kingovan · 5 years
1100+ followers Art Raffle!!
100th post as well so why not ^^
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Hello! I thought it would be nice to have an art raffle for all y’all who have been supporting this blog!
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Will draw: Fan art, OCs, Mostly anything
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If you’re liking/reblogging from a side blog please tag or mention your main blog so I can check if you’re following! (No art raffle side-blogs please!)
Deadline: 5th May 2019
Good luck to any and all who participate!
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kingovan · 6 years
Haha yeah been a while ^^, and mhmm been making sure to be able to still follow a lot of the blogs and such that I enjoy on other platforms. And ahhhh bless bless <3, hope the inspiration hits you like Starbucks on a sunday night hehe. 
And just followed as well, and haha yeah made a Twitter myself but we see how that goes. Knowing me people will figure out what a nerd I am so fingers crossed. And aoisfnasi please its m pleasure and it was always a nice surprise to see you across my dash. And mhmm ^^ things have been looking up and almost finished with schoolllll so thats both exciting and terrifying XD. 
Do you have a Twitter we can follow?
Hello and long time no talk! 
I’m guessing this is about the Tumblr censorship thing?? I’m only sort of caught up on the whole controversy, and haven’t even really thought about if I’ll move, or what I’ll do if I’m forced to move…
I’m nowhere near as active as I used to be, but I’d still like to post things every now and then…Anyways, I don’t have a Twitter–I use Insta a lot more, so I’ve always thought about moving some content there…YOU KNOW WHAT, let’s just make it official–I’m moving content to IG: goodmorningnami (doin’ a l’il rebranding while I’m at it). It’s currently empty (at the time of this response) but I’ll either start populating it with some of my fav old comics…or maybe new stuff! Idk! I’m feeling inspired all of a sudden! I kinda wanna do this more all over again!!! 
I’ll probably still continue to update Tumblr here and there, but to be honest, I really don’t engage it with it as much as I used to anyway, so maybe a permanent move down the road would be best. 
Anyways (#2), I hope you have IG! I would totally move to Twitter except I never got into it and I’m too old and fuddly duddly to pick it up at this point, you know??? Not to get all sentimental, but I’ve always appreciated your (and others’) comments on my posts and they’ve always meant a lot to me. I’d love to still be able to connect with my followers (more so than I do now) on IG or on Tumblr in less frequent spurts. Wow, this turned into a ramble. 
Hope all is well on your end! xoxo
(Also, if this was just a general ask and not about the Tumblr censorship thing, I am SO SORRY FOR JUST GOING OFF!)
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kingovan · 6 years
Blog is free of sin, will post cropped versions here still with a link to the full pic ^^
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kingovan · 6 years
Gonna be deleting all of my nsfw stuff off of here so if ya want it download them now or check out my twitter where ill ve reuploading some of my better work ^^
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kingovan · 6 years
Tumblr Purge
Well seems like Tumblr is not place for my lewd blob butt so seems i’ll have to move on and post elsewhere to post my NSFW art. Will probably still be around here to post my sfw art and such but as for where I will post my NSFW and the rest of my art will be my new Twitter page. 
Was on this site since really the beginning of my artist journey, going back to my oldest art its really amazing how far i’ve come. Made some amazing friends here and will miss being able to share my art here. But meh such is things but will still draw so if yall want to continue to follow me will still kinda be here and be reposting all of my art to my Twitter page. 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/king_ovan
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kingovan · 6 years
Do you have a Twitter account and or Discord we can Follow?
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Should post more elsewhere so here is a twitter where I’ll post my art also
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kingovan · 6 years
So im hearing that tumblr is purgin a lot of nsfw accounts so ahhhhh may look at post elsewhere if this blog gets nuked
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kingovan · 6 years
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Collaboration for @beacontactics, Genderbent Ren and Roman (Lia and Roma <3) in Pyrrha and GB Adams outfits~
Incredible colours thanks to @kingovan~
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kingovan · 6 years
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Happy Halloween! Sexy VamPyrrha in an outfit I’ve wanted to draw for a long time
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kingovan · 6 years
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Demon Pyrrha
Happy Halloween  ~(o `▽´ )oΨ
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kingovan · 6 years
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102818 witch pyrrha doodlesssssssssss
why cant halloween be longerrrr
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kingovan · 6 years
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Careful Urakawa! 
Monthly Commission for big old qt @bcg3
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kingovan · 6 years
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Pyrrha dats lewd uwu
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kingovan · 6 years
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Commission for a less lewd bean
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kingovan · 6 years
Cute Chit gays yes
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kingovan · 6 years
Ahhhhhh we hit 1000 followers uwuwuwuwuuwuwu will be making a giveaway post here later but thank you all
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kingovan · 6 years
Hello question do you have a discord?
I have a personal Discord but no channel specifically for the potato ^^
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