failing grade.
This embarrassment, this shame and lack of self worth I experienced in uni is something I NEVER want ANYONE to experience. I’m trying to prevent these people younger than I am from feeling this way, because I had sunk into a depression because of grades. Grades that could’ve been prevented, had I known the truth.
Sure, the studyblr aesthetic may work in some people’s lives, but in college/uni, you’re being pulled in so many directions. I don’t know of a single person in any of my classes that have gorgeous notes. Hell, I don’t know anyone who can even afford to buy nice planners, or buy fresh fruit. Being “a broke college student” is entirely legit.
But all this aside, if you’ve managed to live out the studyblr aesthetic in university and keep up your grades, you better be DAMN proud of yourself. I’m not trying to make anyone mad. This is the reality most of us experience. It’s the honest truth, and I had to find out the hard way. I just don’t want anyone else to find out the hard way, either.“
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kidnirvanaa · 6 years
- you are a studyblr
- you are super friendly
- you love when people message you
- you want to support everyone in the community 
one thing i love about this community is that it is one big family and everyone is ready to support eachother. reblog this and follow the people that also reblog and start some super cute supportive friendships because you all deserve the best 
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kidnirvanaa · 6 years
This is a whole new perspective THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!!!
“You drool in your sleep.”
That line has so much meaning and here’s why:
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Annabeth had a crush on Percy since they were 12. 
Imagine an already seasoned camper, coming into the infirmary to check out the kid from the prophecy. She has to see just who this kid is. She makes her way to his cot and sees him “Oh my gods. He’s really cute.” She thinks it and starts to blush. It’s a good thing he’s asleep. She stays by his bedside for awhile. Studying his features, leaning a bit close. “He’s drooling in his sleep? That’s cute.” Percy finally comes to and opens his eyes to see a girl staring at him. She has to think of something to say. She won’t come off as soft and tell him he’s cute. She blurts out the only other thing other mind besides this cute boy. “You drool in your sleep.” The smartest girl in camp says the dumbest thing as a first impression that Percy would never forget.
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kidnirvanaa · 6 years
Nah m8 this is "wrap yourself in a blanket cocoon and daydream yourself to sleep" vibes
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foggy essay writing vibes 
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kidnirvanaa · 6 years
The paper was lengthy so towards the end I couldn't reach the word limit of 2 questions
Also, stupid me messed up the format for article writing.....of all the mistakes I could make🙄🙄
I'm hoping that i would get above 90% so that it boosts my aggregate
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•01/03/2019▪7:31 pm•
☆ English finals prep
Mood: a non-aesthetic messy studyblr #thetruth
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kidnirvanaa · 6 years
I wanna get into medschool tooo...!!!
please reblog or like this if its cool to make friends with you
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kidnirvanaa · 6 years
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•01/03/2019▪7:31 pm•
☆ English finals prep
Mood: a non-aesthetic messy studyblr #thetruth
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kidnirvanaa · 6 years
But it sucks when it is right before your finals and that is what I'm going through now
I know that as studyblrs we are often seen as 24/7 non-stop hardworking machines who go to cafes to work on essays everyday and grind until we get that 100% we deserve but to be completely honest with you I spent this entire weekend doing absolutely nothing productive and even though I know I’ll have to suffer the consequences during this school week for once I’m not hating myself for it and neither should you
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